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Faculty List





Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 A Comparative Analysis Of Competition Law Regimes With The Increase Of E Commerce In India And U.S.A. ECS Transactions 01-May-2022 107 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article A Comparative Analysis Of Competition Law Regimes With The Increase Of E Commerce In India And U.S.A.
Name of Journal ECS Transactions
Volume No 107
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/10701.19415ecst/meta
Date of Publication 01-May-2022
2 A comparative analysis of competition law regimes with the increase of E commerce in India and U.S.A. The Electrochemical Society 31-Jan-2022 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article A comparative analysis of competition law regimes with the increase of E commerce in India and U.S.A.
Name of Journal The Electrochemical Society
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/10701.19415ecst/pdf
Date of Publication 31-Jan-2022


Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 MRP system, digital market place and the rise of discriminatory pricing https://www.deccanherald.com/opinion/mrp-system-digital-marketplace-and-the-rise-of-discriminatory-pricing-2767811 Digital market place
2 Income Escaping Assessment ? Procedure to be followed and the interplay between Sec. 148 and 143 of the Income Tax Act https://ctlnlud.wordpress.com/2021/08/03/income-escaping-assessment-procedure-to-be-followed-and-the-interplay-between-sec-148-and-143-of-the-income-tax-act/ Law of taxation

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter 3rd International conferrence on innovation in data Analytics Algorithmic Justice: Navigating The Ethical And Legal Landscape Of Ai-Powered Predictive Policing In 21st Century 18/12/2025 Eminent college of management and Technology International
2 Conference Moderator/Chair Emerging Trends and Future Challenges in Competition Law: National and International Perspectives 15/12/2025 Christ University National
3 Conference Moderator/Chair International Conference on Law and Social - transformation 28/09/2024 Alliance University, Bangalore International
4 Conference Presenter Gender studies and Intersectionality, understanding Gender and Class Dynamics with Policies Women?s Political Participation in Bihar: Challenges and Opportunities 26/09/2024 Amity University Patana in Association with Women and Child Development Corporation International
5 Seminar Moderator/Chair Empowering Unorganized workers: Strengthening Social Security 20/09/2024 Christ University National
6 Conference Moderator/Chair Transdisciplinary International Conference on ?Emerging Trends in Governance and Global Plurality: Envisioning Equilibrium 09/09/2024 Amity law school Noida in collaboration with Jusfocus Research Institute, The Netherlands International
7 Conference Presenter 7th Transdisciplinary International Conference Judicial activism and its impact on legal reforms for marginalized communities In india 09/09/2024 Amity law school Noida in collaboration with Jusfocus Research Institute, The Netherlands International
8 Conference Moderator/Chair 7th Transdisciplinary International Conference 09/09/2024 Amity law school Noida in collaboration with Jusfocus Research Institute, The Netherlands International
9 Conference Presenter International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Law and Ethics AI Ethics and Public Policy: Insights from the Arthashastra 25/07/2024 Christ Academy Institute of Law Christ Nagar, Hullahalli, Begur-Koppa Road, Sakalawara Bengaluru, Karnataka 560083 International
10 Conference Moderator/Chair International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Law and Ethics 25/07/2024 Christ Academy Institute of Law Christ Nagar, Hullahalli, Begur-Koppa Road, Sakalawara Bengaluru, Karnataka 560083 International
11 Conference Presenter Leveraging the digital Transformation for Environmental Sustainability- Envisioning A Developed India by 2040 A Comparative Analysis Of Sustainable Strategies Towards Environmental Responsibilities Of Tesla And Hyundai Motor Company 22/06/2024 Indore Institute of Law International
12 Conference Presenter Championing Inclusivity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on disability Rights and social Justice Intersectionality of Disability Rights and AI Ethics: Ensuring Kautilyan Equity in Assistive Technology Development 26/05/2024 Delhi Metropolitan Education , Law school, Noida, Delhi International
13 Conference Presenter 5th International Conference on Comparative Law The implications of 2023 amendment on Anti Competitive Practices In India in light of Antitrust laws in United states and European Union: A comparative approach 09/02/2024 Amity Law School, Noida, Amity University Uttar Pradesh and School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia International
