About Us

Faculty List





Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 The challenge of Artificial Intelligence to higher education: Policymakers need to answer critical questions South Asia Monitor Fortnightly 20/07/2023
2 Election 2023: Is Nagaland ready to elect its first woman MLA? East Mojo Daily 10/02/2023
3 Teaching Ecology and Conservation: Lessons from COVID-19 Pandemic Lessons in Conservation Annual 23/12/2022
4 Kendram viriykkunnu, vanathilekkoru corporate paravathaani (An open invitation to the corporates to encroach forest - proposed amendments to Forest Protection Act) TRUECOPY Webzine Weekly 23/07/2022
5 First wave of covid 19 through the lens of a child from a middle class family in Kerala, South India Journal of expressive writing Weekly 06/08/2021

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 An ethnographic expose of Mithun-human interrelationship among the Kuki community of Northeast India Asian Ethnicity 05-Nov-2023 24 / 4 / 1-14

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article An ethnographic expose of Mithun-human interrelationship among the Kuki community of Northeast India
Name of Journal Asian Ethnicity
Volume No 24
Issue No 4
Page No 1-14
URL https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=caet20
Date of Publication 05-Nov-2023
2 Effects of the Doctrine of Discovery: A strive to build sustainable and peaceful communities in Northeast India ECS Transactions 21-Apr-2022 107 / 1 / 10183-10197

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Effects of the Doctrine of Discovery: A strive to build sustainable and peaceful communities in Northeast India
Name of Journal ECS Transactions
Volume No 107
Issue No 1
Page No 10183-10197
URL https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/3400148107
Date of Publication 21-Apr-2022


Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 Walking With Sociology https://walkingwithsociology.wordpress.com/ Sociology

