1 |
Akhila C |
Contemporary Indian Way of ?Settling Down?: Emerging Adult?s Perspective |
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth / 29 / 1 / - |
2164-4527 |
2024 |
2 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
School alienation in online schooling scale (SAOSS): development of a measure to assess school alienation among students |
International Journal of School and Educational Psychology / / / 1 - 13 |
2168-3603 |
2024 |
3 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
What has the pandemic aggravated? Views of school counsellors in India on the need for socio-emotional learning |
Journal Of Psychologists And Counsellors In Schools / 34 / 3 / 334 - 349 |
2055-6373 |
2024 |
4 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Development and validation of social entrepreneurship career decisions scale among higher education students |
Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship / 18 / 4 / 375 - 400 |
2398-7812 |
2024 |
5 |
Anjali Miriam Dey |
The Role of Gratitude as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Belief in a Just World and Forgiveness Among Middle-Aged Adults in India |
Pastoral Psychology / / / - |
0031-2789 |
2024 |
6 |
Anuradha S |
Meaningfulness and Experience of Perimenopausal Women During the Pandemic in India: A Mixed-Method Study |
Women Reproductive Health / 11 / 4 / 914 - 935 |
2329-3691 |
2024 |
7 |
Anuradha S |
Need for Exploring Meta-emotion Philosophy to Comprehend Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder |
Annals of Indian psychiatry / 8 / 3 / 263 - 266 |
2588-8366 |
2024 |
8 |
Anuradha S |
Challenging the dichotomy: Examining parent socialization goals and behaviors regarding positive affect in Bengaluru, India |
Journal of Research on Adolescence / 34 / 4 / 1653 - 1667 |
1532-7795 |
2024 |
9 |
Anuradha S |
Meaning in Life in Menopause: A Narrative Literature Review on How
Menopausal Women Make Sense of Their Life? |
Indian Journal of psychiatric nursing / 21 / 1 / 66 - 73 |
2666-528X |
2024 |
10 |
Anuradha S |
Tata Consultancy Services: Tackling Scandal in India |
Ivey Publishing / / / - |
NA |
2024 |
11 |
Anuradha S |
Innovative Leadership and Sustainable Development: Exploring Resource-Efficient Strategies Among Indian Managers |
Business Strategy and Development / 7 / 4 / - |
2572-3170 |
2024 |
12 |
Anuradha S |
I am lost in that reality, and I'm just playing the game: a qualitative study exploring gaming behaviour and its effect on young adults in India |
British Journal of Guidance and Counselling / 15 / 1 / - |
0306-9885 |
2024 |
13 |
Ashwini M |
I am lost in that reality, and I'm just playing the game: a qualitative study exploring gaming behaviour and its effect on young adults in India |
British Journal of Guidance and Counselling / 15 / 1 / - |
0306-9885 |
2024 |
14 |
Baiju Gopal |
Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA |
Culture,medicine and psychiatry - An International Journal of Cross-Cultural Health Research / / / - |
0165-005X |
2024 |
15 |
Deepakkumar S |
Colorism and Usage of Makeup and its Effect on Self-esteem and Fear of Negative Appearance in Females |
Indian Journal of Health and Well-being / 15 / 2 / 230 - 235 |
2229-5356 |
2024 |
16 |
Elizabeth Thomas |
Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA |
Culture,medicine and psychiatry - An International Journal of Cross-Cultural Health Research / / / - |
0165-005X |
2024 |
17 |
Elizabeth Thomas |
Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA |
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry / / / - |
0165-005X |
2024 |
18 |
Janis Maria Antony |
Spiritual Intelligence and Spiritual Care in Nursing Practice: A Bibliometric Review |
Indian Journal of Palliative care / 30 / 4 / 304 - 314 |
1998-3735 |
2024 |
19 |
Jasmine Joseph |
Web-based single session therapy training for mental health support providers: a mixed-methods evaluation study protocol |
Discover Mental Health / / / - |
NA |
2024 |
20 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Social-cognitive Skills Training on Interpersonal Understanding of Social Norms During Adolescence |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 1 / 1 / 1 - 29 |
0975-1564 |
2024 |
21 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Theory of Mind as a Unifying Construct of Religious Cognition and Eudaimonic Well-Being Among Christian Adolescents. |
Journal of Dharma / 49 / 1 / 63 - 86 |
0253-7222 |
2024 |
22 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Effect of Social Cognitive Skills Training (SCST) on Cognitive and Affective Theory of Mind in Adolescents |
Human Research in Rehabilitation / 14 / 2 / 274 - 283 |
2232-9935 |
2024 |
23 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Psychoneuroimmunological Perspective of Animal - Assisted Therapy |
Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal / 7 / 3 / 1831 - 1837 |
0974-6242 |
2024 |
24 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Exploring the Relationship between Environmental Cognition, Pro-Environmental Behavior, and Mental Health among Adolescents: A Narrative Review |
2248-9509 |
2024 |
25 |
Manjusha Warrier G |
Virtual leadership program for adolescents with muscular dystrophy: a process evaluation |
Social Work with Groups / / / 1 - 12 |
0160-9513 |
2024 |
26 |
Manjusha Warrier G |
Neuropalliative Care Needs Checklist for Motor Neuron Disease and
Parkinson?s Disease: A Biopsychosocial Approach |
Indian Journal of Palliative Care / 30 / 3 / 232 - 238 |
0973-1075 |
2024 |
27 |
Meera S Neelakantan |
Effects of mindfulness-based strengths practice (MBSP) among women undergraduates in enhancing positive mental health |
British Journal of Guidance and Counselling / / / 1 - 23 |
0306-9885 |
2024 |
28 |
Meera S Neelakantan |
Exploring the effectiveness of mindfulness-based intervention among college students in India |
Current Psychology / / / - |
1046-1310 |
2024 |
29 |
Meera S Neelakantan |
What has the pandemic aggravated? Views of school counsellors in India on the need for socio-emotional learning |
Journal Of Psychologists And Counsellors In Schools / 34 / 3 / 334 - 349 |
2055-6373 |
2024 |
30 |
Miriam Priti Mohan |
Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA |
Culture,medicine and psychiatry - An International Journal of Cross-Cultural Health Research / / / - |
0165-005X |
2024 |
31 |
Miriam Priti Mohan |
Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA |
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry / / / - |
0165-005X |
2024 |
32 |
Nisha James |
Lyrics of longing: Exploring the role of music in the lived experience of homesickness among college students |
Psychology of Music / / / - |
0305-7356 |
2024 |
33 |
Padmakumari P |
Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA |
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry / / / - |
0165-005X |
2024 |
34 |
Padmakumari P |
Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA |
Culture,medicine and psychiatry - An International Journal of Cross-Cultural Health Research / / / - |
0165-005X |
2024 |
35 |
Rituparna Chakraborty |
Contemporary Indian Way of ?Settling Down?: Emerging Adult?s Perspective |
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth / 29 / 1 / - |
2164-4527 |
2024 |
36 |
Santhosh K R |
Finding balance in a digital world: Equanimity as a predictor of nomophobia |
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment / / / 1 - 11 |
1540-3556 |
2024 |
37 |
Santhosh K R |
Effectiveness of Couple Interventions in Marital Distress: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis |
Iranian Journal of Public Health / 54 / 1 / 112 - 123 |
2251-6085 |
2024 |
38 |
Santhosh K R |
Interaction of Generational Differences with
Gender and Residential Nature in Attitudes
Toward Interfaith Marriages |
Marriage and Family Review / 60 / 8 / 597 - 614 |
0149-4929 |
2024 |
39 |
Santhosh K R |
Web-based single session therapy training for mental health support providers: a mixed-methods evaluation study protocol |
Discover Mental Health / / / - |
NA |
2024 |
40 |
Sreenath K |
Endurance and Evolution: Exploring Levels of Resilience Among Indian Breast Cancer Survivors |
Illness, Crisis and Loss / / / 1 - 31 |
1054-1373 |
2024 |
41 |
Sreenath K |
Parental Perspectives on Stress and Challenges in Raising Autistic Children: A Meta-Synthesis |
Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health / / / 1 - 17 |
2198-963X |
2024 |
42 |
Sudhesh N T |
Web-based single session therapy training for mental health support providers: a mixed-methods evaluation study protocol |
Discover Mental Health / / / - |
NA |
2024 |
43 |
Sudhesh N T |
Peers, Parents and Families as agents of influence on adolescents? perspectives towards people with Mental Health Problems: Mental Health Professionals? Views |
Journal of Public Mental Health / / / - |
1746-5729 |
2024 |
44 |
Sudhesh N T |
Mental health professionals? insights on developing and implementing a Mental Health Awareness and Destigmatisation program (MHAD) for adolescents
Social Work in Mental Health / / / - |
1533-2993 |
2024 |
45 |
Surekha C |
Air Quality Index, Personality Traits and Their Impact on the Residential Satisfaction and Quality of Life: An Exploratory Path Analysis Model |
Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution / 21 / 4 / 39 - 46 |
0972-9860 |
2024 |
46 |
Uma Krishnan |
Web-based single session therapy training for mental health support providers: a mixed-methods evaluation study protocol |
Discover Mental Health / / / - |
NA |
2024 |
47 |
Varghese K J |
Expanding the Notion of Personal Well-Being During COVID-19 Campus Closure in India: Results from a Mixed-Methods Study with Members of Higher Education |
Asia Pacific Journal Of Educators And Education / 39 / / 1 - 23 |
NA |
2024 |
48 |
Varghese K J |
Effectiveness of Couple Interventions in Marital Distress: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis |
Iranian Journal of Public Health / 54 / 1 / 112 - 123 |
2251-6085 |
2024 |
49 |
Veenashree |
Lyrics of longing: Exploring the role of music in the lived experience of homesickness among college students |
Psychology of Music / / / - |
0305-7356 |
2024 |
50 |
Vijaya R |
Mapping the literature on school bullying in India: A scoping review |
Aggression and Violent Behavior / / / - |
1359-1789 |
2024 |
51 |
Aditi Ashok Arur |
Exploring How Gender and Culture Shape the Lived Experiences of Indian Clients with Emotional Abuse: A Social Justice Approach to Counselling |
International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling / / / - |
1573-3246 |
2023 |
52 |
Aditi Ashok Arur |
Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Academic Motivation Among College Students in Bangalore: A Correlational Study. |
International Journal of Indian Psychology / / / - |
2349-3429 |
2023 |
53 |
Aiswarya V R |
Exploration of Colour Association to Emotional Recognition Amidst Auditory Stimulus on Congenitally Blind Individuals. |
Third Concept: An International Journal of Idea / 37 / 441 / 118 - 123 |
0970-7247 |
2023 |
54 |
Aiswarya V R |
Going Beyond the Screen - Exploring Para-social Relationships with Anime Characters amongst the Anime Community |
