About Us

Faculty List




MSc, MPhil, PhD

Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 What Why When on Simulators INFOBAHN Biannual 01/09/2016

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 A Review on Synchronization and Localization of Devices in WSN Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 22-Feb-2022 2022 / 840 / 585-602

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article A Review on Synchronization and Localization of Devices in WSN
Name of Journal Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
Volume No 2022
Issue No 840
Page No 585-602
URL https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/19700186822
Date of Publication 22-Feb-2022
2 On Combinatorial Handoff Strategies for Spectrum Mobility in Ad Hoc Networks: A Comparative Review Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 06-Dec-2021 2022 / 248 / 727-741

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article On Combinatorial Handoff Strategies for Spectrum Mobility in Ad Hoc Networks: A Comparative Review
Name of Journal Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
Volume No 2022
Issue No 248
Page No 727-741
URL https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100204111
Date of Publication 06-Dec-2021
3 Handoff Schemes in Mobile Environments: A Comparative Study International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology 01-Jan-2021 11 / 4 / 55-72

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Handoff Schemes in Mobile Environments: A Comparative Study
Name of Journal International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume No 11
Issue No 4
Page No 55-72
URL https://www.igi-global.com/article
Date of Publication 01-Jan-2021
4 Handoff Schemes in Mobile Environments: A Comparative Study International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology 01-Jan-2020 11 / 1 / 55-72

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Handoff Schemes in Mobile Environments: A Comparative Study
Name of Journal International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume No 11
Issue No 1
Page No 55-72
URL https://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-service-science-management/1132
Date of Publication 01-Jan-2020
5 Ant Colony Based Mechanism for Increasing Life Time of Critical Nodes Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 10-Sep-2019 12 / 5 / 25-30

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Author Name (s) SANDEEP J
Title of Article Ant Colony Based Mechanism for Increasing Life Time of Critical Nodes
Name of Journal Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
Volume No 12
Issue No 5
Page No 25-30
URL http://www.jestr.org/
Date of Publication 10-Sep-2019
6 Dynamic route scheduler in vehicular ad hoc network for smart crowd control Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11-Jun-2019 - / - / 1-9

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Dynamic route scheduler in vehicular ad hoc network for smart crowd control
Name of Journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Volume No -
Issue No -
Page No 1-9
URL https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00779-019-01224-1
Date of Publication 11-Jun-2019
7 Secure Hash Based Architecture for Data Verification in Cloud Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 08-Aug-2018 / 05-Special Issue / 1872-1879

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Secure Hash Based Architecture for Data Verification in Cloud
Name of Journal Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
Volume No
Issue No 05-Special Issue
Page No 1872-1879
URL http://www.jardcs.org/abstract.php?archiveid=4725
Date of Publication 08-Aug-2018
8 Energy efficient neighbor coverage-based probabilistic rebroadcasting in MANET Journal of Engineering Research 01-Sep-2015 3 / 3 / 39-52

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Energy efficient neighbor coverage-based probabilistic rebroadcasting in MANET
Name of Journal Journal of Engineering Research
Volume No 3
Issue No 3
Page No 39-52
URL http://www.kuwaitjournals.org/jer/index.php?journal=JER&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=564
Date of Publication 01-Sep-2015
9 Efficient Packet Transmission and Energy Optimization in Military Operation Scenarios of MANET Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier 31-Mar-2015 47 / / 400-407

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Efficient Packet Transmission and Energy Optimization in Military Operation Scenarios of MANET
Name of Journal Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier
Volume No 47
Issue No
Page No 400-407
URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/procedia-computer-science
Date of Publication 31-Mar-2015
10 Energy efficient and reliable transaction of multimedia data in military environment International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 30-Oct-2014 9 / 20 / 4691-4696

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Energy efficient and reliable transaction of multimedia data in military environment
Name of Journal International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
Volume No 9
Issue No 20
Page No 4691-4696
URL https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100217234
Date of Publication 30-Oct-2014
11 Does MANET Have Senses? ? An Intellectual Approach Proceedia of Engineering, Elsevier 06-Jun-2012 38 / / 1415-1431