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Symposium Presenter International Symposium on Forced Migration and Climate Justice Migration, Land Use Management and Climate Justice: A case study of Wayanad, South India 06/03/2025 Christ University International
2 Seminar Moderator/Chair Dr. Sr. Catherine CMC Endowment National Seminar 03/03/2025 Carmel College Autonomous National
3 Seminar Keynote Speaker Dr. Sr. Catherine CMC Endowment National Seminar Intersecting Identities: Gender and Workforce Inequalities in India 03/03/2025 Carmel College Autonomous National
4 Conference Presenter Elevating Academic Standards and Practices in Higher Education eachers as Facilitators to Adopt Active Learning Strategies: Role of Employee Resource Groups in Higher Education 06/02/2025 Vishwakarma University International
5 Seminar Moderator/Chair ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Gender Inclusivity: Breaking Bias and Sustainable Development 23/01/2025 Periyar University National
6 Symposium Presenter Urban Ethnography and Bangalore Symposium The story of a hitherto urban periphery : an ethnographic account of S G Palya, Bangalore 12/12/2024 Vidyashilp university in collaboration with ISEC International
7 Conference Presenter International conference - Marginalised communities and inclusive development: challenges and perspectives Inclusion or Exclusion? Examining Tribal Development Initiatives through Participatory Approaches 25/10/2024 St Joseph?s University International
8 Conference Presenter International Conference on Navigating Inequality Development and Sustainability in the Global South (ICNIDS 2024) Negotiating Risk: Politico-Legal Discourses on Ecological Crisis in Kerala, South India 13/09/2024 VIT-AP International
9 Conference Presenter ASIA PLAT Conference 2024 Measuring Student Readiness for Learner-Centered Andragogy: Development and Validation of a Scale 01/08/2024 Christ University International
10 Seminar Presenter two-day national Seminar on Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainability and Empowerment: Indian Experiences and Global Outreach Ensuring Women?s Economic Empowerment: A Critical Analysis of schemes addressing gender-specific constraints and Enablers in India 21/06/2024 Christ University National
11 Seminar Moderator/Chair Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainability and Empowerment 21/06/2024 Christ University National
12 Conference Presenter International interdisciplinary Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: Policy, Practice, Concerns and Way Forward-2024 Leveraging Women's Empowerment through Corporate Social Responsibility : the Potential of Industries to Contribute to SDG 5' 06/06/2024 Bennett University International
13 Conference Co-presenter International Conference on Environmental Justice 2023 25/08/2023 Centre for Environmenta Law and Policy, University of Colombo and Indian Law Institute, NewDelhi. International
14 Conference Presenter The 9th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning Service-Learning as a transformative journey: A study among undergraduate students in India 19/07/2023 Christ University International
15 Conference Presenter International Conference on Challenges and Benefits of Learning and Teaching in virtual classrooms Teaching on ?Pandemic? during the Pandemic: Experiences of Teaching Sociology of Health during COVID-19 16/06/2023 West University of Timisoara Faculty of Sociology & the Dept of Education Sciences, Romania International
16 Conference Presenter Local Governance in India@75: Issues, Challenges and Contemporary Developments From tradition to equality: A struggle for Naga Women's representation in local governance in Nagaland 25/03/2023 Centre for the Study of Law and Governance (CSLG), JNU National
17 Conference Presenter Globalization and the Emergence of a New World Order: Theoretical Formulations and Empirical Reality State, Market and Common people: A Sociological Reading on Lakeside Gentrification in South India 20/11/2022 GREFI International
18 Conference Presenter 3rd Asian Tourism Research Conference 2022 Sustainable Indigenous Eco-ethical values for Ecotourism and Cultural Tourism in North East India: An Ethnographic Approach 17/11/2022 Christ University International
19 Seminar Moderator/Chair Bengaluru Sociology Students' Seminar 2022-23 16/11/2022 Christ University Regional
20 Conference Presenter 1st International Conference of the Society for Strategic Education Studies, Inc (S4SES) Teaching, learning and assessment practices during COVID 19 pandemic: A case study from India 24/08/2022 College of Education, Silliman University International
21 Conference Presenter Pandemic Challenges to the Indian Church: A Theological Response Sociology of Pandemic: Perspectives on Covid-19 26/04/2022 Indian Theological Association National
22 Conference Presenter International conference on Anthropology in India: Contemporary debates and future possibilities Indigeneous Concerns and the pandemic: Future directions of public anthropology 25/03/2022 Ethnographic and Folk Culture Society, Lucknow International
23 Conference Presenter International Conference on Teaching, Learning and Assessment (ICTLA-2022): Practices, Systems and Sustainability Teaching tools for online instructions: Challenges in catering to the diversity in class 25/02/2022 Christ University International
24 Conference Presenter 46th All India Sociological Conference on Constitution, Citizenship and Minorities: Mapping Seventy Years of Indian Republic Challenges faced by tribals during the pandemic induced online education in Kerala 08/12/2021 Department of Sociology, University of Mumbai National
25 Seminar Co-presenter First International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Societies (ICTSGS) 29/11/2021 SPAST International
26 Conference Co-presenter International Conference on Revitalization of Indian Tourism & Hospitality Industry and its Contribution towards Socio-economic Development 25/11/2021 Faculty of Commerce and Management, Department of Tourism, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, In Collaboration with India Tourism Bengaluru, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India International
27 Seminar Participant Engendering Inclusion: A Perspective On Women?s Health, Employment, and Hygiene. 01/09/2021 Asia Society India Centre National
28 Conference Presenter International Conference on Sociology of Education in the time of covid-19 pandemic A Qualitative Study on Online Teaching Learning for Elementary School Students in Kerala 11/08/2021 Department of Sociology, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya and the University of Lucknow International
29 Seminar Participant Decolonising Tribal Studies in India 02/07/2021 Jadavpur University National
30 Conference Moderator/Chair UN Sustainable Development Goals Conference 2020 12/11/2020 Christ University Regional
31 Seminar Moderator/Chair Bangalore Sociology Students Seminar Series (BSSS) 12/02/2020 Christ University Regional
32 Seminar Moderator/Chair Bangalore Sociology Students Seminar Series (BSSS) 12/02/2020 Christ University Regional
33 Conference Presenter 45th All India Sociological Conference Land Alienation and Land Struggles among Scheduled Tribes in Kerala: A Historical Analysis 27/12/2019 University of Kerala National
