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Faculty List





Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 Tourism and Economic Sustainability Tourism and Hospitality: Emerging Frontiers of Economic Growth Annual 12/09/2014
2 Sustainable and Dynamic Tourism and Hospitality Curriculum-An Analysis of Tourism Education in South India Ripples Annual 01/11/2012

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 A Mixed Method Approach of Quantitative and Qualitative Design in Analyzing the Trends of the Global Tourism Industry PACIFIC BUSINESS REVIEW INTERNATIONAL 15-Mar-2024 16 / 6 / 145-157

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Author Name (s) JOBY THOMAS
Title of Article A Mixed Method Approach of Quantitative and Qualitative Design in Analyzing the Trends of the Global Tourism Industry
Volume No 16
Issue No 6
Page No 145-157
URL http://www.pbr.co.in/
Date of Publication 15-Mar-2024
2 Evaluation of Social Media Marketing Literature in the Tourism Industry Using PRISMA Journal of Creative Communications 14-Nov-2023 / / 1-17

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Author Name (s) JOBY THOMAS
Title of Article Evaluation of Social Media Marketing Literature in the Tourism Industry Using PRISMA
Name of Journal Journal of Creative Communications
Volume No
Issue No
Page No 1-17
URL https://journals.sagepub.com/home/CRC
Date of Publication 14-Nov-2023
3 Relationship Between Sustainable Tourism Indicators and the Operational Challenges of the Tourism Business: Empirical Evidence from the Wildlife Resorts of Karnataka, India. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development 25-Nov-2022 13 / 1 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Relationship Between Sustainable Tourism Indicators and the Operational Challenges of the Tourism Business: Empirical Evidence from the Wildlife Resorts of Karnataka, India.
Name of Journal International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development
Volume No 13
Issue No 1
Page No -
URL https://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-social-ecology-sustainable/1174
Date of Publication 25-Nov-2022
4 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Beach Tourism in India International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems 11-Nov-2022 15 / COVID-19 Issue 2022 / 65-75

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Beach Tourism in India
Name of Journal International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems
Volume No 15
Issue No COVID-19 Issue 2022
Page No 65-75
URL http://www.publishingindia.com/ijhts/
Date of Publication 11-Nov-2022
5 Potential, Prospects, and Problems of Textile Tourism in Kerala Journal of Tourism and Development 03-Oct-2022 39 (2022) / 39 / 451-461

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Author Name (s) JOBY THOMAS
Title of Article Potential, Prospects, and Problems of Textile Tourism in Kerala
Name of Journal Journal of Tourism and Development
Volume No 39 (2022)
Issue No 39
Page No 451-461
URL https://proa.ua.pt/index.php/rtd/about
Date of Publication 03-Oct-2022
6 The Decision Making of Business Travellers in Selecting Online Travel Portals for Travel Booking: An Empirical Study of Delhi National Capital Region, India GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 01-Nov-2018 22 / 2 / 339-346

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article The Decision Making of Business Travellers in Selecting Online Travel Portals for Travel Booking: An Empirical Study of Delhi National Capital Region, India
Name of Journal GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
Volume No 22
Issue No 2
Page No 339-346
URL http://gtg.webhost.uoradea.ro
Date of Publication 01-Nov-2018
7 Travellers Attitude Towards Online Purchase Of Travel Products: An Empirical Study Of Online Travel Portals GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 01-May-2018 21 / 1 / 133-142

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Travellers Attitude Towards Online Purchase Of Travel Products: An Empirical Study Of Online Travel Portals
Name of Journal GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
Volume No 21
Issue No 1
Page No 133-142
URL http://gtg.webhost.uoradea.ro
Date of Publication 01-May-2018
8 Travellers Attitude Towards Online Purchase Of Travel Products: An Empirical Study Of Online Travel Portals Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites 30-Jan-2018 21 / 1 / 133-142

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Travellers Attitude Towards Online Purchase Of Travel Products: An Empirical Study Of Online Travel Portals
Name of Journal Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites
Volume No 21
Issue No 1
Page No 133-142
URL http://gtg.webhost.uoradea.ro/PDF/GTG-1-2018/275_Datta.pdf
Date of Publication 30-Jan-2018
9 Local Community Involvement in Wildlife Resorts: Issues and Challenges Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT) 01-Sep-2017 6 / 2 / 55-70

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Local Community Involvement in Wildlife Resorts: Issues and Challenges
Name of Journal Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT)
Volume No 6
Issue No 2
Page No 55-70
URL http://www.taylors.edu.my/apjiht
Date of Publication 01-Sep-2017

