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Faculty List




MCA, MPhil, PhD

Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 Generative AI Trends in Computer Science Education in India VISMAYA' 24 Annual 14/02/2024
2 Mobile App classes and the Goldilocks rule: An observation InfoBahn Biannual 02/09/2022
3 Mobile Money Infobhan Biannual 18/02/2020
4 MIT App Inventor - A Saviour for my Open Elective Classes INFOBHAN 2019 Annual 13/02/2019
5 M-Sabbath InfoByte2018 Annual 27/08/2018

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Machine Learning-Enabled NIR Spectroscopy. Part 3: Hyperparameter by Design (HyD) Based ANN-MLP Optimization, Model Generalizability, and Model Transferability AAPS PharmSciTech 01-Nov-2023 24 / 8 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Machine Learning-Enabled NIR Spectroscopy. Part 3: Hyperparameter by Design (HyD) Based ANN-MLP Optimization, Model Generalizability, and Model Transferability
Name of Journal AAPS PharmSciTech
Volume No 24
Issue No 8
Page No -
URL https://www.springer.com/journal/12249
Date of Publication 01-Nov-2023
2 Machine Learning-Enabled NIR Spectroscopy. Part 2: Workflow for Selecting a Subset of Samples from Publicly Accessible Data Springer AAPS PharmSciTech 01-Apr-2023 / / 24-34

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Machine Learning-Enabled NIR Spectroscopy. Part 2: Workflow for Selecting a Subset of Samples from Publicly Accessible Data
Name of Journal Springer AAPS PharmSciTech
Volume No
Issue No
Page No 24-34
URL https://www.springer.com/journal/12249
Date of Publication 01-Apr-2023
3 Deep Learning Enabled Object Detection and Tracking Model for Big Data Environment Computers, Materials and Continua 01-May-2022 73 / 2, 2022 / 2541-2554

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Deep Learning Enabled Object Detection and Tracking Model for Big Data Environment
Name of Journal Computers, Materials and Continua
Volume No 73
Issue No 2, 2022
Page No 2541-2554
URL https://www.techscience.com/journal/cmc
Date of Publication 01-May-2022
4 Smartphone based indoor localization and tracking model using bat algorithm and Kalman filter Multimedia Tools and Applications 03-Feb-2021 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Author Name (s) GOBI R
Title of Article Smartphone based indoor localization and tracking model using bat algorithm and Kalman filter
Name of Journal Multimedia Tools and Applications
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.springer.com/journal/11042
Date of Publication 03-Feb-2021
5 Blockchain enabled energy efficient red deer algorithm based clustering protocol for Pervasive Wireless Sensor Networks Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 19-Oct-2020 28 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Blockchain enabled energy efficient red deer algorithm based clustering protocol for Pervasive Wireless Sensor Networks
Name of Journal Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems
Volume No 28
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2210537920301888
Date of Publication 19-Oct-2020
6 A multi-scale and rotation-invariant phase pattern (MRIPP) and a stack of restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) with preprocessing for facial expression classification Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 19-Sep-2020 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article A multi-scale and rotation-invariant phase pattern (MRIPP) and a stack of restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) with preprocessing for facial expression classification
Name of Journal Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.springer.com/journal/12652
Date of Publication 19-Sep-2020
7 A web based intelligent orchestration tool for smart city International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 26-Sep-2016 9 / 26 / 109-113

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article A web based intelligent orchestration tool for smart city
Name of Journal International Journal of Control Theory and Applications
Volume No 9
Issue No 26
Page No 109-113
URL https://serialsjournals.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=365
Date of Publication 26-Sep-2016