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Does MANET Have Senses? ? An Intellectual Approach
Name of Journal Proceedia of Engineering, Elsevier
Volume No 38
Issue No
Page No 1415-1431
URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/procedia-engineering
Date of Publication 06-Jun-2012

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter International Conference on Advances in Communications, Computing & Electronic Systems Navigating Network Security: A Study on Contemporary Anomaly Detection Technologies 06/04/2024 Malineni Lakshmaiah Womens Engineering College International
2 Conference Presenter 5th International interdisciplinary conference on Information Science Management research & Social Sciences Enhancing profitability through Smart Money Concepts in Algorithmic Trading 13/03/2024 ISMASI, Azteca University, Mexico, ICIS, CHhitaniya University, Hyderabad & KJ College of Arts and Science International
3 Conference Presenter 5th International interdisciplinary conference on Information Science Management research & Social Sciences Review Of Web Mining Techniques Used In Social Media Marketing 13/03/2024 ISMASI, Azteca University, Mexico, ICIS, CHhitaniya University, Hyderabad & KJ College of Arts and Science International
4 Seminar Keynote Speaker National Seminar on Application of AI and IoT on Management, Science and Technology Application of AI and IoT on Management, Science and Technology 24/11/2023 Don Bosco College, Mannuthy, Thrissur National
5 Conference Moderator/Chair International Conference 25/08/2023 Christ University International
6 Conference Moderator/Chair ICSSR Sponsored International Conference on Computational Sciences and Sustainable Technologies 25/08/2023 Christ University International
7 Conference Participant International Conference on Computational Sciences and Sustainable Technologies 25/08/2023 Christ University International
8 Conference Participant JAVAFEST'23 15/07/2023 Christ University National
9 Conference Participant JAVAFEST'23, One day National Conference. 15/07/2023 Christ University National
10 Conference Participant JAVAFEST-23, One day National Conference 15/07/2023 Christ University National
11 Conference Moderator/Chair ICCSST'23 08/05/2023 Christ University International
12 Conference Moderator/Chair ICCSST'23 08/05/2023 Christ University International
13 Conference Organizer International conference of Computational Sciences and Sustainable Technologies 08/05/2023 Christ University International
14 Conference Moderator/Chair International Conference on Computational Science and Sustainable Technologies 08/05/2023 Christ University International
15 Conference Keynote Speaker International Conference on Computational Sciences and Sustainable Technologies Network Security 06/05/2023 Christ University International
16 Symposium Moderator/Chair Research & Industry Symposium on Information and Cyber Security - RISICS'23 25/01/2023 Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore International
17 Conference Presenter Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT) Networks Simulation: Research Based Implementation using Tools and Approaches 07/10/2022 Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Techology International
18 Seminar Participant ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Industry 4.0 Technologies, outcome & future of manufacturing 26/08/2022 Christ University National
19 Conference Presenter International Conference on Digital Information Security and Computing Technologies The Role of Wi-Fi in IoT Applications 12/04/2022 Sankara College of arts and science in collaboration with LINCOLN University, Malaysia International
20 Conference Presenter International Conference on Digital Information Security and Computing Technologies Automated Feedback Generation for Improved Response in Chatbots 12/04/2022 Sankara College of arts and science in collaboration with LINCOLN University, Malaysia International
21 Conference Presenter Two Days International Conference On Digital Information Security And Computing Technologies The Role of Wi-Fi in IoT Applications 08/04/2022 Sankara College of Science and Commerce International
22 Conference Presenter Two days International Conference on Digital Information Security and Computing Technologies Automated Feedback Generation for Improved Response in Chatbots 08/04/2022 Sankara College of Science and Commerce International
23 Conference Presenter International conference on computer networks and inventive communication technologies Blockchain and its integration in IoT 01/04/2022 RVS Technical Campus International
24 Conference Presenter International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies Blockchain and its integration in IoT 01/04/2022 RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore International
