About Us

Faculty List




MTA, MPhil, PhD

Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 The bane of Kodagu The Hindu Business Line Daily 10/09/2018
2 Karnataka must realize its tourism potential Deccan Herald, Editorial Page Daily 15/12/2015
3 What?s The Driver: Quality Of Care Or Cost? Healthcare executive Monthly 15/05/2015
4 Role and Contribution of Medical Tourism toward Indian Economy: A Relative Study of the Prominent Participants in Hospital and Hospitality Medical Tourism Magazine- Destination Branding Biannual 11/06/2013

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Analogy of Social Entrepreneurship and Community Empowerment: An Inclusive Tourism Approach with Technological Intervention Springer International Handbooks of Education International Handbook of Skill, Education, Learning, 01-Oct-2024 1 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Analogy of Social Entrepreneurship and Community Empowerment: An Inclusive Tourism Approach with Technological Intervention
Name of Journal Springer International Handbooks of Education International Handbook of Skill, Education, Learning,
Volume No 1
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-981-99-3895-7_11-1
Date of Publication 01-Oct-2024
2 Synergy Unleashed: Smart Governance, Sustainable Tourism, and the Bioeconomy Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 09-Dec-2023 941 / / 411-419

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Synergy Unleashed: Smart Governance, Sustainable Tourism, and the Bioeconomy
Name of Journal Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Volume No 941
Issue No
Page No 411-419
URL https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-97-1260-1?page=2#toc
Date of Publication 09-Dec-2023
3 Pandemic induced crises in tourism and hospitality - An Indian context GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 22-Nov-2022 44 / / 1389-1396

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Pandemic induced crises in tourism and hospitality - An Indian context
Name of Journal GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
Volume No 44
Issue No
Page No 1389-1396
URL https://doi.org/10.30892/gtg.44425-957
Date of Publication 22-Nov-2022
4 Sustainable Tourism Practices: A Perception of Backwater Tourism Destinations in South Kerala, India GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 11-Nov-2021 38 / 4 / 1232-1238

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Sustainable Tourism Practices: A Perception of Backwater Tourism Destinations in South Kerala, India
Name of Journal GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
Volume No 38
Issue No 4
Page No 1232-1238
URL http://gtg.webhost.uoradea.ro/PDF/GTG-4-2021/gtg.38430-764.pdf
Date of Publication 11-Nov-2021
5 Sinking Houseboats and Swaying Home Stays: Community Resilience and Local Impacts of COVID-19 in Managing Tourism Crisis in Kerala International Journal of Tourism Cities 09-Oct-2021 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Sinking Houseboats and Swaying Home Stays: Community Resilience and Local Impacts of COVID-19 in Managing Tourism Crisis in Kerala
Name of Journal International Journal of Tourism Cities
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/ijtc
Date of Publication 09-Oct-2021
6 Sustainable Tourism Development In The Backwaters Of South Kerala, India: The Local Government Perspective GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 30-Dec-2020 33 / 4 / 1532-1537

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Sustainable Tourism Development In The Backwaters Of South Kerala, India: The Local Government Perspective
Name of Journal GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
Volume No 33
Issue No 4
Page No 1532-1537
URL https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100286463
Date of Publication 30-Dec-2020


Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 Choreographing a Destination?s Tourism Future- Kerala Heading towards Competency-Introspecting Scenario https://draft.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=1570930130521833562&pli=1#editor/target=post;postID=4665331744552087590;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=postname Tourism
2 Karnataka must realize its tourism potential https://draft.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=1570930130521833562#allposts Tourism
3 Coorg: More than Just Coffee and Tourism?Mounting Sustainability Issues https://draft.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=1570930130521833562#allposts Tourism
4 An overview of tourism disasters- Strategies to restore fading out destinations http://bindiv.blogspot.in/ Tourism august 2014