14 Conference Presenter 5th International Conference on Comparative Law The implications of 2023 amendment on Anti Competitive Practices In India in light of Antitrust laws in United states and European Union: A comparative approach 09/02/2024 Amity University Uttar Pradesh and School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia International
15 Conference Presenter Navigating and Fostering the Equitable World: Rebuilding Resilience for G20 Navigating and Fostering the Equitable World: Rebuilding Resilience for G20 12/09/2023 Amity law school, Noida and Himachal Pradesh national law university, Shimla International
16 Conference Moderator/Chair Navigating and Fostering the Equitable World: Rebuilding Resilience for G20 12/09/2023 Amity Law School, Noida In Collaboration With Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla International
17 Conference Presenter Child Rights, Abuse, and Juvenile Justice Nurturing the Pedagogical Entitlement of Juveniles: A Panoramic Discourse on Educational Rights and their Concomitant Global Impediments 01/09/2023 Saveetha School of Law, SIMATS, Chennai, and the International Institute of Justice and Police Sciences (IIJPS), in collaboration with the South Asian Society of Criminology & Victimology (SASCV) International
18 Conference Presenter International Conference on Prospects and challenges for innovative ideas in Intellectual Property Rights Patent Rights and the Right to Health: Navigating Equilibrium 01/09/2023 Sharda University International
19 Conference Presenter Health law and policy Mental Illness Stigma: Analysis through the Gender Lens 27/07/2023 Christ academy, Bangalore National
20 Symposium Moderator/Chair Octa Final Rounds of the 5th Surana & Surana & KLE Law College National Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition 11/02/2023 5th Surana & Surana & KLE Law College National Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition National
21 Conference Moderator/Chair Transdisciplinary International Conference, Amity Law School, Noida 07/09/2022 Amity Law School, Noida International
22 Conference Co-presenter Gender Justice: Fostering Diversity, Equity and inclusion 04/04/2022 Christ University National
23 Conference Moderator/Chair XII National Online Conference on Emerging Trends in Rule of Law, Democratic Norms and Constitutional Values 27/01/2022 Christ University National
24 Conference Presenter New Age Businesses and Sustainable Economic Development COP 26: A Blueprint for Green Future 10/12/2021 ICFAI Law school Hyderabad International
25 Conference Participant Combating Trafficking In Person: Theory To Practice 30/07/2021 Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi National
26 Seminar Presenter International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility: Legal, Social and Ethics Role of Corporate social responsibility and Tax Transparency- A Study 25/07/2021 Knowledge Steez EDU HUB International
27 Seminar Participant Child Rights And Child Protection vis-a-vis International Human Rights and Humanitarian law 18/07/2021 Amity Law School of Amity University Jharkhand, Ranchi National
28 Seminar Participant Live Webinar On Faceless assessments: recent rulings and its implications) 17/07/2021 Taxmann Team, & Delloite National
29 Seminar Participant The Protagonist Approach of the Welfare State in Elimination of Environmental Perils and Encouragement of Sustainable Development 10/07/2021 Bangalore Institute of Legal Studies, Bangalore National
30 Symposium Participant Taxation As A System 11/06/2021 VGU School of Law, Vivekananda Global University National
31 Conference Presenter Techno-Legal Dynamics of Banking Laws and Regulations ?A Critical Analysis of Opportunities And Challenges In Digital Banking? 23/04/2021 ICFAI Law School, ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Hyderabad International
32 Conference Participant Future of Consumerism: A Role of Sustainable Living 15/03/2021 Consumer Assisto In Collaboration With New Indian Consumer Initiative & Indicc Associates Organises International
33 Seminar Presenter Gender Justice and Constitutional Values: A Reflection on Concept of Family and Rights of Women Live-In Relationship in Indian context- Rights and Legal interpretation 03/02/2021 The National University Of Advanced Legal Studies Nuals, Kochi International
34 Seminar Presenter Globalizing world and cyber crime Remedies provided by Law to address cyber crimes against women: Legal Challenges 30/01/2021 Law mantra International
35 Seminar Participant Concept of Human Rights 10/12/2020 Karnataka State Law University?s Law School, Hubballi National