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter 2 IEEE International Conference on ?Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics Evaluation of Virtual Reality Experiential Dimensions using Sentiment Analysis 24/01/2024 BNMIT Bengaluru International
2 Conference Presenter 2nd International Conference on Technology Management and Societal Applications Digitization of Monuments- An Impact on Tourist Experience with Special Reference to Hampi 04/11/2023 Springer International
3 Conference Presenter International Conference - Interdisciplinary Engagement & Social Innovations Evaluating Social Media Marketing Of Selected Indian Tourism Departments As An Indicator To Measure Destination Image 05/10/2023 Christ University International
4 Conference Presenter International Conference - Interdisciplinary Engagement & Social Innovations Bolstering Sustainable Tourism through Virtual Reality 05/10/2023 Christ University International
5 Conference Presenter International Conference - Interdisciplinary Engagement & Social Innovations Importance of Work Life Balance: Reference to Business Operations of Accommodation Sector 05/10/2023 Christ University International
6 Conference Presenter International Conference - Interdisciplinary Engagement & Social Innovations Innovation in Tourism: Social Entrepreneurship as an Agent of Positive Transformation 05/10/2023 Christ University International
7 Conference Presenter International Conference - Interdisciplinary Engagement & Social Innovations Perception, Preferences and promotion of Textile Tourism 05/10/2023 Christ University International
8 Conference Moderator/Chair International Conference - Interdisciplinary Engagement & Social Innovations 05/10/2023 Christ University International
9 Seminar Participant Erasmus+Week, International Seminar on Internationalization, Innovation and Sustainable Development 24/04/2023 Catholic University of Lille International
10 Conference Presenter Responsible Growth and Sustainable Future of Business Digitalization of Cultural Heritage in India-Socio Economic, Innovation Impact 24/03/2023 Kristu Jayanthi College International
11 Conference Presenter 3rd Asian Tourism Research Conference 2022 Understanding the Essence of Social Entrepreneurship in Transforming the Tourism Industry 17/11/2022 Christ University International
12 Conference Presenter 3rd Asian Tourism Research Conference 2022 Analyzing Twitter Data of Destination Management Organizations 17/11/2022 Christ University International
13 Conference Presenter 5th International Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship An Outlook on Sustainable Tourism Business Practices Through Virtual Reality Marketing 21/07/2022 Christ University International
14 Conference Presenter International Conference on Future of Business: Opportunities in a Post Pandemic World-2022 The Role of Social Media Marketing in Tourism Industry and its Use in Rebuilding Tourism, Post Covid-19 22/04/2022 Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur International
15 Conference Presenter International Conference on Trends and Disruptions in Hospitality and Tourism A Conceptual Framework on Factors Enhancing immersive Virtual Reality Experience 22/04/2022 Shiksha 'O' Anusandhan (Deemed To Be University), Bubaneswar International
16 Conference Presenter International Conference on "Revitalization of Indian Tourism & Hospitality Industry and its Contribution towards Socio-economic Development" Textile Tourism Opportunity: Study on Perception, Preferences & Promotion 25/11/2021 Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore International
17 Conference Panelist 2nd Asian Tourism Research Conference 2021 15/11/2021 Far Eastern University, Manila International
18 Conference Presenter Renaissance: Challenges & Prospects of New Normal of Life in Various Spheres Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic Era Role of social media in Tourism- A literature review 06/08/2021 Christ University International
19 Conference Presenter ?Renaissance: Challenges & Prospects of New Normal of Life in Various Spheres Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic Era Impact of work life balance during COVID 19 on Travel Agencies: Issues related to Business operations and Human Resource Management 06/08/2021 Christ University International
20 Conference Presenter Renaissance: Challenges & Prospects of New Normal of Life in Various Spheres Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic Era Future Proof of Monuments Through Digitization: A Case Study on Monuments of Rajasthan 06/08/2021 Christ University International
21 Conference Presenter Renaissance: Challenges & Prospects of New Normal of Life in Various Spheres Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic Era Textile Tourism Opportunities: Research prospects, Critical issues, and Knowledge Gaps 06/08/2021 Christ University International
22 Conference Presenter 1st Asian Tourism Research Conference Textile Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges for Khadi Industries 01/12/2020 MG University, Kottayam International
23 Conference Presenter 1st Asian Tourism Conference Street Food as a Driver of Gastronomy Tourism: An Evidence from Mumbai 01/12/2020 MG University , Kottayam International
