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MBA, MPhil, PhD

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Student-managed investment funds (SMIFs) in India: the perspectives of student fund managers Journal of International Education in Business 23-Jun-2022 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Student-managed investment funds (SMIFs) in India: the perspectives of student fund managers
Name of Journal Journal of International Education in Business
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/jieb?_ga=2.234138394.522382160.1656595344-1097992012.1626021674#related-journals
Date of Publication 23-Jun-2022
2 Challenges and Concerns of Assisted Reproductive Treatments: A Systematic Review Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 18-Sep-2019 11 / Special Issue 09 / 715-724

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Challenges and Concerns of Assisted Reproductive Treatments: A Systematic Review
Name of Journal Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
Volume No 11
Issue No Special Issue 09
Page No 715-724
URL https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/20500195215
Date of Publication 18-Sep-2019


Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 Faculty learning Circle Blog http://commercefaculty.blogspot.in/ Socratian Teaching January 2012

Cases/Notes/Working Papers

Sl.No. Title Abstract Objectives Type Sponsors
1 An Exploratory study on Mutilated And Soiled Currency Notes: Paradoxes and Propositions -An attempt to make the life of a common man easier An Exploratory Study on Soiled and Mutilated notes With the Reserve Bank of India changing its currency note policy from time to time and with general wear and tear of notes arising due to mishandling, citizens very often find themselves desperate to get rid of soiled and defective notes even when they have to suffer a monetary loss. The paper is a sincere attempt to find the deviation between the procedure laid down by RBI with regard to note refund rules and the actual practice followed by banks. A detailed description of the note refund policy along with its interpretation has been presented. Face to face interviews were conducted with bank managers to understand the processes they follow. The study unravels the fine differences in the rules laid down by RBI and the actual practice followed by Banks. Key words- Soiled, Mutilated, Currency notes, Note refund rules, Reserve Bank of India Objectives 1. To understand the procedure laid down by the Reserve Bank of India with regard to exchange of soiled, mutilated and other types of defective notes. 2. To understand what is the actual procedure followed by Banks with regard to exchange of soiled, mutilated and other types of defective notes. 3. To understand the issues faced by common public with regard to exchange of notes. Working Paper Christ University

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter 2nd International Conference On Emergence of Reskilling and Upskilling in Contemporary Global Management (ERUCGM'2025) Navigating Financial Decisions: A Review on the Impact of Spousal Loss on Widows during uncertainties? 05/03/2025 kristu jayanti International
2 Conference Presenter INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGY DISRUPTION IN BUSINESS AND TOURISM: DECISIVE STRATEGIES From Beans to Business: A Rise of Coffee Preneurs in Kodagu, Karnataka 24/01/2025 kristu jayanti International
3 Conference Presenter 3rd International ​Conference On Harnessing ​Strategies ​For ​Exponential ​and ​Sustainable ​Economy From Beans to Business: A Rise of Coffee-Preneurs in Kodagu, Karnataka 15/03/2024 Kristu Jayanti International
4 Conference Presenter BIZAD - 10th International Conference on the Industrial Metaverse : Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities, Exploring Into Esg Investing: Unveiling Its Evolution, Significance And Impact Of Esg Investing On Investors And Organizations And Challenges 13/03/2024 SRM University Chennai International
5 Conference Participant Emerging Trends and Issues in Commerce and Industry 21/08/2023 Shrimathi Indira Gandhi College Trichy International
6 Conference Presenter International Conference ' Digital business era opportunities and challenges' A descriptive study of Atmanirbhar Bharat giving rise to Boycott India 20/04/2022 VET institute of arts and science International
7 Conference Presenter International Conference ' Digital business era opportunities and challenges' Content Analysis on Chanel perfume analysis 20/04/2022 VET Insitute of Arts and Science International
8 Conference Presenter International Conference on Contemporary Research in Finance What Is Slackening The Growth Of Student- Managed Investment Funds In India? 28/03/2021 University of Kerala International
9 Conference Presenter International Conference on Human Rights and Human Dignity - (ICHRHD-21) Women workers in Brick Kilns: Problems and Probable solutions, A study conducted in Uttar Pradesh, India" 27/03/2021 South Asia Institute for Research and Publications International
10 Conference Organizer Let us Dream International Conference 20/11/2020 Christ University International
11 Conference Presenter Redifining Human resource and Marketing Management Perspectives Causes of Work Anxiety among working women 28/02/2020 Jain University International
12 Conference Presenter 2nd international conference on innovations in technology,business and management Employment Of Hearing Impaired : A Construct Of Concerns, Complacencies And Compromises 07/02/2020 Nagarjuna Educational Society International
13 Conference Presenter International Conference on Innnovations in Technology Businesss and Management Employment of Hearing Impaired: A construct of concerns, complacencies and compromises 07/02/2020 Nagarjuna Degree College International
14 Conference Presenter One day National Conference on Contemporary issues in commerce and Management Truffle Trail- An exploratory study on marketability of Truffles in India 07/09/2019 Surana college National
15 Conference Presenter One day National conference on 'Contemporary issues in Commerce and Management' Non Payment of Insurance claims : Justifiable or purposive 07/09/2019 Surana college National
16 Conference Panelist National conference- Department of Professional studies 13/02/2017 Christ University National
17 Conference Presenter Multi-Skilling in an Outsourcing Environment - Christ University National
18 Conference Participant National Conference on Revisiting Business Strateg - Christ University Institute of Management National
19 Conference Presenter International Conference Mutiliated and soiled currency notes-reasons,repercussions,paradoxes and propositions - Bishop Heber College (Autonompus) International
20 Seminar Presenter A concept paper on Service learning in India - Christ University National
21 Participant National Seminar on Sustainable Development in Edu - Department of Education National
22 Participant Emerging marketing strategies in Marketing Environ - Loyola College National
23 Conference Presenter An exploratory study on the effectiveness of pop ups as a marketing strategy - Christ University National
24 Seminar Presenter An exploratory study to guage the malpractices in the education system of Bihar - Christ University National
25 Seminar Presenter A study on the poor concentration levels of children in schools - Christ University National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Organizational Ethos - Empathy Rules in Leading Organization International Conference on Emerging Trends and Issues in Commerce and Industry 21/08/2023 Shrimathi Indira Gandhi College , Trichirapalli
2 Collaborative Research FPDP 06/06/2015 Christ University FPDP Kengeri campus