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter 3rd International Conference on Advances in Data driven Computing and Intelligent Systems (ADCIS 2024) Smart Heritage: Leveraging Technology for Cultural Preservation and Sustainable Urban Development in Bangalore, Karnataka 20/09/2024 BITS Pilani, Goa International
2 Conference Presenter INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY FOR COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES Synergy Unleashed: Smart Governance, Sustainable Tourism and The Bio-Economy 08/12/2023 Organised &Managed by Global Knowledge Research Foundation & G R Scholastic LLP International
3 Conference Coordinator Interdisciplinary Engagement and Social Innovations in Business and Tourism in Partnership 05/10/2023 Christ University International
4 Conference Presenter International Conference on Interdisciplinary Engagement and Social Innovations in Business and Tourism Sustainability is Not a Pipe Dream: A Tale of Wastewater Management in the City of Lakes, Udaipur 05/10/2023 Christ University International
5 Conference Presenter Interdisciplinary Engagement and Social Innovations in Business and Tourism The Evolving Paradigms of Smart Tourism: A Systematic Review of Literature 05/10/2023 Christ University International
6 Conference Presenter Interdisciplinary Engagement and Social Innovations in Business and Tourism Sustainable Tourism Transportation: Navigating Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities 05/10/2023 Christ University International
7 Conference Presenter Business Transformation: Best Practices, Lesson Learned and Future Priorities Community Well-Being and Lake Tourism Regeneration: A Multi Stakeholder Perspective 17/02/2023 St Joseph's Institute of Management International
8 Presenter Asian Tourism Research Conference Prospects and Challenges of Green Transportation in Tourism Industry 17/11/2022 Christ University International
9 Conference Presenter Asian Tourism Research Conference Community Well-being and Lake Tourism Regeneration: A Multi- Stakeholder Perspective 17/11/2022 Christ University International
10 Conference Moderator/Chair Asian Tourism Research Conference 17/11/2022 Christ University International
11 Conference Organizer Asian Tourism Research Conference 17/11/2022 Christ University International
12 Conference Presenter Asian Tourism Research Conference Destination Resilience Through Smart Tourism Technologies ? A Conceptual Review 17/11/2022 Christ University International
13 Seminar Participant Legacy of Indian Art &Architecture 24/07/2022 Jyothi Nivas College National
14 Seminar Participant NEP 2020 Academic Accountability- Malpractices in Research 23/06/2022 Jain University International
15 Conference Presenter Renaissance: Challenges & Prospects of New Normal of Life in Various Spheres Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic Era Houseboat Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals: Integrating Local Community of Kumarakom 06/08/2021 Christ University International
16 Conference Presenter Renaissance: Challenges & Prospects of New Normal of Life in Various Spheres Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic Era Strategic responses of the Tourism Sector to Covid 19: A Case Study on the Tour Operations Business in Kerala 06/08/2021 Christ University International
17 Conference Presenter Renaissance: Challenges & Prospects of New Normal of Life in Various Spheres Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic Era Travel and Hospitality Industry: COVID-19 Impacts and Strategic Responses 06/08/2021 Christ University International
18 Conference Presenter Renaissance: Challenges & Prospects of New Normal of Life in Various Spheres Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic Era Eco-friendly transportation in tourism destinations in Karnataka- A conceptual approach 06/08/2021 Christ University International
19 Seminar Participant Effective and Efficient Writing of Research Papers for the Web of Science, Scopus Indexed Journal and Conference Effective and Efficient Writing of Research Papers Papers Using Typeset Research Studio 29/05/2021 Vatel Hotel & Tourism Business School, And Library Resource Centre, Sushant University,Gurugam National
20 Symposium Participant Post-Covid Scenario of Tourism Academia: Strategic Plan for Skill Enhancement 04/07/2020 Jyoti Niwas College International
21 Conference Presenter Synthesize An Empirical Analysis of Smart Tourism Ecosystems for Destination Competitiveness 13/12/2019 Christ University International
22 Conference Presenter Synthesize Emergence of New Tourism - Destination as a Result of Disaster 13/12/2019 Christ University International
23 Conference Moderator/Chair International Conference 07/09/2019 Garden City University International
24 Symposium Keynote Speaker Hospitality Symposium 2019 Digitization and Tourism 18/03/2019 Manipal Welcome Group International
25 Symposium Keynote Speaker Hospitality Symposium 2019 Digitization and Tourism 18/03/2019 Manipal Welcome Group International
26 Conference Co-presenter Synthesize: An International interdisciplinary Conference on Business Studies and Social Sciences 18/12/2018 Christ University International
27 Conference Co-presenter Synthesize: An International interdisciplinary Conference on Business Studies and Social Sciences Loyalty Formation: The Influence of Switching Barriers on customer retention in Luxury Hotels 18/12/2018 Christ University International
28 Seminar Panelist enroute 18 17/09/2018 St Joseph College of Commerce Regional
29 Conference Presenter Synthesize-An Interdiciplinary Conference on Management and Social Sciences A Study on Awareness of Tourists about Folklore and Traditions 10/03/2017 Christ University National
30 Conference Presenter Synthesize-An Interdiciplinary Conference on Management and Social Sciences Community Based Waste Management :Backwater Tourism as a Case Example 10/03/2017 Christ University National
31 Conference Participant International Conference on Asias Tourism Potential: Path to Economic Development". 01/02/2017 Mount Carmel College International
32 Conference Presenter International Conference on Asia?s Tourism Potential: Path to Economic Development". CLIMATE AND DESTINATION CHOICE AMONG TOURISTS IN BENGALURU 01/02/2017 Mount Carmel College International
33 Conference Presenter International Conference on Asias Tourism Potential: Path to Economic Development". FILM INDUCED TOURISM AND ITS INFLUENCE ON HOST COMMUNITIES.? 01/02/2017 Mount Carmel College International
34 Conference Presenter International Standards Conclave Destination Branding Through strategic intervention of Destination Management Organizations: A conducive model for Karnataka? 21/12/2016 CII International
