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Faculty List





Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Mapping the literature on school bullying in India: A scoping review Aggression and Violent Behavior 25-Jun-2024 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Author Name (s) VIJAYA R
Title of Article Mapping the literature on school bullying in India: A scoping review
Name of Journal Aggression and Violent Behavior
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/aggression-and-violent-behavior
Date of Publication 25-Jun-2024
2 Survey Data on Bullying Involvement among School-going Adolescents in India Data in Brief 09-Jan-2024 52 / 110061 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Survey Data on Bullying Involvement among School-going Adolescents in India
Name of Journal Data in Brief
Volume No 52
Issue No 110061
Page No -
URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/data-in-brief
Date of Publication 09-Jan-2024
3 Winning battles with a joke: a qualitative inquiry of humour in the Indian Army European Journal of Humour Research 25-Nov-2022 11 / 1 / 27-45

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Winning battles with a joke: a qualitative inquiry of humour in the Indian Army
Name of Journal European Journal of Humour Research
Volume No 11
Issue No 1
Page No 27-45
URL https://europeanjournalofhumour.org/index.php/ejhr/index
Date of Publication 25-Nov-2022
4 E-leadership, Psychological Contract and Real-time Performance Management: Remotely Working Professionals SCMS Journal of Indian Management 25-Sep-2019 XVI / 3 / 101-111

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Author Name (s) VIJAYA R ,MEGHANA J
Title of Article E-leadership, Psychological Contract and Real-time Performance Management: Remotely Working Professionals
Name of Journal SCMS Journal of Indian Management
Volume No XVI
Issue No 3
Page No 101-111
URL https://www.scms.edu.in/journal/
Date of Publication 25-Sep-2019

