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Faculty List




MA(Eng), MA(French), MPhil, PhD

Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 No respite in sight.... Goa Herald Daily 19/03/2024
2 Nostalgia with Singer Deccan Herald Daily 22/02/2024
3 Maid in India Deccan Herald Daily 21/03/2023
4 In the shadow of city lights Deccan Herald Daily 29/12/2022
5 Pitfalls of growing up Deccan Herald Daily 30/07/2022
6 Masquerading in masks Goa Herald Daily 19/04/2022
7 Delving into a Treasure Trove Goa Herald Daily 22/03/2022
8 Lessons worth learning Goa Herald Daily 09/11/2021
9 God save the Queen Goa Herald Daily 18/09/2021
10 Keeping fit Deccan Herald Daily 03/04/2021
11 Down but not out Goa Herald Daily 08/02/2021
12 Working from home Deccan Herald Daily 04/08/2020
13 The odd curve ball Sunday Herald Weekly 19/07/2020
14 All for a Better Life Goa Herald Daily 14/10/2019
15 A Mother's Distress Deccan Herald Daily 20/05/2019
16 A journey that was not to be.. Deccan Herald Daily 13/07/2018
17 Paradise Lost Deccan Herald Daily 18/04/2018
18 Locked in! Deccan Herald Daily 29/01/2018
19 Bloody scene in an act Sunday Herald Weekly 03/12/2017
20 Hail to a noble profession Goa Herald Daily 28/10/2017
21 Memories frozen in time Goa Herald Daily 17/10/2017
22 Those priceless showers Deccan Herald Daily 20/07/2017
23 To the dear departed Deccan Herald Daily 23/05/2017
24 A pleasant surprise The Deccan Herald Daily 07/03/2017
25 Pleats go before a fall Sunday Herald Daily 04/12/2016
26 A train journey Deccan Herald Daily 23/08/2016
27 Farewell, my fair lady Deccan Herald Daily 02/04/2016
28 Maid of Horror Deccan Herald Daily 14/01/2016
29 Rising from the rubble Deccan Herald Daily 18/11/2015
30 The Furry Intruder Deccan Herald Daily 08/10/2015
31 A waking dream Deccan Herald Daily 20/07/2015
32 A surreal experience Deccan Herald Daily 28/04/2015
33 The cheek of it all! (Right in the middle) Deccan Herald Daily 21/02/2015
34 Forging teachers of quality and commitment Deccan Herald Daily 13/11/2014