34 Conference Participant Dissemination Conference on 'Interrogating Women's Movements Through Resistances and Articulations 28/02/2019 Christ University National
35 Seminar Participant Debating Sustainability: Discourses on Environment and Development 21/02/2019 Christ University National
36 Conference Presenter 44th All India Sociological Conference on Reconstructing Sociological Discourse in India: Perspectives from the Margins Academic and Administrative Interest on Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups in Kerala 27/12/2018 St.Philomena's College (Autonomous) National
37 Seminar Presenter International Seminar on The Contemporary Socio-cultural scenario of Tribal Women in India The ' Women' in Tribal Development Initiatives in India 10/10/2018 KIRTADS International
38 Seminar Moderator/Chair Bengaluru Sociology Student Seminar 2018 (BSSS) on Connecting the Dots: Understanding Change and Development in the 21st Century 17/08/2018 Christ University Regional
39 Conference Moderator/Chair Scholar Express - One Day National Conference on Social Science Researches Today: Outcomes and Challenges 13/07/2018 Christ University National
40 Conference Participant MARGINS - Contesting spaces and Reclaiming Identities 12/02/2018 Christ University National
41 Conference Participant International Summit on Child Rights: Education for Life organised by the Department of Sociology and Social Work, Christ in collaboration with World Vision India and James Cook University,Australia 04/12/2017 Christ University International
42 Conference Presenter ICIER-Christ University International Conference on Social Entrepreneurship: Sustainable Models and Practices Social Problems, Social Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility: Possible Synergies 17/11/2017 Christ University International
43 Conference Moderator/Chair International Conference on Contemporary Challenges to Indian State and Society organized by Christ University jointly with NIAS 15/11/2017 Christ University International
44 Conference Co-presenter International Conference on School Mental Health 25/10/2017 Department of Social Work, Bharatidasan University International
45 Conference Presenter International Conference on Integration of Human Rights Based Approaches in Health Care Practices Reproductive Health of Women in India and Human Rights Concerns 02/03/2017 School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya and NIMHANS International
46 Seminar Presenter National Seminar on 'Dwindling Wetlands- Impacts on Livelihood and Ecosystem Services' Tribals, Culture and Community Resources: A Study of Kadar in Kerala 30/01/2017 Department of Life Sciences, Christ University National
47 Conference Presenter Community Forestry and Indigenous Participation - Christ University National
48 Conference Presenter Participatory Forest Management and the Grassroot Level Development of Tribals - Christ University International
49 Conference Presenter Ecological Concerns and Sustainable Livelihood: A Study of PFM in Kerala - Christ University National
50 Other Presenter Participatory Approaches to Tribal Development: The Subjective Dimensions - Christ University Institutional
51 Participant Social Research Methods - Department of Sociology, Christ University Institutional
52 Participant Round Table Conference on the Production and Diss - Department of Sociology, Christ University and NIAS Bangalore Regional
53 Participant Refresher Course on Changing Paradigms in Humaniti - Academic Staff College, Christ University Institutional
54 Conference Presenter Traditional Social Institutions of Tribals and their Role in Development Initiatives - Christ University National
55 Seminar Presenter River as a Community Resource for Kadar: the Cultural Dimensions - Christ University National
56 Seminar Presenter Forest Management in Tribal Areas: Towards an Inclusive Framework - Christ University National
57 Participant One day Workshop on Engaging Social Sciences in 21 - Department of Sociology, Christ University in collaboration with National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bangalore Regional
58 Participant Workshop on LFA - Department of Sociology Institutional
59 Participant Postgraduate Student Conference on Interdisciplina - Departments of Economics, Social Work, Sociology and Psychology Institutional
60 Symposium Presenter Street Children in India: The Need for a Mental Heath Framework - Christ University International
61 Conference Presenter The Development Experiences of Tribal Communities of Ranni Forest Division in Southern Kerala - Christ University National
62 Participant BLINC Annual Workshop on Community Rights - Natural Justice National
63 Conference Presenter CSR Reporting in India:Possibilities and Challenges - Christ University International
64 Participant International Conference on "The Paradigm of TBL- - St. Joseph's College of Commerce (Autonomous) International
65 Other Presenter Dimensions of Social Exclusion of the PVTGs - Christ University National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Integrating SDGs into Curriculum and appropriate pedagogy Pael discussion on Integrating SDGs into Education 06/03/2025 School of Psychological Sciences
2 Economic Empowerment of women : Unpacking the Gaps between Policy, Practice and Impact National Seminar on "Gender Inclusivity: Breaking Bias and Sustainable Development 23/01/2025 Periyar University
3 The Cost of Growth: Understanding Ecological Disasters in the Pursuit of Development Musings and Reflections Lecture Series III 07/10/2024 Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous)
4 Ecological Crises, Traditional Knowledge & State Interventions : Exploring the role of indigenous Communities in Sustainable Development ECOPOLIS SUMMIT 2024 19/09/2024 Department of Political Science, Lakhimpur Girls? College and the Mahapurush Srimanta Sankardeva Welfare Trust
5 How to write, present and publish research papers Pre conference workshop as part of the 48th Annual International Conference 09/02/2022 Kerala Sociological Society
6 Tribal Culture of India Commemoration of 75 years of Indian Independence 18/12/2021 Providence Women's College
7 Reading One dimensional Man in a VUCA world National Webinar Series 06/10/2021 Department of Sociology, Carmel College
8 Participatory Rural Appraisal(PRA) as a research tool for Natural Resource Management Participatory Resource Mapping of Bamboo Resources 27/09/2021 Western Ghats Hornbill Foundation and Uravu, Wayanad
9 Research Article Writing and Publication webinar series on ?Turning Research Aspirants to Create Knowledge? 06/11/2020 Vimala College (Autonomous)
10 Social Stratification and Inequality: Marxian and Weberian Views Webinar Series 13/11/2019 Carmel College, Mala, Thrissur, Kerala
11 Dynamics of Man-Nature Interaction: A Sociological Inquiry Talk through Video Conferencing 28/02/2017 Dept of Sociology, Carmel College
12 Tribes in Transition: Resistance and Struggles over the Ages Tribal History Seminar on "Understanding Tribes: Past and Present" 25/08/2016 Christ University
13 Tribal Development: A Gender Perspective Generation UK-INDIA Program 20/07/2016
14 Keynote address on Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology National Seminar on Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology 26/08/2014 Carmel College
15 'Symbolic Interactionism' National Seminar on Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology 26/08/2014 Carmel College

