Faculty Publications

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Chandan Kumar Discourse Of Dissent: Languaging Resistance And Consciousness In Subaltern Literatures - Dalit And Black Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT / 12 / 2 / 144 - 166 2534-9538

2 Dhanesh M Imagined utopias and lived dystopias: Literary imagination of the urban future in The Black Dwarves of the Good Little Bay Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences (journal) / 15 / 2 (29) / - 2069-1025

3 Dhanesh M Wounded-Breast Stories: Re-Inking Lactating Woman as an Immutable Abject Self in Select Tribal Folktales Erothanatos / 8 / 4 / - 2457-0265

4 Dhanesh M Hegemony of the Visual Question of Disability, Inclusivity, and Justice in 'Neru' ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY / 60 / 8 / - 2349-8846

5 Muskaan Adaptive Pixel Resilience: A Novel Defence Mechanism Against One-Pixel Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology / 12 / VII / 473 - 479 2321-9653

6 Nayana George Identities At The Dinner Table: Commensality, Self-Perception, And Relationships In Anne Cherian?S A Good Indian Wife Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT / 12 / 3 / 154 - 169 2534-9538

7 Nivea Thomas K Discourse Of Dissent: Languaging Resistance And Consciousness In Subaltern Literatures - Dalit And Black Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT / 12 / 2 / 144 - 166 2534-9538

8 Rajat Sebastian Politics of Symbolising Female Characters in Paulo Coelho's By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / / / - 0975-2935

9 Renu Elizabeth Abraham Soap Fans And Fandoms In Academia: The Politics Of Marginalization Journal of the School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies / 26 / 6 / 158 - 165 0972-9682

10 Arya P V Cultivating Inclusivity in Social Spaces Economic and Political Weekly / 58 / 27 / - 0012-9976

11 Chandan Kumar Echo Construction and Ad hoc Categories: Semantics of Group Reference in Magahi Rupkatha Journal / 15 / 2 / 1 - 16 0975-2935

12 Chandan Kumar Numeral Classifier and Plurality: The Puzzle of Quantification in Magahi Journal of South Asian Linguistics / 13 / 1 / 1 - 16 1947-8232

13 Dhanesh M The Prison Within: Analysing the Intersection of the Subject and the Social in Barindra Kumar Ghose?s The Tale of My Exile: Twelve Years in the Andamans Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics / 46 / 2 / 39 - 45 0252-8169

14 Dhanesh M The Prison Within: Analysing the Intersection of the Subject and the Social in Barindra Kumar Ghose?s The Tale of My Exile: Twelve Years in the Andamans Journal Of Comparative Literature And Aesthetics / 46 / 2 / 39 - 45 0252-8169

15 Meghna Mudaliar Slow Violence in Vikram Chandra?s Sacred Games: An Ecocritical Reading Sic Journal of Literature, Culture, and Literary Translation / 13 / 2 / 1 - 12 1847-7755

16 Nivea Thomas K The Prison Within: Analysing the Intersection of the Subject and the Social in Barindra Kumar Ghose?s The Tale of My Exile: Twelve Years in the Andamans Journal Of Comparative Literature And Aesthetics / 46 / 2 / 39 - 45 0252-8169

17 Nivea Thomas K The Prison Within: Analysing the Intersection of the Subject and the Social in Barindra Kumar Ghose?s The Tale of My Exile: Twelve Years in the Andamans Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics / 46 / 2 / 39 - 45 0252-8169

18 Rajat Sebastian Changing Ways of Watching Content: But Has Anything Changed? Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) / 53 / 28 / 111 - 112 0012-9976

19 Rajat Sebastian Rethinking Fate or 'Maktub' in Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist through Taoism Cogent Arts and Humanities / 10 / 1 / 1 - 10 2331-1983

20 Rajat Sebastian Literary Symbolism of Wolf and its Howl in Paulo Coelho's The Devil and Miss Prym Literary Voice / 1 / 21 / 169 - 175 2277-4521

21 Rajat Sebastian Redefining Photography in the Era of Artificial Intelligence Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) / 58 / 42 / 64 - 65 0012-9976

22 Santosh Kumar Aging Bodies and Necropower: A Critical Study of Geronticide in Tamil Films K.D. and Thalaikoothal SIC Journal of Literature, Culture, Literary Translation / 14 / 1 / - 1847-7755

23 Vidya S Cinema of Uttarakhand Economic and Political Weekly / 58 / 43 / 4 - 5 0012-9976

24 Arundhathi Gender-based Spatial Segregation: Ladies' Compartments in the Mumbai Local Trains Gender, Place & Culture / NA / NA / 1 - 21 1360-0524

