Faculty Publications

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Maya K Were Indians Happy During the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Cross-State Analysis. Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economics & Research / 13 / 3 / 08 - 27 2278 - 1811

2 Monika A Cross-sectional Study for Examining Catastrophic Healthcare Expenditure Across Socio-demographic Variables among Employees in a Sedentary Occupation Indian Journal of Community Medicine / 49 / 4 / 638 - 641 0970-0218

3 Roopa Patavardhan Unveiling the Role of Psychological Pain within Informal Institutions in Addressing Intimate Partner Violence Universal Journal of Public Health / 12 / 3 / 569 - 576 2331-8945

4 Roopa Patavardhan Indian Social Stock Exchange as a Funding Avenue for Social Enterprises Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management / 17 / 7 / 42 - 56 0975-2854

5 Subhashree Banerjee Is carbon neutrality a reality for India? Current Science / 127 / 08 / 895 - 897 0011-3891

6 Viji B A Cross-sectional Study for Examining Catastrophic Healthcare Expenditure Across Socio-demographic Variables among Employees in a Sedentary Occupation Indian Journal of Community Medicine / 49 / 4 / 638 - 641 0970-0218

7 Viji B Inter-State Migration, Footloose Labour and Accessibility to Health Care: An Exploration among Metro Workers of a Camp in Bengaluru Social Work and Society / 22 / 1 / - 1613-8953

8 Alinda George Spatial assessment of vulnerability of social groups to climate change in Madhya Pradesh, India Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science / 7 / / 1329 - 1370 2509-7946

9 Alinda George Spatiotemporal Pattern of Vulnerability to Climate Change in Madhya Pradesh, India Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy / 17 / / 55 - 85 1874-463X

10 Alinda George Rural?urban disparities in spatiotemporal pattern of vulnerability to climate change: a study of Madhya Pradesh, India Environmental Earth Sciences / 82 / 24 / - 1866-6280

11 Alinda George Spatiotemporal assessment of vulnerability of the agriculture sector to climate change in Madhya Pradesh, India Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science / 8 / / 615 - 649 2509-7946

12 Augustine Joseph Urban-rural unemployment and crime in India: a panel data analysis International Journal of Sustainable Economy / 16 / 1 / 1 - 15 1756-5812

13 Kshama A V Gender of the Firm Owner and Export Determinants of the Firms in India: an Empirical Analysis Economic Affairs / 69 / 1 / - 0976-4666

14 Kshama A V Gender of the Firm Owner and Export Determinants of the Firms in India: An Empirical Analysis Economic Affairs / / / 453 - 461 0424-2513

15 Roopa Patavardhan Rebranding Bengaluru Embracing Eco-socialism to Unveil the Citys Soul Economic and Political Weekly / 59 / 1 / 10 - 12 2349-8846

16 Roopa Patavardhan Gender of the Firm Owner and Export Determinants of the Firms in India: An Empirical Analysis Economic Affairs / / / 453 - 461 0424-2513

17 Roopa Patavardhan Gender of the Firm Owner and Export Determinants of the Firms in India: an Empirical Analysis Economic Affairs / 69 / 1 / - 0976-4666

18 Sreedevi R S Wages, Inequality and Work Standards in Construction Sector: A Case Study of interstate Migrant Workers and Native Workers in Kerala Indian Journal of Public Administration / 70 / 1 / 124 - 139 2457-0222

19 Taru Saigal Understanding environmentally sustainable Indian travel behaviour: an analysis of 2011 census data Journal of Social and Economic Development / / / 1 - 0972-5792

20 Viji B Measuring the Economic Burden of Health Conditions among White-Collar Employees: A Cross-Sectional Study from Delhi-NCR Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine / / / 317 - 326 0973-2284

21 Alinda George Socioeconomic and infrastructural vulnerability of Indian population: a district level study Geojournal / 88 / / 1841 - 1871 0343-2521

22 Alinda George Spatial disparities in health status and access to health-related interventions in Madhya Pradesh Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science / 7 / / 865 - 902 2509-7946

23 Alinda George Spatial and Temporal Pattern of Crop Concentration and Diversification and its Determinants in Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Economics and Development / 19 / 1 / 1 - 16 2277-5412

24 Augustine Joseph Income inequality and violent crime: evidence from Indian states International Journal of Happiness and Development / / / - 2049-2804