24 Conference Moderator/Chair 1 st Asian Tourism Research Conference 2020 01/12/2020 MG University, Kottayam in Association with Sunway University, Malaysia International
25 Seminar Presenter International Seminar on Tourism and Sustainable development: Issues, Challenges and Best Practices ?Relationship between Environmental, Economic and Socio-Cultural Sustainability of Wildlife Resorts 27/12/2019 Mangalore University International
26 Conference Presenter Synthesize: International Interdisciplinary Conference Adventure Travel Motivators for Youth Traveler in Karnataka 11/12/2019 Christ University International
27 Conference Presenter International Conference on Responsible Tourism Practices: Issues and Challenges in India The factors influencing adventure tourist?s decision making while choosing destination in Karnataka 07/12/2019 Department of Tourism Studies, Pondicherry University International
28 Seminar Presenter National Seminar on "Cultural Heritage Tourism : Contemporary Issues" Heritage Management and Conservation: Emerging Issues 30/09/2019 Bangalore University, Department of History National
29 Seminar Keynote Speaker National Seminar on "Cultural Heritage Tourism : Contemporary Issues" Heritage Management and Conservation: Emerging Issues 30/09/2019 Bangalore National
30 Conference Panelist International Conference on Equitable Tourism Development 25/02/2019 Indian Tourism and Hospitality Congress International
31 Conference Presenter International Conference on Equitable Tourism Development: Issues, Practices and Strategies Visitor Satisfaction and Involvement in Sustainable Tourism 25/02/2019 Indian Tourism and Hospitality Congress International
32 Conference Presenter Three Day International Conference on Community Involvement in Tourism Development in Emerging Countries Local Community Involvement in Ecotourism Development at Agumbe 03/01/2019 Central University of Karnataka International
33 Conference Presenter Synthesize : International Interdisciplinary Conference an Business studies and Social Sciences Sustainable Tourism Indicators for Eco and Wild Life Resorts 18/12/2018 Christ University International
34 Conference Keynote Speaker Two Days National Level Conference on Tourism and the Digital Transformation Tourism and The Digital Transformation 05/10/2018 Dept of Tourism and Hospitality Management, SBRR Mahajana First Grade College National
35 Conference Co-presenter GCU International Knowledge Transfer Conclave -2018 The Impact of Responsible Service of Alcohol in Controlling, Alcohol Abuse and Intoxication: A Conceptual Study 18/06/2018 Garden City University International
36 Seminar Presenter National Seminar on Tourism Promotion and Sustainable Development: A Critical Reflection on the Priorities , Challenges and Directions in Tourism Perception and Attitude of Millennial's towards Rural Tourism 24/11/2017 Christ University National
37 Seminar Keynote Speaker Enroute- 2017-A Journey to Enhance Knowledge Contribution to the World's Economy - Tourism Industry 09/08/2017 St. Joseph's College of Commerce (Autonomous) Bangalore Regional
38 Seminar Presenter International Seminar on Traditional Medicine & Wellness Tourism Study on Maldivian Medical Tourists: Factors Influencing Maldivians to Visit Bangalore for Medical Treatment 21/02/2017 Pazhassi Raja College , Pulpally, Wayanad International
39 Conference Presenter International Conference TEJ 2017 Perception of Kodavas towards Tourism in Kodagu 01/02/2017 Mount Carmel College National
40 Symposium Presenter 6 Asia euro 2016 Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Conference Local Community Involvement In WildLife Resorts: Issues and Challenges 09/11/2016 IITTM & Taylors University, Malaysia and Universit International
41 Conference Panelist 6 Asia euro 2016 Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy Conference 09/11/2016 IITTM & Taylors University, Malaysia and Universit International
42 Seminar Presenter Responsible Tourism & rural development: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges A study on the community involvement in the tourism with special reference to Mawlynnong village 09/08/2016 Jyoti Nivas College National
43 Conference Presenter Pro-Poor Tourism: strategies to Ensure Sustainable Growth Tourist Risk Perception: A Socio -Demograqphic Study 18/03/2016 Pondicherry University National
44 Symposium Presenter Workshop on Reent adavnces in Museum Techniques Role of Museums in Heritage Tourism 26/02/2016 Shivammoga National
45 Seminar Presenter Indian Tourism and entrepreneurship-A comprehensive analysis of emerging opportunities and Challenges Agricultural Entrepreneurs attitude and perception towards Agri tourism: A study on the Chikkamagalur district of Karnataka 23/02/2016 Jyoti Nivas College National
46 Conference Presenter Internationa seminar on Cinematic Tourism in India, Movies as a tool of modern tourist marketing ' A study on the influence of movies in choosing a holiday destination' 20/02/2016 Garden City College National
47 Seminar Presenter International Seminar on Tourism sector in India: Development, Sustainability, and Challenges Marketing of Eco and sustainable Tourism and Sustainability of Organisation 04/09/2015 Christ University International
48 Conference Presenter National Conference on " Advances and Innovations in Tourism and Hospitality Management" Impact of Perceived Risks in Destination Choice process 05/03/2015 Mangalore University National