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Organizer Let us Dream: Triennial International Conference 03/11/2023 Christ University International
2 Conference Co-presenter 12th InSPA International Conference 02/10/2022 Pondicherry University International
3 Conference Presenter 9th International HR Conference Humour in Uniform: Can Workspace Humour win battles? 03/02/2022 K J Somaiya Institute of Management International
4 Conference Participant Let us dream 2020 Triennial International Virtual Conference- Social Theme 20/11/2020 Christ University International
5 Conference Participant Let us dream 2020 Triennial International Virtual Conference- Education Theme 20/11/2020 Christ University International
6 Conference Participant Let us dream 2020 Triennial International Virtual Conference- Health Theme 20/11/2020 Christ University International
7 Conference Co-presenter Virtual Conference on education as a propelling force towards sustainable development goals 13/11/2020 Christ University Institutional
8 Symposium Presenter ICBPO 2020-Virtual International Conference on Building Positive Organisations Creating a thriving organization: Eupsychian perspective 07/11/2020 Christ University International
9 Symposium Presenter International Conference of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (IAAP) Enhancing Wellbeing in Unorganised Sector 23/01/2020 Mononmaniam Sundaranar University International
10 Conference Moderator/Chair Emerging Research Paradigm for Sustainable Development: A move towards Quality Enhancement in Education 16/01/2020 Christ University International
11 Conference Presenter Synthesize: An International Interdisciplinary Conference Entrepreneurship and their perspective of authentic leadership: A qualitative analysis 13/12/2019 School of Business Studies and Social Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) International
12 Conference Participant Multidisciplinary Approaches to Nurturing Children and Youth 12/12/2019 Christ University International
13 Conference Presenter National Seminar on Education:Systems, Practices and Research Recreation in an Educational Environment 22/08/2019 Christ University National
14 Conference Presenter Demystifying Team Dynamics:6th International HR Conference Team Cohesiveness and its Effectiveness with respect to Team Building Training Programme 01/02/2019 K.J.Somaiah Institute of Management Studies & Research International
15 Conference Presenter 4th International Conference on Counselling, Psychotherapy and Wellness and the 5th Congress of SithCp3 Demystifying Mindfulness 03/01/2019 Ontariio Institute for Studies in Education and CHRIST (Deemed to be University) International
16 Conference Presenter Synthesize: An International Interdisciplinary Conference on Business Studies and Social Sciences Loss Aversion and Uncertainty in Consumer Decision Making 18/12/2018 Han University of Applied Sciences and CHRIST (Deemed to be University) International
17 Conference Participant India Coaching Conclave 28/09/2018 Christ University International
18 Conference Presenter International Conference on Applied Psychology (ICAP) Retrenched Employees: A Qualitative Perspective 25/08/2017 Christ University International
19 Conference Moderator/Chair Synthesize: An interdisciplinary Conference on Mangement and Social Sciences 10/03/2017 School of Business Science and Social Studies, Chr National
20 Presenter National Seminar- Empowering Lives: Mental Health and Wellbeing in an inclusive World Empowering Human Resources 09/12/2016 CU-NEPMD National
21 Conference Presenter Organisational Change: An insight into metamorphosis of change - International
22 Conference Presenter Organisational Commitment, Job Satisfaction & Motivation of Employees Working in a Manufacturing Industry after Economic Downturn - International
23 Conference Presenter Study on Downsizing survivors in a manufacturing industry, Bangalore. - National
24 Conference Presenter Study of Psychological wellbeing of employees working in a manufacturing industry, Bangalore - International
25 Conference Presenter Motivation, Well-being and adjustment of economic downturn survivors: An empirical study in a manufacturing industry. - International
26 Conference Presenter Subjective wellbeing and job satisfaction among survivors of economic downturn - International
27 Conference Presenter Performance Enhancement Psychology - National
28 Conference Presenter BPO-The Indian Scenario - International
29 Conference Presenter Methods to compliance patient-practitioner relationship - International
30 Participant Psychosocial impact of Economic Meltdown on Busine Psychosocial impact of Economic Meltdown on Business Organisation and Employees - University of Madras National
31 Participant Psychophysiological Health Psychophysiological Health - S.D.M College, Department of Psychology Institutional
32 Participant Flexibility of Manpower and Prevention of Sexual h Flexibility of Manpower and Prevention of Sexual harassment at workplace - EFSI, Karnataka National
33 Conference Presenter Organisational Cognition-A different Perspective - National
34 Participant International Conference on Adolescence the Topogr International Conference on Adolescence the Topography - Sukrut and Psychology Department Christ University International
35 Participant 3rd International Conference of Counselling, Psych 3rd International Conference of Counselling, Psychotherapy and wellness and the 4th Congress of the society Integrating Traditional healing into counselling Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry - Christ University and University of Toronto International
36 Symposium Presenter Training in Organisation: From Multiple Perspective - National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Empower: To make a difference Life Skill Training programme 07/03/2023 Christ Junior College
2 Leadership Development Programme Leadership Boot camp 05/03/2023 Christ (Deemed to be University)
3 Outdoor Leadership Skill Development Programme Leadership Programme 01/08/2022 Christ (Deemed to be University)
4 Mental health for COVID-19 Volunteers COVID-19 Volunteer Training Module 06/02/2021 Science Gallery
5 Best practices of Lumina deployment by South Asia Practitioners Lumina Learning in real life 31/01/2021 Lumina Learning Practitioners
6 Scope and challenges of different fields of Psychology Mental Health Yathra:2020 webinar series 29/05/2020 Kateel Ashok Pai Institute of Memorial
7 Mindfulness Disciplining: Need for Solution Focused Approach International Conference on Solution Focused Practices 2018 and Annual Meet of ASFP-I 13/12/2018 ICSFP & CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
8 Application of skills and techniques to assess and intervene psycho social problems in Corporate sector. PG Diploma in Corporate Counselling 12/08/2018 Manasa Education Foundation For Mental Health
9 Learning and Teaching Styles Teacher Induction and Development Programme 04/08/2018 CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
10 Work-Life balance Training Programme for the officers of Department of Information and Public Relations, Government of Karnataka 06/12/2017 School of Business Studies and Social Sciences, Christ University, Bannerghatta
11 Empowerment of Women Gender Sensitization Programme 29/07/2017 Employee's State Insurance Corporation Hospital
12 Understanding Gender Gender Sensitization Programme 28/07/2017 Employee's State Insurance Corporation Hospital
13 Goal setting and team building Leadership Training Programme 01/07/2017 Christ University
14 Interpersonal skills and understanding team Leadership Training Programme 30/06/2017 Christ University
15 Workshop on Confidence Building for differently abled students Careeer Development workshop, organized by Department of Commerce in Association with CAPS (Center for Academic and Professional Support) 06/03/2017 Christ University
16 Workshop on Communication and interpersonal skills Leadership Competency Series 05/01/2017 Christ University
17 Workshop on Meta-cognitive teaching learning strategies Meta-cognitive Learning Strategies for School Children 13/12/2016 Christ University
18 Workshop on Life skills for inclusive spaces National Seminar- Empowering Lives: Mental Health and Wellbeing in an inclusive World 09/12/2016 Christ University
19 Women Empowerment Gender Sensitization 25/10/2016 Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), Zonal Training Institute (South Zone)
20 Gender Equity and Equality Gender Sensitization 21/10/2016 Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), Zonal Training Institute (South Zone)
21 Personal Development Moving Forward 04/09/2016 Christ University
22 Positive Parenting Positive Parenting Workshop 24/07/2016 Christ University
23 Leadership Skills- Communication & Goal Setting Leadership Training Programme 09/07/2016 Christ University
24 Leadership Skills- Know Yourself Leadership Training Programme 08/07/2016 Christ University
25 APA Training Workshop 01/07/2016 Christ University
26 Workshop on Soft Skill Training in Human Relations National Seminar: Organizing Human 17/06/2016 Calicut University
27 Soft Skills Training Programme: Communication, Body Language, Situation handling Soft skills training programme for Staff Nurses and other Para Medical Staff 19/03/2016 Employee State Insurance corporation Hospital
28 Soft Skills Training Programme Soft skills training programme for Staff Nurses and other Para Medical Staff 18/03/2016 Employee State Insurance corporation Hospital
29 Soft Skill Development Refresher Course on Soft Skills for UDC's 25/02/2016 Employee State Insurance corporation (ESIC), Zonal Training Insitute (South Zone)
30 Psychometric Assessments in Organisation Psychometric Assessments 13/02/2016 R.V.Institute of Management
31 Positive Parenting Positive Parenting Workshop 26/07/2015 Christ University
32 Leadership- Identifying A leader in you and Leadership styles Leadership Development Camp 17/07/2015 Christ University
33 Human Resource Audit - Jain University
34 HR as a career in today's scenario - S.D.M College, Department of Psychology