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Savings and Investment Patterns of Women in Bangalore Dr.L.Ganesh April 2012
2 Insurance Coverage Framework for Assisted Reproductive Treatments for Women Dr. Ganesh L

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 Women's Perceptions of Women's Hygiene Products Advertisements ARPITA AGRAWAL Christ University January 2021
3 Being a Farmer to Being an Entrepreneur: Discovering Transformation, Survival, Growth and Failures of Farmer Turned Entrepreneurs SHIVANI M P Christ University April 2023
4 From Bereavement to Adjustment: Understanding the Financial Behavior of COVID Widows NELSON D Christ University August 2023

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Tech4All Enabling persons with disabilities for a career in Financial, Accounting and Banking THERESA NITHILA VINCENT, GIRISH S,RAGHUNANDAN G,MYNAVATHI L,NATCHIMUTHU N,ARUNA P,ANUSHA SRINIVASAN IYER,LAKSHMI B,HARESH R,KRISHNA PRASATH S,SUNIL M P Cheshire Disability Trust, Bangalore External
2 Pathways to Self-Reliance: Competency Mapping and Occupational Training for Rohingya Refugees in Bangalore, Karnataka ANUSHA SRINIVASAN IYER, SANDEEP KUMAR SINGH Internal

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Women's leadership in Asia : Feminist Leadership for Social Transformation Ehwa Women's University International 06/03/2023
2 Prevention , Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment Christ University 14/02/2023
3 Curriculum Design and Revision with specific focus on OBE Christ University Institutional 05/12/2022
4 Fire Insurance Underwriting Insurance Institute of India National 07/09/2021
5 MOOC: How to make a MOOC? NOVOSIBIRSK STATE UNIVERSITY International 21/04/2020
6 Frontiers areas in Commerce and Curriculam updation Christ university 21/05/2019
7 Case writing , teaching and publication Christ University ( Jyothi Kumar Maam ) Institutional 11/10/2018
8 Dedoose software CART Institutional 15/02/2018
9 CII -CSA -Enactus Volunteering Vidya Arambham & Workshop Enactus Christ Institutional 18/12/2017
10 SMC - INICIO 4.0 Department of Commerce (E cell) Institutional 08/12/2017
11 Kshitij- Social Entrepreneurship Idea Competition Department of commerce (E cell) Institutional 15/11/2017
12 Research and Technology in Commerce Department of commerce 27/10/2017
13 BPlan writing workshop , Give Wings to your Startup Department of Commerce (E-CEll) Institutional 21/09/2017
14 Marketing Event - Mela Jhamela Department of Commerce Institutional 15/09/2017
15 Eldorado the Business Treasure Hunt Department of Commerce Institutional 19/08/2017
16 Photoshop Workshop department Commerce and Computer science Institutional 19/08/2017
17 Taped- A Social Entrepreneurship Idea Conclave through Videos Enactus -Christ University Institutional 17/07/2017
18 Orientation to Karnataka Culture (for International students) Department of Commerce- Ecell Samvada Institutional 17/07/2017
19 Lumina Spark Accreditation Christ University International 25/11/2016
20 Research and Publication Christ University Institutional 23/09/2016
21 QIP christ university 20/09/2016
22 Paradigms in Research Christ University Institutional 30/09/2015
23 Transition in Concepts & Practices in Commerce and Management Christ University Institutional 14/03/2015
24 Faculty Development Program Christ University Institutional 01/10/2013
25 How to write for and get published in scientific journals and publish manuscripts Christ university Institutional 28/01/2013


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Licentiate Exam Completed Licentiate exam. Insurance Institute of India 30 March 2018
2 Associate diploma Insurance Institute of India This is a professional exam conducted by Insurance Institute of India and I have 13 papers to obtain finally the Associate diploma ( link to my profile given ) Insurance Institute of India 30 September 2020
3 Awarded Fellowship diploma from Insurance Institute of India This is a professional exam conducted by Insurance Institute of India and I have cleared 17 papers (490 credits) to obtain the Fellowship degree Insurance Institute of India 15 March 2022
4 Award for Faculty Academic Achievemnt I got the award from Insurance Institute of India for clearing all III exams in the category of Academic merit by Faculty . Insurance Institute of India 21 March 2024


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