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research / 6 / 2 / - |
2582-2160 |
2023 |
55 |
Aiswarya V R |
The Relationship Between Anxiety and Maladaptive Daydreaming in Nursing Students: A Correlational Study |
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research / 6 / 2 / - |
2582-2160 |
2023 |
56 |
Aiswarya V R |
Parental Expectations and Fear of Negative Evaluation Among Indian Emerging Adults: The Mediating Role of Maladaptive Perfectionism |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / 1 - 9 |
0253-7176 |
2023 |
57 |
Akanksha Rani |
Narrative Therapy with Dalit Female Survivors of Violence |
Violence and Gender / 11 / 1 / 53 - 57 |
2326-7836 |
2023 |
58 |
Akanksha Rani |
Profiles of Victimized Outpatients with Severe Mental Illness in India |
https://journals.lww.com/ijcm/pages/default.aspx / 48 / 6 / 920 - 925 |
0970-0218 |
2023 |
59 |
Akanksha Rani |
Narrative Therapy with Dalit Female Survivors of Violence |
Violence and Gender / 11 / 1 / 53 - 57 |
2326-7836 |
2023 |
60 |
Amreen Shaik |
A Normative Study Assessing the Factorial Validity of the PERMA Profiler in Indian Emerging Adult Women |
Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / / / 167 - 174 |
0971-8990 |
2023 |
61 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Impact of Abuse on Mental Health and Happiness Among Students: Mediating Role of Family Environment |
Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / 19 / 3 / 266 - 272 |
0973-1342 |
2023 |
62 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Social entrepreneurial opportunity recognition among higher education students: scale development and validation |
Social Enterprise Journal / / / - |
1750-8614 |
2023 |
63 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
A mixed-methods study of training in evidence-based practice in psychology among students, faculty, and practitioners in India and the United States |
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice / / / - |
0735-7028 |
2023 |
64 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
The effect of an environmental education program based on empathy and reflective thinking on preadolescents? environmental values and knowledge |
International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education / / / - |
1038-2046 |
2023 |
65 |
Anjali Miriam Dey |
Actual and expected roles of school counsellors: exploring multiple perspectives of stakeholders in South India |
Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy / 14 / / 1 - 15 |
2150-7708 |
2023 |
66 |
Anuradha S |
Exploring the Experiences of Parental Cancer among Young Adults |
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity / 13 / 6 / 376 - 379 |
2010-3646 |
2023 |
67 |
Anuradha S |
Exploring Ayurvedic Practitioners' Understanding of
Psychosomatic Disorders and its Treatment |
The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 12 / 1 / 585 - 596 |
2348-5396 |
2023 |
68 |
Anuradha S |
Jugaad in organizational settings: exploring the Jugaad leadership competencies |
Asian Business and Management / / / - |
1472-4782 |
2023 |
69 |
Anuradha S |
Work-Cognition and Subjective Well-being Among Female Professional Educators During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Moderating Role of Resilience |
Business Perspectives and Research / / / - |
2278-5337 |
2023 |
70 |
Anurekha T K |
Influence of Mindfulness on
Game Addiction-Mediating Role of Emotional Control |
Psychological Reports / / / - |
0033-2941 |
2023 |
71 |
Ashwini M |
Work-Cognition and Subjective Well-being Among Female Professional Educators During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Moderating Role of Resilience |
Business Perspectives and Research / / / - |
2278-5337 |
2023 |
72 |
Baiju Gopal |
Facilitating Faculty Development for Training in Multicultural Competence in Health Service Psychology Graduate Programs Through an International Collaboration |
International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation / 13 / 1 / 24 - 39 |
2157-3883 |
2023 |
73 |
Baiju Gopal |
Experience of psychic restructuring among refugees in the context of life in refuge |
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy / 20 / 1 / 1 - 20 |
0266-8734 |
2023 |
74 |
Baiju Gopal |
Is my culture influencing me: Client experiences of mental illness and psychotherapy in a transitional Indian culture |
Culture and psychology / 0 / 0 / 1 - 25 |
1461-7056 |
2023 |
75 |
Baiju Gopal |
A mixed-methods study of training in evidence-based practice in psychology among students, faculty, and practitioners in India and the United States |
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice / / / - |
0735-7028 |
2023 |
76 |
Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett |
A Scoping Review on Integration of Electroencephalogram Neurofeedback Training for Alcohol Use Disorder: Clinical and Neurocognitive Outcomes |
Neuroregulation / 10 / 3 / 179 - 185 |
2373-0587 |
2023 |
77 |
Deepakkumar S |
Personal resources associated with resilience to COVID-19 challenges among emerging adults in India |
Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 14 / 2 / 130 - 137 |
2321-368X, 2229-4937 |
2023 |
78 |
Divya Ballal |
Clinical Observations of Online EMDR: The Imperative for Research on Bilateral Stimulation Techniques |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / - |
0253-7176 |
2023 |
79 |
Divya Ballal |
Protective effect of bilingualism on aging, MCI, and dementia: A community-based study |
Alzheimer's & Dementia / 20 / 4 / 2620 - 2631 |
1552-5260 |
2023 |
80 |
Elizabeth Thomas |
Is my culture influencing me: Client experiences of mental illness and psychotherapy in a transitional Indian culture |
Culture and psychology / 0 / 0 / 1 - 25 |
1461-7056 |
2023 |
81 |
Elizabeth Thomas |
Actual and expected roles of school counsellors: exploring multiple perspectives of stakeholders in South India |
Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy / 14 / / 1 - 15 |
2150-7708 |
2023 |
82 |
Hema M A |
Understanding Peer Victimisation and Related Coping Strategies Among Young Adults |
Human Arenas / / / 1 - 14 |
2522-5804 |
2023 |
83 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
The Eff ect of Music and Editing Style on Subjective Perception of Time When Watching Videos An Eye-tracking Study |
Projections The Journal for Movies and Mind / 17 / 2 / 41 - 62 |
1934-9688 |
2023 |
84 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Relationship of Emotional Intelligence and Burnout among MBBS Doctors of Himachal Pradesh |
Indian Journal Of Psychological Science / 15 / 1 / 26 - 36 |
0976-9218 |
2023 |
85 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Neuro-biological background of social cognitive development in adolescence |
IP Indian Journal of Neurosciences / 9 / 3 / 118 - 121 |
2581-8236 |
2023 |
86 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
The Effect of Music and Editing Style on Subjective Perception of Time When Watching Videos : An Eye-tracking Study |
Projections The Journal for Movies and Mind / 17 / 2 / 41 - 61 |
1934-9696 |
2023 |
87 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Exploring the Relationship between Environmental Cognition, Pro-Environmental Behavior, and Mental Health among Adolescents: A Narrative Review |
Indian Journal of Community Health / 36 / 1 / 12 - 21 |
2248-9509 |
2023 |
88 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
A mixed-methods study of training in evidence-based practice in psychology among students, faculty, and practitioners in India and the United States |
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice / / / - |
0735-7028 |
2023 |
89 |
Jojo Chacko Eapen |
Stress mindset as a mediator between self-efficacy and coping styles |
Cogent Psychology / / / - |
2331-1908 |
2023 |
90 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
Comparing Influence of Depression and Negative Affect on Decision Making |
Psychological Studies / 68 / 3 / 310 - 318 |
0033-2968 |
2023 |
91 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
Prospective memory in early and established psychosis: An Indian perspective |
Journal of Neuropsychology / 17 / 3 / 461 - 476 |
1748-6645 |
2023 |
92 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
A mixed-methods study of training in evidence-based practice in psychology among students, faculty, and practitioners in India and the United States |
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice / / / - |
0735-7028 |
2023 |
93 |
Maharishi R |
An Investigation of the Effects of Chronic Stress on Attention in Parents of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders |
Universal Journal of Public Health / 12 / 1 / 37 - 50 |
2331-8880 |
2023 |
94 |
Manjusha Warrier G |
Telehealth Services for an Adolescent with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Australian Journal of Social Work / / / - |
https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rasw20?src=pd |
2023 |
95 |
Manjusha Warrier G |
Buffer zones in Wayanad: A social constructivist exploration into farmers? mental health |
Culture & Psychology / / / - |
https://journals.sagepub.com/home/cap |
2023 |
96 |
Meera S Neelakantan |
Character Strengths Interventions In Higher Education Students: A Literature Review |
Hellenic Journal of Psychology / 1 / 21 / 67 - 97 |
2732-7027 |
2023 |
97 |
Meera S Neelakantan |
Mindfulness-based strengths practice: a conceptual framework and empirical review of the literature |
International Journal of Mental Health / / / 1 - 36 |
1557-9328 |
2023 |
98 |
Mythri Rajeswara Babu |
Editorial: Oxidative stress and neuroinflammatory responses associated with metal toxicity in brain disorders |
Frontiers in Neurology / 14 / / - |
1664-2295 |
2023 |
99 |
Mythri Rajeswara Babu |
Biopolymers as promising vehicles for drug delivery to the brain |
Drug Metabolism Reviews / / / - |
0360-2532, 1097-9883 |
2023 |
100 |
Mythri Rajeswara Babu |
Enhanced levels of fractalkine and HSP60 in cerebrospinal fluid of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients |
International Journal of Neuroscience / / / 1 - 11 |
0020-7454 |
2023 |
101 |
Padmakumari P |
Forgiving Behavior among Emerging Adults: The Influence of Religiosity and Spirituality and Personality Traits |
Child & Youth Services / / / 1 - 22 |
1545-2298 |
2023 |
102 |
Padmakumari P |
Gratitude and Life satisfaction among Indian Adults:The Mediating Role of Affect |
Hellenic Journal of Psychology / 20 / 3 / 298 - 317 |
2732-7027 |
2023 |
103 |
Padmakumari P |
Is my culture influencing me: Client experiences of mental illness and psychotherapy in a transitional Indian culture |
Culture and psychology / 0 / 0 / 1 - 25 |
1461-7056 |
2023 |
104 |
Prakash P |
Effect of Subtitles on Gaze Behavior during
Shot Changes: An Eye-tracking Study |
International Journal of Psychological Research / 16 / 2 / 4 - |
2011-2084 |
2023 |
105 |
Prakash P |
Editorial: Methods and
applications in cognitive science |
Frontiers in Psychology / / / - |
1664-1078 |
2023 |
106 |
Priyadarshini M S |
Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: new mediating roles for trustworthiness and trust in team leaders |