25 Arundhathi Travel time activities: Mobility and femininities in the ladies' compartments of the Mumbai local trains Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory / 12 / 2 / 565 - 579 2049-1115

26 Arya P V Towards Inclusivity within Knowledge and Culture Economic and Political Weekly / 58 / 21 / - 0012-9976

27 Arya P V Task-based Autoethnographic Pedagogical Approach: a phenomenological inquiry into online learning of Critical Food Studies courses Asia Pacific Education Review / / / - 1598-1037

28 Arya S Geography of madness: communitarian psychiatry and spatial logic in The Third Population Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics / 14 / 6 / 890 - 906 2150-4865

29 Dishari Chattaraj Forbidden Cravings: Exploring socio-cultural ramifications of food practices in Aamis Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / / 2 / - 0975-2935

30 Dishari Chattaraj Task-based Autoethnographic Pedagogical Approach: a phenomenological inquiry into online learning of Critical Food Studies courses Asia Pacific Education Review / / / - 1598-1037

31 Kekhronguu Dazo Personhood in Naga Culture Journal of North East India Studies (JNEIS) / 10 / 2 / 28 - 49 2278-1455

32 Kekhronguu Dazo "Identity, Memory and Temporal Experience in Amitav Ghosh?s Gun Island" Routledge / / / - yet to receive

33 Kekhronguu Dazo Temporality and Personhood Among Nagas of Northeast India Himalayan and Central Asian Studies / 27:2 / / - 0971-9318

34 Meghna Mudaliar Ecocritical Representation of Karen Identity in the Andaman Islands in Shubhangi Swarup?s Latitudes of Longing Agathos / 14 / 1/2 / 181 - 190 2069-1025

35 Nayana George Identity in Consumption: Reading Food and Intersectionality in Anita Desai?s Fasting, Feasting Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 14 / 2 / 1 - 10 0975-2935

36 Nayana George Commensality and Togetherness in Becky Chambers The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies / 32 / 2 / 621 - 633 1304-0057

37 Nayana George Race and Borders in Marvel Studios The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences / 14 / 1 / 127 - 138 2069-1025

38 Nayana George Exploring Cross-cultural Comfort Food Narratives in Beryl Shereshewsky's YouTube Videos Journal of Creative Communications / / / 1 - 14 0973-2594

39 Nayana George The Preserver, The Arbiter, The Destroyer: The Sea as Adjudicator in Chemmeen Towards Excellence / 14 / 4 / 921 - 926 0974-035X

40 Rajat Sebastian Relevance of Symbols in Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist Rupkatha Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / / / 1 - 11 0975-2935

41 Rajat Sebastian Literary Symbolism of Mountain in Paulo Coelho's The Fifth Mountain Literary Voice / 1 / 18 / 279 - 284 2277-4521

42 Rajat Sebastian Villains and Their 'Logic' in Contemporary Films Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) / 53 / 4 / 63 - 64 0012-9976

43 Rajat Sebastian Race and Borders in Marvel Studios The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences / 14 / 1 / 127 - 138 2069-1025

44 Santosh Kumar Disability Discourse in Hindi Literature:A Review of Jeevan Sangram ke Yoddha: Divyang Patron ki Prasiddh Kahaniyan, edited and collected by Sandhya Kumari Indian Journal of Critical Disability Studies / 2 / 1 / 72 - 76

45 Sreelakshmi K M "Identity, Memory and Temporal Experience in Amitav Ghosh?s Gun Island" Routledge / / / - yet to receive

46 Yadukrishnan P T Labour migration, the Arabian Gulf, and the expanding territorial imagination in Malayalam cinema The Journal of Commonwealth Literature / 58 / 1 / 52 - 67 0021-9894

47 Arya P V The mobility paradigm in higher education: a phenomenological study on the shift in learning space Smart Learning Environment / 8 / / 1 - 24 2196-7091

48 Arya P V What is Remembered in Pandemic: A Commentary on the Mediated Memories of Piety in COVID-19 Society / / / 1 - 7 1936-4725

49 Arya S On graphic mental illness narratives: an interview with Clem Martini, Tatiana Gill and Tyler Page Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics / 13 / 6 / 988 - 999 2150-4865

50 Arya S Critique of DSM, medicalisation and graphic medicine Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics / 14 / 2 / 233 - 247 2150-4865

51 Arya S ?Fog of Medication?: psychiatric drugs, neurochemical selves, and graphic medicine Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics / 14 / 5 / 681 - 696 2150-4865

52 Chandan Kumar Multiple determiners in Magahi: A case beyond Agreement Indian Journal of Language and Lingusitics / 3 / 1 / 32 - 45 2582-9726

53 Chandan Kumar Multiple Determiners in Magahi: DP Structure and the Complex N Linguistics and Literature Studies / 10 / 2 / 11 - 24 2331-642X, 2331-6438