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Tribal Development and Participatory Approach in Kerala: Problems and Prospects Dr. M.K. George University of Kerala November 2013

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 A Study on Gender Roles of Corinth Women in the Writings of Saint Paul MELISSA CHRISELLE REMEDIOS Christ University May 2018
2 Influence of Parenting on the Well being of Adolescents in Urban Slums Jino Joy Christ University December 2017
3 Impact of Education on the Empowerment of Tribal Women in Tripura Simon Paul D Souza Christ University December 2018
4 Human Nature interrelationship: Indigenous Ecological Traditions among the Kukis in Manipur Doungul Paul Lenen Haokip Christ University December 2019
5 Gender, Culture and Religion: A Study among the Naga Community Sentsuthung Odyuo Christ University December 2019
6 Reclaiming Sanamahi culture and religion: A study of socio-cultural changes in Meitei community Twinkle Gurumayum Christ University June 2020
7 A Study on the Impact of Tourism on Social and Cultural life of inhabitants of central districts of Kerala Savitha S Bharathiyar University
8 Gendered Experiences of Women Entrepreneurs in Kerala: A Sociological Analysis Navya K A Christ University November 2020
9 Biodiversity and cultural conservation through Pulluvan Folklore: A study in South Kerala ANUPAMA SUDESAN Christ University July 2021
10 Empowering Women Living with HIV/AIDS- A Study on Organisational Strategies and Challenges Sr Mary Louisa (1144502) Christ University May 2021
11 Palliative care in Bengaluru: A case study Priya Joseph Christ University May 2021
12 Human-Nature Interrelationship: Indigenous Ecological Traditions among the Kukis of Manipur DOUNGUL PAUL LELEN HAOKIP Christ University March 2023
13 Subaltern Environmentalism: Negotiating the Issues of Poramboke in Ennore, North Chennai D SINDU Christ University June 2023
15 . RADHIKA SHARMA Christ University March 2025

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Capacity Building for Whole Person Education in India MAYA M, SUPARNA MAJUMDAR KAR,JIMMY THANKACHAN,MUTHU RUBEN V United Board External
2 An ethnographic Study of Madiwala, bangalore MAYA M Internal
3 NHRC Grant in aid for One Day Basic Training in Human Rights MAYA M, EMMANUEL DANIEL External

