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Faculty List





Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 Prof. Vepa Sarathi's vain attack on Agnoo Nagesia - Dissecting section 27 of Indian Evidence Act SDM Pragathi Annual 01/06/2013
2 Dying Declarations under English Law - Fallacy of Indian Supreme Court SDM Pragathi Annual 01/06/2012
3 Law, Language and Literature in LL B - An Apologia for a Peep at Pedagogy SDM Pragathi Annual 01/06/2011

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter Paradigm Shifts of Legal Landscapes: A Comprehensive Analysis of Replacing British Colonial Laws Textual Changes and Its Ramifications of the ?New De-colonised Criminal Just Order? of India 19/10/2024 Christ University International
2 Conference Presenter Sustainable Climate Action and a Just, Inclusive and an Equitable Future: India's Vision for COP 33 Art Activism for Climate Change in India & Beyond 24/02/2024 India International University Of Legal Education And Research, Goa International
3 Seminar Participant Law in the Digital Age and Indian Legal Industry Transformation and Functioning of Courts during Covid19: Bench, Bar and Government Perspectives 07/05/2020 Bar Council of Punjab & Haryana National
4 Seminar Presenter Social Security as a Human Right Need of Social Security Measures for Platform and Gig Workers in Karnataka 10/02/2020 Christ University International
5 Seminar Presenter Banking Services - Problems and Perspectives NewEmerging Trends in Banker-Customer Relationship in India 23/12/2018 The Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University National
6 Conference Participant Multilateral Trading System or Regional Trade Agreements: The Way Forward for India 22/12/2018 Council for International Relations & International Law, NLSIU, Bengaluru National
7 Conference Participant Emerging Trends of Trusts and Foundations in 21st Century in India 17/12/2018 National Law School of India University National
8 Conference Presenter Rethinking on Criminal JUstice Administration Prison Reforms: A Case Study of Central Prison, Bengaluru, Karnataka 25/11/2018 JUS DICERE, INDIA International
9 Conference Presenter National Multidisciplinary Law Conference Empirical Legal Studies 24/11/2018 REVA University National
10 Conference Presenter Six Decades of Indian Constitution: Then, Now and Future Directive Principles of State Policy and Judicial Process through Six Decades of Indian Constitution 02/03/2018 University of Mysore National
11 Conference Presenter Constituional Conventions and Practices Constitutional Conventions in exercise of Legislative Functions of Indian Parliament 08/01/2018 National Law School of India University International
12 Seminar Presenter Emerging Trends in Real Estate Sector in India: A Legal Perspective Karnataka's Akrama-Sakrama Scheme: An Analysis 25/03/2017 West Bengal National University of Juridical Scien National
13 Seminar Presenter Constitutional Quest for Uniform Civil Code: Mirage or Compulsion How far is the Goan Civil Code a Model Civil Code? 17/03/2017 National Law School of India University, Bengaluru National
14 Presenter FDP REDEFINING OBSCENITY LAW BY SUPREME COURT OF INDIA 24/10/2016 Christ University, Bengaluru Regional
15 Seminar Presenter An Overview of the Training and Education of Civil Judges in Karnataka - International
16 Seminar Presenter Dichotomy between Legal Education and Employment Outcomes in Karnataka - National
17 Seminar Presenter Changing Legal Regime of Sexual Minorties in India - National
18 Seminar Presenter Role of Language in Legal Education In Karnataka - National
19 Participant Affordability, Availability, Accessibility of Medi Affordability, Availability, Accessibility of Medicines and IPR - National Law School of India University, Bengaluru National
20 Participant Law and Practice in Real Estate in India Law and Practice in Real Estate in India - Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, New Delhi and NLSIU, Bengaluru National
21 Participant Cyber Crimes - Legal and Forensic Issues Cyber Crimes - Legal and Forensic Issues - SDM Law College, Mangaluru and NLSIU, Bengaluru National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Parliamentary procedure and Etiquette Training Session for Mock Parliament 10/04/2015 Vivekananda College of Education, Puttur

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 An Empirical Study of the Training and Performance of Civil Judges in Karnataka post ICT Implementation. PROF SETLUR BN PRAKASH NATIONAL LAW SCHOOL OF INDIA UNIVERSITY

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Publishing Academic Books Knowledge Centre, CHRIST University Institutional 22/08/2024
2 Elevating Manuscripts: Mastering the Art of Book Proposals School of Law, CHRIST University, Bengaluru Institutional 21/08/2024
3 Leadership and Innovation in Legal Education School of Law Institutional 05/01/2022
4 Qualitative Research Methods Nodal Office, CHRIST (deemed to be University) National 23/10/2021
5 e-learning in Legal Education: Leadership Strategies Institutional 25/08/2021
6 FDP -1 2021 CEDBEC and HRDC Institutional 16/06/2021
7 Hybrid Teaching Christ deemed to be University 02/03/2021
8 Developing Future-ready Legal Education - Design/Engage/Access/Impact/Lead School of Law, Christ University, Bengaluru Institutional 11/01/2021
9 Feminism and Social Justice Coursera International 20/05/2020
10 WITCH-BRANDING AND THE LAW IN JHARKHAND NUSRL, Ranchi, SOAS, London Univ. and UNSW, Sydney International 13/02/2020
11 Social Media & fakes News, E-Pahrmacies' Regulations and Triple Talaq Bill, 2018 School of Law Institutional 03/01/2019
12 Freedom of Religion and Right to Privacy in light recent Sc Judgments School of Law Institutional 19/11/2018
13 Problems of Jurisprudence School of Law Institutional 12/11/2018
14 Curriculum Innovation School of Law 21/05/2018
15 SEMINAR ON 273RD LAW COMMISSION REPORT, 2017 School of Law Institutional 10/02/2018
16 Law & Economics School of Law, Christ University 16/11/2017
17 Course Review & Re-assessment of Strategic Directions School of Law Institutional 02/11/2017
18 FDP Christ University, Bengaluru Institutional 24/10/2016


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 National Law Fest and Moot Court Competition I was invited to preside over 2 sessions as part of National Law Fest and Moot Court Compeition Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Law College and Centre for Post Graduate Studies and Research in Law March 2014

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