54 Dishari Chattaraj The mobility paradigm in higher education: a phenomenological study on the shift in learning space Smart Learning Environment / 8 / / 1 - 24 2196-7091

55 Dishari Chattaraj What is Remembered in Pandemic: A Commentary on the Mediated Memories of Piety in COVID-19 Society / / / 1 - 7 1936-4725

56 Gaana J Affective Geographies and the Anthropocene: Reading Shubhangi Swarup's Latitudes of Longing Journal of Dharma / 46 / 2 / 165 - 182 0253-7222

57 Nayana George Art and its Interpretation Economic and Political Weekly / 56 / 43 / 4 - 5 0012-9976

58 Nayana George Consuming Identities in Foodways Economic and Political Weekly / 57 / 16 / 65 - 66 0012-9976

59 Nayana George The Instability of the World: The Examination of Paranoia and Conspiracy in The Crying of Lot 49 IUP Journal of English Studies / 16 / 4 / 59 - 67 0973-3728

60 Nayana George John Ashbery?s Poetics of Indeterminacy: Reading Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror and As We Know Drishti: the Sight / 10 / 2 / 212 - 216 2319-8281

61 Nayana George English Textbook Analysis: Secondary Language Perspective from the Kerala State Board Towards Excellence / 14 / 1 / 410 - 416 0974-035X

62 Nayana George Memories of Trips and Tea: Sips of Remembrance in Rishad Saam Mehta's Hot Tea Across India Literary Voice / 1 / 17 / 194 - 200 2277-4521

63 Rajat Sebastian "One World One People": Post-Truth Politics and Rebellion in Marvel?s The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Literary Voice / 2 / 13 / 314 - 319 2277-4521

64 Rashmi Sawhney Filmic Afterlives: Considerations on the Uncanny India International Centre Quarterly / 47 / 3 & 4 / - 0379-9771

65 Renu Elizabeth Abraham Agency and Self Expression: Fan Writing as Life Writing Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 13 / 2 / 1 - 13 0975-2935

66 Renu Elizabeth Abraham Acculturation and Holistic Development in Children in India: Educative Possibilities of Children?s Edutainment Magazines in English New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship / / / 1 - 17 1740-7885

67 Renu Elizabeth Abraham The Politics of Cultural Homogenization and Territorialization: An Analysis of the Representation of the Northeast in Tinkle?s Wing Star Series Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 14 / 2 / - 0975-2935

68 Santosh Kumar Book review: RESISTANCE or misguided beliefs of invincibility Research and Humanities in Medical Education (RHiME) / 9 / / 4 - 6 2350-0565

69 Arya P V Rhetorics in/of English Language Education in India: A Case of Digital Natives in Higher Education Programs The Journal of English as an International Language / 15 / 2 / 1 - 26 2200-2014

70 Arya P V Why learning space matters: a script approach to the phenomena of learning in the emergency remote learning scenario Journal of Computers in Education / / / - 2197-9987

71 Arya S Sequential sadness: Metaphors of depression in clay jonathan?s depression comix Media Watch / 12 / 1 / 33 - 45 0976-0911

72 Arya S Eye of the beholder': Psychiatric medical reasoning, narrative humility, and graphic medicine Rupkatha / 13 / 2 / 1 - 13 NA

73 Dhanesh M Spaces, Semantics, and ?Aesthetic Faculty?: Perspectives on Their Operative Plane of Concurrence, Constitution and Becoming SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJELLH / 9 / 3 / 135 - 157 2582-3574

74 Dhanesh M Performance-Narrative-Truth: On the Performativity of Life and the Problematics of News in the Late Capitalism Era Littcrit / / / - 0970-8049

75 Dishari Chattaraj Rhetorics in/of English Language Education in India: A Case of Digital Natives in Higher Education Programs The Journal of English as an International Language / 15 / 2 / 1 - 26 2200-2014

76 Dishari Chattaraj Why learning space matters: a script approach to the phenomena of learning in the emergency remote learning scenario Journal of Computers in Education / / / - 2197-9987

77 Dishari Chattaraj Rhetorics in/of English Language Education in India: A Case of Digital Natives in Higher Education Programs The Journal of English as an International Language / 15 / 2 / 1 - 26 2200-2014

78 Dishari Chattaraj Why learning space matters: a script approach to the phenomena of learning in the emergency remote learning scenario Journal of Computers in Education / / / - 2197-9987

79 Gaana J 'Amphibious Hisotriography': Reading Samanth Subramanian's Following Fish: Travels around the Indian Coast (2010) through the Actor-Network Theory Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 12 / 3 / 252 - 262 0975-2935