Current Psychology / / / 1 - 16 |
1046-1310, 1936-4733 |
2023 |
107 |
Rituparna Chakraborty |
Coping and Cyberchondria in a Pandemic: A Study on Young Adults |
Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / 28 / 1 / 95 - 99 |
0971-8990 |
2023 |
108 |
Rituparna Chakraborty |
Expectations Of University Lecturers And Students On Smart Learning Environments |
Problems of education in the 21st Century / 81 / 4 / 501 - 516 |
2538-7111 |
2023 |
109 |
Rituparna Chakraborty |
Unheard and Unseen: Exploring the Disenfranchisement of Perinatal Loss in North-Indian Men |
The Journal of Men's Studies / / / - |
1933-0251 |
2023 |
110 |
Santhosh K R |
Stress and resilience in British Indian parents with an autistic child: a comparative study with white British and Indian parents |
Advances in Autism / 9 / 3 / 279 - 292 |
2056-3868 |
2023 |
111 |
Santhosh K R |
Process of Emotion Regulation in Indian Couples During Gottman's Dreams-Within-Conflict Intervention: A Mixed-Methods Design Study |
Contemporary Family Therapy / / / 1 - 27 |
0892-2764 |
2023 |
112 |
Santhosh K R |
Discrimination Experiences of Old Settlers in Sikkim: A Qualitative Exploration |
Psychological Studies / 2023 / / 1 - 15 |
0974-9861 |
2023 |
113 |
Santhosh K R |
Psychological experiences and travel Adversities: A Mixed-Method study of the regular commuters in traffic congestion |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour / 101 / / 130 - 141 |
1369-8478 |
2023 |
114 |
Santhosh K R |
Evolution of Single-Session Therapy: A Bibliometric Analysis |
American Journal of Psychotherapy / 77 / 2 / 71 - 78 |
0002-9564 |
2023 |
115 |
Santhosh K R |
You are not Sikkimese enough?: Understanding collective action tendencies of old settlers in Sikkim using SIMCA |
Asian Journal of Social Psychology / / / - |
1467-839X |
2023 |
116 |
Santhosh K R |
Coping and Cyberchondria in a Pandemic: A Study on Young Adults |
Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / 28 / 1 / 95 - 99 |
0971-8990 |
2023 |
117 |
Santhosh K R |
Mathematical Modelling of Traffic Behaviour |
Mapana Journal of Sciences / 22 / 3 / 159 - 164 |
0975-3303 |
2023 |
118 |
Santhosh K R |
Efficacy of in-person versus digital mental health interventions for postpartum depression: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials |
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology / / / 1 - 21 |
1469-672X |
2023 |
119 |
Santhosh K R |
Scope of a Signature Strengths Intervention in Improving the Mental Health of Low-income Indian Emerging Adult Women: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial |
Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / / / - |
2543-1897 |
2023 |
120 |
Santhosh K R |
A Normative Study Assessing the Factorial Validity of the PERMA Profiler in Indian Emerging Adult Women |
Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / / / 167 - 174 |
0971-8990 |
2023 |
121 |
Santhosh K R |
Parental Expectations and Fear of Negative Evaluation Among Indian Emerging Adults: The Mediating Role of Maladaptive Perfectionism |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / 1 - 9 |
0253-7176 |
2023 |
122 |
Sreenath K |
Efficacy of in-person versus digital mental health interventions for postpartum depression: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials |
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology / / / 1 - 21 |
1469-672X |
2023 |
123 |
Sreenath K |
Belongingness to the family during the transition into motherhood in Bangalore, India: a practical theological reflection with recommendations for support within the church in Bangalore |
Practical Theology / / / 1 - 13 |
1756-073X |
2023 |
124 |
Sreenath K |
Quality of life of children and adolescents living with HIV in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies / / / 1 - 22 |
1745-0136 |
2023 |
125 |
Sudhesh N T |
Academic Stress, Social Support, and Adjustment Among International Students in India |
Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education / / / - |
2151-0407 |
2023 |
126 |
Sudhesh N T |
Quality of life of children and adolescents living with HIV in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies / / / 1 - 22 |
1745-0136 |
2023 |
127 |
Sudhesh N T |
Travails of New Mothers Returning to Work in Corporate India: A Phenomenological Study |
The Journal of International Women?s Studies / / / - |
1539-8706 |
2023 |
128 |
Surekha C |
Mandala coloring for children with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder- a case series |
Community Practitioner / 20 / 11 / 9 - 15 |
1462-2815 |
2023 |
129 |
Surekha C |
The role of guilt-shame proneness and locus of control in predicting moral injury among healthcare professionals |
Cogent Psychology / 10 / 1 / - |
2331-1908 |
2023 |
130 |
Surekha C |
Is Digital Altruism the Same as Offline Altruism?: An Exploration of Strength-Based Determinants Among Generation Z during COVID-19 Pandemic |
Internet Journal Of Allied Health Sciences And Practice / 22 / 1 / - |
1540-580X |
2023 |
131 |
Surekha C |
Effects of a Mindfulness-based Intervention on Well-being Among Rural Adolescents with Academic Anxiety |
Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / 19 / 4 / 385 - 393 |
0973-1342 |
2023 |
132 |
Surekha C |
Efficacy of Mandala Coloring Intervention on Executive Functioning and Emotional & Motivational Self-Regulation Among Children With Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
Cureus Journal Of Medical Science / 15 / 10 / - |
2168-8184 |
2023 |
133 |
Tony Sam George |
Facilitating Faculty Development for Training in Multicultural Competence in Health Service Psychology Graduate Programs Through an International Collaboration |
International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation / 13 / 1 / 24 - 39 |
2157-3883 |
2023 |
134 |
Uma Krishnan |
?Frauds? In the Classroom: The Prevalence and Relationship between Impostor Phenomenon, Academic Motivation and Study Engagement among Indian College Students |
The International Journal of Indian Psychology / / 3 / 2253 - 2267 |
2348-5396 |
2023 |
135 |
Varghese K J |
Facilitating Faculty Development for Training in Multicultural Competence in Health Service Psychology Graduate Programs Through an International Collaboration |
International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation / 13 / 1 / 24 - 39 |
2157-3883 |
2023 |
136 |
Vijaya R |
Survey Data on Bullying Involvement among School-going Adolescents in India |
Data in Brief / 52 / 110061 / - |
2352-3409 |
2023 |
137 |
Vijaya R |
Unpacking the Past and Charting the Future: A Comprehensive Review of Organizational Development Trends and Predictions |
USHUS- Journal of Business Management / / / - |
0975-3311 |
2023 |
138 |
Vijayapriya C V |
Effectiveness of Internet-delivered Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training on Executive Functions among College Students with Borderline Personality Traits: A Non-randomized Controlled Trial |
Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome / 26 / 3 / - |
2499-7552, 2239-8031 |
2023 |
139 |
Viju P D |
A mixed-methods study of training in evidence-based practice in psychology among students, faculty, and practitioners in India and the United States |
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice / / / - |
0735-7028 |
2023 |
140 |
Aditi Ashok Arur |
Xenophobic Attitudes And Representations In Social Media During Covid-19 Pandemic In India |
Revista Conhecimento Online / / / - |
2176-8501 |
2022 |
141 |
Aiswarya V R |
Experience of Academic Anxiety Among Higher Secondary Students in
the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic
International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR) / 11 / 3 / 20 - 26 |
2279 - 0179 |
2022 |
142 |
Aiswarya V R |
Greater Frequency of Pornography Consumption is Associated with Decreased Self-Esteem and Increased Body Image Issues in Indian Cisgender Men |
The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 10 / 4 / 36 - 44 |
2348-5396 |
2022 |
143 |
Akanksha Rani |
Prevalence and Impact of Abuse Experienced by Persons with Severe Mental Illness:
A Systematic Review
Violence and Gender / Not given / Not given / 1 - 17 |
2326-7836 |
2022 |
144 |
Akanksha Rani |
A Qualitative Study to Understand the Nature of Abuse Experienced by Persons with Severe Mental Illness |
Violence and Gender / 10 / 1 / 45 - 56 |
2326-7836 |
2022 |
145 |
Ammu Elizabeth Alexander |
Determinants of Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer: A Determinants of Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer: A
Systematic Review |
Journal of International Women studies / 24 / 3 / 1 - 17 |
1539-8706 |
2022 |
146 |
Ammu Elizabeth Alexander |
Impact Of Parental Overprotection On Emotional Intelligence
Among Young Adults
Indian Journal of Psychological Science / 14 / 1 / 36 - 51 |
0976 9218 |
2022 |
147 |
Ammu Elizabeth Alexander |
Quality of Life among caregivers of children with ASD |
Perspectives in Social Work / 37 / 2 / 74 - |
0974-5114 |
2022 |
148 |
Ammu Elizabeth Alexander |
Role of Emotional Intelligence Training on Quality of Life and Functional Independence in women with Breast Cancer: A Case Repor |
The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 10 / 4 / 941 - 950 |
2348-5396 |
2022 |
149 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Student Subjective Wellbeing amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic in Iran: Role of Loneliness, Resilience and Parental Involvement |
Child Indicator Research / 14 / 4 / - |
1874-897X, 1874-8988 |
2022 |
150 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Sexual health and safety of adolescents with intellectual disability: Challenges and concerns among special educators in India |
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities / / / - |
1744-6309 |
2022 |
151 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Mediating role of self-concept on character strengths and well-being among adolescents with specific learning disorder in India |
Research in Developmental Disabilities / 132 / / 1 - 12 |
1873-3379 |
2022 |
152 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
The role of classroom engagement on academic grit, intolerance to uncertainty and well-being among school students during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India |
Psychology in the schools / / / 1 - 15 |
1520-6807 |
2022 |
153 |
Anita Rao Mysore |
Exploring education majors' multicultural attitudes through an ESL service-learning experience. |
ArATE Electronic Journal / 12 / 1 / 2 - 19 |
1083-6489 |
2022 |
154 |
Anupama S |
Relationship between Self-concept and Job Performance Among Indian
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews / / 4 / - 267 |
2582-7421 |
2022 |
155 |
Anuradha S |
A longitudinal examination of the relation between academic stress and anxiety symptoms among adolescents in India: The role of physiological hyperarousal and social acceptance |
International Journal of Psychology / 57 / 3 / 401 - 410 |
1464-066X |
2022 |
156 |
Anuradha S |
Need for mindfulness-based relapse prevention strategies for postpartum smoking relapse prevention |