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Seminar Participant Implementation of NEP 2020 -Kannada 27/11/2021 Christ University National
2 Seminar Participant Comment int?grer le NEP 2020 dans la classe du FLE 17/11/2021 Christ University National
3 Seminar Organizer Comment int?grer le NEP 2020 dans la classe duFLE 17/11/2021 Christ University National
4 Seminar Participant Role of Sanskrit in NEP 2020 13/11/2021 Christ University National
5 Seminar Participant Le Paris des ?crivains 29/10/2021 Madurai Kamaraj University International
6 Seminar Participant Integrating technology in teaching and learning 16/07/2021 Madurai Kamaraj University International
7 Seminar Presenter International webinar Developing linguistic bonding through the Hindi language 15/07/2021 Christ University and Singapore University of Social Sciences International
8 Seminar Participant Les fables de la Fontaine 08/07/2021 AITF and University of Madras International
9 Seminar Participant Covid - Mental Health: Grief & Loss 13/06/2021 Psychowellness Center National
10 Seminar Participant Revisiting Languages 13/03/2021 University of Mumbai and French Institute in India National
11 Seminar Participant D?couvrir la collection G?n?ration 29/01/2021 L?équipe Didier International
12 Seminar Participant Life and Literature 24/01/2021 Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts, Coimbatore International
13 Seminar Participant Et sion inversait la classe avec Cosmopolite? 19/01/2021 L'equipe Hachette FLE International
14 Seminar Participant Webinaire de Formation 16/12/2020 Groupement FLE International
15 Seminar Participant La phon?tique en classe de FLE 12/12/2020 Institut Francais India, French Embassy National
16 Seminar Participant Use of French Poetry as a Pedagogical tool 30/08/2020 AIFRO & French House, Jaipur National
17 Seminar Participant Les r?seaux num?riques et les r?flexions p?dagogiques 28/08/2020 Madurai Kamarj University International
18 Seminar Participant Webinar series on 'Language and Literature' 19/08/2020 SRM IST Ramapuram National
19 Seminar Participant Hindi Poetry in the present scenario 04/08/2020 Christ University National
20 Seminar Participant Le jeu th??tral, vecteur d'apprentissage pour le francais 03/08/2020 Christ University National
21 Seminar Organizer Le jeu th??tral, vecteur d'apprentissage pour le Fran?ais 03/08/2020 Christ University National
22 Seminar Participant Encourager la prise de parole en fran?ais: activit?s orales au niveau A1 27/07/2020 Women's Christian College, Chennai International
23 Seminar Participant How to write and publish Books 16/07/2020 Christ University National
24 Seminar Participant Strat?gies pour une id?ation efficace en classe de FLE 10/07/2020 Christ University National
25 Seminar Participant Bendre 10/07/2020 Christ University Regional
26 Seminar Organizer Strategies pour une ideation efficace en classe de FLE 10/07/2020 Christ University National
27 Seminar Participant Tools for blending Sanskrit Teaching and Learning 07/07/2020 Christ University National
28 Conference Participant Activites d'apprentissage en classe de FLE 30/06/2020 AITF & University of Madras International
29 Seminar Participant Exploiter la presse ?crite en classe de FLE 29/06/2020 Loyola College, Chennai National
30 Seminar Participant Journalism in the time of Covid 19 - Edition 2 27/06/2020 Christ University International
31 Seminar Participant Comment introduire le cin?ma en classe de FLE 12/06/2020 Women's Christian College, Chennai International
32 Seminar Participant The Indo European Languages and the Relevance of Sanskrit 10/06/2020 Aurora's Degree & PG College, Hyderabad National
33 Seminar Participant Journalism in the time of Covid-19 06/04/2020 Christ University International
34 Conference Presenter Two Day National Conference on :Holistic Development through Language and Literature" Language and Literature - Key elements in the formation of a (w)holistic being 03/01/2020 Aurora's Degree & PG College National
35 Conference Moderator/Chair Two Day National Conference on :Holistic Development through Language and Literature" 03/01/2020 Aurora's Degree & PG College. Chikkadpally, Hyderabad National
36 Conference Organizer Wikipedia Education SAARC Conference 20/06/2019 The Centre for Internet and Society International
37 Conference Participant Golden Jubilee National Colloquium on Higher Education: the Past and the Future 28/11/2018 Christ University National
38 Seminar Participant National Seminar on Higher Order Teaching Skills in the FLE Classroomthe FLE 17/11/2018 Christ University National
39 Seminar Participant Leadership Development Seminar 15/10/2018 Christ University Institutional
40 Conference Participant 6th International Psychology Congress 03/10/2018 Christ University International
41 Seminar Participant Setting Technological Standards and Strategy for Higher Education 01/02/2018 Christ University National