80 Gaana J At the Interface of Colonial Knowing and Unknowing: A Critical Reading of the Golden Camellia in Amitav Ghosh?s River of Smoke South Asian Review / / / 1 - 13 2573-9476

81 Gaana J 'Kew'rious Gardens: Of Literary Isolations, Mobility, and Curiosity in Virginia Woolf's "Kew Gardens" Literary Geographies / 6 / 2 (2020) / 165 - 171 2397-1797

82 Gaana J The Interstitial Representation of Militaristic Masculinity in Amitav Ghosh's 'Flood of Fire' Frame Journal of Literary Studies / 33 / 2 / 165 - 171 0924-7750

83 Rashmi Sawhney Women at Work: The Cultural and Creative Industries Studies in South Asian Film and media / / 11, 2 / - 1756-493X, 1756-4921

84 Rashmi Sawhney Escaping the Future Economic and Political Weekly / 55 / 39 / - 2349-8846, 0012-9976

85 Santosh Kumar Limelight in the Dark Times: Jyoti Kumari's 'Cylothon' Economic and Political Weekly / 55 / 35 / 73 - 74 0012-9976

86 Santosh Kumar Introduction: Inaugural Issue of InJCDS 2020 Indian Journal of Critical Disability Studies / 1 / 1 / 2 - 11

87 Sonia Ghalian Book Review: Indian Film Stars, edited by Michael Lawrence ( Publisher: British Film Institute) SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English / 58 / 1 / - 0127-046X

88 Anagha Biju unveiling Trauma and Experiences of Disability through Cartoons and diary Writing in "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian" Research Journey / / 243 / 20 - 24 2348-7143

89 Chandan Kumar NP/DP Parameter and Classifier Languages: A Case of Magahi The Journal of Indian and Asian Studies / 1 / 1 / - 2717-5413

90 Devaleena Kundu Transacting Death: José Saramago?s Death at Intervals and the Politics of the Death Industry THANATOS / 8 2/2019 / / 203 - 216 2242-6280

91 Devaleena Kundu Churching Online: A Study on Religious Authority and Tourism in a Digital Age Atna - Journal of Tourism Studies / 14 / 1 / 47 - 81 0975-3281

92 Dhanesh M Towards the New Paradigm of Existence, Human to Posthuman: Reflections on Subash Chandran?s A Preface to Man. SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJELLH, / 8 / 1 / 203 - 211 2582-3574

93 Dishari Chattaraj Strategies for Facilitating Listening Skills among Foreign Language Learners in US Universities International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research / 19 / 4 / 150 - 169 1694-2116

94 Gaana J Editorial Artha-Journal of Social Sciences / 18 / 3 / - 0975-329X

95 Meghna Mudaliar Rethinking Romanticism: Frankenstein, The X-Files, and the Postmodern Prometheus Literary Endeavour / X / 3 / 291 - 298 0976-299X

96 Meghna Mudaliar Innovations in Teaching-Learning and Evaluation: An Overview of Processes Undertaken at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology / XI / XII / 797 - 807 1006-7930

97 Rajat Sebastian Women and Action: The Representation of Hollywood Superhuman Film Wonder Woman Labyrinth / 10 / 3 / 135 - 144 0976-0814

98 Rashmi Sawhney Decolonising Cultural Studies Artha: Journal of Social Sciences / 18 / 3 / 25 - 42 0975-329X

99 Santosh Kumar Book Review: Disability and Mothering: Liminal Spaces of Embodied Knowledge. Cynthia Lewiechi-Wilson and Jen Cellio (Eds.) Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2011. Peace Prints: South Asian Journal of Peacebuilding (Gender and Disability) / 5 / 1 / - 2582-7871

100 Chandan Kumar The Negative Particle na/ne and non-Negation in Magahi Journal of South Asian Studies / 24 / 2 / 89 - 128 1598-1061

101 Dhanesh M On the Politics of Trauma and the Politics of Affect: Theorising the Strategy of Post-Truth Politics (International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities / 6 / 12 / 1537 - 1548 2321-7065

102 Dhanesh M Difference/Multiplicity/Resistance: On the Nature of Subaltern Studies GNOSIS / 5 / 2 / 142 - 150 2394-0131

103 Gaana J A History of the Future: Time-Travel, Technology, Dystopia, and Postcolonial Anxiety in Vandana Singh's 'Delhi' Artha- Journal of Social Sciences / 17 / 3 / 73 - 97 0975-329X

104 Meghna Mudaliar Anthony Minghella and Madama Butterfly: A Conversation with Sir Mark Elder Libri: Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation. / 7 / 1 / 24 - 28 2068-0627

105 Meghna Mudaliar "Now that's The Music Talking": Musical Narratology, Fetishistic Emblems And Authentic Self-Representation in Anthony Minghella's The Talented Mr Ripley IJELLH (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) / 7 / 4 / 341 - 359 2321-7065