49 Conference Moderator/Chair National conference on Advances and Innovations in Tourism and Hospitality management 05/03/2015 Mangalore University National
50 Conference Presenter Tourism Hospitality and Management-An Interdeciplinary approach towards advanced research Children's Influence on the Holiday Decisions of Parents 04/03/2015 Christ University National
51 Seminar Presenter Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality-In a global economy An Evaluation of Kochin Muzris Biennale and its impact on Tourism 24/02/2015 Christ University International
52 Symposium Presenter Tourism and Hospitality:Emerging Frontiers of Economic Growth Tourism and Economic Sustainability 11/09/2014 Velllalar college for women, Erode National
53 Seminar Presenter National Seminar on Village Tourism Perceptions of Local community towards tourism at Eco resort destinations of Karnataka 26/08/2014 Christ University National
54 Conference Presenter Tourism Hospitality and Management-An Interdeciplinary Approach Towards Advanced Research Social Media Impact on Holiday Travel 18/02/2014 Christ University Institutional
55 Conference Presenter Bounds of Ethics in a globalized world Local Community Involvement- A tool to practice Business Ethics in Ecotourism 06/01/2014 Christ University Institutional
56 Conference Presenter Conferance on Hospitality Research- a Multidiciplinary Approach Social Media Impact on Holiday Travel 14/11/2013 Christ University Institutional
57 Conference Participant 2nd International conference of the Social Scienc 17/01/2013 International Federation of Catholic Universities & Christ University International
58 Conference Presenter 4th Asia Euro Urban Wine Tourism in South India: Contemporary challenges and Prospects 28/11/2012 Taylor University International
59 Conference Presenter 4th Asia Euro Community participation in Tourism ? An Evaluation of the Practices of Jungle Lodges and Resorts Ltd India. 28/11/2012 Taylor?s University International
60 Conference Presenter National Conference on Responsible Tourism-new dimensions Local Community Involvement in Tourism-A case study of JLR Ltd 31/05/2012 KUVEMPU University National
61 Conference Presenter International Conference on the Future of Tourism Education and Scholarship in Asia-Pacific: TEFI Vission, values and Principles Sustainable and Dynamic Tourism and Hospitality Curriculum- An analysis of Tourism Education in South India 03/03/2012 RCCI, Jaipur International
62 Seminar Presenter Rural tourism in India-Oppurtunities and Challenges Local Panchayaths Perspective of rural Tourism- A Case Study of Kumbalangi Tourism Village, Kerala 25/02/2012 KLE National
63 Conference Presenter International Conference on Sustainable Tourism 2010: Prospects & Challenges for India Heritage Walks as a Tool for promoting Sustainable Historical Tourism 05/08/2010 Women's Christian College, Chennai International
64 Seminar Presenter National Seminar on " Sustainable Tourism-New Directions, Challenges& Applications" The Influence of Religion on the Attitudes and Behaviour of Tourists 18/02/2010 Christ University National
65 Conference Presenter All India Convention of Tourism Professionals The Role of Wildlife Resorts in Promoting Ecotourism in Karnataka 05/02/2010 KITTS , Trivandrum National
66 Seminar Presenter national seminar on Crisis Management -The Challenge of Tourism & Hospitality Economic Recession and Tourism 30/04/2009 Pondicherry University National
67 Seminar Presenter National Seminar on Changing Face of Tourism in Global Scenario Impact of Economic Crisis on Tourism 07/03/2009 S Nijalingappa College National
68 Presenter National Seminar on The Role of Historical Monuments in Promoting Tourism in India The Role of Historical Resources in the Promotion of Tourism and Education with Special Reference to Heritage Walks 19/02/2009 Christ University National
69 Seminar Presenter National Seminar on Indian Tourism - Opportunities Unlimited ! HRD in Airlines Sector - The Indian Scenario : An Analysis 31/03/2008 Pondicherry University National
70 Seminar Presenter Eco-Tourism Problems and Prospects Tourism Scenario in India ? The Ecotourism Perspective 07/12/2007 Shimoga National
71 Seminar Presenter National Level Seminar on India Tourism with Special Reference to Karnataka Tourism Tourism Policies and Strategies - A comparative perspective 17/08/2007 Mahajana First Grade College National
72 Conference Presenter International Conference on Cutting Edge Research in Tourism -2006 Sustainable Tourism Through Co-operatives: An Indian Practice 06/06/2006 University of Surrey, London, UK International
73 Seminar Presenter National Conference on Management of Emerging Sectors: Paradigms and Perspectives Human Resource Management in Emerging Sectors : A Study on HRD in Tourism 15/04/2005 Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology National
74 Seminar Presenter Tourism Oppourtunities and Challenges Career Opportunities in Tourism 03/03/2005 Christ University National
75 Seminar Participant National Seminar on Tourism : Opportunities and Challenges 03/03/2005 D Banumaiah's College of Commerce and Arts National
76 Symposium Participant Symposium on Redefining Management Education 14/12/2002 Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College Regional

