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Faculty List





Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 An Investigation on the Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete Structures Incorporated with Steel Slag Industrial Waste Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering 16-Jul-2024 00 / Springer Nature / 21-30

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article An Investigation on the Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete Structures Incorporated with Steel Slag Industrial Waste
Name of Journal Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Volume No 00
Issue No Springer Nature
Page No 21-30
URL https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-97-3654-6
Date of Publication 16-Jul-2024

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter International Conference on Legal Innovation and Technology Reconstructing the Crime Scene through Integrating Images and Pattern Recognition Technologies: An Overview of Forensic Science in India 08/01/2025 organised by the Faculty of Law, Manipal University Jaipur in association with GALTER, International
2 Conference Presenter 75 years of Governance under the Indian Constitution: Practices and Experiences Role of Penal Laws in combating Probationers in India - A Constitutional Perspective 20/12/2024 University Law College, Bangalore University International
3 Seminar Presenter Evolving Landscape of Corporate Law The Valuation Of Ip Assets As A Part Of Liquidation Process Under Ibc, 2016: A Critical Analysis 30/11/2024 The Kerala Law Academy International
4 Conference Presenter Emerging Trends in Governance and Global Plurality-Envisioning Equilibrium The Participation of youth in structuring the democracy and governance- A contributory Perspective 09/09/2024 Amity Law School International
5 Conference Presenter International Seminar on Women in Multifaceted Research The Concept of Same Sex Marriage in the Realm of Law 10/03/2024 Gopal Narayan Singh University, Bihar International
6 Conference Presenter International Conference Tracing Human Rights in the Diversifying Society: A Global Perspective 06/03/2024 JLU Centre for Constitutional Law and Human Rights, Jagran Lakecity Univerisity International
7 Seminar Moderator/Chair International Seminar 23/02/2024 CUSAT International
8 Conference Moderator/Chair International Conference on Contemporary Trends in Public International Law 23/02/2024 CUSAT International
9 Conference Presenter 5th International Conference on Comparative Law Eliminating Collateral consequences in Probation Sentencing : A Comparative analysis between California, Florida and Texas 09/02/2024 Amity University, Western Australia International
10 Presenter 5th International Conference on Comparative Law Eliminating Collateral consequences in Probation Sentencing : A Comparative analysis between California, Florida and Texas 09/02/2024 Amity Law School, Noida, Amity University Uttar Pradesh and School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia International
11 Conference Presenter International Conference on Law and Emerging Issue The Impact of Probation of Offenders in India- Issues and Perspectives 24/10/2023 Auro University International
12 Seminar Keynote Speaker Law, Religion and Society- A Constitutional Deliberation Law, Religion and Society- A Constitutional Deliberation 06/10/2023 KLE Society's Law College National
13 Conference Presenter Criminal Justice Renaissance Summit- 2023 Statutory backup for community corrections for Rehabilitation of offenders in India : A Comparitive Analysis between USA and the UK 06/10/2023 S.S.Jain Subodh Law College National
14 Conference Presenter Two days National Conference on relevance of unenumerated rights within the Constitutional Framework Right to Health as a Fundamental Right - A Constitutional Perspective 11/08/2023 Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi National
15 Conference Moderator/Chair Annual National Law Conference 06/08/2023 KLE Law College, Bengaluru National
16 Conference Moderator/Chair National Conference of Law, Religion and Society: A Constitutional Deliberation 06/08/2023 KLE Law College National
17 Conference Moderator/Chair Annual National Law Conference 05/08/2023 KLE Society's Law College National
18 Seminar Presenter NIPAM Protection of Existing Copyright System and its challenges in India with special reference to Movie Piracy 26/04/2023 School of Law and Governance & Research & Development Cell, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya National