42 Seminar Moderator/Chair Setting Technological Standards and Strategy for Higher Education 01/02/2018 Christ University National
43 Conference Participant The Idea of a National University 26/07/2017 Christ University National
44 Other Presenter Academic Community – the pulse of an Institution - Institutional
45 Conference Presenter Crisis and Man: Literary Responses across Cultures - Featured speaker - International
46 Conference Presenter Bridging the Gap across Cultures through Literature - Forum discussion - International
47 Conference Presenter Unopened Windows: European Existentialism and Indian Classrooms - International
48 Other Presenter Resolution Management through empowerment, Ownership of system and Goal Congruence - Institutional
49 Conference Presenter Cultural Synthesis or Cultural Exclusiveness: Challenges before a Translator - International
50 Conference Presenter Trans literary messages - A Comparison of Albert Camus and U.R. Ananthamorthy - International
51 Conference Presenter Crisis and Modern Man - seen from the French and Indian Perspective - International
52 Conference Presenter Non Colonized and uncolonizable Traditions : A Case of Oral Epics - International
53 Seminar Presenter Readers and Viewers - National
54 Conference Presenter Mapping Emerging Trends in Literary Research - National
55 Conference Presenter Life Skills Education - a panacea for present day psychosomatic ills - National
56 Seminar Presenter In Sync with the Changing Face of Humanities and Social Sciences - The Christ University Model - National
57 Participant 2nd International Colloque and 34th National Congr 2nd International Colloque and 34th National Congress - Indian Association of Teachers of French, IATF and Bangalore University International
58 Participant National Conference on Quality, Relevance and Impa National Conference on Quality, Relevance and Impact at Institutional Levels - CEDBEC, Christ University National
59 Participant Seminar on Literature and Cinema Seminar on Literature and Cinema - Jyothi Nivas College, Bangalore Regional
60 Participant National Conference on Quality, Accreditation, Acc National Conference on Quality, Accreditation, Accountability & Assessment - CEDBEC, Christ University National
61 Participant Examination Reforms in Higher Education for Univer Examination Reforms in Higher Education for Universities & Colleges - CEDBEC, Christ University Regional
62 Participant National Conference on Contemporary issues in Rese National Conference on Contemporary issues in Research - Centre for Research, Christ University National
63 Participant National Conference on Human Excellence through Ho National Conference on Human Excellence through Holistic Education - CEDBEC, Christ University National
64 Participant National Conference on Hypnotherapy National Conference on Hypnotherapy - Department of Psychology, Christ University National
65 Participant National Workshop on Research and Publication National Workshop on Research and Publication - Centre for Research & CEDBEC, Christ University National
66 Conference Presenter Deemed Universities: Partial remedy to Indian Higher Education Ills- A Case Study of Christ University, Bangalore - National
67 Seminar Presenter Creation of Knowledge Towers: Transcribing and Translating Oral Traditions - National
68 Conference Presenter From Knowledge Tradition to Knowledge Economy: Positive Interludes in Indian Higher Education - International
69 Participant National seminar on "The Celebrated Urdu Literati National seminar on "The Celebrated Urdu Literati of Karnataka" - Department of Urdu in coordination with Karnataka Urdu Academy National
70 Participant National Research Conference on Human Trafficking National Research Conference on Human Trafficking - Challeges and Interventions - International Justice Mission & Christ University National
71 Participant South Asian Conference of Prof Social Workers on " South Asian Conference of Prof Social Workers on " Dignity and Worth of Peoples in a Globalised Economy: Role of State, Enterprises, Corporates and Social Workers in Building Inclusive Societies" - Karnataka Association of Professional Social Workers and Department of Social Work International
72 Seminar Presenter Translating Folk Epics - Some issues - National
73 Participant One Day Symposium on Minority Literature in Kannad One Day Symposium on Minority Literature in Kannada - Sahitya Akademi & Department of Kannada National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Staying positive during stressful times Guest Talk 04/10/2020 Y's Men International, South India Region
2 "Research Writing and MLA style" Quality Improvement Programme 26/09/2016 Christ University
3 Value based education and sustainable development Faculty Orientation programme 25/10/2013 Christ University