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Tourism and Hospitality Boot Camp- Research Publications in Journals Tourism and Hospitality Boot Camp 03/10/2023 Central University of Tamilnadu
2 Strategies to revive Indian Hospitality, Tourism and Travel industry - Post COVID19 Panel discussion on the topic ?Strategies to revive Indian Hospitality, Tourism and Travel industry - Post COVID19? 01/06/2020 Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous Bangalore

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 HRD in Airline Industry: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Domestic Airlines in India Dr P Pakkeerappa

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 The Role of Stakeholders in Rural Tourism ? A case Study on Kumbalangi Village Tourism Project Mary Ann Joe Christ University May 2012
2 Heritage Tourism in Urban Bangalore Arpana Bhat Christ University May 2013
3 Social Media Impact on Holiday Travel Ponny Thomas Christ University May 2014
4 Sustainable Tourism and its Advantages to the Hospitality sector in Wayanad Rithu Bejoy Christ University
5 Impact of Perceived Risks in Destination Choice Process Jose K Antony Christ University May 2016
6 Preferences and Changing Needs of Business Travellers : An Empirical Study of Online Travel Portals in India Bivek Datta Amity University, Noida November 2018
7 Study of Human Resource Practices with Special Reference to Recruitment and Retention of Employees in the Travel Agencies and Tour Operators of Pune Archana Biwal (Sody) Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University
8 Factors Influencing Tourist?s Behaviour Towards Adventure Tourism in Karnataka Mousime Xalxo Christ University November 2020
9 Sustainable Tourism Management: Issues and Challenges of Eco and Wildlife Resorts in Karnataka NAGARJUNA G Christ University June 2020
10 The Role of Public-Private Partnership in Sustainable Development with reference to Air Transport MEGHA TAMANG Christ University July 2021
12 Socio-cultural and Economic Impacts of Ecotourism: A Study on Select Ecotourism Destinations of Karnataka Mr Vinaya Kumara K S Christ University
13 Promotion of Heritage Tourism in Chennai with Special Reference to Indo- Saracenic Architecture- A Study K Vijayalakshmi BHARATH Institute of Higher Education and Research
14 An Empirical Study To Identify And Measure Reasons And Antecedents Of Consumer Behaviour Towards Online Food Delivery Aggregators In Mumbai P. MANIKANDAN Bharath University
16 . ROOPA B P Christ University August 2024

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 ? An Evaluation of Eco and Sustainable practices of selected resorts in Karnataka? Christ University Internal
2 An Evaluation of Eco and Sustainable Tourism Practices of Selected Resorts in Karnataka? JOBY THOMAS Internal
3 Sustainable Tourism as a Catalyst for Sustainable Quality of Life: An Empirical Inquiry among Residents in Karnataka SUMIT, JOBY THOMAS Internal