19 Seminar Presenter National Seminar Protection of Existing Copyright system and its technological challenges in India with special reference to Movie Piracy 26/04/2023 Central University of South Bihar National
20 Symposium Keynote Speaker Focus Group Discussion Regulating On-line Schooling 23/02/2023 Canara Bank School of Management Studies National
21 Conference Presenter Environmental and Sustainable Development- Interdisciplinary trends and practices Policies and Programmes on Environmental Sustainability in India - A Need for Stewardship 16/12/2022 Christ University International
22 Conference Presenter 3 days International conference on Legal Contours of Victimology :Theory and Practice Legal Regulation in the Ravaged Pandemic on Innocent and Orphaned children in India- Issues and Challenges 09/09/2022 ICFAI LAW School International
23 Seminar Presenter Changing Dimensions of Media Law Legal Regulations on Social Media in India- A Contemporary Issue 25/06/2022 Kerala Law Academy Law College International
24 Seminar Presenter Legal Services - A tool for Access to Justice Access to Justice for Marginalized Section Via Legal Aid in India : Judicial Perspective 05/02/2022 University Law College in Association with Karnataka State Legal Service Authority National
25 Seminar Presenter Emerging trends in Water Resource Management and Law with Special Reference to Karnataka and Legal Regulations on Ground Water Management- An Assessment 17/01/2022 Karnataka State Law University National
26 Seminar Presenter Strengthening Agricultural Water Use Law, Policy and Management in India Law and Policies on Ground Water Management In Karnataka : An Analysis 26/03/2021 CEERA, NLSIU in Collaboration with ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management, Bhubaneshwar National
27 Seminar Participant Counter Terrorism and Human Rights 08/09/2020 Christ University International
28 Seminar Keynote Speaker Human RIghts and Health Right to Treatment and Doctors Responsibilities During Pandemic 12/08/2020 Department of Anatomy, Yenepoya Medical College, Deralakatte, Mangaluru National
29 Seminar Participant Assessing Human Rights Protection amid Covid 19 and beyond 25/07/2020 Centre for Post Graduate Legal Studies, MNLU Mumbai Institutional
30 Seminar Presenter Migrant Workers and Urban Governance Responsibilities of Urban Local Bodies and Human Rights Implementation of Inter-State Migrant Workers Act, 1979 during Pandemic 03/07/2020 NLSIU in association with Directorate of Municipal Administration, Government of Karnataka Institutional
31 Seminar Participant Career Prospectus for Law Students in Recent Times 30/06/2020 KLE College of Law, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai National
32 Seminar Participant Journey from Marginalised to Mainstream : The Woes of Transgender in India 30/06/2020 Knowledgesteez Institutional
33 Seminar Participant Abrogation of Art.370 28/06/2020 KLE College of Law, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai National
34 Seminar Participant Cyber Opportunities and Threats 27/06/2020 KLE College of Law, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai National
35 Seminar Participant Wild Life Crimes and Bio-diversity in India 22/06/2020 Vidyavardhaka Law College, Eco Club, Mysuru National
36 Seminar Participant Wildlife Crimes and Biodiversity in India 22/06/2020 Vidyavardhaka College of Law, Mysore National
37 Seminar Participant Changing Dynamics of Technology Transfer in IP-Pre and Post Pandamic Scenario 20/06/2020 ICFAI LAW SCHOOL Institutional
38 Seminar Participant Consumer Protection During Pandemic 20/06/2020 Pandit Deendayal Pertoleum University, School of Petroleum Management Institutional
39 Seminar Participant Dynamics of Technology Transfer in IP-Pre Pandemic Scenario 20/06/2020 ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Hyderabad Institutional
40 Seminar Participant Consumer Protection during Pandemic 20/06/2020 Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University Institutional
41 Seminar Participant Emerging Issues in Social Science Research 19/06/2020 Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Government College for Women, Autonomous, Mandya National
42 Seminar Participant Decriminilization of Dishonor of Cheque under Sec 138 of NI Act, and other Economic Offences 2020- Challenges Ahead 19/06/2020 Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysuru National
43 Seminar Participant Emerging Issues in Social Science Research 19/06/2020 Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Government College for Women, (Autonomous), Mandya, Karnataka National