25 Benito G Lyndon Structural changes regarding competition in the Indian corporate sector: an analysis of manufacturing and construction industries International Journal of Business Competition and Growth / / / 1 - 25 2042-3845

26 Maya K Social Capital and Government Action: A Case Study of Scheduled Tribes in North-East India Artha Vijnana / LXIV / 4 / 361 - 376 0971-586X

27 Maya K Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act on Rural Credit System in India: A Standard Logit Difference in Difference Approach Global Social Welfare / / / - 2196-8799

28 Sanjaya Kumar Lenka Does financial inclusion control corruption in upper-middle and lower-middle income countries? Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science / / / - 2509-7954

29 Sanjaya Kumar Lenka Financial Inclusion and Human Development in Indian States: Evidence from the Post-Liberalisation Periods Indian Journal of Human Development / / / - 0973-7030

30 Taru Saigal Gender gap in travel behavior and public opinion on proposed policy measures: Evidence from India International Social Science Journal / 73 / / - 1468-2451

31 Maya K Effectiveness of Public Policy in reviving the COVID-19 hit economy: Evidence from Kerala, India Journal of Public Affaires / / e2794 / 1 - 9 1479-1854

32 Maya K Does Money Buy Happiness in India? Panel Estimation of the Long-Run Relationship between Income and Subjective Well-being across States Artha Vijnana / 63 / 4 / 414 - 443 0971-586X

33 Maya K Social Capital and Government Action: A Case Study of Scheduled Tribes in North-East India. Artha Vijnana / / / - 0971-586X

34 Sanjaya Kumar Lenka Relationship between financial inclusion and financial development in India: Is there any link? development in India: Is there any link? Journal of Public Affairs / / / - 1479-1854

35 Sayel Basel Analysis of club convergence for economies: identification and testing using development indices Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science / / / 1 - 24 2509-7954, 2509-7946

36 Sayel Basel Classification of countries based on development indices by using K-means and grey relational analysis GeoJournal / / / 1 - 19 1572-9893, 0343-2521

37 Sayel Basel Causal relationship among various development indices: A panel study Indian Journal of Economics and Development / 17 / 3 / 624 - 631 2277-5412, 2322-0430

38 Vandita Dixit Exchange Rate, Stock Price and Trade Volume in US-China Trade War during COVID-19: An Empirical Study Estudios de Economia Aplicada / 39 (8) 2021 / 39 (8) 2021 / 1 - 18 1133-3197

39 Vandita Dixit Energy Efficiency vs. Consumption: An Empirical Investigation of Jevons? Paradox across Sectors in India The Indian Economic Journal / 70 / 1 / 112 - 137 0019-4662

40 Aneesh M R Quality of Drinking Water and Sanitation in India Indian Journal of Human Development / 15 / 1 / 138 - 152 0973-7030

41 Maya K The Effect of Income Inequality on Happiness Inequality in India: A Recentered Influence Function Regression Estimation and Life Satisfaction Inequality Decomposition Indian Journal of Human Development / 14 / 2 / 161 - 181 0973-7030

42 Padmini Ram Suffering in silence: Information asymmetry and status quo bias in menstrual hygiene market Economic and Political Weekly / 55 / 43 / 30 - 36 0012-9976

43 Padmini Ram Dispelling the diversity myth: Analysis of the Publishing Industry in India Journal of Media and Communication / 4 / 2 / 1 - 24 2581-513X

44 Padmini Ram Freelancers Of The Street Economy: Exploring Informal Partnerships For Waste Management In India Aweshkar / 28 / 1 / 50 - 62 0974-1119

45 Renbeni Kikon Issues and Challenges of MSP as an Income Enhancement Approach in India The Indian Economic Journal / 68 / 2 / 295 - 295 0019-4662

46 Sayel Basel Socio-economic Development of Darjeeling Himalayas: Categorical Principal Component Analysis (CATPCA) and Ordinal Logistic Regression (OLR) Indian Journal of Economics and Development / 17 / 1 / 128 - 135 2277-5412, 2322-0430

47 Sulakshana Rao C Crop and soil suitability analysis using multi-criteria decision making in drought-prone semi-arid tropics in India Journal of Soils and Water Conservation / 19 / 3 / 271 - 283 0022-4561