106 Rashmi Sawhney Editorial: Trajectories of the Moving Image in South Asia Moving Image Review and Arts Journal / 7 / 2 / 191 - 201

107 Rashmi Sawhney Shadowing the Image Archive: In Media Res, Inside Nalini Malani's Shadow Plays Moving Image Review and Arts Journal / 7 / 2 / 324 - 334 2045-6298

108 Rashmi Sawhney Experimenta: Instigating a Counter-Cultural Film Platform in Bangalore. Shai Heredia in Conversation with Rashmi Sawhney. Moving Image Review and Arts Journal / 7 / 2 / 286 - 297 2045-6298, 2045-6301

109 Sucheth P R Bhashaasangarshangalum Sahithyavum Raashtranthareeya Parisarangalil? (?Linguistic Conflicts and Literature in Transnational Contexts Malayala Pachcha / 1 / 8 / 220 - 233

110 Chandan Kumar Plurality in Magahi language and reference to count/mass noun Language in India / 18 / 3 / 67 - 85 1930-2940

111 Chandan Kumar Location of identity in language contact and replacement: A case of Hindiized Magahi and Magahi Language in India / 17 / 11 / 60 - 79 1930-2940

112 Chandan Kumar Noun Particle /-wa/: A definite bare classifier in Magahi Interdisciplinary journal of Linguistics / 11 / / 166 - 186 0974-3421

113 Chandan Kumar Structure of Relative clause: A comparative study of Hindi and Magahi Aligarh Journal of Linguistics / 7 / 2 / 155 - 172 2249-1511

114 Dhanesh M I in the Eye: Situating Narcissistic Drive in a Sociology of Functional Governance The Creative Launcher / 3 / 1 / 526 - 530 2455-6580

115 Dhanesh M Imagining Post-Nation: Role of Technology, Discursive Practices and Popular Media. International Journal of English Lanugage Literature and Humanities-IJELLH / 5 / 12 / 2 - 10 2321-7065

116 Sucheth P R The Evolution of the Aesthetics of Migration Literature: A Historical Mapping Research Journal of English Language and Literature: A Peer Reviewed International Journal / 5 / 3 / 631 - 637 2395-2636, 2321-3108

117 Sucheth P R Problematisation of Ethnicity in Indian Novels in English in the Era of Transnationalism Journal of Higher Education & Research Society A Refereed International / 6 / 1 / 703 - 711 2349-0209

118 Vidya S Growing Number of Sexual Violence against Women in Kerala The Criterion: An International Journal in English / 9 / 1 / 239 - 245 0976-8165

119 Chandan Kumar Particle 'wa' and its various linguistics and sociolinguistics implication in Magahi Interdisciplinary journal of Linguistics / 9 / / 150162 - 0974-3421

120 Gaana J Orality and the Archive: Teaching the Partition of India through Oral Histories Radical Teacher / 105 (2016) / / 44 - 53 1941-0832

121 Gaana J Narrativising an English Department Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 15 / 38 / 41 - 65 0975-329X

122 Meghna Mudaliar The Gendered Self and the Invention of the Kashmiri Identity in "I, Lalla" The Quint: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly from the North / 8 / 3 / 225 - 235 1920-1028

123 Santosh Kumar Gilchrist's Grammar: A Tool of Colonialism Indian Linguistics / 76 / 3-4 / 57 - 70 0378-0759

124 Santosh Kumar An Interview with Prof Anita Ghai Language and Language Teaching / 5 / 10 / 46 - 52 2277-307X

125 Shaheen Ebrahimkutty A V Life behind the locked door: The Feminine Psyche in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things IEAE DIGITAL LIBRARY / Kadambari12 / Kadambari12 / 1 - 3

126 Surya Kiran Animals in Life of Pi and the Ethics of Othering Indian Journal of Postcolonial Literatures / / / 43 - 51 0974-7370

127 Surya Kiran The Politics of Space in A Fine Balance The Criterion: An International Journal In English / / 8 / 404 - 415 0976-8165

128 Vidya S The Protesting Lens: Elements of Third Cinema in Abbas Kiarostami's Ten Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) / 4 / 3 / 578 - 581 2395-2636, 2321-3108

129 Dhanesh M Power and the Dialectics of Appropriation: An Analysis of Power Operations in the World of Micros. Singularities / 3 / 1 / 135 - 140 2348-3369

130 Surya Kiran Social Control and Formation of Dystopias in Ballardian Short Stories Singularities / / / 186 - 192 2348-3369