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Leadership Workshop CUHELI Institutional 02/02/2024
2 FDP-I 2023 CEDEC and SDC CHRIST University, Bangalore Institutional 26/06/2023
3 CU Regulation for Prevention, prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harrassment Internal Compliance Committee Institutional 14/02/2023
4 SDG Goals and Implementation of 2030 Agenda on Campus SDG Cell CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bangalore Institutional 19/01/2023
5 leadership Discussion on Industry Collaboration in an Academic Setting HRDC Institutional 05/01/2023
6 Education Made in Christ 2022 CHRIST HRDC in Association with Staff Development College and Praveen Kenneth Leadership Chair Institutional 14/03/2022
7 The Chronicle's Strategic Leadership Program for Department Chairs The Chronicle Higher Education, Ithaka S+R, and Denver Justice International 25/01/2022
8 Faculty Development Program on " Academic Research In Travel & Tourism:Recent Trends and Future Directions AMITY UNIVERSITY, KOLKATA National 19/07/2021
9 30M Training 30M Training, and powered by Media Studies & IT Services in association with Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell CHRIST University, Bangalore Institutional 21/06/2021
10 Faculty Development Program-I CEDBEC and HRDC, Christ University Institutional 16/06/2021
11 Nuances of Scientific Research Department of Data Science, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Pune Lavasa Campus and Centre for Research, Christ University, Bangalore Institutional 18/05/2021
12 Quality Improvement Program on Hybrid Teaching Staff Development College 02/03/2021
13 FDP on "Event Management" AICTE -ATAL Academy National 07/12/2020
14 30 Minutes Talks, International Hospitality and Tourism Lyceum of the Philippines University, Intramuros, Manila International 02/12/2020
15 The Art of Communicating Sustainability Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) International 27/10/2020
16 Peer Review Systems Webinar Taylor & Francis International 22/10/2020
17 Research Report: Delivering Insights University of California Davis International 21/08/2020
18 5 Day Workshop on Case Study Learning Centre of Case Research and Development Institutional 11/08/2020
19 How to Publish Open Access with Taylor & Francis Taylor and Francis Group International 29/07/2020
20 Quantitative Research-Honors University of California Davis International 22/07/2020
21 Qualitative Research University of California Davis International 25/06/2020
22 Market Research-Specialization University of California Davis International 11/06/2020
23 Research Proposal: Initiating Research University of California Davis International 12/05/2020
24 Quality Improvement program on "Online Teaching" Academic Staff College, Christ University 22/04/2020
25 Arts and Heritage Management University of Bocconi International 12/04/2020
26 Workshop on Constructive Alignment in Outcome based Education United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia and and CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 12/09/2019
27 QIP on Frontier Areas in the Subject and Curriculum Updation Academic Staff College 21/05/2018
28 Ethical Leadership in a Globally Dynamic World Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC) Institutional 21/03/2018
29 Faculty Development Programme for Ph.D. Supervisors Centre for Research Institutional 18/01/2018
31 Quality Improvement Programme 2017 Theme: Teaching, Learning and Evaluation School of Business Studies and Social Sciences Christ University - Bannerghatta Road Campus 17/05/2017
32 QIP on Multidisciplinary Research & Academic Engagements Christ University-Academic Staff College Institutional 23/05/2016
33 Workshop on Recent Advances in Museum Techniques and Perspectives KUVEMPU University National 26/03/2016
34 Transformation through Indigeneous Research Excellence in Tourism, Hospitality and Management Academic Staff College , Christ University 30/09/2015
35 Syllabus Revision Workshop Mangalore University Institutional 24/09/2014
36 QIP on Emerging Areas in Tourism Management ? An Interdisciplinary Approach?. The Department of Tourism Studies in association with Christ University Academic Staff College Institutional 18/03/2014
37 FDP by Deanery of Commerce and Management Christ University Institutional 01/10/2013
38 Data Analysis using SPSS Centre for Advanced Research and Training Christ University Institutional 16/05/2013
39 How to Write for and Get Published in Scientific Journals and Publish Manuscripts Springer and Edanz Institutional 28/01/2013
40 Soft skill Training Programme Bureau of Immigration National 18/10/2012
41 Round table on Improving the linkage between disadvantaged groups and local communities with employment opportunities in the tourism sector City Guilds centre for Skills Development and EQUATIONS International 25/09/2012
42 A Guidance to getting published Christ University and Emerald LiteratiNetwork Institutional 17/09/2012
43 Holistic Education Training Programme TQMS Christ University Institutional 22/08/2012
44 Refresher Course Christ University Academic Staff College Institutional 03/10/2011
45 Syllabus Framing Workshop Sahyadri Science College, Shivammoga Institutional 19/03/2011
46 Tourism management & Heritage Studies KUVEMPU University, Shivammoga National 07/04/2005
47 Redefining Management Education SDM-College of Business Management National 14/12/2002


(Deemed to be University)

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Karnataka, India

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