48 Sulakshana Rao C Segregating direct and indirect dimensions in ecosystem services valuation: The case of a coastal wetland ecosystem of South India Indian Journal of Ecology / 48 / 1 / 177 - 183 0304-5250

49 Vandita Dixit Stochastic Frontier Analysis To Measure Technical Efficiency : Evidence from Skilled and Unskilled Agricultural Labour in India International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences / 16 / 2 / 647 - 657 0973-1903

50 Vandita Dixit Covid-19 : Trend Analysis for Market Arrival of Green Gram in India International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences / 16 / Supplement 1 / 1017 - 1031 0973-1903

51 Maya K Trends and Patterns of Women Workforce Participation in Agriculture in India Journal of Rural and Industrial Development / 9 / 1 / 1 - 7 2321-1873

52 Mohana Rao Balaga Identifying the Early Warnings of Currency Crisis in India. Foreign Trade Review / 54 / 4 / - 0015-7325, 0971-7625

53 Mohana Rao Balaga Macroeconomic costs of currency crises in BRICS: an empirical analysis Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies / Not Assigned Yet / Not Assigned Yet / - 1752-0843

54 Padmini Ram How Has Municipal Red-Tape Led to Waste Being Mismanaged in Bengaluru? Economic and Political Weekly / / / 00 - 2349-8846

55 Padmini Ram Down Marketing of Housing Finance:Case of Two Affordable Housing Finance Providers in India Urban Panorama / XVIII / 2 / 1 - 26 0975-8534

56 Padmini Ram Down Marketing of Housing Finance:Case of Two Affordable Housing Finance Providers in India Urban Panorama / XVIII / 2 / 1 - 26 0975-8534

57 Padmini Ram Collaborations to Secure the Future: Building the Case for an Industry-Academia Interface Future of Work, Workforce and Workplace / / / 62 - 65

58 Radhika Lobo Strategic Plan: Internalizing Quality Culture-A Case Study of SBSSS, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) International Journal of Educational Planning & Administration. / 10 / 1 / 1 - 11 2249-3093

59 Roopa Patavardhan Revisiting Labour Policy for Rural Casual Labour in India Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. / 10 / 4 / 1030 - 1037 2321-5828

60 Sulakshana Rao C The conservation of Kuttanad wetlands: stakeholder preferences of management alternatives Agricultural Economics Research Review / 32 / 2 / 199 - 208 0971-3441

61 Sulakshana Rao C Estimating Water Balance and Identifying Crops for Sustainable Use of Water Resources in the Bundelkhand Region of India Transactions of the ASABE / 63 / 1 / 117 - 124 2151-0032

62 Viji B Innovations in Teaching-Learning and Evaluation: An Overview of Processes Undertaken at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology / XI / XII / 797 - 807 1006-7930

63 Aneesh M R Changes in Wage Trends and Earnings Differences in Kerala Indian Journal of Labour Economics / / / 1 - 16 0971-7927, 0019-5308

64 Padmini Ram The Hope and the Dilemma of the Urban Poor Economic and Political Weekly / 53 / 40 / 40 - 47 2349-8846, 0012-9976

65 Padmini Ram Developing Reflective Practitioners Incorporating Faculty Research Into Management Education Curriculum Aweshkar / 26 / 1 / 68 - 79 0974-1119

66 Radhika Lobo India's Composition and Direction of Trade: Motivated by Political or Economic Factors? MEDC Economic Digest / 2 / 04 / 29 - 33 2456-2457

67 Radhika Lobo New Pathways to World Trade: Are There Any? International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field / Special Issue-8 Feb / Special Issue-8 Feb / 14 - 17 2455-0620

68 Radhika Lobo India's Blue Economy: Not in the Pink of Health Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 6 / 5 / 106 - 110 2349-5162

69 Subhashree Banerjee A Village in the Midst of a Forest Ecosystem Economic and Political Weekly / 53 / 18 / 38 - 42 0012-9976

70 Subhashree Banerjee Livelihoods, Conservation and the Forest Rights Act in a National Park A Conundrum Economic and Political Weekly / 52 / 41 / 65 - 72 0012-9976

71 Benito G Lyndon Scepticism in Economic Enquiry Economic and Political Weekly / 51 / 35 / 4 - 5 0012-9976

72 Chandan Roy Economics of Climate Change in the Indian Sundarbans Global Business Review / 18 / 2 / 493 - 508 0972-1509