131 Vidya S Children in Iranian Cinema Witness: The Analytical Journal of India / 16 / 04 / 18 - 19 2277-8918

132 Dhanesh M The Old Wine in New Bottles?: An Evaluation of Contemporary Discourses and Their Creation of Gendered Spaces. International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities / 2 / 9 / 48 - 59 2321-7065

133 Vidya S Role of Women in Iranian Cinema English Activities Update / 5 / 2 / 81 - 87 0976-3643

134 Gaana J Visual Culture, Spectatorship and Humanitarian Disaster: "Vanni Eli" and the Representation of the Sri Lankan Civil War SAGE Journal of Creative Communication / 7 / 1 & 2 / 121 - 134 0973-2586

135 Gaana J Ec(h)o-narrating Stories: Ecological Thought and Metanarrativity in Folktales Journal of Dharma / 39 (1) / 1 / 71 - 84 0253-7222

136 Gaana J Borders of the Abject: Gender, Transgression and Subjectivity in the Poetry of Imthiaz Dharker Literaria / 1 / 1 / 85 - 102 2229-4600

Sl.No. Author/Co-Author Type of Work Title of the Paper Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study ISSN Academic Year
1 DHANESH M (3188) Reference book O. V. Vijayan: The Critical Insider (1st Edition) Orality, Literacy, and Modernity: A Reading of 'The Legends of Khasak' 9780367715748 2024
2 VIDYA SASIKUMAR Reference book Gender Voices: Narratives of New Dimensions (A Multidisciplinary Approach) Jafar Panahis Cinematic Resistance: Embracing the Spirit of Third Cinema in the Circle and Beyond ISBN: 978-93-6389-473-0 2024
3 DHANESH M (3188) Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the CUNY Games Conference 10.0 Playing it out: Imagining Urban Studies Course through Gamified Learning Experiences 2024
4 DHANESH M (3188) Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Populism and Digital Public Spaces 978-981-16-9859-0 2024
5 DHANESH M (3188) Reference book Oxford Bibliographies Online Black Atlantic 2024
6 SUCHETH P R (3149) Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Populism and Museums 978-981-16-9859-0(Print) 978-981-16-9859-0(Onlin 2024
7 MEGHNA MUDALIAR (1617) Reference book Teaching Black Speculative Fiction: Equity, Justice, and Antiracism Reading and Engaging with Kacen Callender's Moonflower through Intersectional Pedagogies 100339129X 2024
8 SUCHETH P R (3149) Reference book Aesthetics of Contemporary Travel Writing 978-93-93052-46-9 2024
9 RENU ELIZABETH ABRAHAM (604) Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Digital Archives: The Politics of Everyday and the Ordinary 978-981-16-9859-0 2024
10 MUSKAAN Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Between Populist Rhetoric: Linguistic Ingenuity and Mirage of Progress eBook ISBN 978-981-99-7802-1, Hardcover ISBN 978-9 2024
11 CHANDAN KUMAR,NIVEA THOMAS K,JOSEPH C C,MADHUMATI DESHPANDE,PAUL HONG Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Populism and Folk Performance 978-981-16-9859-0 2024
12 KEKHRONGUU DAZO,SREELAKSHMI KM,JOSEPH C C,MADHUMATI DESHPANDE,PAUL HONG, UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO, USA Text book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Populism, Democracy and Dissent 978-981-16-9859-0 2023
13 YADUKRISHNAN P T,VIDYA S,J. CHACKO CHENNATTUSERRY ET AL. (EDS.) Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Populist Imaginations in Contemporary Malayalam Cinema 978-981-16-9859-0 2023
14 VIDYA S 2592 Reference book Changing Trends in Indian Cinema: Critical Responses and Reflections Fear as Aesthetic Discourse: A Study of Pandemic-period Malayalam Cinema 978-93-95949-65-1 2023
15 SUCHETH P R (3149) Text book Introduction to Literary Genres II: Prose and Fiction Introduction to Novel-2: 20th Century English Novel 978-81-966440-1-7 2023
16 ANAGHA BIJU (3164) Reference book Gender, Sexuality, and Indian Cinema: Queer Visuals Translating Verbal and Visual Languages in Tandem: The Indeterminate Position of Gendered Identity in the film Vaisali 1-5275-1217-7 2023
17 ARYA P V,DISHARI CHATTARAJ,PRADHAN, U ; VALENTIN, K; GUPTA, M Reference book Rethinking Education In The Context Of Post-Pandemic South Asia A Phenomenological Inquiry into Learners' Experience of Consonance and Dissonance during the Pandemic in India: Learning in the Time of Crises 978-1-032-36566-4 2023
18 SUCHETH P R (3149) Reference book Understanding Transnational Subjectivity 978-93-93052-18-6 2023