36 Seminar Presenter International conference on Paradigm shift in Economy post 2020 Faceless Assessment And Appeals Under The Income Tax Law 2020 - A step in right direction during pandemic 03/12/2020 Atmiya - Lincoln , University college , Malaysia International
37 Seminar Participant Digital Transformation: Managing IP Rights Through Blockchain 28/11/2020 IP Assisto National
38 Seminar Participant Digital Transformation: Managing Ip Rights Through Blockchain 28/11/2020 IP Assisto National
39 Seminar Presenter Entrepreneurship And Technology: Future Trends Impact Of Covid-19 On Start-Ups In India 27/11/2020 Army Institute of Law, Mohali, Punjab National
40 Seminar Participant Is it time to overhaul the constitution? 26/11/2020 Manav Rachna , Faridabad , Haryana National
41 Conference Participant International conference on contemporary challenges to Human Rights 2020 17/05/2020 Youth of human rights India International
42 Seminar Participant Live Webinar On Impact of Finance Act, 2020 on Residential Status 12/05/2020 Taxmann, Allied services private limited. National
43 Seminar Participant Impact of Finance Act, 2020 on Residential Status 12/05/2020 Taxmann Team, CA Ashish Karundia & Naveen Wadhwa. National
44 Conference Presenter International conference on Law, Society and Development Right to Health for Children in India: A Critical Analysis 06/03/2020 Christ Academy, Institution of Law, Banglore International
45 Seminar Presenter child rights social economic and cultural dimensions Protection of Child Human Rights: An Analysis 15/02/2020 uils National
46 Seminar Presenter Dynamics of gender equations in 21st century:Social Legal Perspectives Uniform civil code and gender equality 12/10/2019 Army Institute of Law, Mohali National
47 Seminar Presenter Transformation in soCiety and law: issues and Challenges GST: A study 27/09/2019 Rayat College of law National
48 Conference Presenter CommerCial arbitration and its magnitude with speCial reference to india as emerging hub Alternative dispute resolution system : an analysis 04/08/2019 university of pepperdine, California International
49 Conference Presenter National conference on contemporary Aspects of Direct Taxes Capital Gains Account Scheme for exemption of Capital Gains under Income Tax Act - An analysis of the Legal issuesCapital Gains Account Scheme for exemption of Capital Gains under Income Tax Act ? An analysis of the Legal issues 16/03/2019 Damodram Sanjivayya National Law University, NYAYAPRASTHA,Sabbavaram,Visakhapatnam. National
50 Seminar Presenter Media and changing society:dilemmas and challenges Media and human rights 29/09/2018 Army Institute of Law , Mohali, punjab National
51 Seminar Presenter Environmental law and Governance: Issues & challenges Judiciary: Guardian Angel of Passive Smokers 22/09/2018 University Instituteof Legal studies(UILS), Chandigarh International
52 Seminar Presenter Law and Justice : Emerging issues Human Rights and Environment Protection:Indian Perspective 15/02/2018 Punjab university, chandigarh National
53 Seminar Presenter Realization of Human Rights in a Globalised World Emergence of Multinational Corporation as Powerful Global Actor and Human Rights 04/01/2018 Department of law, Central University of Kerala International
54 Conference Presenter National conference on Cyber & IT Protection Spies of the virtual world: Cyber spying an emerging cyber crime 11/11/2017 Christ University National
55 Conference Presenter Media- Hopes & Despairs Role of Media in Democratic Governance: A study 28/10/2017 KLE Society Law college, Bengaluru National
56 Seminar Presenter Challenges to Human Security in 21st Century Recognizing of Rights of the Victims of Climate Change under Public International Law: A Study 16/09/2017 Army Institute of Law, Mohali, Punjab National
57 Seminar Presenter virtual Realities and Emerging Inequalities The right to information Act: ways to make it more effective 24/09/2016 Army Institute of Law, Mohali, punjab National
58 Seminar Presenter Access to justice in India Access to justice for all in India- A step forward 07/11/2015 Army Institute of Law , Mohali National
59 Seminar Presenter The Emerging Issues of Human Rights Role of Judiciary ensuring economic, social and cultural Rights in Indian Context 09/02/2013 Christ University National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 World No Tobacco Day World No-Tobacco Day 2024 31/05/2024 Ramaiah Institute of Legal Studies
2 International Human Rights Day 2023 International Human Rights Day 2023 12/12/2023 ISBR Law College, Bangalore
3 Ethos and Core values of the Indian Constitution Samvidhan Divas 26/11/2021 ISBR LAW COLLEGE ,Electronics City- Phase -1 , Bangalore -560100.