35 Conference Participant Regional Standards Conclave- The Changing Landscape of Standards In The World of Trade 21/12/2016 CII International
36 Conference Presenter Regional Standards Conclave- The Changing Landscape of Standards In The World of Trade Application of Standardized Quality Policy and Quality Assurance of Tourism Products 21/12/2016 CII International
37 Conference Presenter An Incredible Business and Investment Destination? Tourism and Inclusive growth: A Meta-Analysis of Karnataka Tourism Policies modelling Destination Management 19/08/2016 St Joseph College International
38 Conference Participant Enroute - 2016' 08/08/2016 st joseph college National
39 Seminar Participant An Incredible Business and Investment Destination? 18/07/2016 st joseph college International
40 Conference Participant BREXIT- EU, TRADE AND INDIA-AN ECONOMIC PERSPECTIV 08/07/2016 MP Birla Institute of Managemnet And A Southern Economist International
41 Symposium Presenter BREXIT-EU Trade and India-An Economic Perspective The BREXIT Delusion and Ramifications 08/07/2016 MP Birla Institute of Management International
42 Conference Presenter Catholic Higher Education In India: Rethinking Purpose anjd Context Role of Catholic Higher Institutions in Holistic Formation 10/05/2016 Christ University National
43 Conference Participant Catholic Higher Education in India: Rethinking Pur 10/05/2016 Christ University National
44 Conference Presenter Tourism Hospitality and Management- An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Research A study on corporate social responsibility activities of selected five star hotels in Bangalore 04/03/2016 Christ University National
45 Conference Presenter Tourism Hospitality and Management- An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Research A study on the impact of Civil Disturbances on the Brand Image of Kerala Tourism 04/03/2016 Christ University National
46 Conference Presenter Tourism Hospitality and Management- An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Research Perception on cultural tourism- A case study on Bahrain 04/03/2016 Christ University National
47 Conference Presenter Tourism Hospitality and Management- An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Research The perception of local Community towards eco-tourism at Periyar Tiger Reserve in Kerala 04/03/2016 Christ University National
48 Conference Presenter Tourism Hospitality and Management- An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Research Perspective of youth tourists towards tourism destinations in Bengaluru 04/03/2016 Christ University National
49 Conference Presenter Tourism Hospitality and Management- An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Research A study on consumer (travellers) buying behaviour with special reference to souvenirs in Bangalore 04/03/2016 Christ University National
50 Conference Presenter Tourism Hospitality and Management- An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Research A study on Tourism Multiplier effect towards growth in employment and income within Bangalore 04/03/2016 Christ University National
51 Conference Presenter Tourism Hospitality and Management- An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Research Impact of Social Media on the Travel Decision Making Process- A case study of Bengaluru 04/03/2016 Christ University National
52 Conference Presenter Tourism Hospitality and Management- An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Research Role of Homestay: A trend setting in Chhattisgarh tourism 04/03/2016 Christ University National
53 Conference Presenter India Tourism and Entrepreneurship: A Comprehensive analysis of emerging oppurtunities and challenges A Longitudinal study on stakeholder engagement towards destination management: Critical Analysis with Destination Management Organizations 23/02/2016 Christ University National
54 Participant india Tourism & Entrepreneurship: A Comprehensive 23/02/2016 Jyoti Niwas College National
55 Conference Presenter India Tourism Entrepreneurshuip: A comparative analysis of emerging oppurtunities and challnges A Longitudinal Study on Stakeholder Engagement Towards Destination Management Oragnizations 23/02/2016 Christ University National
56 Conference Presenter Qest 2016: Cinematic Tourism in India: Movies as a tool for modern Tourism Martketing Strategic intervention of Destination Management Organizations to enhance competitiveness of tourism destinations- A model for Karnataka?s destination branding 20/02/2016 Garden City College International
57 Seminar Presenter Qest 2016: Cinematic Tourism in India: Movies as a tool for modern Tourism Martketing Film Induced Tourism and destination Development: Synergetic Tourism Analysis 20/02/2016 Garden City College International
58 Conference Presenter Qest 2016: Cinematic Tourism in India: Movies as a tool for modern Tourism Martketing Film Induced Tourism and destination Development: Synergetic Tourism Analysis 20/02/2016 Garden City College International
59 Participant Cinematic Tourism" Movies as a tool for modern tou 20/02/2016 Gardency City College and Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industries- Tourism Committee International
60 Participant Reserach and Publication- Interenal 17/09/2015 Centre for Research and Centre for education beyond curriculam Institutional
61 Symposium Presenter PATA- Youth Symposium HR issues and Challenges: Global Scenario- Round Table Presentation 04/09/2015 PATA & Christ University International
62 Seminar Presenter "Tourism sector in India:Development, Sustainabili Destination Management Organizations Role in Destination Management Practices in Developing and Underdeveloped Nations 04/09/2015 Christ University International
63 Conference Presenter "Tourism sector in India:Development, Sustainabili A study on pull Motivations of Tourist Visiting Bangalore 04/09/2015 Christ University International
64 Conference Participant "Tourism sector in India:Development, Sustainabili 04/09/2015 St Joseph's college of commerce International
65 Participant Responsible Tourism for Sustainable Development ? 25/03/2015 SREE SARASWATHI THYAGARAJA COLLEGE National
66 Conference Presenter Water Cooperation, Conservation and Managemnet Overview on Disaster Management: A Case Study of Uttarakhand 06/08/2013 Christ University National
67 Participant International Conferance 06/08/2013 Jyoti niwas college International
68 Conference Presenter Sustainability-Sucess For Oragnizational Transformation Strategic Intervention of DMO for destination Competitiveness 26/05/2013 Kristu Jyanthi College International
69 Conference Presenter Convergence 2013 Destination Management Oragnization 16/05/2013 IFIM International
70 Conference Presenter Convergence 2012 Role of Wellness Tourism 26/01/2012 IFIM International