19 MEGHNA MUDALIAR (1617) Reference book Urban Poetics and Politics in Contemporary South Asia and the Middle East Where Do Old Birds Go to Die? Queer Environmental Geographies and Liminal Spaces in Arundhati Roy?s The Ministry of Utmost Happiness 9781668466506 2023
20 ABHISEK GHOSAL (3767) Reference book Plasti(e)cological Thinking: Working out an (Infra)structural Geoerotics 978-1-64889-596-8 2023
21 NAYANA GEORGE (4021) Reference book Voicing the Voiceless: Literary Representations of the Gendered Subalterns A Reflection of the Inner Woman: A Feminist and Psychoanalytic Reading of Jane Eyre 978-93-5529-240-7 2022
22 RASHMI SAWHNEY Reference book The Vanishing Point: Moving Images After Video 978-81-947175-8-4 2022
23 MEGHNA MUDALIAR,SHREYASHI SARKAR,DOUGLAS VAKOCH,NICOLE ANAE Reference book Indian Feminist Ecocriticism Conceptualizing a Queer Ecopoetics: The Politics of Intersectionality in the Postcolonial Era 978-1-66690-871-8 2022
24 RASHMI SAWHNEY Reference book The Vanishing Point: Moving Images After Video 978-81-945348 2022
25 RENU ELIZABETH ABRAHAM,THE TEXTBOOK COMMITTEE Text book Optional English Textbook Unit 1: Essays 2022
26 RASHMI SAWHNEY (2676) Reference book 20th Century Indian Art Between Screen and Gallery 978-0-500-02332-7 2021
27 ABHISHEK CHATTERJEE (3271) Reference book Transnational Railway Cultures: Trains in Music, Literature, Film & Art Literary Railway Bazaars: Transnational Discourses of Difference and Nostalgia in Contemporary India 978-1-78920-918-1 2021
28 MEGHNA MUDALIAR (1617) Reference book Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits Reading Anne of Green Gables in the Twenty-First Century: Anne with an E and Queer Ecofeminist Fanfiction 9781527572034 2021
29 MEGHNA MUDALIAR (1617) Reference book Ecofeminist Science Fiction: International Perspectives on Gender, Ecology, and Literature Queering Doctor Who and Supernatural: An Ecofeminist Response to Bill Potts and Charlie Bradbury 9780367716417 2021
30 GAANA J Reference book Indian Travel Writing 'AmphibiousHistoriography: Reading Samanth Subramanian's Following Fish: Travels Around the Indian Coast through Actor-Network Theory 978-93-82178-33-0 2021
31 RASHMI SAWHNEY Reference book Industrial Networks and Cinemas of India: Shooting Stars, Shifting Geographies, Multiplying Media Fatma Begum, South Asia's First Female Director 9780367344719 2020
32 RAJAT SEBASTIAN (4162) Reference book As Still as Water 1636339778 2020
33 DISHARI CHATTARAJ Reference book Trends in Applied Linguistics and Language in Use Productive Skill Related Strategy Use: A Case Study of EAP Students 978-81-946499-9-1 2020
34 ARYA P V Reference book Post Independence Indian Theatres: Critical Perspectives The Angst of Human Existence: Metamorphic World in Girish Karnad's Plays 978-93-87945-85-2 2020
35 MEGHNA MUDALIAR Reference book Post Independence Indian Theatres: Critical Perspectives '"We Don't Make Tea in this House": Food, Performativity, and Gender in Mahesh Dattani?s Dance Like a Man' 9789387945852 2020
36 RASHMI SAWHNEY Reference book International Encyclopaedia of Gender, media and Communications Researching Women's Film History 9781119429104 2020
37 RASHMI SAWHNEY,KAREN ROSS Reference book International Encyclopaedia of Gender, media and Communications Researching Women's Television History 9781119429104 2020
38 SONIA GHALIAN Text book Asian Children?s Literature and Film in a Global Age In the Shadows: Tracing Children and Childhood in Indian Cinema 978-981-15-2630-5 2020
39 DEVALEENA KUNDU Reference book Death in Contemporary Popular Culture The aesthetics of corpses in popular culture 978-0-367-18585-5 2020
40 RAJAT SEBASTIAN (4162) Reference book Glass Ceiling and Ambivalent Sexism: Critical Perspectives of Gender Trouble Women and Action: The Representation of Hollywood Superhuman Films 9789388797672 2019
41 SONIA GHALIAN Text book In Palgrave Handbook of Children?s film and Television, edited by Casie Hermansson and Janet Zepernick. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. In Search of the Elusive Bird: Childhood from the Margins in Fandry 978-3-030-17620-4 2019
42 DHANESH M Reference book Post-Theory and the Discourses of the New: Introductory Readings On the Discourse on Existence: From Kierkegaard to the Contemporary Time 978-93-88637-00-8 2019