4 Over view of Income tax Lecture 18/11/2020 Ramaiah college of law
5 unborn child and Rule of perpetuity lecture 26/02/2020 Ramaiah college of law


Sl.No. Title Genre Producer Copyrights
1 Fundamental Duties - Part IV A Education CHRIST University
2 Directive Principles of State Policy

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
4 Analysing Arthashastra Constitutionalism and AI Governance: A Comparative Study S ADITYA Christ University April 2023

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Ethics and Values for Teaching Professionals and Administrators Christ Academy Institute of Law International 25/11/2024
2 Building on Best practices:Legal education 5.0 christ University Institutional 11/11/2024
3 Reality: Publishing Insights for Academia christ University Institutional 07/11/2024
4 Regulatory Challenges of Hub and Spoke Cartels Christ Academy Institute of Law 18/10/2024
5 orientation for first year students Ramaiah Institute of legal studies 19/09/2024
6 Legal Aspects of E-commerce: Contemporary Issues and Probable Solutions 2024 School of Law, christ University National 04/09/2024
7 publishing Academic Books Springer Nature Institutional 22/08/2024
8 Privacy in the Western World EIT Digital International 05/07/2024
9 Workshop on e-filing School of Law, christ University Regional 27/06/2024
10 Workshop on Tax Deduction at source School of Law, christ University Regional 27/06/2024
11 AI & Law Lund University International 06/06/2024
12 THREE WEEKS NATIONAL LEVEL ONLINE FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Law Teachers India and DPIIT Chair on IPR, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam National 03/06/2024
13 From courtrooms to code:the Role of AI in Modern law Ramaiah Institute of legal studies 31/05/2024
14 World Tobacco Day 2024 Ramaiah Institute of legal studies 31/05/2024
15 Practical insights into investment and securities markets in India School of Law, christ University Regional 14/03/2024
16 Higher education Leadership institute christ University Institutional 12/01/2024
17 Beyond Boundaries: Through innovative Andragogy to adress student learning needs christ University Institutional 05/12/2023
18 Research Methodology and teaching Pedagogy Christ Academy , Institute of Law, Bengaluru National 21/08/2023
19 Capacity building in research christ University Institutional 17/08/2023
20 Higher Education: A Paradigm shift in Teaching and Learning IILM Law School IILM University, Gurugram National 24/07/2023
21 General principles of offer and acceptance Ramaiah College of Law, Bengaluru 21/06/2023
22 Framework of Research Ethics in India Ramaiah College of Law, Bengaluru 13/12/2022
23 Curriculum Design and Revision Staff college, Christ University Institutional 05/12/2022
24 E-content development programme HRDC,christ university with colaboration with CCD Institutional 21/11/2022
25 E-content development programme HRDC,christ university with colaboration with CCD Institutional 21/11/2022
26 Short Term Course on Basic Civil and Criminal Legal Procedures- A Practical Approach The School of Law, Lovely Professional University Phagwara (Punjab), India National 27/06/2022
27 Online Faculty Development Program on Contemporary Changes in Law Al Azhar Law College, Thodupuzha, Kerala. National 23/05/2022
28 Overview of Income Tax Law in India Ramaiah College of Law 02/04/2022
29 Introduction to Income Tax Department of Commerce, B. P. Sulakhe Commerce College, Barshi National 02/02/2022
30 "Leadership and Innovation in Legal Education" School of Law, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 05/01/2022
31 ISBR Law College for ?Samvidhan Divas? ISBR Law College, Bangalore National 26/11/2021
32 E-Learning in Legal Education: Leadership Strategies School of law , Christ university Institutional 25/08/2021
33 The Promotion and Development of Geographical Indication (GI)ATool for Regional Promotion and Protection of Heritage Centre for IPR Studies (CIPRS), School of Law, Galgotias University in association with GMGC, Pune & Odita Trust, Odisha International 03/07/2021
34 Writing effective research paper Lincoln University. Malaysia International 14/06/2021
35 Constitutional values and Fundamental Rights Amity University, Noida National 07/06/2021
36 Faculty Development Program on IPR Curriculum Development and Pedagogy For Teaching Changing Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights In The Era Of Globalization? Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur National 01/06/2021
37 e Educational Leadership Programme - Towards a Futuristic Legal Education school of law , christ university Institutional 19/05/2021
38 Hybrid Teaching Christ university 02/03/2021
39 Developing future ready legal education school of law, christ university Institutional 11/01/2021
40 How to Publish in Scopus Indexed Journal Gujarat National University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India National 31/10/2020
41 Live Webinar On Understanding The Applicability of Provisions of TCS Under Section 206C (1H), Taxmann National 15/10/2020