25 Conference Presenter International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology A Review of Channel Estimation Mechanisms in Wireless Communication Networks 02/12/2021 RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore International
26 Conference Presenter 5th International conference on Electronic, Communication and Aerospace Technology A Review of Channel Estimation Mechanisms in Wireless communication networks 02/12/2021 RVS International
27 Conference Presenter 3rd International Conference on Integrated Computing, Communication & Security Forecasting and Decision Making System Military Resource Allotment 06/08/2021 SJB Institution of International
28 Conference Participant International Conference on Sustainable Advance Computing 05/03/2021 Christ University International
29 Conference Co-presenter International Conference on Sustainable Advance Computing 05/03/2021 Christ University International
30 Conference Co-presenter Emerging Trends in IT'20 25/09/2020 Christ University National
31 Conference Co-presenter Emerging Trends in IT 25/09/2020 Christ University National
32 Seminar Keynote Speaker National Seminar on Research Issues in Computer and Communication Network Planning and Decision making with Emerging Networking Technologies 14/02/2020 AMAL College of Advanced Studies, Nilambur in association with Kerala State Higher Education Council National
33 Seminar Participant Intellectual Property Rights with Focus on Patents 08/02/2020 Christ University Institutional
34 Conference Participant International Conference on Sustainable Advanced Computing and Statistical Techniques (ICSACST-19) 27/02/2019 Christ University International
35 Conference Participant Emerging Trends in IT-eit-17 02/03/2017 Christ University National
36 Conference Presenter 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering, Science and Management (SCESM 2017) Does Virtual Hexagon based Data Aggregation Solve the Overhead of Wireless Sensor Nodes? 27/01/2017 Jain College of Engineering Jain Technical Campus International
37 Conference Participant 9th KSTA Annual Conference on Science, Technology and Innovations in the 21st Century 20/12/2016 Karnataka Science and Technology Academy and Chris National
38 Conference Participant International Conference on Intelligent Computing Applications 06/03/2014 Bharathiar University International
39 Conference Presenter National Level Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology Misconstruction of Reliability Model Using Fault and Failure Phenomena 11/10/2013 Nehru Institute of Information Technology National
40 Conference Presenter National Level Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology A Walk through the Emotions & Opinions Approach in Web Mining for E-Business 11/10/2013 Nehru Institute of Information Technology and Mana National
41 Seminar Participant People Management for Quality Enhancement in Higher Education 29/07/2013 Bharathiar University National
42 Seminar Participant National Seminar on Research Issues in Data Mining 18/07/2013 NGM College Pollachi National
43 Seminar Participant Research in Computers: Why, What and How? 11/03/2013 Bharathiar University International
44 Seminar Participant International Seminar on Cyber Security 09/03/2013 Bharathiar University International
45 Conference Presenter National Conference on Green Computing Importance of NS2 on Network Applications 05/10/2012 S.T. Hindu College National
46 Conference Presenter International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Applied Soft Computing MOBILE AD HOC NETWORK ENVIRONMENT AND ITS BUDDING APPLICATIONS - A PRESCRIPTIVE VIEW 11/07/2012 Coimbatore Institute of Technology International
47 Conference Presenter National Conference on Recent Trends and Applications of Computing Technologies APPLICATIONS AND CHALLENGING ISSUES IN MANET ENVIRONMENT 24/02/2012 Vidyasagar College of Arts and Science National
48 Seminar Participant International Seminar on Research in Computers: Why, What and How? 10/02/2012 Bharathiar University International
49 Seminar Participant National Seminar on Security and Privacy Issues in Defense Networks 20/01/2012 Kongu Engineering College National
50 Conference Presenter National Conference on Emerging Issues in Computer Applications ROUTING INFORMATION UPDATION MECHANISM BASED SURVEY ON MANET ROUTING PROTOCOLS 10/02/2011 KSR College of Engineering National
51 Seminar Participant National Seminar on Research in Computers: Why, What and How? 13/12/2010 Bharathiar University National
52 Conference Participant Tamil Internet Conference 23/06/2010 Dept. of Information technology, TN Government International