44 Seminar Participant Decriminalization of Dishonor of Cheque Under Sec-138 of N.I.Act and other Economic Offences 2020- Challenges Aheadt 19/06/2020 Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysuru National
45 Seminar Participant Decriminalization of Dishonour of Cheque Under Sec-138 of N.I.Act and other Economic Offences 2020- Challenges Ahead 19/06/2020 Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysuru National
46 Seminar Participant Context Based Pedagogy and Assessment in Higher Education 03/06/2020 School of Education, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh, India International
47 Seminar Participant Patenting of Life Saving Drugs in the Context of the Pandemic 11/05/2020 KLE Society's Law College, Bengaluru Institutional
48 Seminar Participant Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Social Structure 05/05/2020 Saurashtra University International
49 Seminar Participant Impacts of Covid 19 Pandemic on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Social Structure ( Safeguarding our Lives and Livelihood) 05/05/2020 Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat International
50 Seminar Keynote Speaker Fostering and Supporting Women in Research and Development : Challenges and Prospects The Role of Judiciary to Measure the Rights of Women in India 07/03/2020 Christ University National
51 Seminar Keynote Speaker Fostering and Supporting Women in Research and Development - Challenges and Prospects The Role of Judiciary to Measure the Rights of Women in India 07/03/2020 National Commission for Women Delhi Sponsored National Seminar, Organised by WEC Government Degree College, in association with Sir, C.V.Raman Educational Institution National
52 Seminar Keynote Speaker NSS Special Camp Yuvashakthi Matthu Vyakthitva Vikasana 03/03/2020 V.E.T.First Grade College, J.P.Nagar, Bangalore Institutional
53 Seminar Keynote Speaker Tribal Youth Exchange Program Tribal Law and Welfare Schemes 10/02/2020 Nehru Yova Kendra Sangathan, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India National
54 Seminar Presenter Two Days International Seminar of "ILO & Workers RIghts" The Safeguards to Worker's Wages In India- A Study With Special Reference to Labour COde on Wages, 2019 08/02/2020 University Law College, Bangalore University, Bangalore International
55 Seminar Keynote Speaker Ek Bharath Shrestha Bharat Leadership and Personality Development 02/02/2020 Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, Ministry of Youth and Sports Government of India National
56 Seminar Keynote Speaker National Intergration Camp-2020, Ek Bharat -Shresta Bharat Rights of Women under the Constitution of India 25/01/2020 NSS State Cell, Department of Youth Empowerment and SPorts, Government of Karnataka, NSS Regional Centre, Government of India, Bengaluru National
57 Symposium Presenter XIII Indian Social Science Congress The Labour Standards for Female Workers in India : A Human Rights Perspective 17/01/2020 Indian Social Science Academy and Bengaluru Central University International
58 Seminar Keynote Speaker NSS Special Camp Consumer Rights 20/12/2019 Malleshwaram Ladies' Association First Grade College for Women Institutional
59 Seminar Presenter Law and Social Transformation in India- Issues and CHallenges Judicial Activism in Promoting Human Rights in India- An Overview 12/10/2019 Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysuru National
60 Seminar Presenter Strengthening Legal Provisions for the Enforcement of Contracts Reassessing the Quality and Efficiency of Dispute Resolution of Commercial Matters in India The Contours of Commercial Dispute Resolution in India- The Changing Perspective 21/08/2019 National Law School of India University, Bengaluru & Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice, New Delhi National
61 Seminar Presenter Role of JUdiciary in Protecting Human Rights in India : Issues and Challenges The Role of Judiciary in promoting the RIghts of Women in India : A Human RIghts Perspective 25/05/2019 Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysuru National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Discussion on New Criminal Laws Discussion on new Criminal Laws 03/05/2024
2 Human Rights Human Rights Day 12/12/2022 RNS First Grade College
3 Right to Free and Compulsory Education Pan India Legal Literacy and Legal Awareness Programme 20/07/2022 National Law School of India University
4 Presidential Elections Presidential Elections 30/05/2022
5 Rights of Women under the Constitution of India National Integration Camp 25/01/2020 NSS Bhavan, Jnanabharathi, Bangalore University, Bangalore
6 Consumer Rights NSS Programme 20/12/2019 Malleshwaram Ladies' Association First Grade College for Women