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Downsizing Survivors: A Psychosocial Perspective Dr.M.Y.Manjula Mangalore University

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
2 Intensity of emotions and emotion regulation on varying levels of performance in elite and non-elite athletes Sathvik.G.U Christ University July 2017
3 An Experience of Menstruation: A Qualitative study Ms. Diana Jain University
4 Correlates of Psychological Distress Ms.Anu Justy Jose Jain University
5 Effectiveness of Awareness Programme on Adolescents' Knowledge and Attitude Towards HIV/AIDS Aparna Mathew Christ University May 2018
6 Perceived Pre-Competitive Intensity and Regulation of Emotions as Predictors of Performance in Elite and Non-Elite Athletes Sathvik.G.U Christ University January 2019
7 Emotional Intelligence, Leadership-styles and Knowledge sharing as predictors of Psychological-Empowerment among Generational-Cohorts Prasad Pooja Christ University June 2018
8 Emotional Labor, Career Resilience and Casting Couch Experience among Fashion Models in India Azadeh Moradi Nikoo Christ University December 2017
9 . JASNEH JAISON Christ University July 2021
11 . LEEMA CHANDRAVADHANA R Christ University February 2023

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Efficacy of GAIT programme on creativity and self-perception among fourth grade children Fit Kids Education and Training Pvt Ltd. External
3 Effectiveness of Holistic Education Programme in Christ University VIJAYALAYA SRINIVAS T, VIJAYA R ,GUYDEUK YEON Internal
4 Exploring the best practices of mentoring in HEI's:Towards enhancing its effectiveness SMITA KAVATEKAR, VIJAYALAYA SRINIVAS T,VIJAYA R ,KAVITHA R Internal