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Cryptography and Web Application Security Training Program 07/10/2022 CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
2 Cyber Security Education Workshop on Cyber Security 26/04/2022 CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
3 Arts and Science of Tracking Trends: Computing Technologies & Information Security International Conference on Digital Information Security & Computing Technologies 08/04/2022 Sankara College of Science and Commerce
4 Web Application Security Cyber Security (Threats and Preventive Measures) 23/03/2022 CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
5 Intellectual Property Rights Webinar 31/12/2021 Nehru Arts and Science College
6 Social Engineering & Web App Threads FDP on Emerging Trends in Cyber Security 12/07/2021 CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
7 Research Issues in Computer Networks National Seminar on Research Issues in Computer and Communication Networks 14/02/2020 AMAL College of Advanced Studies
8 Network Simulator-2 SDP on Network Simulator-2 30/09/2019 Computer Science Department, HKBK College of Engineering
9 Two days national workshop on "Research Methods on Network Scenario (using NS-2 & NS-3)" Two days national workshop on "?Research Methods on Network Scenario (using NS-2 & NS-3)" 18/12/2017 Sullamussalam Science College
10 Two Days Workshop on "Hands on Networking Using NS-2 & NS-3". Two days Workshop on "Hands on Networking Using NS-2 & NS-3 12/10/2017 BMS Institute of Technology & Management
11 Research Opportunity in Ad Hoc Networks National Conference on Research Opportunity in Ad Hoc Networks 21/09/2016 Kailash Womens College,
12 Technology, Research & Products Illusion nternational Conference on "Big Data & Cloud '16" 23/02/2016 Sri Adi Chunchanagiri Women's College

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 Optimized Handoff Strategy for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network Based Communications Libin Thomas Christ University May 2019
2 Optimization of Handoff Strategies in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks Libin Thomas Christ University March 2019
3 Data Rate Adaptation in WLAN for VANET Smera C Christ University March 2019
5 Enhancing Energy Efficiency of Wireless Sensor Network for Precision Agriculture JENCY JOSE Christ University March 2023
7 . MOHAMMED MUEEN PASHA M Christ University January 2023