Indian Journal of Public Health / 66 / 3 / 334 - 336 |
2229-7693 |
2022 |
157 |
Anuradha S |
Cognitive and biological challenges of menopausal women in India |
Life Research / 5 / 3 / 1 - 8 |
0962-9343 |
2022 |
158 |
Anuradha S |
How could Mindfulness Help? A Perspective on the Applications of Mindfulness in Enhancing Tomorrow's Workplace |
i managers journal on management / 16 / 3 / 52 - 68 |
0973-5054 |
2022 |
159 |
Anuradha S |
Predictors of Employee Displayed Altruism and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Amidst the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic
The International Journal of Indian Psychology, / 10 / 2 / 1410 - 1422 |
2349-3429 |
2022 |
160 |
Anuradha S |
Occupational, environmental and psychosocial factors impacting reproductivehealth of women working in manufacturing sector in India: a systematic review |
Life Research / 6 / 2 / 1 - 9 |
0962-9343 |
2022 |
161 |
Anuradha S |
How Perimenopause Shaped Perspectives On Life During The Pandemic: A Study On India's Working And Non-Working Women |
i managers journal on nursing / 12 / 3 / 16 - 27 |
2231-4504 |
2022 |
162 |
Anurekha T K |
Aggression As A Predictor Of General Well-Being Among Public Health Workers |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Health Management / 17 / 2 / 58 - 65 |
2204-3136 |
2022 |
163 |
Arya Nair |
Decolonising Caste in the Indian Context: The Psyche of the Oppressor |
Psychology and Developing Societies / 35 / 1 / - |
0971-3336 |
2022 |
164 |
Bhuvana Manohari N |
Psychological Well-Being of School Teachers: Predictive Role of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence |
MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices / 12 / 2 / 242 - 262 |
2319-1945, 0976-8203 |
2022 |
165 |
Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett |
Temperament Styles And Problem Behaviors Among Adolescent Juvenile Delinquents |
2250-1770 |
2022 |
166 |
Divya Dosaya |
Gender differential in chronic diseases among older adults in India: Does living arrangement has a role to play? |
Aging and Health Research / 2 / / - |
1552-6887 |
2022 |
167 |
Elizabeth Thomas |
The effect of hopeful lyrics on levels of hopelessness among college students |
Current Psychology / 42 / 25 / 21648 - 21658 |
1936-4733 |
2022 |
168 |
Elizabeth Thomas |
Interparental Conflict and Young Adult Romantic Relationships: A Systematic Review |
Trauma, Violence & Abuse / 24 / 4 / 2630 - 2647 |
1524-8380 |
2022 |
169 |
Elizabeth Thomas |
Videoconferencing-delivered psychological intervention for the treatment of COVID-19 related psychological distress in University students: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial in India. |
BMC Psychiatry / 22 / 808 / 1 - 8 |
1471-244X |
2022 |
170 |
Hema M A |
Social Identity of Kodavas Understanding Evolution and Transitions |
The Indian Journal of Social Work / 84 / 2 / 203 - 222 |
0019-5634 |
2022 |
171 |
Hemangi Narayan Narvekar |
Animal‑Assisted Therapy for the Promotion of Social Competence: a Conceptual Framework |
Human Arenas / / / - |
2522-5790 |
2022 |
172 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Family functioning in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures: Qualitative study |
Annals of Indian Psychiatry / / / - |
2588-8366 |
2022 |
173 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Psychological Well-Being of School Teachers: Predictive Role of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence |
MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices / 12 / 1 / 242 - 262 |
0976-8203, 2319-1945 |
2022 |
174 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Impact of Animal-Assisted Therapy on
Depression, Memory, Attention, and Emotion Regulation |
Human Research in Rehabilitation / 13 / 1 / - |
2232-996X |
2022 |
175 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Psychological Well-Being of School Teachers: Predictive Role of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence |
MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices / 12 / 2 / 242 - 262 |
2319-1945, 0976-8203 |
2022 |
176 |
Jesline Rose Joshy |
What Contributes to COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy? A Systematic Review of the Psychological Factors Associated with COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy |
Vaccines / / / - |
2076-393X |
2022 |
177 |
Jojo Chacko Eapen |
Does Cultural Intelligence & Emotional Intelligence Differ by Region in India? A Comparative Study |
Cultural-Historical Psychology / / / - |
1816-5435 |
2022 |
178 |
Jojo Chacko Eapen |
Personality Traits and Resilience of People with Bereaved Experiences Due to COVID-19: Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy |
Illness, Crisis & Loss / 32 / 4 / - |
1552-6968 |
2022 |
179 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
A Review of Historical Context and Current Research on Cannabis Use in India |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 45 / 2 / 105 - 116 |
0253-7176 |
2022 |
180 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
Growth trajectories for executive and social cognitive abilities in an Indian population sample: Impact of demographic and psychosocial determinants |
Asian Journal of Psychiatry / 82 / / 103475 - 103475 |
1876-2026 |
2022 |
181 |
Meera S Neelakantan |
The role of classroom engagement on academic grit, intolerance to uncertainty and well-being among school students during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India |
Psychology in the schools / / / 1 - 15 |
1520-6807 |
2022 |
182 |
Mythri Rajeswara Babu |
High-affinity binding of celastrol to monomeric α-synuclein mitigates in vitro aggregation |
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics / / / - |
0739-1102 |
2022 |
183 |
Ngaitlang Mary Tariang |
Family Factors Associated with Problematic Use of
the Internet in Children: A Scoping Review |
Indian journal of psychological medicine / 44 / 4 / 341 - 348 |
0975-1564 |
2022 |
184 |
Nisha James |
Altruism, Gratitude and Hope among Young
Adults in India |
Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 14 / 2 / 113-118 - |
2321-368X |
2022 |
185 |
Padmakumari P |
Experience of Academic Anxiety Among Higher Secondary Students in
the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic
International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR) / 11 / 3 / 20 - 26 |
2279 - 0179 |
2022 |
186 |
Padmakumari P |
Quality of Life among caregivers of children with ASD |
Perspectives in Social Work / 37 / 2 / 74 - |
0974-5114 |
2022 |
187 |
Prakash P |
Perceptual span in reading Aksharic Kannada |
Reading and Writing / 36 / / 2499 - 2521 |
0922-4777 |
2022 |
188 |
Rituparna Chakraborty |
Xenophobic Attitudes And Representations In Social Media During Covid-19 Pandemic In India |
Revista Conhecimento Online / / / - |
2176-8501 |
2022 |
189 |
Rituparna Chakraborty |
Camouflaged Protocols of Womanhood: Inherent Paradoxes of Bengal |
Psychological Studies / 67 / 4 / 488 - 500 |
0033-2968, 0974-9861 |
2022 |
190 |
Rituparna Chakraborty |
Factors Affecting Data-Privacy Protection and Promotion of Safe Digital Usage |
CEUR Workshop Proceedings / 3094 / / 49 - 58 |
1613-0073 |
2022 |
191 |
Santhosh K R |
Solution Focused vs Problem Focused Questions on Affect and Processing Speed among Individuals with Depression |
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy / 2022 / / 1 - 7 |
1573-3564 |
2022 |
192 |
Santhosh K R |
Perceived Discrimination and Happiness Among Tribal Unmarried Mothers |
Psychological Studies / 2022 / / 1 - 7 |
0033-2968 |
2022 |
193 |
Santhosh K R |
Perceived discrimination of old settlers in Sikkim |
Changing Societies and Personalities / 6 / 3 / 677 - 691 |
2587-8964 |
2022 |
194 |
Santhosh K R |
Duncan McDuie-Ra (2015). Debating Race in Contemporary India. Palgrave Macmillan |
Changing Societies and Personalities / 6 / 4 / 984 - 987 |
2587-8964 |
2022 |
195 |
Santhosh K R |
Development and Psychometric Validation of Teachers? Receptivity to Change Scale |
Asia-Pacific Education Researcher / / / - |
0119-5646, 2243-7908 |
2022 |
196 |
Sudhesh N T |
Efficacy of a Video Modeling and Imagery-Controlled Trial
Intervention in a Non-Western Adolescent Population: A Case Study |
Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology / 6 / S1 / 24 - 37 |
2470-4857 |
2022 |
197 |
Sudhesh N T |
Perfectionism and self-compassion among emerging adults: The role of disciplining experiences |
Current Psychology / / / - |
1046-1310, 1936-4733 |
2022 |
198 |
Sudhesh N T |
Development and Psychometric Validation of Teachers? Receptivity to Change Scale |
Asia-Pacific Education Researcher / / / - |
0119-5646, 2243-7908 |
2022 |
199 |
Surekha C |
Antecedents and Consequences of Grit Among Working Adults: A Transpersonal Psychology Perspective |
Frontiers in Psychology / / / - |
1664-1078 |
2022 |
200 |
Surekha C |
Young Adult?s Consumption Patterns and Attitude towards Minimalist Lifestyle during COVID-19 Pandemic- An Exploratory Study |
Youth Voice Journal / 12 / / - |
2056-2969 |
2022 |
201 |
Surekha C |
Exploring perspectives on risks to mental health problems in adolescents: A dual method approach |
Youth Voice Journal / / / - |
2056-2969 |
2022 |
202 |
Surekha C |
Psychometric Properties of the Moral Injury Symptom Scale Among Indian Healthcare Professionals |
Psychology Research and Behavior Management / 16 / / 439 - 444 |
1179-1578 |
2022 |
203 |
Tony Sam George |
Videoconferencing-delivered psychological intervention for the treatment of COVID-19 related psychological distress in University students: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial in India. |
BMC Psychiatry / 22 / 808 / 1 - 8 |
1471-244X |
2022 |
204 |
Tony Sam George |
Using Behavioural Economics to Analyse and Enhance Contraception Usage Decisions |
Journal of Health Management / 24 / 4 / 1 - 14 |
0972-0634 |
2022 |
205 |
Tony Sam George |
Examining the Relationship between Academic Expectations and Suicidal Ideation among College Students in India Using the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide |
Archives of Suicidal Behaviour / NA / NA / 1 - 15 |
1543-6136 |
2022 |
206 |
Tony Sam George |
The Universal Dimensions of Change: A Systematic Review of Couple
Techniques |
Contemporary Family Therapy / NA / NA / - |
0892-2764 |
2022 |
207 |
Tony Sam George |
Mindsets Of The Teachers In The Genesis Of Career Identity Among Teachers In Higher Education |
Education and Society / 45 / 4 / 221 - 227 |
2278-6864 |
2022 |
208 |
Vijaya R |
Winning battles with a joke: a qualitative inquiry of humour in the Indian Army |
European Journal of Humour Research / 11 / 1 / 27 - 45 |
2307-700X |
2022 |
209 |
Viju P D |
Young Adult?s Consumption Patterns and Attitude towards Minimalist Lifestyle during COVID-19 Pandemic- An Exploratory Study |
Youth Voice Journal / 12 / / - |
2056-2969 |
2022 |
210 |
Viju P D |
Exploring perspectives on risks to mental health problems in adolescents: A dual method approach |
Youth Voice Journal / / / - |
2056-2969 |
2022 |
211 |
Aditi Ashok Arur |
When Silent Actors Talk: Bodies as Learning Infrastructure in the Post-Pandemic World |
Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 20 / 1 / 17 - 38 |