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Tourism for Inclusive Growth With Smart Tourism India Tourism @2047 Series 18/05/2024 Chamber for Servie Industry
2 Crafting Careers Prerna - Career Awareness program 03/02/2024 Christ Academy
3 Course and Careers in Hotel and Tourism Management Flagship Training Program 23/05/2022 IC3 Institute and Christ University
4 Courses and Careers in Hotel and Tourism Management Flagship Training Program 31/01/2022 1C3 and Christ University
5 Tourism and Inclusive Growth Voyager 27/09/2021 St Joseph College
6 Promoting Tourism Through Technology Based Entrepreneurship(Re-Innovating The Digital Space For The New Normal) Promoting Tourism Through Technology Based Entrepreneurship 18/07/2020 St. Paul's College
7 Tourism and Digital Transformation World tourism day celebration 28/09/2018 Army Institute of Hotel Management
8 Love for festivals and hate for waste ENROUTE, 2018 17/09/2018 ST. Joseph's College of Commerce
9 Technological Trends and the Future of Travel Enroute- 2017 11/08/2017 St Joseph College
10 Evolving a Comprehensive National Strategy for Standards Sectoral and Regional Inclusiveness 4 th National Standards Conclave 01/05/2017 CII,NABCB, WTO
11 Key performance indicators managerial perspective. 'Creating Experience using technology for Millennial Guest'? 22/02/2017 Army Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Bangalore
12 Tourism For All World Tourism Day 27/09/2016 Army Institute of Hotel Management
13 Strategies to face current scenarios in Tourism Industry Enroute - 2016' 08/08/2016 st. Joseph College
14 Cinematic Tourism In India- Challenges and Issues Quest 2016 20/02/2016 Garden City College
15 Responsible Tourism and destination management Panel discussion 26/03/2015 Sree Saraswathi Tyagaraja College