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Moral Crisis and Social Order across Cultures: An Analysis of Three Texts- Golding's Lord of the Flies,Camus's The Plague and U.R. Ananthamurthy's Samskara Dr. V. Shantha Christ University May 2014

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Documentation of Oral and Performance Texts of Folk Epic,Annanmar Kathai (The Elder Brothers Story) with a Critical Introduction Centre for Research, Christ University Internal
2 Documentation of Oral and Performance Texts of Folk Epic,Annanmar Kathai ( The Elder Brothers Story) with a Critical Introduction. KRISHNASWAMI P, MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Internal

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Immersion Program Immersion India, Christ University and CAVILAM, Vichy International 25/11/2024
2 Mid term Training Program for French assistants in India Department of Languages & French Inst in India International 05/11/2024
3 French Teachers' Training Programme French Embassy /Alliance Francaise, Paris International 20/11/2023
4 Vision Leadership 2023 Christ University National 18/09/2023
5 Le theatre en classe de FLE Institut francais Inde and Christ University National 30/06/2023
6 Faculty Development Programme CEDBEC & SDC Institutional 26/06/2023
7 Les chansons francophones, un outil au service de l?enseignement du FLE?. Institut Francais en Inde (IFI), French Embassy National 24/04/2023
8 Orientation session on "The CU Regulation for Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 14/02/2023
9 Certificate Programme in Basic First Aid St John's National Academy of Health Sciences Institutional 03/02/2023
10 E-Content Development Programme HRDC, Christ University Institutional 10/12/2022
11 FDP 1 -2022 Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum and IQAC Institutional 06/07/2022
12 Towards pioneering Research in Languages and Literature Department of Languages Institutional 17/05/2022
13 Mail Merge using Word Processor Media Studies and IT Services Institutional 17/02/2022
14 FDP on Advanced Concepts of Outcomes- based Education Inpods India Private Ltd National 06/10/2021
15 Outcomes-based Teaching, Assessments and Evaluation Inpods India Private Limited National 17/09/2021
16 NPTEL E Awareness Workshop NPTEL National 18/08/2021
17 Curriculum Development, Research and Publication Ethics SRM Inst of Science and Technology International 02/08/2021
18 Ouriginal 30 M Training Institutional 21/06/2021
19 FDP Preferred Future - Ideas and Strategies CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 16/06/2021
20 Hybrid Teaching Staff Development College Institutional 02/03/2021
21 Faculty Development Program Nandini College of Education National 06/11/2020
22 30 M Training on MIcrosoft teams CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 11/07/2020
23 Introduction to Psychology Yale University International 08/06/2020
24 Enseigner le fran?aise langue ?trang?re aujourd'hui- Parcours d?couverte CAVILAM - Alliance Française International 02/04/2020
25 SLAM Training Leadyne Institutional 04/03/2020
26 Workshop on Constructive Alignment in Outcome Based Education United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia Institutional 12/09/2019
27 Research as Culture in the Department and Pedagogic Practices Department of Languages & Staff Academic College 28/05/2019
28 Research as Culture in the Department and Pedagogic Practices Department of Languages & Staff Academic College 25/05/2019
29 Regional Summer School 2019 French Institute iin India,Goa University and CLE of U of Franche -Comte International 20/05/2019
30 Avant Garde 2019 Seshadripuram First Grade College 18/05/2019
31 National Seminar on "Relevance of Gandhism in Contemporary Indian Literature" Department of Languages National 22/02/2019
32 30M Training in Google Classroom Media Studies & IT Services Institutional 20/11/2018
33 Sensitization on the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities - Towards an Inclusive Culture and Pedagogy Department of Sociology & Social Work International 01/10/2018
34 Frontier areas in Languages, Literature and Curriculum Updation CU Academic Staff College & Department of Languages 23/10/2017
35 Interactive Theatre CU L VAZ Dramatics Academy Institutional 07/10/2017
36 QIP on Teaching Learning and Evaluation CU-Academic Staff College 17/05/2017
37 Training Program on Human Rights Department of Social Work in collaboration with National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi Institutional 31/01/2017
38 National Training Programme "Soutions in French Classes" French Embassy, Christ University and Alliance Francaise, Bangalore National 26/11/2016
39 Research and Publication CU Academic Staff College and Department of Languages Institutional 24/09/2016
40 Research and Publication in Language, Literature & Culture CU Academic Staff College and Department of Languages Institutional 28/04/2016
41 One Day Basic Training Program on Human Rights Department of Social Work nd National Human Rights Commission Institutional 10/12/2015
42 Curricular Transformation - Regional to Universal CU - Academic Staff College Institutional 30/09/2015
43 Curricular History and Cultural Competence Academic Staff College, Christ University 27/04/2015
44 2 day workshop on International Playback Theatre Theatre in Education, Christ University Institutional 10/01/2015
45 Routledge Editorial Workshop Taylor & Francis Institutional 25/09/2014
46 Interactive Workshop on Soul Medicine Department of Psychology Institutional 23/08/2014
47 New Shifts in Language Curriculum CU Academic Staff College and Department of Languages 28/04/2014
48 National Workshop on Research and Publication Centre for Research & CEDBEC, Christ University National 09/07/2013
49 II Orientation Programme Theme: Excellence and Service in Higher Education ? A Shared Vision Centre for Research, Christ University 11/01/2013
50 Faculty Development Programme CEDBEC, Christ University Institutional 01/06/2012
51 Refresher Course on Contemporary Trends and Transitions in Humanities and Social Sciences CU - Academic Staff College 25/04/2012
52 Workshop on Working with adolescents: Issues & Approaches Dept. Of Psychology,Christ University Regional 12/11/2010
53 National Workshop on Neuro- Linguistic Programming and Semantics Department of Psychology, Christ University National 07/11/2008
54 Workshop for Examiners of DELF Alliance Française, Bangalore Regional 21/07/2008