0975-329X |
2021 |
212 |
Akanksha Rani |
Women With Severe Mental Illness and Marital Rape |
Partner Abuse / 13 / 1 / 1 - 17 |
1946-6560 |
2021 |
213 |
Akanksha Rani |
Lived Experiences of Persons with Chronic Schizophrenia Living in the Community |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / XX / 0 / 1 - 9 |
0253-7176 |
2021 |
214 |
Ammu Elizabeth Alexander |
Impact of Parental Overprotection on Emotional Intelligence among Young Adults |
Indian Journal of Psychological Science / 14 / 1 / 36 - 51 |
0976-9218 |
2021 |
215 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Exploring novice Indian school counsellors experiences collaborating with teachers and administrators |
Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools / / / 1 - 15 |
2055-6365, 2055-6373 |
2021 |
216 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
The mediating role of parental playfulness on
parent-child relationship and competence
among parents of children with ASD |
Advances in Autism / / / 1 - 13 |
2056-3868 |
2021 |
217 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Steering through the pandemic: narrative analysis of school leader experiences in India |
International Journal of Leadership in Education / 26 / 1 / 1 - 19 |
1360-3124, 1464-5092 |
2021 |
218 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Child sexual abuse prevention involving mothers: A Quasi-experimental study with Protection Motivation Theory based intervention |
Journal of Community Psychology / / / 1 - 13 |
0090-4392, 1520-6629 |
2021 |
219 |
Anita Rao Mysore |
Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of preservice teachers towards social-emotional learning |
InSPA Journal of Applied and School Psychology / 3 / 2 / 57 - 61 |
NA |
2021 |
220 |
Anjali Majumdar |
Organizational justice and employee well-being in India: Through a psychological lens |
Business Perspectives and Research / / / - |
2278-5337 |
2021 |
221 |
Anuradha S |
Importance of Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Enhancing
Women?s Well-Being |
The international Journal of Indian Psychology / 9 / 2 / 1575 - 1586 |
2348-5396 |
2021 |
222 |
Anuradha S |
A Phenomenological Exploration of Challenges Faced by Nicotine Dependent Working
Women Undergoing Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention |
Turkish Online Journal Of Qualitative Inquiry / 12 / 8 / 212 - 222 |
1309-6591 |
2021 |
223 |
Anuradha S |
Towards An Understanding of Self-Regulation in Children: Parental
Perspectives among the Khasi Community |
The NEHU Journal / XIX / 1 / 50 - 63 |
0972 - 8406 |
2021 |
224 |
Anuradha S |
Scripts About Happiness Among Urban Families in South India |
Journal of Happiness Studies / 23 / 1 / 1 - 24 |
1389-4978 |
2021 |
225 |
Anuradha S |
Meaningfulness of life between sex trafficking female survivors and the females from the general public in India |
Journal of Positive School Psychology / 6 / 2 / 3617 - 3622 |
2717-7564 |
2021 |
226 |
Anuradha S |
Parental beliefs about positive affect and parental depressive symptoms predicting parents? positive emotion socialisation in India |
International Journal of Psychology / / / - |
1464-066X |
2021 |
227 |
Anuradha S |
Parental beliefs about positive affect and parental depressive symptoms predicting parents? positive emotion socialisation in India |
International Journal of Psychology / / / 3 - 9 |
1464-066X |
2021 |
228 |
Anuradha S |
Impact of Childhood Trauma on Psychological Distress and Personality Pathology in Young Adults |
ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 3129 - 3142 |
1938-5862, 1938-6737 |
2021 |
229 |
Anuradha S |
Perceived Reality of Self and Others with Two Childhood Trauma Survivors?An Idiographic Case Study |
ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 3143 - 3153 |
1938-5862, 1938-6737 |
2021 |
230 |
Anurekha T K |
Gender as a Predictor in the Perception of Sexual Harassment Definition |
ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / - |
1938-5862 |
2021 |
231 |
Baiju Gopal |
Coming out of the desi closet: disclosure of same-sex sexuality in metropolitan-India |
Journal of LGBT Youth / / / 1 - 20 |
1936-1653, 1936-1661 |
2021 |
232 |
Baiju Gopal |
Intimate partner violence in young adults and
it's influence on development of relationships |
International Journal of Health Sciences (IJHS) / 6 / S3 / 5760 - 5782 |
2550-696X, 2550-6978 |
2021 |
233 |
Bhuvana Manohari N |
Psychological Well-Being, Mindfulness, and Impact of Stressful Events among Indian Teachers during COVID-19 Pandemic |
The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 9 / 3 / 1017 - 1024 |
2348-5396, 2349-3429 |
2021 |
234 |
Bhuvaneshwari B |
A Bio-Psychosocial Framework for ChronicDaily Headaches: A Mixed Methods Study |
Journal of Patient Experience / 8 / / 1 - 10 |
2374-3735 |
2021 |
235 |
Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett |
Influence of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response on Relaxation States: An Experimental Study |
Neuroregulation / 8 / 4 / 184 - 193 |
2373-0587 |
2021 |
236 |
Divya Dosaya |
Effect of food insecurity on the cognitive problems among elderly in India |
BMC Geriatrics / 21 / 725 / 1 - 10 |
1471-2318 |
2021 |
237 |
Elizabeth Thomas |
Avoidance Factors in Seeking Mental Health
Counseling Among College Students |
Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling / 12 / 1 / 1 - 16 |
2233-6710, 2384-2121 |
2021 |
238 |
Hemangi Narayan Narvekar |
A Reflection on the Current Status of Animal-Assisted Therapy in India |
Human Arenas / 6 / / 760 - 775 |
2522-5790 |
2021 |
239 |
Hemangi Narayan Narvekar |
Canine-assisted Therapy in Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Scoping Review |
European Journal of Integrative Medicine / 50 / / 102 - 112 |
1876-3820 |
2021 |
240 |
Indumathy Jayaprakash |
Partners- Dyadic Coping in India: Psychometric Properties and Validity of the Tamil Version of the Dyadic Coping Inventory |
Marriage & Family Review / / / 1 - 28 |
0149-4929, 1540-9635 |
2021 |
241 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Spiritual Intelligence, Grit and Perceived Stress among Allopathic and Ayurvedic Medical Professionals. |
International Journal of Life Skills Education / 6 / 6 / 59 - 71 |
2394-630X |
2021 |
242 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Integrated Yoga and Dance Movement Intervention to Enhance the Self-esteem of Low Academic Achievers. |
International Journal of Life Skills Education / 6 / 1 / 41 - 59 |
2394-630X |
2021 |
243 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Psychological Well-Being, Mindfulness, and Impact of Stressful Events among Indian Teachers during COVID-19 Pandemic |
International Journal of Indian Psychology / 9 / 3 / 1016 - 1024 |
2349-3429 |
2021 |
244 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Anger & Hostility; Traits of Type A & Type D Personality and its Association with Cardiovascular Diseases |
IJIP / 9 / 3 / 1 - 2 |
2349-3429 |
2021 |
245 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Randomized Trials of Psychotherapeutic Treatment for Psychogenic Seizures: Scoping Review |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / XX / X / 1 - 4 |
0253-7176 |
2021 |
246 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Therapist's Issues in Understanding Stuttering |
Journal of Patient Experience / 8 / 11 / 1 - 2 |
2374-3743 |
2021 |
247 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Status of Higher Education in India: Challenges, Issues and Opportunities |
IJIP / 10 / 1 / 2349 - 3429 |
2348-5396 |
2021 |
248 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Challenges of Treating Bilingual and Multilingual Stuttering |
Journal of Patient Experience / 9 / 1 / 1 - 3 |
2374-3735 |
2021 |
249 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
The Biofeedback Therapy on Academic Stress among Graduate Students |
Acta Scientific Neurology / 4 / 6 / 128 - 135 |
2582-1121 |
2021 |
250 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Adolescents considering approval from others as a contributor to self-worth |
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology / 10 / 10 / - |
0974- 3618 |
2021 |
251 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
EEG Neurofeedback Brain Training for Epilepsy to Reduce Seizures |
International Journal of Child and Mental health development / 7 / 1 / 28 - 33 |
2586-887X |
2021 |
252 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Randomized Trials of Psychotherapeutic Treatment for Psychogenic Seizures: Scoping Review |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 43 / 6 / 469 - 472 |
0253-7176, 0975-1564 |
2021 |
253 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Psychological Well-Being, Mindfulness, and Impact of Stressful Events among Indian Teachers during COVID-19 Pandemic |
The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 9 / 3 / 1017 - 1024 |
2348-5396, 2349-3429 |
2021 |
254 |
Jesline Rose Joshy |
The Relationship Between Metaemotions And Emotional Regulation Among Orphans And Other Vulnerable Children (Ovc) |
Indian Journal of Psychological Science / Vol-16 / / - |
0976 9218 |
2021 |
255 |
Jesline Rose Joshy |
The plight of migrants during COVID-19 and the impact of circular migration in India: a systematic review |
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications / 8 / 1 / - |
2662-9992 |
2021 |
256 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
The Difference is in the Details: Attachment and Cross-Species Parenting in the United States and India |
Anthrozoos / to be assigned / / 1 - 17 |
0892-7936, 1753-0377 |
2021 |
257 |
Maharishi R |
Neuropsychological Functions and Optimism Levels in Stroke Patients ? A Cross-Sectional Study |
Health Education and Health Promotion / / / - |
2588-5715 |
2021 |
258 |
Manjusha Warrier G |
Integrated Home-Based Palliative Care in Motor
Neuron Disease: A Case Report from Low- Middle Income Country |
Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care / 17 / 1 / 1 - 6 |
1552-4256 |
2021 |
259 |
Manjusha Warrier G |
Development of Guidelines for spouses engages in home-based care of persons with motor neuron disease from Indian context |
Journal of Patient Experience / 9 / / 1 - 10 |
2374-3743 |
2021 |
260 |
Manjusha Warrier G |
An individualised psychosocial intervention program for persons with MND/ALS and their families in low resource settings |
Chronic Illness / / / 1 - 14 |
1742-3953 |
2021 |
261 |
Mareena Susan Wesley |
Impact of Social‑Emotional Learning Intervention on Emotional
Intelligence of Adolescents |
Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry / 36 / 4 / 303 - 309 |
2454-8316 |
2021 |
262 |
Meera S Neelakantan |
Steering through the pandemic: narrative analysis of school leader experiences in India |
International Journal of Leadership in Education / 26 / 1 / 1 - 19 |
1360-3124, 1464-5092 |
2021 |
263 |
Moosath Harishankar Vasudevan |
Exploring Mortality Salience and Pandemic Impact in the Context of COVID-19 |
OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying / / / - |
1541-3764 |
2021 |
264 |
Moosath Harishankar Vasudevan |