73 Chandan Roy Climate Change, Migration and Food Security: Evidence from Indian Sundarbans International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences / 8 / 2 / 45 - 49 0975-1718

74 Aneesh M R Education and the Labour Market Outcomes of Women: Evidences from Kerala Indian Journal of Human Development / 09 / 01 / 57 - 70 0973-7030

75 Aneesh M R Women's Labour force Participation in Telangana: Trends and Determinants The Indian Economic Journal / Special Issue / Conference Issue / 217 - 230 0019-4662

76 Chandan Roy The Sustainability of Rice Cultivation: Evidence from Sundarbans in India The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies / 4 / 5 / 160 - 164 2321 - 9203

77 Subhashree Banerjee Surviving on the Brink A Tale from Satabhaya, Odisha Economic and Political Weekly / 51 / 19 / 64 - 66 0012-9976

78 Viji B Rebound in world trade, Asian economies key role in new world order and sustaining growth momentum in Indian economy Journal of Organisational Management / XXVI / 1 / 65 - 72 0975-699X

79 Emmanual P J Inter-District Disparities In Health Facilities In Karnataka International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences / 5 / 1 / 14 - 18 2249-7382

80 Manasi Dash Status of Secondary Education in Odisha IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) / 20 / 3 / 9 - 20 2279-0837

81 Viji B World economy slowing down; Indian economy shows sustained growth prospects Journal of Organisational Management / XXVII / 1 / 51 - 60 0975-699X

82 Viji B Testing the reliability of a questionnaire: Cronbach?s Alpha co-efficient Leader: International Journal of Business Management / I / 2 / 27 - 39 2348-2753

83 Viji B Impact of economic restructuring and global financial crisis on labour productivity: an evidence from Indian pharmaceutical industry after 1991 International Journal of Research in Management, Economics & Commerce / IV / 9 / 88 - 106 2250-057X

84 Chandan Roy Climate Change Induced Migration: A Case Study from Indian Sundarbans ACUMEN-Marian Journal of Social Work / 5 / 1 / 72 - 93 0975-6981

85 Roopa Patavardhan Determinants of rural labour supply: Retrospect and prospect Zenith International Journal of Business Economics and Management research / 3 / 12 / 89 - 98 2249-8826

86 Viji B Welcome signs of gradual economic recovery; but setback in agriculture Journal of Organisational Management / XXV / 2 / 41 - 53 0975-699X

87 Viji B Advertising and market share dynamics and durability of advertising effect on sales Journal of Organisational Management / XXVIII / 2 / 58 - 61 0975-699X

88 Viji B An econometric estimation of determinations of profitability: A case study of Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC), Coimbatore (1979-80 to 2007-08 Journal of Organisational Management / XXVIII / 3 / 56 - 62 0975-699X

89 Viji B An analysis of cost structure in TNSTC, Coimbatore during pre and post reform periods (1979-80 to 2007-08) Journal of Organisational Management / XXIX / 1 / 82 - 88 0975-699X

90 Viji B Technology Management ? modeling for measuring technical inefficiency in Indian steel industry Leader International Journal of Business Management / I / 1 / 40 - 49 2348-2753

91 Roopa Patavardhan Sustainable service led growth in India: problems and prospects Journal of Productivity and management Meerut / 13 / 2 / 1 - 10 0976-0873

92 Viji B Global economic crisis: aching, abating and feeble signs of recovery Journal of Organisational Management / XXV / 3 / 52 - 63 0975-699X

93 Viji B Indian GDP and export slumps; but industrial sector endures growth Journal of Organisational Management / XXVIII / 2 / 46 - 57 0975-699X