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Faculty Development Programme I- 2023 Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC) and Staff Development College (SDC) Institutional 26/06/2023
2 Faculty Development Programme Staff Development College Regional 05/12/2022
3 Faculty Development Programme I- 2022 Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC) and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Institutional 06/07/2022
4 Consulting Success during COVID Christ Consulting Institutional 12/05/2021
5 Quality Improvement Program on Hybrid Teaching CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Staff Development College 02/03/2021
6 World- Class HR: 21st Century Talent Management Udemy International 15/07/2020
7 Assessment in Higher Education: Professional Development for Teachers International 15/07/2020
8 Learning to Teach Online UNSW Sydney International 06/05/2020
9 Quality Improvement Programme CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 22/04/2020
10 Remote Productivity Training International 13/04/2020
11 Organisational design: Know your organisation Sydney-Australia International 08/04/2020
12 Life skills - The Peer Ambassador Training Christ Junior College Institutional 09/03/2020
13 Workshop on Facilitative Teaching Department of Psychology Regional 06/12/2019
14 Workshop on Capacity Building for Constructive Alignment Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell with Bamboo Grant from the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia Institutional 03/10/2019
15 HR Analytics Workshop Institute of Management National 13/09/2019
16 Power of Facilitation IAF (International Association Of Facilitators) Regional 27/07/2019
17 Prevention of Sexual Harrassment & IC Orientation NHRD National 20/07/2019
18 Quality Improvement Programme CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 27/06/2019
19 Quality Improvement Programme CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 20/05/2019
20 Storytelling in HR NHRD Bangalore Chapter National 05/04/2019
21 Research Methods for Business Students International 14/03/2019
22 Soft skills tranining programme to Paramedical Staff of ESIC Employee State Insurance Corporation, Peenya Regional 23/01/2019
23 Digital Natives in the Classroom:Challenges & Possibilities CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Regional 23/11/2018
24 Faculty Development Programme on Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 10/09/2018
25 Modular training Programme- Dedoose: Working with text document and descriptor data CART (CHRIST University) Institutional 24/07/2018
26 Quality Improvement Programme CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 21/05/2018
27 Faculty Development Programme CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 14/05/2018
28 Faculty development Programme for Ph.D. Supervisors Centre for Research Institutional 15/01/2018
29 Faculty Development Programme Christ University Institutional 30/10/2017
30 Induction Programme for Engineering Freshers Christ University, Kengeri Institutional 17/06/2017
31 Team building and Goal setting- Induction Programme School of Business Studies and Management Institutional 11/06/2017
32 Faculty Development Programme Christ University Institutional 15/05/2017
33 Idea Visualising Strategies Government of Karnataka Regional 01/04/2017
34 Imbibing Change Mindset -Officers Training Programme Government of Karnataka Regional 25/03/2017
35 Lumina Spark Accreditation Christ Consulting Group Regional 25/11/2016
36 Out bound Training Christ University Institutional 18/11/2016
37 Faculty Development Programme Christ University Institutional 30/05/2016
38 National Level Summer Workshop on Data Analysis Centre for Advanced Research & Training (CART), Christ University, Bangalore National 18/04/2016
39 Teaching Psychology in India Christ University 28/03/2016
40 Research Grant Management Christ University Institutional 23/03/2016
41 APA Style and Elements of Writing Workshop Center of Research & Center for Academic and Professional Support (CAPS) Institutional 03/12/2015
42 Out Bound Training Christ University Institutional 27/11/2015
43 Competency Based Curriculum Academic Staff College (Christ University) Institutional 30/09/2015
44 Out Bound Training Christ university Institutional 05/09/2015
45 Faculty Development Programme Christ University Institutional 17/08/2015
46 Faculty Development Programe Christ University Institutional 03/07/2015
47 Research Informed Teaching Christ University Institutional 28/05/2015
48 Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (LSSGB) Flame TAO & Texport Syndicate (I) Ltd Institutional 20/11/2014
49 NLP Foundation Program Imaginarium Regional 15/11/2014
50 Statistical methods in Behavioural Research NIMHANS, Bangalore 18/08/2011
51 Research Methodology, data management and Biostatistics using web based statistical software National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) National 10/12/2010
52 Research Methodology in Psychology S.D.M College Ujire, Department of Psychology Institutional 12/10/2009
53 Research Methodology Bangalore Psychology Forum Regional 17/11/2006
54 Employability Skill Enhancement for Psychologists S.D.M College, Ujire Institutional 31/03/2006
55 Human Resource Development S.D.M College, Ujire Institutional 25/03/2005
56 Hypnotherapy S.D.M College, Ujire Institutional 02/12/2004
57 Qualitative Workshop in Psychology Christ College, Department of Psychology National -


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Poojya Kirthishesha Dharmasthala Manjayya Heggade Birth Centenary Commemorative Gold medallist in M.Sc Psychology for the year 2004-2006 from Mangalore University. Mangalore University January 2007
2 Merit Outstanding Performance in Studies for Securing First Rank in M.Sc Psychology S.D.M College, April-May 2006
3 Best Paper Award Awarded Best Paper for the paper BPO: The Indian Scenario under the theme Counselling in Technical International Conference -NITTTR, February 2006
4 Dr.Veerendra Heggade Pattabhisheka Award Securing 1st Rank in M.Sc Psychology Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Educational Society April 2006
5 General Proficiency For securing highest marks in I M.Sc S.D.M College, 2005-2006
6 General Proficiency For securing highest marks in M.Sc Psychology S.D.M College, 2005-2006
7 Best Outgoing Cadet Attending 16 number of camps and serving in NCC for 6 years MES college 2001-2002
8 Best in Medical subjects Performing well in Medical subjects in the camp held at Commando Hospital MES College 2000
9 Certified Lean Expert (CLE) Certification course related to Organizational Behavior SKIL 30 September 2016
10 Sensitivity Training in the Workplace Online Certificate course CEU Certificate, Accredited by IACET 05 August 2018
11 Digital Wellbeing Online Certificate Course University of York 24 April 2019


(Deemed to be University)

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Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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