Sl.No. Title Genre Producer Copyrights
1 Travel and Tourism Management Christ University
2 Travel Consultant Interaction: Joe Joseph, COO, Travel Tours
3 Travel Consultant Interaction: Gabriel santhosh, Senior Manager , SOTC
4 Industry Interaction: Mr Ravichander, Honorary Consulate, Slovania and Chairman & MD, Feedback Consulting
5 Industry Interaction: Mr Arvind Jadav, Chief Secretary, Karnataka State

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Prospects Of Medical Tourism - A Comparative Study Of The Prominent Participants In Hospital And Hospitality Industry In South India Dr.Bhasheer Ahmed Khan Pondicherry Central University June 2012
2 Prospects of Medical Tourism- A Comparative Study of the Prominent Participants in Hospital and Hospitality Industry in South India Dr.K. Eresi Bangalore University

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 Role of Media in enhancing tourism & community based development at unexplored travel destinations Ms. Surya Aravindan Christ University May 2013
2 Role of unorganized tourism establishments in effecting socio-economic patterning of Coorg Shilpa Mathachan Christ University May 2014
3 Destination Cards in Southern Karnataka: A Market Feasibility Study Neha Itty Paul Christ University
4 Cultural Heritage and Tourism- Potentiality in Dhargapuram temple Selva Kumar K Bharthidasan University December 2014
5 Scope of Marketing Local cuisines of Karnataka through Tourism Sabitha Soman Madurai Kamaraj University December 2015
6 Heritage Tourism in Urban Bangalore Arpana Bhatt Christ University
7 A study on the operational risks in international tour operations in Bangalore Ms. Ronita R Christ University
8 Assessing opportunities and constraints of community engagement in Tourism Development at Hampi Ratheesh PT Christ University June 2019
9 Sustainable Tourism Development through Community-Based Waste Management in Backwater Destinations of Kerala EMILDA K JOSEPH Christ University June 2020
12 Sustainable Tourism Development through Community-Based Waste Management in Backwater Destinations of Kerala Sustainable Tourism Development through Community-Based Waste Management in Backwater Destinations of Kerala Sustainable Tourism Development through Community-Based Waste Management in Backwater Destinations of Kerala Sustainable Tourism Development through Community-Based Waste Management in Backwater Destinations of Kerala Emilda K Joseph Christ University July 2021

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Strategic intervention of Destination Management Organisation?s to enhance competitiveness of tourism destinations? A model for Karnataka  Christ university Internal
2 Strategic intervention of destination management organisation's to enhance competitiveness in tourism destination - A model for Karnataka BINDI VARGHESE Internal
3 Paradigms in Destination Management: Redefining Destination Marketing BINDI VARGHESE Internal
4 Inclusive Business Models in Tourism: Conceptualization and A multi-stakeholder approach BINDI VARGHESE, JOSEPH C C Internal