The Mindful Self: Exploring Mindfulness in relation with Self-esteem and Self-efficacy in Indian Population |
Psychological Studies / / / - |
0974-9861 |
2021 |
265 |
Moosath Harishankar Vasudevan |
Reading Patterns, Engagement Style and Theory of Mind |
Psychological Studies / / / - |
0974-9861, 0033-2968 |
2021 |
266 |
Padmakumari P |
Impact of Parental Overprotection on Emotional Intelligence among Young Adults |
Indian Journal of Psychological Science / 14 / 1 / 36 - 51 |
0976-9218 |
2021 |
267 |
Rituparna Chakraborty |
Energy Saving, Waste Management, and Pollution Free Steps for University Campuses |
AIP conference Proceedings / / / - |
1551-7616 |
2021 |
268 |
Rituparna Chakraborty |
Factors Affecting Data-Privacy Protection and Promotion of Safe Digital Usage |
CEUR Workshop Proceedings / 3094 / / - |
1613 0073 |
2021 |
269 |
Sadananda Reddy A |
An Online Survey to Assess Knowledge and Preventive Practices
of Indian Nursing Students towards Covid-19 |
The Nursing Journal Of India / CXII / 4 / 147 - 152 |
0029-6503 |
2021 |
270 |
Sadananda Reddy A |
Effectiveness of interventions to address obesity and health risk behaviours among people with severe mental illness in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): Systematic review and meta-analysis" |
Global Mental Health / / / - |
2054-4251 |
2021 |
271 |
Sadananda Reddy A |
Neuropsychological Functions and Optimism Levels in Stroke Patients ? A Cross-Sectional Study |
Health Education and Health Promotion / / / - |
2588-5715 |
2021 |
272 |
Santhosh K R |
Regional and Gender Differences in the Cephalic Index among South Indian and North-East Indian Population |
Medico-Legal Update / 21 / 4 / 252 - 259 |
0973-1282 |
2021 |
273 |
Santhosh K R |
Study Protocol: Development and Validation of a Framework on the Personality Characteristics of High-Potential Employees (Hi-pots) |
Social Science Protocols / 5 / 1 / 1 - 7 |
2516-8053 |
2021 |
274 |
Sudhesh N T |
A Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Life Skills Programmes (LSP) for Young People |
International Journal of Life Skills Education / 7 / 1 / 14 - 54 |
2394-630X |
2021 |
275 |
Sudhesh N T |
Changing Environment and Workplace Well-being among MNC Employees in Bangalore: A Promising Survey |
International Journal of Social Sciences Review / 10 / 1 / 26 - 31 |
2347-3797 |
2021 |
276 |
Surekha C |
Development and Validation of Multi-Dimensional
Scale of Grit |
Cogent Psychology / 8 / 1 / - |
2331-1908 |
2021 |
277 |
Surekha C |
Executive Functions and Psychological Flourishing in Public Sector Employees |
Indian Journal of Ecology / 48 / 16 / 142 - 146 |
0304-5250 |
2021 |
278 |
Surekha C |
Self-Discrepancy as a Moderator Between Romantic Attachment and Body Image Satisfaction among Young Adults |
Youth Voice Journal / 11 / / - |
2049-2073, 2056-2969 |
2021 |
279 |
Surekha C |
Screen Time Beyond Gaming and Social media: Excessive and Problematic Use of Over the top (OTT) Platforms among college students during Covid -19 Pandemic |
Psychiatria Danubina / 33 / 13 / 420 - 423 |
0353-5053 |
2021 |
280 |
Surekha C |
Systematic Review of Interparental Conflict and Intimate Relationship Satisfaction of Adult Offspring |
Youth Voice Journal / / / - |
2969 |
2021 |
281 |
Surekha C |
Impact of Urban Environmental Quality, Residential Satisfaction, and Personality on Quality of Life Among Residents of Delhi/NCR |
ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 19875 - 19887 |
1664-1078 |
2021 |
282 |
Tony Sam George |
Examining psychometric properties of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire among college students in India |
Suicide and Life Threatening Behaviour / 52 / 1 / 110 - 120 |
0363-0234 |
2021 |
283 |
Yuvaraj S |
Role of Artificial Intelligence in reducing U5CMR in India |
Clinics in Mother and Child Health / 18 / 6 / 1 - 8 |
2090-7214 |
2021 |
284 |
Aditi Ashok Arur |
Education for All: How Schooling Is Creating Social Changes for Lowered-Caste Girls in Rural India |
Gender and Society / 34 / 6 / 951 - 975 |
0891-2432 |
2020 |
285 |
Akanksha Rani |
Structural Family Therapy with a Client Diagnosed with Dissociative Disorder |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 43 / 6 / 549 - 554 |
0253-7176 |
2020 |
286 |
Ammu Elizabeth Alexander |
Interventions for the improvement of social skills on Autism Spectrum disorder in India: A systematic review |
Journal of Indian Association of child and Adolescent mental health / 17 / 2 / 178 - 203 |
0973-1342 |
2020 |
287 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Development and Validation of the Social Media Self-Esteem Scale for Adolescents |
International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning / 10 / 4 / 1 - 13 |
2155-7136, 2155-7144 |
2020 |
288 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
The mediating role of positive perceptions on coping strategies and psychological well-being among mothers of children with intellectual disabilities |
Advances in Mental Health & Intellectual Disabilities / 14 / 6 / 263 - 272 |
2044-1282, 2044-1290 |
2020 |
289 |
Anita Rao Mysore |
Cultural reflections: The positioning of preservice teachers |
ArATE Electronic Journal / 10 / 2 / 2 - 17 |
2020 |
290 |
Anjali Majumdar |
Organisational and personal predictors of work engagement in India |
British Journal of Guidance and Counselling / / / - |
1469-3534 |
2020 |
291 |
Anuradha S |
It has taken me into a whole new life and world, a turning point?: Fathers? Experiences of the Diagnosis of Autism |
The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 8 / 2 / 1102 - 1115 |
2348-5396, 2349-3429 |
2020 |
292 |
Anuradha S |
Glass Ceiling Experiences of Women Managers - A Mental Health Perspective |
Journal of Critical Reviews / 7 / 14 / 2850 - 2859 |
2394-5125 |
2020 |
293 |
Anuradha S |
Experiences of Glass Ceiling among Indian Women |
Infokara Research / 9 / 7 / 261 - 281 |
1021-9056 |
2020 |
294 |
Anuradha S |
Relationship Patterns among Women Survivors
of Abuse in India |
Indian Journal of Social Work / 82 / 1 / 81 - 98 |
0019-5634 |
2020 |
295 |
Anuradha S |
Mindfulness: An emotional aid to the glass ceiling experiences |
Cogent Psychology / 8 / 1 / 1 - 13 |
2331-1908 |
2020 |
296 |
Anuradha S |
Faith and Spirituality and how it Influence
Anxiety in Breast Cancer Survivors |
International Journal of Research and Analytical Review / 8 / 2 / 844 - 856 |
2349-5138 |
2020 |
297 |
Baiju Gopal |
Model of cross-cultural adjustment and view of life-career among Japanese expatriate spouses in India |
Current Psychology / / / 17 - 34 |
1046-1310 |
2020 |
298 |
Baiju Gopal |
Emerging Adults Attitude Towards Marriage and Self Forgiveness:A study |
ADELAIDE Journal Of Social Work / 7 / 1 / 50 - 63 |
2349-4123 |
2020 |
299 |
Baiju Gopal |
Psychological problems among Children three years after the Earthquake in Nepal |
Journal of Indian Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (JIACAM) / / / - |
0973-1342 |
2020 |
300 |
Bhasker Malu |
Development and Validation of Emotion Recognition Software in the Indian Population |
Psychological Studies / - / - / - |
0033-2968 |
2020 |
301 |
Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett |
Review of Neuropsychological and Electrophysiological Correlates of Callous-unemotional Traits in Children: Implications for EEG Neurofeedback Intervention |
Clinical EEG and Neuroscience / / / - |
1550-0594 |
2020 |
302 |
Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett |
Exploring the Role of Self-Presentation on Online and Offline Identities |
Indian Journal of Psychological Science / / / - |
0976-9218 |
2020 |
303 |
Divya Dosaya |
Factors Extraction of Effective Teaching-Learning in Online and Conventional Classrooms |
International Journal of Information and Education Technology / 10 / 6 / 422 - 427 |
2010-3689 |
2020 |
304 |
Divya Dosaya |
Transformation of Academic Ecology through Information Communication Technology Adoption |
International Journal of Information and Education Technology / 10 / 5 / 372 - 377 |
2010-3689 (Online) |
2020 |
305 |
Hesi S Herbert |
Presence or absence of Dunning-Kruger effect: Differences in narcissism, general self-efficacy and decision-making styles in young adults |
Current Psychology / / / - |
1046-1310 |
2020 |
306 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
EEG Neurofeedback Training for Mental Health Issues of Prisoners |
Asia Pacific Journal of Neurotherapy (APJNT) / 2 / 1 / 2 - 7 |
2378-3001 |
2020 |
307 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Why Companion Animals Are Beneficial During COVID-19 Pandemic |
Journal of Patient Experience / / / 1 - 3 |
2374-3735 |
2020 |
308 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Vicarious Trauma in Law Students: Role of Gender, Personality, and Social Support |
International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences / 16 / 1 / 34 - 50 |
0973-5089 |
2020 |
309 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Vicarious Trauma in Law Students: Role of Gender, Personality, and Social Support |
International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences / 16 / 1 / 34 - 50 |
0973-5089 |
2020 |
310 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
Engagement Detection through Facial Emotional Recognition Using a Shallow Residual Convolutional Neural Networks |
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems / 14 / 2 / 236 - 247 |
2185-310X |
2020 |
311 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
Engagement Detection through Facial Emotional Recognition Using a Shallow
Residual Convolutional Neural Networks |
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems / 14 / 2 / 236 - 247 |
2185-310X |
2020 |
312 |
Maharishi R |
Effects of Depression Levels on Neuropsychological Functions of Stroke Patients |
Psychology and Education Journal / 58 / 2 / 3512 - 3517 |
0033-3077 |
2020 |
313 |
Maharishi R |
The impact of emotional intelligence on students self-regulated behavior |
GAP Indian journal of forensics and behavioral sciences / 1 / 1 / 26 - 30 |
2582-8177 |
2020 |
314 |
Manjusha Warrier G |
Reflection on the Psychosocial Interventions for Progressive Neurological Conditions during the Pandemic COVID-19 |
Vinayasadhana / XI / 2 / 9 - 15 |
0976-0946 |
2020 |
315 |
Manjusha Warrier G |
Palliative Care in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Study on Parents? Understanding |
Indian Journal of Palliative Care / 27 / 1 / 146 - 151 |
0973-1075 |
2020 |
316 |
Manjusha Warrier G |
A meta-ethnographic synthesis of lived
experience of spouse caregivers in chronic illness |
Qualitative Social Work / 20 / / 1 - 24 |
1473-3250 |
2020 |
317 |
Manjusha Warrier G |
Schooling of Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Experiences from a Tertiary Care Centre In India |
School Social Work Journal / 45 / 2 / 21 - 33 |
0161-5653 |
2020 |
318 |
Mareena Susan Wesley |
Vicarious Trauma in Law Students: Role of Gender, Personality, and Social Support |
International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences / 16 / 1 / 34 - 50 |
0973-5089 |
2020 |
319 |
Nisha James |
Of Vulnerability and Agency: Perspectives from survivors of sex trafficking in India.