43 SHAHEEN EBRAHIMKUTTY A V Case Report Working Paper: An Allegorical Reading of Violence Equations in Children's Animations An Allegorical Reading of Violence Equations in Children's Animations 2018
44 SANTOSH KUMAR Text book Disability in South Asia: Knowledge and Experience Jataka Katha Goes On: Materiality as Metaphor 9789352807079 2018
45 DHANESH M Reference book KERALA AND THE CRISES OF MODERNITY Look-In, Think-Out: Observations on O V Vijayan's Alternative Paradigm of Existence in 'The Legends of Khasak' 978-93-84110-61-1 2018
46 SHAHEEN EBRAHIMKUTTY A V Conference Proceedings Current Scenario in Teaching and Learning of English Language and Literature Emerging Food Trends and Our Cultural Identities 978-93-87102-23-1 2017
47 DHANESH M Reference book The Literary Kaleidoscope: A Book on Literature, Arts and Humanities Contemplation on Biopolitics and the Biopolitical Double-Play 978-1-948352-18-5 2017
48 SANTOSH KUMAR Text book Trends in Language Teaching Language Teaching in Inclusive Education 978-93-86296-87-0 2017
49 GAANA J Reference book Critical Perspectives on the Post-1980 Indian Novel in English (Ef)facing the Dalit in Contemporary Indian English Novels: Notes on Nomenclature, Institutional Practices, and Perspectives 978-93-85528-59-0 2016
50 RENU ELIZABETH ABRAHAM Reference book The Politics of Popular Culture: Current Trends in Mass Media and Popular Fiction The Implied and Real Reader-Viewer: A Study of the Construct and Constructed in Amar Chitra Kathas 9789382952022 2015
51 GAANA J Text book The American Poets II William Carlos Williams 978-93-85911-09-5 2015
52 GAANA J Text book The American Poets II "Wallace Stevens" 978-93-85911-09-5 2015
53 RASHMI SAWHNEY Reference book Doing Women's Film History Women Undoing 'National' History Through Regional Cinema in India 978-0-252-08118-7 2015
54 DEVALEENA KUNDU Reference book Death Representations in Literature: Forms and Theories The Paradox of Mortality: Death and Perpetual Denial 1-4438-7158-3 2015
55 VIDYA S Reference book Re-'tracking' the Celluloid: History, Politics and Popular Culture in Films Customs and Confinemet: Victimization of Women in The Magdalene Sisters, Osama and Water 978-81-928481-0-5 2014
56 RENU ELIZABETH ABRAHAM,ARYA AIYAPPAN Reference book Book of Abstracts - Mayabazaar: re-viewing 100 Years of Indian Cinemas Book of Abstracts - Mayabazaar: re-viewing 100 Years of Indian Cinemas 978-93-82305-33-0 2014
57 SHAHEEN EBRAHIMKUTTY A V Conference Proceedings Shrinking World And Widening Chasms: Themes And Theories In Contemporary Literature In English The Trauma Of War In Yvonne Vera's The Stone Virgins And Buchi Emecheta's Destination Biafra ISBN 978-81-927671-0-9 2013
58 SUCHETH P R Reference book David Copperfield by Charles Dickens abridged version in Malayalam David Copperfield by Charles Dickens abridged version in Malayalam 978-81-8265-532-4 2012
59 SHAHEEN EBRAHIMKUTTY A V Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the Kanniyakumari Academy of Arts And Sciences. Collected Papers: Sixth All India Conference of Kaas. Trauma in African War Literature ISBN 978-81- 909710-8-9 2010
60 RASHMI SAWHNEY Reference book South Asian Media Cultures: Audiences, Representations, Contexts Through the Lens of a Branded Criminal: The Politics of Marginal Cinema in India 9780857289544 2010
61 RASHMI SAWHNEY Reference book Indigeneity: Culture and Representation Imagining an Adivasi Cinema: Exploratory Notes 8125036644 2009
62 SUCHETH P R Reference book City Lights and Village Lamps: A Study on the Theory and Practice of Travel Writing City Lights and Village Lamps 2009
63 RASHMI SAWHNEY Reference book Studies in Irish Cinema: National Cinema and World Cinemas Sectarian Violence in Contemporary Indian Cinema: Aesthetics of Dev and Mr and Mrs Iyer 1-84682-018-9 2006
Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 BTW, whose mother tongue is it?

Ekushe: Blogging on Mother Languages
2 Forbidden cups and chipped phrases

Linguistics, Disability Studies, Idioms and Phrases
3 Language of Love

Ekushe: Blogging on Mother Languages
4 Dishari's US-India Exchange

This is a six-month project where I continuously contribute blogs to be used as pedagogic tools.


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