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Engineering for Sustainable Development: Building a Better Tomorrow Emerald Publishing Team International 21/06/2024
2 Demystifying AI and Case Study writing for Business Educators ? Christ University Institutional 01/06/2024
3 Tourism for Inclusive Growth with Smart Tourism CHAMBER FOR SERVICE INDUSTRY National 18/05/2024
4 IC3 INSTITUTE FLAGSHIP PROGRAM FIVE DAY RESIDENTIAL WEEK IC3 and Christ University International 18/03/2024
5 Leadership Workshop Christ University Higher Education Leadership Institute Institutional 14/03/2024
6 "Ecological Surveillance: Policies Praxis and Pedagogies Chamber for Service Industry International 17/10/2023
7 Copyright, Permissions and Author Reuse Sage International 11/10/2023
8 Ethics and Research Integrity SAGE International 20/09/2023
9 Get ready to publish in a Journal Emerald International 30/08/2023
10 Get to know your Emerald journals Emerald International 28/08/2023
11 Get ready to publish your boo Emerald International 23/08/2023
12 Design Development and dElivery of MOOC's Indira Gandhi National Open University National 21/08/2023
13 Becoming a Reviewer Emerald International 09/08/2023
14 Navigating the pathways of publishing in High-quality journals ElSEVIER International 07/08/2023
15 Guidance for Researchers from Lower Income Countries Sage International 19/07/2023
16 Recent Trends in Methodological and Pedagogical Practices Christ University 05/07/2023
17 The Ethnically Diverse Workplace: Experience of Immigrant Indian Professionals in Australia Emerald International 27/06/2023
18 Secure Funding Sage International 21/06/2023
19 Editor's Clinic (NP0105MEN) Emerald International 07/06/2023
21 EMPOWER - Flagship Training Program IC3 and Christ University International 30/01/2023
22 How to Get Published webinar - How to convert a dissertation into a manuscript External Sage Journals International 18/01/2023
23 Environment and Sustainable Development: Interdisciplinary Trends and Practices Christ University NCR Campus International 16/12/2022
24 Faculty Development Program on Curriculum Design and Revision Christ Unievrsity, Staff Development College Institutional 05/12/2022
25 Tri-Junction of Fragility and Vulnerability- The Andaman and Nicobar story Christ University-Nodal Office Institutional 21/10/2022
26 How to write the conclusion, implications, and future directions of your manuscript Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 29/09/2022
27 AI & Service Robots FIIB-Emerald Research Workshop International 27/09/2022
28 Courses and Careers in Hotel Management and Tourise IC3 And Christ University International 26/09/2022
29 Handy tips on how to writethe findings and discussion of your manuscript Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 22/09/2022
30 ?Research Mentoring Programme-2022 Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 15/09/2022
31 How to write an impactful Case Study FORE School of Management and Emerald International 16/08/2022
32 Journal Citation Reports Certificate series 2022 Clarivate International 19/07/2022
33 The Art of Publishing an Academic Book Emerald Publishing International 13/07/2022
34 Faculty Development Program- I Christ University Institutional 06/07/2022
35 Reskilling and Upskilling - A Strategic Response to Changing Skill Demands of Management Education. School of Business and Management 30/05/2022
36 Reskilling and Up-skilling- A Strategic Response to Changing Skill Demands of Management Education Christ University 30/05/2022
37 Flagship Training Program IC3and Christ University National 31/01/2022
38 Writing Impactful Research-?How to identify fake/predatory/cloned journals in academics? Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 05/08/2021
39 Writing Impactful Research-?How to improve article acceptance rate and publish Quicker: A publisher and author?s perspective Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 29/07/2021
40 Writing Impactful Research-Navigating the publishing process in Journals Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 22/07/2021
41 Writing Impactful Research-Elsevier Tools Facilitating Research Writing Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 15/07/2021
42 ?Writing Impactful Research?- ?Understanding the ?Methodology? and ?Sections? for Conceptual Papers? Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University, International 24/06/2021
43 Writing Impactful Research-Understanding Structure and Sections of Empirical Papers Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 17/06/2021
44 Writing Impactful Research-Understanding Sections and Structure of Literature Review Papers Emerald Publishing, Sabaragamuva University of Srilanka, Gulf Medical University International 10/06/2021
45 Writing Impactful Research-?How to select the suitable journal? Emerald Publishing, Sabaragamuva University of Srilanka, Gulf Medical University International 03/06/2021
46 Writing Impactful Research-Rationale for Methodology Selection Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka, Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 27/05/2021
47 Writing Impactful Research-?Literature Review: Fundamentals Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka, Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 20/05/2021
48 Writing Impactful Research- Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka, Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 13/05/2021
49 Writing Impactful Research-Generating Research Question through problematization Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka, Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 13/05/2021
50 Writing Impactful Research-How relevant is the Innovative approach in research for targeting high impact journals Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka, Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 29/04/2021
51 Writing Impactful Research- Putting eggs in a different basket: The rationale and complexities in publishing Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka, Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University International 22/04/2021
52 Hybrid Teaching Christ University 02/03/2021
53 Excellence in Peer Review Peer Review System webinars International 22/10/2020
54 Publishing in top SSCI Journals Emerald Publishing International 07/10/2020
55 Inspiring and Motivating Individuals University of Michigan International 06/05/2020
56 Marketing in a Digital World University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign International 05/05/2020
57 Learning to Teach Online University of New South Wales, Sydney International 26/04/2020
58 International Faculty Development Program Adarsh Group of Institutions International 24/04/2020
59 Online Teaching and Learning Christ University 22/04/2020
60 International Travel Preparation, Safety, & Wellness Johns Hopkins University International 16/04/2020
61 Arts and Heritage Management Università Bocconi International 15/04/2020
62 Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills University of Michigan International 09/04/2020
63 Food & Beverage Management Università Bocconi International 08/04/2020
64 Sustainable Tourism ? promoting environmental public health University of Copenhagen International 03/04/2020
65 Introduction to Philosophy The University of Edinburgh International 03/04/2020
66 The fundamentals of hotel distribution ESSEC Business School International 02/04/2020
67 International Hospitality & Healthcare Services Marketing Yonsei University International 02/04/2020
68 Workshop on Capacity Building for Constructive Alignment United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia International 04/10/2019
69 Curriculam Conclave Welcome Group Manipal Institutional 18/03/2019
70 Phenomenological and Grounded Theory School of Business Studies and Social Sciences Institutional 02/10/2018
71 Case Based Teaching, Writing And Publication Christ University Institutional 11/10/2017
72 Academic Departments Making a Difference:Internationalization,Researchand GRaduate Attributes Christ University Institutional 18/11/2016
73 Structural Equational Modelling Christ University Institutional 22/06/2016
74 Quality Sustenance and Enhancement through Innovation Christ University Institutional 27/05/2016
75 Multidisciplinary Research and Academic Engagement christ univewrsity Institutional 18/05/2016
76 Qualitative Methods in Management and Case Study Applications Christ University Institutional 07/04/2016
77 Transformation through Indigenous Research Excellence in Tourism, Hospitality and Management? Christ University Institutional 01/10/2015
78 Nvivo software CART Institutional 27/02/2015
79 Facilitator Certification Programme in Basic SPSS CART Institutional 01/10/2014
80 Orientation Programme- New Paradigms of Academia Christ University- Academic Staff College 22/04/2013
81 FDP - Introduction to research Department of tourism studies Institutional 19/03/2013
82 Author Workshop Springer and Ednaz Institutional 28/01/2013
83 "Guide to Getting Published"- Emrald Christ University Institutional 17/09/2012