Perspectives from Survivors of
Sex Trafficking in India |
Indian Journal of Human Development / 15 / 1 / 117 - 127 |
0973-7030 |
2020 |
320 |
Padmakumari P |
Psychological Health among armed Forces Doctors During COVID-19 Pandemic in India |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 42 / 4 / 374 - 378 |
0253-7176, 0975-1564 |
2020 |
321 |
Padmakumari P |
Self-care, burnout and compassion fatigue among oncology professionals |
Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine / 24 / 3 / 168 - 171 |
0973-2284 |
2020 |
322 |
Padmakumari P |
Presence or absence of Dunning-Kruger effect: Differences in narcissism, general self-efficacy and decision-making styles in young adults |
Current Psychology / / / - |
1046-1310 |
2020 |
323 |
Padmakumari P |
Interventions for the improvement of social skills in autism spectrum disorder in India: A systematic review |
Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / 17 / 2 / 178 - 203 |
0973-1342 |
2020 |
324 |
Padmakumari P |
Survey of prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms among 1124 healthcare workers during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic across India |
Medical Journal Armed Forces India / / / - |
0377-1237 |
2020 |
325 |
Padmakumari P |
Interventions for the improvement of social skills on Autism Spectrum disorder in India: A systematic review |
Journal of Indian Association of child and Adolescent mental health / 17 / 2 / 178 - 203 |
0973-1342 |
2020 |
326 |
Sadananda Reddy A |
Development of a Supported Education Program for Students with Severe Mental Disorders in India |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / - |
0253-7176, 0975-1564 |
2020 |
327 |
Santhosh K R |
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in the wake of COVID-19 in India: a conceptual overview |
The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 8 / 2 / 1133 - 1138 |
2348-5396 |
2020 |
328 |
Santhosh K R |
Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Police Operational Stress: A Pilot Study |
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology / / / 1 - 11 |
1936-6469 |
2020 |
329 |
Santhosh K R |
Development and psychometric validation of the three dimensional grit scale |
Current Psychology / / / 1 - 10 |
1936-4733 |
2020 |
330 |
Sreenath K |
Snehagram Model of an Applied Psychosocial Intervention Approach among Adolescents living with HIV/AIDS - A Blueprint |
Institutionalized Children Beyond Explorations / / / - |
2349-3003, 2349-3011 |
2020 |
331 |
Sreenath K |
Development and psychometric validation of the three dimensional grit scale |
Current Psychology / / / 1 - 10 |
1936-4733 |
2020 |
332 |
Suantak Demkhosei Vaiphei |
Significance of Psychotherapeutic Approach Toward Terminal Ill Diagnosis in Clinical Practices |
Journal of Contemporary medicine / 10 / 3 / 91 - 94 |
2667-7180 |
2020 |
333 |
Suantak Demkhosei Vaiphei |
Coping with Psychological Stress and Depression among the Terminal Ill
Patients in India |
Journal of Women's Health and Safety Research / 5 / 1 / 212 - 216 |
2577-1388 |
2020 |
334 |
Sudhesh N T |
Snehagram Model of an Applied Psychosocial Intervention Approach among Adolescents living with HIV/AIDS - A Blueprint |
Institutionalized Children Beyond Explorations / / / - |
2349-3003, 2349-3011 |
2020 |
335 |
Sudhesh N T |
Resilience and Quality of Life among Emerging Adults: The role of Personality |
International Journal of Indian Psychology / 9 / 1 / - |
2348-5396, 2349-3429 |
2020 |
336 |
Sudhesh N T |
Emotional Regulations as a Predictor of Peer relationship and Assertiveness among Adolescents |
International Journal of Life Skills Education / 5 / 1 / 5 - 20 |
2394-630X |
2020 |
337 |
Sudhesh N T |
Body Image issues and Self-Concept dilemmas in Adolescents living with Thalassemia |
Psychology, Health and Medicine / / / - |
1354-8506, 1465-3966 |
2020 |
338 |
Surekha C |
Development and validation of gaming disorder and hazardous gaming scale (GDHGS) based on the WHO framework (ICD-11 criteria) of disordered gaming |
Asian Journal of Psychiatry / 54 / / - |
1876-2018 |
2020 |
339 |
Surekha C |
Impact of lockdown following Covid-19 on the gaming behaviour of college students |
Indian Journal of Public Health / 64 / 6 / 172 - 176 |
0019-557X |
2020 |
340 |
Tony Sam George |
Predictors of Positive Psychological Capital: An Attempt Among the Teacher Communities in Rural Jharkhand, India |
Management and Labour Studies / / / 139 - 160 |
2321-0710, 0258-042X |
2020 |
341 |
Tony Sam George |
The relationship between density of drug outlets, crime hot spots and family factors on the consumption of drugs and delinquent behaviour of male adolescent Mexican students |
Social Science and Medicine / 279 / 1 / 1 - 10 |
0277-9536 |
2020 |
342 |
Tony Sam George |
The effect of servant leadership on ad hoc schoolteachers? affective commitment and psychological well-being: The mediating role of psychological capital |
International Review of Education / / / - |
0020-8566 |
2020 |
343 |
Viju P D |
The effect of servant leadership on ad hoc schoolteachers? affective commitment and psychological well-being: The mediating role of psychological capital |
International Review of Education / / / - |
0020-8566 |
2020 |
344 |
Viju P D |
Predictors of Positive Psychological Capital: An Attempt Among the Teacher Communities in Rural Jharkhand, India |
Management and Labour Studies / / / 139 - 160 |
2321-0710, 0258-042X |
2020 |
345 |
Aditi Ashok Arur |
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as Semiotic Resources in Career Guidance: Exploring a 10th Grade Boy?s Sociopolitical Motivations in Delhi, India |
Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning / 8 / 1 / 3 - 16 |
2319-2313 |
2019 |
346 |
Akanksha Rani |
Suffering in Silence: Stories of Indian Women with Chronic Mental Illness and Sexual Coercion |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 42 / 2 / 168 - 174 |
0253-7176 |
2019 |
347 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Strengths-Based Positive Schooling
Interventions: a Scoping Review |
Contemporary School Psychology / 18 / 1 / - |
2159-2020 |
2019 |
348 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Physical framework for a counselling environment in India:Thematic analysis of counsellors' perceptions |
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research / / / - |
1746-1405 |
2019 |
349 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Physical framework for a counselling environment in India: Thematic analysis of counsellors' perceptions |
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research / 20 / 2 / 336 - 345 |
1746-1405 |
2019 |
350 |
Anita Rao Mysore |
An English Learner Service-learning Project:Preparing Education Majors Using Technology and the SAMR Model |
CALL-EJ / 20 / 2 / 128 - 149 |
2187-9036 |
2019 |
351 |
Anjali Miriam Dey |
Physical framework for a counselling environment in India: Thematic analysis of counsellors' perceptions |
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research / 20 / 2 / 336 - 345 |
1746-1405 |
2019 |
352 |
Anjali Miriam Dey |
Development and Validation of Superstitious Beliefs Scale |
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 12 / 1 / 1 - 21 |
0975-2935 |
2019 |
353 |
Anjali Miriam Dey |
Development and Validation of Superstitious Beliefs Scale |
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary studies in Humanities / 12 / 1 / - |
0975-2935 |
2019 |
354 |
Anuradha S |
Challenges of Indian Girls with Maternal Schizophrenia |
Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal / 12 / 2 / 863 - 873 |
0974-6242 |
2019 |
355 |
Anuradha S |
Psychosocial Correlates of Resilience among
Older Adults in Mexico |
Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal / 12 / 2 / 825 - 832 |
0974-6242 |
2019 |
356 |
Anuradha S |
Emotional needs of women post-rescue from sex trafficking in India |
Cogent Psychology / 6 / / 1 - 12 |
23311908 |
2019 |
357 |
Anuradha S |
Understanding attitudes of young adults towards substance use |
International Journal of Indian Psychology / 7 / 2 / 381 - 395 |
2348-5396 |
2019 |
358 |
Anuradha S |
Status of Sex Trafficking in India - A Conceptual Paper |
Acta Scientific Neurology / 2 / 10 / 56 - 62 |
2582-1121 |
2019 |
359 |
Anuradha S |
Emotional Experience of Women Post Rescue from Sex trafficking in India |
The Journal of Social Science research / 5 / 12 / 1681 - 1690 |
2411-9458 |
2019 |
360 |
Anuradha S |
Status of Sex trafficking in India - A conceptual Paper |
Acta Scientific Neurology / 2 / 10 / 56 - 62 |
2582-1121 |
2019 |
361 |
Anuradha S |
Post Traumatic Relationship Experiences in Women in South India |
Cogent Psychology / 6 / 1 / 1 - 17 |
2331-1908 |
2019 |
362 |
Anuradha S |
Editorial |
Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 19 / 1 / 4 - 9 |
0975-329x |
2019 |
363 |
Anuradha S |
Role of Parents' Education, Occupation in Parental Pressure and Adolescents Test Anxiety |
Bio Science Bio Technology research and Communications / 13 / 1 / 288 - 295 |
0974-6455, 2321-4007 |
2019 |
364 |
Baiju Gopal |
Solidarity, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intent in Employees.