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter 2024 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT INNOVATION IN SMART AND SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY (ICRISST 2024) Virtual Video Game as a Clinical Tool for Psychological Assessment and Analysis 15/03/2024 Presidency University International
2 Conference Presenter International Conference on Communication, Computing and Industry 6.0 (C2I6-2023) Empirical Study on The Role of Machine Learning in Stress Assessment among Adolescents 15/12/2023 CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru International
3 Seminar Participant National Seminar on Industry 4.0: Technologies, Outcomes & Future of Manufacturing 26/08/2022 Christ University National
4 Conference Presenter International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI 2022) Computational Methods to Predict Suicide Ideation among Adolescents 28/01/2022 St. Joseph?s College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu International
5 Conference Presenter International E-Conference on ?Research Essential in Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence Websites for Higher Learning Institutions: An Intensive Access to Technology Acceptance Model 18/08/2021 SRM University Chennai International
6 Conference Participant International Conference on Sustainable Advanced Computing (ICSAC 2021) 05/03/2021 Christ University International
7 Conference Presenter International Conference on Advance in Computing communication and control Simulate Frequent Signal Handover in 5G Wireless Network using NS-3 16/06/2020 IIMT University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh International
8 Seminar Participant Intellectual Property Rights with Focus on Patents 08/02/2020 Christ University Institutional
9 Conference Presenter Intelligent Computing Paradigm and Cutting-edge Technologies An Approach to Introduce Mobile Application Development for Teaching and Learning by Adapting Allan's Dual Coding Theory 30/10/2019 Middle East Association of Computer Science and Engineering (MEACSE) International
10 Conference Presenter International Conference on Sustainable Advanced Computing - ICSAC 2019 Mobile Governance: Higher Learning Institutions Perspective 27/02/2019 Christ University International
11 Conference Presenter National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Application (NCMCA 2019) Metamorphic Testing: a multilevel test execution strategy 29/01/2019 Women's Christian College Chennai National
12 Conference Keynote Speaker National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications Mobile Computing Past Present and Future 29/01/2019 Women's Christian College Chennai National
13 Conference Moderator/Chair 2nd International Conference on Froniters in Engineering, Applied Sciences & Technology 27/04/2018 NIT Trichy International

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Career Guidance One Day Seminar on Career Guidance 30/05/2024 Kings College of Engineering
2 Mobile Apps for Research UGC sponsored Interaction Programme for Ph.D. Research Scholars / Post Doctoral Fellows ? One week workshop on Research Methodology in Social Science 18/03/2023 University of Calicut
3 Mobile Apps for Research Interaction Programme for Ph.D. Research Scholars / Post Doctoral Fellows ? One week workshop on Research Methodology in Science 10/03/2023 University of Calicut
4 Mobile Apps for Educators UGC sponsored Special Winter School (Refresher Course ? Thrust area: ICT Tools for Teaching & Learning) 02/03/2023 University of Calicut
5 Mastering your path: Strategies for Successful Placement Orientation Program 28/02/2023 Christ University
6 Innovation on Internet of Things One Day Workshop on IoT 23/02/2023 Alagappa University
7 Special Lecture on Mobile and Cloud Computing Guuest Lecture 23/05/2022 Grace College of Engineering
8 Career Beyond Pandemic Techvista - Association Inaguration 20/10/2021 Sona College of Arts and Science
9 Creating Interactive E-Content using Powerpoint PEP on ICT Tools for Enhancing Teaching Learning for School Teachers 29/07/2021 St. Joeph's College, Trichy and IECD
10 Mobile Computing National Seminar on Mobile Computing 01/02/2021 Theivanai Ammal College for Women
11 Role of ICT in Education Research Scholars Interaction Program 29/07/2019 Bharathidasan University
12 Mobile Governance: An Institutional Strategy Research Scholar Interaction Program 25/06/2018 Bharathidasan University

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 A Design of an Intelligent Knowledge Model for Prediction Using Data mining for Higher Education JAI RUBY (Reg. No. Ph.D.-CB-DEC 2013 - 0663) BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY
2 Predictive Model for Identifying Adolescents with Suicidal Risks Using Graph Neural Networks SHERIN RAPPAI Christ University December 2021
3 An Enhanced Approach To Improve The Accuracy Of Sentiment Analysis On Product Reviews MAHESWARI S Bhararathiar University, Coimbatore


Sl.No. Title of Invention Inventor(s) Filing Date
1 Fingerprint based authentication model to protect the SIM Card of the mobile GOBI R 27-Nov-2019

Additional information

Title of Invention Fingerprint based authentication model to protect the SIM Card of the mobile
Applicant (s)
Inventor /Co-Inventor
Inventor (s) GOBI R
Type of Specification Provisional
Type of Patent
Granted/Awarded Date
Publication/Application Date
Application/Filing Date 27-Nov-2019
IPC Number
Publication Number 201941048500
Patent Number 201941048500
Field of Invention Communication