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Board of Studies Member Evaluation of Curriculum and Subject expert for MBA Hospitality Course Ramaiah Institute 04 November 2016
2 Board of Studies Member Evaluation of Curriculum and Subject expert for Bcom Tourism Indian Academy 09 November 2016
3 Mooc Course Crafting an effective writer:Tools of The Trade(Fundamental English Writings) St. Jacinto College (online) 25 February 2015
4 In Recognition of publication journal of Investment Management Christ University 05 July 2013
5 In Recognition of publication journal of Investment Management Christ University 08 September 2016
6 In Recognition of publication American Journal of Industrial and Business Management Christ University 09 March 2016
7 Facilitators Certification Programme in Basic SPSS Course Completion Trainer Certificate Christ university, 01 October 2013
8 Doctoral Committee Member Doctoral Committee Member for subject expertise Garden City University 04 December 2019
9 Coursera IESE Business School University of Navarra 04 July 2024
10 Coursera University of California, Davis 10 July 2024
11 Growth Mindset - Coursera University of California, Davis 13 July 2024
12 Growth Mindset-Coursera University of California, Davis 13 July 2024
13 Critical Thinking Skills-Coursera University of California, Davis 13 July 2024
14 Introduction to Social Media Marketing- Coursera Meta 22 July 2024
15 Emotional and Social Inteligence University of California Davis 10 July 2024
16 Adaptability and Resiliency University of California, Davis 14 July 2024
17 Professional Skills for the workplace- Coursera University of California, Davis 14 July 2024
18 Social Media Management- Coursera Meta 26 July 2024
19 Best Collaborative Reserach Award Honoring Exceptional Research Achievements Christ University 05 September 2024


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Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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