42 American Contract Law II Yale University International 01/09/2020
43 Privacy in Europe EIT Digital and offered through Coursera International 22/08/2020
44 Law and vulenrable Karnataka state law university, Karnataka National 18/08/2020
45 What does it mean to identify as Transgender or Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC)? University of Minnesota International 18/08/2020
46 Law and Vulnerable Karnataka University, Bangalore National 18/08/2020
47 SEL for Students: A Path to Social Emotional Well- Being University of Colorado Boulder International 16/08/2020
48 Moral Foundations of Politics Yale University International 15/08/2020
49 Children's Human Rights - An Interdisciplinary Introduction University of Geneva International 10/08/2020
50 "THE CONTEMPORARY ISSUES & CHALLENGES FACED BY MODERN JAMMU & KASHMIR: SOCIO-CULTURAL AND POLITICAL Ministry of Human Resource Development Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching National 10/08/2020
51 Approaches and Challenges to Interdisciplinary Research St. Joseph?s College of Law National 05/08/2020
52 American Contract Law I Yale University International 23/07/2020
53 Gender and Sexuality: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace University of Pittsburgh International 18/07/2020
55 Understanding Research Methods University of London International 21/06/2020
56 Introduction to International Criminal Law Case Western Reserve University International 20/06/2020
57 Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy The University of North Carolina International 17/06/2020
58 Citizenship and the Rule of Law University of London International 14/06/2020
59 Feminism and Social Justice University of California, Santa Cruz International 11/06/2020
60 The Teacher's Social and Emotional Learning University of Colorado International 01/06/2020
61 FDP Centre for Education beyond curriculum, Christ University Institutional 15/05/2020
62 Learning to Teach Online UNSW SYDNEY International 15/05/2020
65 Online Teaching Christ university 22/04/2020
66 Online Teaching CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore 22/04/2020
67 Outcome- Based Pedagogical Practices and Evaluation Techniques Christ university 05/11/2019
68 Access and Benefit sharing and conservation of Biological Diversity national law school of university, Bengaluru National 28/09/2019
69 pedagogie practices and evaluation christ university 20/05/2019
70 curriculum innovation in law christ(deemed to be university ) 21/05/2018
71 pedagogie methods christ university 17/05/2017
72 Faculty Development Program on Philosophy, Law and interpretation of statues School of Law Institutional 05/12/2016
73 Quality development program on Research and Publication School of Law 01/12/2016
74 Research methods and Skills School of Law, Christ university, Banglore Institutional 24/10/2016
75 Legal Research School of Law, Christ university, Banglore Institutional 19/05/2016
76 Rethinking Teaching Learning Pedagogy Rayat Bahra Ropar Campus Rayat College of law Institutional 09/07/2015


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Judge in the moot court competition National Moot Court Competition Ramaiah College of Law, Bengaluru 09 March 2019
2 Examiner an External Evaluator to moderate End Semester marks of the LL.B students (Batch 2022-2025, Semester-I) Dayananda Sagar University (DSU) Innovation Campus Kudlu Gate, Hosur Road Bengaluru 20 March 2023
3 Best Paper award Got Best paper award in International Conference on Eth Dimensions of Advanced Technologies: A Pathway to responsible Innovation KLE Law college Bengaluru 19 November 2023
4 Chief editor of MAGLAW Reviewed and evaluated the articles and selected papers Department of Laws, Panjab University, Chandigarh 20 December 2024
5 Chief Guest From Courtrooms to Code: The role of AI in Modern Law Ramaiah Institute Of Legal Studies 31 May 2024
6 Examiner External examiner for PhD thesis Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded 16 October 2024
7 Best Paper award Best paper presentation award -titled- Judicial Activism and its impact on legal reforms formarginalized communities in India Amity law school, Noida and Jusfocus Research Institute, The Netherlands 10 September 2024
8 Chief Editorial Director at SADA Law Publications Key Responsibilities: As the Chief Editorial Director, you will be responsible for overseeing the editorial direction and strategic planning for Sada Law Publications. Your duties will include, but are not limited to: 1.Leading and mentoring the editorial team. 2. Ensuring high editorial standards and timely publication of legal content. 3. Curating and developing academic and professional materials for publication. 4.Collaborating with legal experts and academics to expand the scope of our pub SADA Law Publications 05 November 2024


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Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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