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Smart Application using IoT and AI towards Analysing Healthy and Sustainable Living Environment BALAKRISHNAN C , VINAY M,GOBI R,MAHALAKSHMI J Internal
2 Empowering Women : Bridging the silence through a chatbot for Health, Safety and Rights HELEN K JOY, NISHA VARGHESE,RAJESH KANNA R,GOBI R,SRIDEVI R,CYNTHIA T Internal
3 Knowledge Extractions System from documents for blinds and visually impaired using Neural Machine Reading Comprehension and Transformers NISHA VARGHESE, RAJESH KANNA R,GOBI R,HELEN K JOY,SRIDEVI R,CYNTHIA T Internal

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Python 101 for Data Science Cognitive Class International 29/05/2024
2 Data Analysis with Python Cognitive Class.AI International 27/05/2024
3 Faculty Development Program on GenAI and its implications Verizon National 10/05/2024
4 FDP on Exploring Data Science with Hands on Training using Python Madanapalle Institute of Technology National 22/04/2024
5 One Day workshop on Office Master on Excel using AI International 24/03/2024
6 FDP on Latest Trends and Techniques in Software Engineering: An Industry Perspective Department of Computer Science International 20/01/2024
7 Workshop on Harnessing AI - Empowering Educators Centre for Artificial Intelligence Institutional 14/12/2023
8 Cloud Technical Series Google Cloud International 23/11/2023
9 Building Advanced Data Analytics Applications with Cloud AICTE National 25/09/2023
10 Webinar on Best Practices for High Quality Publications ACM Student Chapter Institutional 22/09/2023
11 Digital Battle Labyrinth, Computer Science Students' Association, Department of Computer Science Institutional 26/08/2023
12 Computational Sciences and Sustainable Technologies ICCSST-23 Department of Computer Science National 25/08/2023
13 Online Faculty Development Bootcamp India Edu Program, SmartInternz National 26/07/2023
14 Javafest'23 Department of Computer Science National 15/07/2023
15 Introduction to Android App Development IIT Madras NPTEL International 08/07/2023
16 Technology for Peace Department of Computer Science International 21/06/2023
17 4 Week Virtual Internship Program OpenWeaver International 05/06/2023
18 FDP on Design Thinking HRDC Institutional 12/12/2022
19 Faculty Development Program on Curriculum Design and Revision with specific focus on OBE CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore Institutional 05/12/2022
20 5G Wireless Communication Technology IEEE India Council International 28/07/2022
21 AWS Summit India AWS Cloud International 25/05/2022
22 IEEE Conference Organizers Education Workshop IEEE Bangalore Section International 10/04/2022
23 Faculty Training Program on Industry 4.0 IEEE International 02/04/2022
24 Professional Enrichment Programme on ICT Tools for Enhancing Teaching Learning Evaluation for School Teachers St. Joseph's College Trichy and IECD, Bharathidasan University International 26/07/2021
25 FDP on Emerging Trends in Cyber Security Department of Computer Science Institutional 12/07/2021
26 Introduction to Digital Journalism Thomson Reuters Foundation International 30/06/2021
27 FDP on ICT Tools for Teaching and Learning SENGAMALA THAYAAR EDUCATIONAL TRUST WOMENS COLLEGE National 07/06/2021
28 FDP on App Development with Android International 07/06/2021
29 Nuances of Scientific Research Institutional 18/05/2021
30 FDP on Recent Challenges in Computer Science Research Institutional 17/05/2021
31 FDP on Nurturing Academic Leadership - A Multidimensional Perspective Institutional 26/04/2021
32 IEEE Xplore: Search Strategies to optimize your research time IEEE International 30/03/2021
33 Quality Improvement Program on Hybrid Teaching 02/03/2021
34 Applications of Data Analytics in Data Science National College Trichy National 21/05/2020
35 Accreditation and Quality of Engineering Education from ABET Perspective IEEE Kerala Section International 18/05/2020
36 FDP in Python Programming Sona College of Technology National 18/05/2020
37 The Unix Workbench Johns Hopkins University International 04/05/2020
38 QIP on Online Teaching Academic Staff College 22/04/2020
39 Bash Scripting and Shell Programming(Linux Command Line) International 26/02/2020
40 Enterprise Blockchain for Grid Modernization IEEE International 03/01/2020
41 Workshop on Hands-on experience on Neural Networks and Deep Learning Projects Institutional 14/12/2019
42 Webinar: Practical and Mathematical Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithm ? Decision Trees CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Lavasa International 30/11/2019
43 FDP on Neural Networks and Deep Learning Institutional 23/11/2019
44 Values by Design in the Algorithmic Era IEEE International 21/09/2019
45 Pedagogic and Evaluation Practices Academic Staff College 20/05/2019
46 The Art of Note Taking CAPS Institutional 12/03/2019
47 Orientation Program Academic Staff College 17/01/2019
48 Faculty Development Program - RHCSA Red Hat Academy National 10/12/2018
49 30M Training Media Studies & IT Services Institutional 15/11/2018
50 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Chatbots for Business Department of Management Studies, Christ National 28/07/2018
51 Outcome Based Education Academic Staff College 21/05/2018
52 FDP on Wireless Sensor Network- Design and Deployment NIT TRICHY National 26/12/2017