Sl.No. Author/Co-Author Type of Work Title of the Paper Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study ISSN Academic Year
1 ANEESH M R,KAILASH SARAP Reference book Labour Market in Rural India: Dynamics and Emerging Issues Understanding Women's Employment Trends in Rural Andhra Pradesh 978-81-974489-7-3 2024
2 ROOPA PATAVARDHAN,NAKSHATRA S P,JOSEPH C C,MADHUMATI DESHPANDE,PAUL HONG Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Looming Battle for Reproductive Rights: Discourses of Right-wing Populism and Abortion Laws in USA and India Print ISBN 978-981-16-9859-0 2024
3 PADMINI RAM,MUSKAN SONI,JO-ANN ROLLE, JACQUELINE KISATO AND CHARLES KEBAYA Reference book A Handbook on the Future of Work and Entrepreneurship for the Underserved Agency, Training and Determinants of Success among Beautypreneurs in India 979-8505201275 2021
4 PADMINI RAM,MALCOLM HARPER Reference book The Affordable Housing Market in India Institutional Constraints, Informal Sector and Privatisation The Affordable Housing Market in India Institutional Constraints, Informal Sector and Privatisation 9781138384583 2021
5 VANDITA MISHRA Reference book A Paradigm Shift In Indian Industry India Gvc Trade: A Paradigm Shift 978-81-945297-5-0 2020
6 BINCY GEORGE,BARNETT, W.A.,SERGI, B.S Reference book Advanced Issues in the Economics of Emerging Markets Determinants of Women Empowerment as Measured by Domestic Decision-Making: Perspective from a Developing Economy 978-1-78973-578-9 2020
7 SANJAYA KUMAR LENKA,CHEN, L. AND F. KIMURA Reference book E-commerce Connectivity in ASEAN Enabling India?s E-Commerce Connectivity with ASEAN: E-payment in India ? Problems and Prospects? 2020
8 ROOPA PATAVARDHAN,VIJI B,B.K LOKESHA Conference Proceedings National Education Policy 2019: A step towards enhancement of quality in higher education. Class experiments: A learner centric curriculum to facilitate responsive undergraduate teaching and learning. ISBN 978-81-943186-6-8 2020
9 RADHIKA LOBO Reference book Sustainable and Inclusive Globalisation Globalisation and Financial Crisis : Need for Internalising Ethical Practices 978-9389292-61-9 2020
10 RADHIKA LOBO,SHUBHAM ANAND,DR. RATNAKAR Reference book What's Now-What's Next: Advances in Management, Economics, Law and Social Sciences Prospects of India Joining the TPP: An Analysis ISBN 978-93-86435-69-9 2019
11 PADMINI RAM Reference book Land Policies in India: Promises, Practices and Challenges. The Cyclical Interaction of Institutional Constraints to Formal Affordable Housing Market in Raipur, India 978-981-10-4208-9 2017
12 CHANDAN ROY (3333) Conference Proceedings Global Conference on ?Prosperity, Equality and Sustainability: Perspectives and Policies for a Better World The Impact of Rural Poverty on Environment: Evidence from Sundarbans in India ISBN: 978-81-88315-56-7 2016
13 SANJAYA KUMAR LENKA,DR. KABITA KUMARI SAHU Reference book A Study on Global Financial Crisis and Indian Economy 978-3-659-71782-6 2015
14 ROOPA PATAVARDHAN,DIVYA PRADEEP,SIDHARAJU V AND RAMESH Conference Proceedings Rural Development and Inclusive Growth The Role of Third Sector in Empowering rural population: Evidence from disaggrgate level 9789351281009 2015
15 ROOPA PATAVARDHAN,DIVYA PRADEEP,DR. ANITHA H.S Conference Proceedings Rural Women Entrepreneurship in India Mainstreaming Gender through entrepreneurial development among rural women labourers - way forward. 9788192854007 2013
16 SANJAYA KUMAR LENKA,RUDRA PRADHAN Reference book Computational and Financial Econometrics Exchange rate as a determinant of FDI inflows: Evidences from India 2013
17 EMMANUAL P J Reference book Social Sector Expenditure in Karnataka with Special Reference to Education and Health 978-93-82305-58-3
18 VIJI B Reference book Growth of unorganised sector in India Economic development and agriculture ? an appraisal 978-81-929313-0-2 2014
Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 Women?s Reservation Bill Is Significant, but Concerted Efforts Needed to Realise Full Potential

Women's Reservation Bill
2 The Real Solution to Cauvery River Dispute Lies in Effective Water Conservation Strategy

The Cauvery Water Dispute
3 Finance Ministers package for Upper Bhadra project: Is it too early for Karnataka to celebrate?

Union Budget Analysis
4 Nari tu Narayani: Do Union Budgets account for empowering women?

Union Budget expectations
5 Millennial Teacher, Gen Z students and Post Lunch Lecture: A Story

6 Understanding Informal Markets A Case Study of Ragi Kana

Informal Markets


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