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Faculty List





Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Seminar Presenter Two-Day National Conference on Environmental Degradation, Social Change, Development and The Youth Analysing The Impact of Environmental Degradation on Youth Mental Health: A Global Perspective Environmental Degradation, Social Change, Development and The Youth 25/04/2024 RGNLU National
2 Conference Presenter Three-Day International Conference on Indian Knowledge System for Sustainable Development in the Contemporary World Implementation of SDG in Indian Legal System 03/01/2024 Sharda University Sharda School of Humanities & Social Sciences International
3 Conference Presenter Two-Day International Multi-disciplinary Conference on Women & Intellectual Property: Accelerating Innovation & Creativity Gender Equality, Diversity, Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights: Legal Representation & Protection of Women Entrepreneurs 26/04/2023 HPNLU National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Understanding the Role of a Psychologist in Legal Settings "Understanding the Role of a Psychologist in Legal Settings" 24/04/2024 Department of Psychology School of Humanities and Social Sciences CHRIST (Deemed-to-be University) Delhi (NCR) Campus
2 The Role of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Reforming India Development ?The Role of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Reforming India Development?. 13/02/2024 School of Sciences, Christ ( Deemed to be University)Delhi NCR
3 National Commission for Women Foundation Day Sankalp se Siddhi 31/01/2024 National Commission for Women
4 Women's Empowerment and Human Rights" "National Girls Child Day Celebration" on 24 January 2024. 24/01/2024 School of Sciences, Christ ( Deemed to be University)Delhi NCR

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 NEP 2020 Orientation & Sensitization Programme (18th July - 28th July, 2024) under Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP) of University Grants Commission(UGC) Mahatma Hansraj Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MH-MMTTC), Hansraj College, University of Delhi National 18/07/2024
2 Collaboration and Respectfulness Christ(Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 03/07/2024
3 Train the Trainers Christ(Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 03/07/2024
4 'Strategic Integration of Digital Innovations and AI in Education, Research, and Professional Development,' Christ(Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 24/06/2024
5 Pedagogy of Law: Techniques, Technology, and Narratives' Christ(Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR National 19/06/2024
6 Two Day Capacity Building Workshop on Learner-Centred Approach Christ(Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 03/05/2024
7 Two Day Capacity Building Workshop on Learner Centred Approach Christ(Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 03/05/2024
8 Web 4.0, Artificial Intelligence and The Legal Profession School of Law, Christ(Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR National 16/01/2024
9 9 Day Empirical Research Workshop for Law Teachers" organised by School of Law from 16-24 January, 2024 School of Law, Christ(Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 16/01/2024
10 "9 Day Empirical Research Workshop for Law Teachers" Christ(Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR National 16/01/2024
11 ?Thinking Outside the Box: Externship for Experiential Learning in Law? from January 08 to 14, 2024. School of Law, Christ(Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 08/01/2024
12 Thinking Outside the Box: Externship for Experiential Learning in Law? Christ(Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR National 08/01/2024
13 Changing Contours of Teaching and Research: Approaches Towards Outcome- Based Legal Education School of Law, Christ(Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 01/07/2023
14 "Tech-Savvy Educators: Embracing Digital Tools for Enhanced Teaching and Learning" Christ(Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 21/06/2023


(Deemed to be University)

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Karnataka, India

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Email: mail@christuniversity.in

Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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