Journal of Workplace Health Management / 12 / 4 / 247 - 257 |
1753-8351 |
2019 |
365 |
Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett |
EEG Neurofeedback Training in Children With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Cognitive and Behavioral Outcome Study |
Clinical EEG & Neuroscience / 50 / 4 / 242 - 255 |
1550-0594 |
2019 |
366 |
Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett |
Emerging hope: EEG neurofeedback training in TBI |
Journal of the Neurological Sciences / 405S / 405 / 17 - 17 |
0022-510X |
2019 |
367 |
Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett |
The effect of priming and extrinsic
motivation on attention: Cognitive quasi-experimental study |
Indian Journal Of Social Psychiatry / 35 / 4 / 285 - 304 |
0971-9962 |
2019 |
368 |
Elizabeth Thomas |
Effect of background music and the cultural preference to music on adolescents? task performance |
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth / / / 1 - 12 |
0267-3843 |
2019 |
369 |
Elizabeth Thomas |
Art Therapy for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in India |
Art Therapy / 36 / 4 / 209 - 214 |
2159-9394, 0742-1656 |
2019 |
370 |
Elizabeth Thomas |
Role of school counselors and the factors that affect their practice in India |
Journal of School-Based Counseling Policy and Evaluation / 2 / 1 / 22 - 28 |
2688-6189 |
2019 |
371 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
EEG Neurofeedback Brain Training for Epilepsy to Reduce Seizures |
International journal of child development and mental health / 7 / 1 / 28 - 33 |
2586-887X |
2019 |
372 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
A Neurobiological Perspective on Psychological Stress |
EJMED, European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences / 1 / 2 / 1 - 2 |
2593-8339 |
2019 |
373 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Physiological Correlates of Arousal: A Meta-analytic Review |
Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience / 10 / 4 / 1 - 2 |
2171-6625 |
2019 |
374 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Epilepsy and Neurodevelopmental Disorders:
A Biological Perspective |
International journal of child development and mental health / 7 / 2 / 55 - 60 |
0973-1342 |
2019 |
375 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Understanding the impact of different factors in the
treatment of drug related substance abuse disorders |
Forensic Research & Criminology International Journal / 7 / 6 / 296 - 299 |
2469-2794 |
2019 |
376 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Personality as a Predictor of Risky Driving Behaviour |
Journal of Psychosocial Research / 14 / 1 / 41 - 51 |
0973-5410 |
2019 |
377 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Understanding Blame Attributions in Rape among Legal Professionals |
International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences (IJCJS) / 14 / 2 / 222 - 238 |
0973-5089 |
2019 |
378 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Specific Learning Disability and Psychological Impact among School Going Adolescents |
Psychology and education : an interdisciplinary journal / 56 / 3/5 / 74 - 80 |
1553-6939 |
2019 |
379 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Culturally Competent Practice in Psychological Assessment |
International Journal of Asia Pacifc School Psychology / 1 / 1 / 98 - 102 |
2697-6544 |
2019 |
380 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
Expressions of Women Survivors of Domestic Violence: Idioms of Distress |
Psychological Studies / - / / - |
0033-2968 |
2019 |
381 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
Grandparenting in Urban Bangalore, India: Support and Involvement From the Standpoint of Young Adult University Students |
Sage Open / 1 / 10 / - |
2158-2440 |
2019 |
382 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
The Consortium on Vulnerability to Externalizing Disorders and Addictions (c-VEDA): an accelerated longitudinal cohort of children and adolescents in India |
Molecular Psychiatry / / 25 / 1618 - 1630 |
1359-4184 |
2019 |
383 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
Consortium on Vulnerability to Externalizing Disorders and Addictions (cVEDA): A developmental cohort study protocol. |
BMC Psychiatry / 20 / 2 / 1 - 14 |
1471-244X |
2019 |
384 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
Sexual Selection, Signaling and Facial Hair: US and India Ratings of Variable Male Facial Hair |
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology / 6 / / 170 - 184 |
2198-7335 |
2019 |
385 |
Madhavi Rangaswamy |
An Exploration of Attitudes toward Dogs among College Students in Bangalore, India
Animals / 9 / 8 / - |
2076-2615 |
2019 |
386 |
Mareena Susan Wesley |
The Relationship between Editing Pictures of Oneself, Body Image and Self-Discrepancy
Journal of Psychosocial Research / 15 / 1 / 25 - 33 |
0976-3937 |
2019 |
387 |
Miriam Priti Mohan |
An Exploration of Attitudes toward Dogs among College Students in Bangalore, India
Animals / 9 / 8 / - |
2076-2615 |
2019 |
388 |
Moosath Harishankar Vasudevan |
Stereotype Threat and Psychological Wellbeing in Children of Prisoners |
international Journal of criminal justice Sciences / 14 / 2 / 283 - 297 |
0973-5089 |
2019 |
389 |
Rituparna Chakraborty |
Be(com)ing a Woman: Body, Authority and Society |
Psychology and developing societies / 31 / 2 / 283 - 314 |
0971-3336 |
2019 |
390 |
Santhosh K R |
Genuine handwriting variations in 10 years: a pilot study |
Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences / 9 / 49 / 1 - 7 |
2090-5939 |
2019 |
391 |
Santhosh K R |
Solution-Focused Versus Problem-Focused Questions: Effects on Electrocardiography States and Affective Experiences
Journal of Systemic Therapies / 38 / 1 / 64 - 78 |
1195-4396 |
2019 |
392 |
Santhosh K R |
Happiness and Resilience among Young Physically Disadvantaged Employees in India: A Pilot Study |
Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal / 30 / 3 / 113 - 124 |
1029-4414 |
2019 |
393 |
Santhosh K R |
Awareness and Knowledge About Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Among Antenatal Women |
Psychology, Community & Health / 8 / 1 / 237 - 248 |
2182-438X |
2019 |
394 |
Sreenath K |
Beyond Numbers ? Recent Understanding of Emotional Needs of Persons Diagnosed with Cancer 2007?2018 |
Indian Journal of Palliative Care / 26 / 1 / 120 - 128 |
0973-1075 |
2019 |
395 |
Sudhesh N T |
Emotional Maturity and Self-Perception among Adolescents Living with HIV - Need for Life Skills Intervention |
Illness, Crisis and Loss / / / 1 - 18 |
1054-1373 |
2019 |
396 |
Surekha C |
Development and Validation of Superstitious Beliefs Scale |
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary studies in Humanities / 12 / 1 / - |
0975-2935 |
2019 |
397 |
Surekha C |
Impact of lockdown following Covid-19 on the gaming behaviour of college students |
Indian Journal of Public Health / 64 / 6 / 172 - 176 |
0019-557X |
2019 |
398 |
Surekha C |
Development and Validation of Superstitious Beliefs Scale |
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 12 / 1 / 1 - 21 |
0975-2935 |
2019 |
399 |
Tony Sam George |
The Jesuit educational mission in rural Chotanagpur, India: historical achievements and contemporary challenges |
International Studies in Catholic Education / / / - |
1942-2539, 1942-2547 |
2019 |
400 |
Vijaya R |
E-leadership, Psychological Contract and Real-time Performance Management: Remotely Working Professionals |
SCMS Journal of Indian Management / XVI / 3 / 101 - 111 |
0973-3167 |
2019 |
401 |
Vijaya R |
Humour and Gender Stereotypes |
Journal of the Indian Association of Social Sciences Institutions / 39 / 1 / 58 - 75 |
0970-9061 |
2019 |
402 |
Viju P D |
The Jesuit educational mission in rural Chotanagpur, India: historical achievements and contemporary challenges |
International Studies in Catholic Education / / / - |
1942-2539, 1942-2547 |
2019 |
403 |
Yuvaraj S |
Being a therapeutic clown - an exploration of their lived experiences and well-being. |
Current Psychology / / / - |
1936-4733 |
2019 |
404 |
Aditi Ashok Arur |
Decolonizing life skills education for girls in Brahmanical India: a Dalitbahujan perspective |
Gender and Education / 31 / 4 / 490 - 507 |
0954-0253, 1360-0516 |
2018 |
405 |
Aiswarya V R |
Significance of Sense of Coherence and Relation with Quality of Life: A Systematic Review
Literary Findings / 4 / 2 / 84 - 87 |
2278-2311 |
2018 |
406 |
Akanksha Rani |
Stress and perceived stigma among parents of children with epilepsy |
Neurological Sciences / 40 / 7 / 1363 - 1370 |
1590-1874 |
2018 |
407 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Parental Involvement in School Counseling Services: Challenges and Experience of Counselor |
Psychological Studies / / / 1 - 6 |
0033-2968 |
2018 |
408 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Personal fableness and perception of risk behaviors among adolescents |
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development / 9 / 10 / 1 - 5 |
0976-0245, 0976-5506. |
2018 |
409 |
Aneesh Kumar P |
Community Perceptions and Cultural Issues related to Child Abuse and Neglect |
Indian Journal of Psychology and Education / 9 / 1 / 180 - 187 |
2231-1432 |
2018 |
410 |
Anuradha S |
Parental Socialization of Positive Affect, Adolescent Positive Affect Regulation, and Adolescent Girls? Depression in India |
Social Development / / / 1 - 16 |
0961205x |
2018 |
411 |
Anuradha S |
Mental Health Professionals View on the Need for Early Intervention for Offspring of Individual with Schizophrenia in India. |
Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal / 11 / 3 / - |
0974-6242 |
2018 |
412 |
Anuradha S |
Mindfulness based relapse prevention : a meta analysis |
Cogent Psychology / 6 / / 1 - 13 |
2331-1908 |
2018 |
413 |
Anuradha S |
How children Perceive their disability in learning? |
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science / 24 / 3 / 50 - 60 |
2279-0845 |
2018 |
414 |
Anuradha S |
Emotional Attachment among Sibling Relations whose Parents has Schizophrenia |
IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review / 7 / 5 / 1054 - 1059 |
2347-3797 |
2018 |
415 |
Anuradha S |
Impact of Residential Mobility on Borderline Personality Traits |
Indian Journal of Psychiatry / supplementary 613 / 3 / - |
0019-5545 |
2018 |
416 |
Anurekha T K |
Consumer Purchase Behaviour on Mobile Applications based Online Portals |
DJAME Journal of Management Research / 1 / 1 / 29 - 35 |
0972-5814 |
2018 |
417 |
Baiju Gopal |
A Review on Acculturation and Adaptation strategies of Migrants |
International Research Journal of Commerce, Arts, and Science / 8 / 11 / 131 - 138 |
2319-9202 |
2018 |
418 |
Baiju Gopal |
Maternal Employment and Well Being- A Conceptual Understanding |
Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences / 5 / 12A / 1764 - 1768 |
2347-5374 |
2018 |
419 |
Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett |
Clinical and Biochemical Outcomes Following EEG Neurofeedback Training in Traumatic Brain Injury in the Context of Spontaneous Recovery |
Clinical EEG & Neuroscience / 49 / 6 / 433 - 440 |
1550-0594 |
2018 |
420 |
Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett |
Academic Stress in School Children:
Behavioural and Electrophysiological Outcomes Study |
Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology / 45 / 2 / 18 - 22 |
0303-2582 |
2018 |
421 |
Divya Ballal |
Children of Parents with Mental Illness: The Need for Family-focussed Interventions in India |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 41 / 3 / 228 - 234 |
0253-7176 |
2018 |
422 |
Elizabeth Thomas |
Development and Exploratory Factor Analysis of a United States' Version of the International Survey of School Counselors? Activities |
International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling / 0 / 0 / 1 - 22 |
1573-3246 |
2018 |
423 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Mindfulness as the Key to Well-Being: A Review of Literature |
The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 6 / 3 / 185 - 192 |
2348-5396 |
2018 |
424 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Neurobiological Aspects of Violent and
Criminal Behaviour: Deficits in Frontal Lobe
Function and Neurotransmitters |
International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences (IJCJS) / 13 / 1 / 44 - 54 |
0973-5089 |
2018 |
425 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Prevalence of Learning Disability and Emotional Problems among Children: An Overview of Emotion and Creativity Focused Interventions. |
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation / 22 / 2 / 22 - 31 |
1475-7192 |
2018 |
426 |
Jayasankara Reddy K |
Understanding the reason for dropout |