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Training for enhance teaching skills vonisha foundation Institutional 03/08/2024
2 Model, Simulation, and Control a Drone in MATLAB and Simulink Udemy International 21/07/2024
3 Scaffolding Adult Learning Through Learner-Centered Approach Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC), CHRIST University Institutional 28/02/2024
4 NAtional Level training of AR/VR Department of Computer Science,, CHRIST(Deemed to be University) National 20/01/2024
5 AR/VR Department of Computer Science, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) National 01/01/2024
6 Workshop on Machine Learning Department of Computer Science and Engineering Institutional 04/10/2023
7 Faculty Development Programme (FDP-1) 2023 CHRIST University Institutional 26/06/2023
8 Pre Conference workshop on Network Security - (ICCSST CHRIST University International 06/05/2023
9 One day Workshop on Blockchain Technology Gobi Arts and Science College, Govt. Aided Autonomous, National 06/04/2023
10 Training Program on Network in Data Engineering Department of Computer Science, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) National 20/03/2023
11 The CU Regulation for Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 14/02/2023
12 5 day Faculty Development Program on Curriculum Design and Revision with specific focus on OBE CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 05/12/2022
13 value-added course Department of Commerce, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Regional 17/10/2022
14 Cryptography and Web Application Security CHRIST (Deemed to be University) National 07/10/2022
15 Web Application Security CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 24/04/2022
16 Workshop on cyber security CHRIST (Deemed to be University) National 23/04/2022
17 Advance Excel with Power Bi E & ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur National 28/03/2022
18 Event 4- Online Technical Talk: "Antenna Integration on Complex Platforms" organized by RF & Microwave Research Laboratory, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IEEE Student Branch and IEEE SB AP-S, School of Engineering and Technology Institutional 19/03/2022
19 Social Engineering and Web Application Threats CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 12/07/2021
20 Faculty Development Programme 1 - 2021 CHRIST (Deemed to be University) International 16/06/2021
21 Recent Challenges in Computer Science Research Department of Computer Science Institutional 17/05/2021
22 Nurturing Academic Leadership - A Multidimensional Perspective Department of Computer Science and Statistics Institutional 26/04/2021
23 Quality Improvement Program on Hybrid Teaching CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 02/03/2021
24 AICTE sponsored Short Term Training Programme on Recent Trends in Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics using python programming Department of Computer Science and Engineering International 14/12/2020
25 Gov-TechThon 2020 IEEE in collaboration with National Informatics Centre, MeitY, GoI, Oracle National 30/10/2020
26 Wireless Networks and the ns-3 Network Simulator Computer Applications, Ganpat University, Gujarat, INDIA International 20/06/2020
27 Workshop on Hands-on experience on Neural Networks and Deep Learning Projects Department of Computer Science, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 14/12/2019
28 SDP on Network Simulator-2 Computer Science Department, HKBK College of Engineering Institutional 30/09/2019
29 Computer Network -NS-2 Department of Information Science and Engineering Institutional 21/08/2019
30 Three day National Level Hands-on Workshop on Network Simulator [ns-3] PSG College of Technology National 14/02/2019
31 Outcome Based Education Academic Staff College 21/05/2018
32 Two days national workshop on "?Research Methods on Network Scenario (using NS-2 & NS-3)" Department of Computer Science, Sullamussalam Science College, Arecode, Kerela, India. National 18/12/2017
33 6 Days National Level Hands on Workshop on Network Simulations Using NS-3 Department of Computer Science & Engineering, NITTE MEENAKSHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY National 01/08/2017
34 Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB CSIR and Department of Computer Science, Christ University National 03/03/2017
35 Sponsored Research Projects - An Insight CU Academic Staff College 03/10/2016
36 Emerging Research Avenues in the Field of Computer Science CU-Acadmic Staff College 02/05/2016
37 Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security CU Academic Staff College 08/10/2015
38 Training Session on Web of Science Thomson Reuters National 18/03/2014
39 Research Intensive Faculty Development Program on Mathematical Modeling and Applications to Computing Sciences Department of Computer Science and Engineering National 23/08/2013
40 Network Security Department of Computer Science and Engineering National 20/07/2012
41 Network Simulator Qualnet Enterprise and Cloud Computing Division, SIET National 14/07/2012
42 Network Simulation Using NS-2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National 31/03/2012
43 Green Computing Department of Computer Applications National 23/03/2012
44 Optimization Techniques for Image Processing Department of Computer Applications National 09/03/2012
45 Wireless and Mobile Communication Networks Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National 05/12/2011
46 NS2 Simulation Techniques in Wireless Networks SWAN'10 Department of Computer Applications National 20/11/2010


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 "Best Paper" Presented in 3rd International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing, Communication & Security International Conference: 3rd International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing, Communication & Security Paper titled: Forecasting and Decision Making System for Military Resource Allotment SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru 07 August 2021
2 BOS Member Nominated BOS Member for Autonomous College (Nilgiri College of Arts and Science) Bharathiar University 13 July 2024
3 Faculty Exchange Faculty exchange: Teaching, Research Collaboration. MCBS College of Science and Arts, Muscat, OMAN 05 May 2024


(Deemed to be University)

Dharmaram College Post, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560029,
Karnataka, India

Tel: +91 804012 9100 / 9600

Fax: 40129000

Email: mail@christuniversity.in

Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

Copyright © CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 2020