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
2 Intellectual Property Law in Outer Space: A Critical Exposition of the Interplay of Intellectual Property Law and Outer Space Law ANCY P ANTO Christ University July 2022
3 The Legal Regime on Probation of Offenders in India: A Study with Special Reference to the State of Kerala BIJU JOSEPH Christ University April 2023

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Christ ( Deemed to be University Institutional 11/11/2024
2 Research to Reality: Publishing Insights for Academia Christ ( Deemed to be University Institutional 07/11/2024
3 The Study of New Criminal Laws: Colonial to Modern Era ICFAI University Tripura National 15/07/2024
4 Leadership in law- emerging realms of forensic, conflict resolution, social enterpreunership and AI Christ ( Deemed to be University Institutional 11/12/2023
5 Orientation Programme Sheshadripuram Law College 05/12/2023
6 Patent Law and Practices St.Aloysius Degree College Institutional 10/08/2023
7 Certificate Course on Introduction to Law St.Joseph's College of Law 02/08/2023
8 Higher Educaton : A Paradigm shift in teaching and learning IILM Law University National 24/07/2023
10 Changing Contours of Legal Education and Teaching Pedagogy Sri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Institute of Legal Studies National 10/07/2023
11 CEDBEC SDC Christ ( Deemed to be University) Institutional 26/06/2023
12 Child Rights in India: Protection , Welfare and Development Centre for Women and Child Rights, GNLU National 15/06/2023
13 Annual Summer School on Consumer and Competition Law School of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology National 12/06/2023
14 Emerging Challenges of Criminal Justice System- Way FOrward School of Security, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Ju Institutional 24/02/2023
15 Emerging Challenges of Criminal Justice System- Way FOrward Rastriya Raksha University, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India National 24/02/2023
16 Curriculum Design and Revision with Specific focus on OBE STAFF DEVELOPMENT COLLEGE Institutional 05/12/2022
17 One Week International Faculty Development Programme School of Law, Vel Tech RangarajanDr.Sagunthala R & D Institute of Science & Technology International 07/09/2022
18 Correlating Women Rights and Human Rights : A Human Developmental Approach Manik CHand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad, In Collaboration with National Human Rights Commission National 20/08/2022
20 Refresher Course UGC-Human Resource Development Centre 28/12/2021
21 Outcome Based Pedagogical Practices and Evaluation Techniques Academic Staff College 11/11/2020
22 Faculty Induction Programme University Grant Commission, Human Resource Development Centre, Bangalore University Institutional 09/11/2020
23 Drug Abuse Awareness and Prevention Bangalore University in Association with Soundarya Institute of Management and Science National 24/09/2020
24 Right to Information and Good Governance Ministry of HRD, Government of India National 14/09/2020
25 Challenges Confronting Legal Education During Covid 19 Bangalore University, University Law College, Department of Studies in Law International 25/07/2020
26 Environmental Sustainability and Human Resilience during Covid 19 Bangaalore University, University Law College, Dept of Studies in Law International 21/07/2020
27 Faculty Development Program on Clinical Legal Education Indian Network of Clinical Legal Education International 12/07/2020
28 Interface of Intellectual Property Rights in the Pharmaceutical Industry IP Assisto Institutional 11/07/2020
29 Highlights and Implementation of national Education Policy-2020 Bangalore University National 24/06/2020
30 Contemporary Issues in Law School of Legal Studies, CUSAT National 17/06/2020
31 Contemporary Issues in Law School of Law, Cochin University of Science and Technology National 17/06/2020
32 Mentoring and facilitating Skills for Institutional Mentors Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural education National 27/05/2020
33 Mentoring and Facilitation Skill for Institutional Mentors Ministry of Human Resource Development Centre National 27/05/2020
34 Online Teaching Academic Staff College 22/04/2020
35 Outcome based Pedagogical Practices Academic Staff College, Christ University 05/11/2019
36 Out-Come Based Pedagogical Practices and Evaluation Techniques Academic Staff Collefe 05/11/2019


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 1st Best Paper Award International Seminar on Legal Contours of Victimology : Theory and Practice ICFAI Law School, IFHE Hyderabad in Collaboration with Indian Society of Victimology 11 October 2022
2 Certificate of Appreciation Chief Guest RNS First Grade College 10 December 2022


(Deemed to be University)

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