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Technical Program Committee International Conference on Intelligent Computing Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Bengaluru Campus, India. 19 September 2018
2 Google Digital Unlocked Certification exam Google 28 September 2018
3 Google Certified Educator - Level 1 Google 21 November 2018
5 ISTE - LIFE MEMBER Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) 04 November 2019
6 Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator Microsoft Education 05 January 2020
7 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner AWS Training and Certification 28 June 2021
8 IEEE Member Professional IEEE 30 June 2021
9 IEEE Young Professional IEEE 30 June 2022
10 IIT Madras Online Examinations - Observer Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) 05 June 2022
11 Reviewer 2nd International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 22 December 2022
12 Certificate of Appreciation: Judge IMPRENDITORE'22 Startup Fest Christ Incubation Centre 22 September 2022
13 Session Chair: n IoT / Autonomous / Recommender System / Cybersecurity t the 5th International Conference on ICT Integration in Technical Education (ETLTC2023) held in conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Entertainment Technologies and Management (ICETM2023), University of Aizu in Japan from January 24-27 2023. University of Aizu in Japan 24 January 2023
14 IIT Madras NPTEL Online Examinations - Observer IITM NPTEL 16 July 2023
15 Session Chair National Conference on Recent Trends of Computer Applications Dayanad Sagar Engineering College 28 July 2023
16 IIT Madras NPTEL Online Examinations - Observer IITM NPTEL 28 August 2023
17 IIT Madras NPTEL Online Examinations-Observer IITM NPTEL 31 July 2023
18 Certificate of Appreciation: Tech Talk for Educators For Hosting a Session on Creating High-Quality Apps for Google Play as part of India Edu Program Google for Developers 26 October 2023
19 Certificate of Recognition Reimagine Education Awards 2023 QS 06 November 2023
20 IIT Madras NPTEL Online Examinations-Observer IIT Madras NPTEL 27 November 2023
21 Annual Athletic Meet 2023 100 Metres 2nd Place Christ University 09 December 2023
22 Annual Athletic Meet 2023: Long Jump Christ University 09 December 2023
23 Blood Donor Certificate Fortis Hospitals 24 June 2023
24 IIT Madras NPTEL Online Examination- Observer IITM-NPTEL 25 February 2024
25 Certificate of Appreciation: Session Chair INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ICT INTEGRATION IN TECHNICAL EDUCATION & ENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGIES & MANAGEMENT in recognition of outstanding contribution as SESSION CHAIR for the session on : Pedagogy and Technology (Session 6) University of Aizu in Japan 27 January 2024
26 Certificate of Appreciation: Invited Speaker Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science Chennai 12 March 2024
27 ICSAC 2024: Session Chair International Conference on Sustainable Advanced Computing Christ University 25 March 2024
28 Best Paper Award IEEE International Conference on Recent Innovation in Smart and Sustainable Technology (ICRISST 2024) on 15th and 16th March 2024. Presidency University Bangalore 16 March 2024


(Deemed to be University)

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Karnataka, India

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Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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