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Resource Person Setting standards, Quality Criteria, Curricular Aspects, Excellence through Quality Improvement - Curricular Aspects, FDP Christ University June 2008
2 Resource Person Internalization of Organizational Values and its Impact on Effectiveness Christ University June 2009
3 Resource Person Media Conclave on Folk Media& Development Communication Christ University September 2010
4 Resource Person Innovations, Programmes implemented and Experiments Christ University November 2010
5 Resource Person Film Review - A Bout de Souffle Christ University July 2011
6 Resource Person Crisis and Modern (Wo)Man - seen through French eyes Christ University July 2011
7 Moderator National Conference on Knowledge Dissemination through Journal Publications Christ University September 2011
8 Resource Person One Day Workshop on Enhancing Institutional Effectiveness through Educational Excellence Christ University February 2012
9 Resource Person Academic Community - the pulse of an Institution Christ University May 2012
10 Resource Person Resolution Management through empowerment, Ownership of system and Goal Congruence Christ University January 2013
11 Shaping the Way We Teach English, 1: The Landscape of English Language Teaching Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) American English Institute, University of Oregon May 2014
12 Chaired a session of a research scholar workshop "Building Academic Intellectuals in Higher Education through Skill Development" Centre for Research Projects,Christ University August 2014
13 MOOC - "Crafting an Effective Writer: Tools of the trade" Mt. Saint Jacinto College, USA July 2014
14 Examiner Internal examiner for MRP titled" Mapping Social Work Perspectives in Corporate Social Responsibility" Centre for Research Projects,Christ University July'14
15 Member, Board of Studies Jyothi Nivas College (Autonomous)
16 Member, Board of Studies St. Joseph's Arts and Science College (Autonomous)
17 Member, Board of Studies Mount Carmel College (Autonomous)
18 Address Decennial Celebrations of Masters in Social Work Program Department of Social Work July 2015
19 Moderator "A Study on identifying markers of risk for alcoholism" - Forum for Knowledge Sharing Centre for Research, Chrsit University July 2015
20 Member, Board of Studies Member of the Board of Studies of St Joseph's College (Autonomous) Bangalore St Joseph's College, Bangalore 2016-2018
21 Certified Jury member for the French government-run DELF International certifications DELF exams are internationally recognised by the European Framework of Reference Alliance Francaise, Bangalore 30 November 2016
22 Moderator Three Day Conference on Bench marking Procedures and Practices in Higher Education IQAC 22 December 2016
23 Judge Inter - School Debate Competition Globethics.net India 09 December 2016
24 Certified Jury member for the French government-run DELF International certifications DELF exams are internationally recognised by the European Framework of Reference Alliance Francaise, Bangalore 30 November 2016
25 Moderator Three Day Conference on Bench marking Procedures and Practices in Higher Education IQAC 22 November 2016
26 Judge Inter - School Debate Competition Globethics.net India 09 December 2016
27 Member, Board of Studies Member, Board of Studies in French Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore 14 December 2017
28 Member, Board of Studies Member of the Board of Studies in French Mont Carmel College, Bangalore 16 January 2018
29 Member, Board of Studies Member, Board of Studies in French St Joseph' College ( Autonomous) Bangalore 12 February 2018
30 Chief Guest Chief Guest at the French and German Fest of St Joseph's College St Joseph' College ( Autonomous) Bangalore 12 February 2018
31 Board of Examiners Board of Examiners in French Mount Carmel College, Bangalore 02 March 2018
32 Member, Board of Studies Member of Board of Studies in French Jyoti Nivas College ( Autonomous) 04 January 2019
33 Member , Board of Examinations Member, Board of Examinations in French Mount Carmel College 13 March 2019
34 Member of Advisory Board Member of Advisory Board of InterViews, an Interdisciplinary Journal in Social Sciences Saint Claret College, Ziro 01 July 2019
35 Member, Board of Studies Member, Board of Studies in French Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous 20 November 2019
36 Moderator National Seminar on Education. Neuroscience,Technology and Pedagogy: Neuro- Systemic Influence on Learning Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum, Christ University 14 November 2019
37 Recognition Recognition for completing 40 years of teaching at CHRIST CHRIST (Deemed to be University ) Bangalore 06 September 2021
38 Special recognition award - Women in Climate Change Was honored with Special recognition award on the occasion of International Women's Day Christ University 09 March 2020
39 Member , BOS Member of the BOS of French, JNC Jyoti Nivas College (Autonomous) Bangalore 15 March 2021
40 Certificate of Honour Member of the Advisory Committee of the Journal InterViews of St Claret College, Ziro Christ University 23 February 2022
41 Member of Board of Studies SJCC has started a new centre for foreign languages. I was invited to be on their board of studies St Joseph's College of Commerce (Autonomous) 21 September 2023
42 Exceptional French Language Teacher Award Award of Excellence in the teaching of French in South India instituted by the French Embassy in India French Embassy in India 20 November 2023
43 French scholarship Scholarship given by the French Embassy for a Training Programme at Alliance Francaise, Paris French Embassy in India 12 October 2023
44 Order of Academic Palm ( Ordre des Palmes academiques) 'Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Academiques' is an award conferred by the French Government in recognition of one's contribution in the field of Frenc studies French Government 28 June 2024
45 Member, BOS Attended the BOS meeting of the French Dept of MCC Mount Carmel College, Autonomous 19 October 2024
46 Hosted the first French Assistant Program A French intern is sent to assist the French faculty in handling classes and conduct activities to enhance language learning French Embassy 18 June 2024


(Deemed to be University)

Dharmaram College Post, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560029,
Karnataka, India

Tel: +91 804012 9100 / 9600

Fax: 40129000

Email: mail@christuniversity.in

Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

Copyright © CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 2020