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 FDP - Reflections on Advancing Learner-Centred Approaches in Social Sciences School of Social Sciences, Bannerghatta Campus Institutional 08/11/2024
2 Strategic Action Plan Meet of Christ University Collaborating Universities and Colleges on Collective Strategic Analysis of teh Present Landscape in Higher Education for Shaping the Future of Indian Academic Standards and Practices CEDBEC National 08/08/2024
3 Workshop with the theme Beyond Medicine: the Role of Social Factors in Health Department of Sociology and Social Work Institutional 22/07/2024
4 Creative Thinking: Techniques and Tools for Success Coursera International 10/07/2024
5 Theory, Method and Techniques Department of Sociology at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi NCR Campus in collaboration with the Indian Sociological Society (ISS) National 01/07/2024
6 Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching - New to Teaching the Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching. International 01/07/2024
7 Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Introduction to Student Assessment Coursera International 20/06/2024
8 Create Animated Social Media Posts using Canva Coursera International 28/05/2024
9 Capacity Building Programme on Learner Centered Approach CAPS, TLEC, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 03/05/2024
10 Faculty Development Programme on Digital Lerning Playbook IIM Bangalore National 13/04/2024
11 Faculty Development Programme on Advancing Teaching Excellence IIM Bangalore National 12/04/2024
12 Purpose Driven leadership: Transforming Vision into Reality CUHELI Institutional 14/03/2024
13 Training Programme on Human Rights 'Ensuring Dignity, Freedom and Justice: A Human Rights Perspective' Department of Sociology and Social Work in collaboration with NHRC National 12/03/2024
14 Early Career Faculty Training Programme TLEC Institutional 02/03/2024
15 Scaffolding Adult Learning through Learner-Centered Approach Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell Institutional 22/02/2024
16 Scaffolding Adult Learning Through Learner-Centered Approach Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell Institutional 22/02/2024
17 Scale Development and Validation The Department of Commerce International 19/02/2024
18 Master training on Scaffolding Adult Learning through Learner Centered Approach Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell Institutional 16/02/2024
19 Early Career Faculty Training Programme TLEC and CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Yashwantpur campus Institutional 10/02/2024
20 Himalayan Ecology and Future Pathway of Ecological Sustainability of the Indian Subcontinent SHERPA & Dept of Sociology, Lucknow University National 16/12/2023
21 Harnessing AI in Education: Empowering Educators Center for Artificial Intelligence Institutional 14/12/2023
22 Translating Vision to Reality: opportunities for DEI in India KPMG International 28/08/2023
23 Workshop series on Enhancing Mentoring Sessions Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC) Institutional 16/08/2023
24 Faculty Development Programme (FDP-I) 2023 CEDBEC and SDC Institutional 26/06/2023
25 Unlocking the power of Geospatial Data Indian Institute of Human Settlements International 23/06/2023
26 Shaping Urban Futures Coursera International 27/04/2023
27 Capacity Building for Whole person Education in Higher Education in India Project team on Capacity Building for Whole person education in India Institutional 06/03/2023
28 Design Thinking Implementation Follow up HRDC Institutional 09/02/2023
29 FDP on Design Thinking HRDC Institutional 12/12/2022
30 Curriculum Design and Revision Academic Staff College Institutional 05/12/2022
31 GINTL India & NCI Winter School 2022 Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) India and Nordic Centre in India (NCI) International 28/11/2022
32 Designing Course Outcomes and Outcomes-focused questions inpods National 04/11/2022
33 OBE training for School of Law and School of Sciences TLEC Institutional 16/09/2022
34 OBE training for School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Institutional 15/09/2022
35 Training session on OBE for SBM TLEC Institutional 14/09/2022
36 Training on OBE for Department of Hostel Management TLEC Institutional 13/09/2022
37 OBE training for faculty of Bannerghatta Road Campus TLEC Institutional 07/09/2022
38 OBE training for School of Business and Management TLEC Institutional 06/09/2022
39 OBE training for Department of Hotel Management TLEC Institutional 05/09/2022
40 Ecology and History The Orient BlackSwan National 03/09/2022
41 OBE training for School of Social Sciences (Psychology and Sociology) TLEC Institutional 02/09/2022
42 OBE training for School of Social Sciences TLEC Institutional 01/09/2022
43 OBE training for School of Sciences TLEC Institutional 30/08/2022
44 OBE training for School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy TLEC Institutional 29/08/2022
45 OBE orientation for Directors Deans and HoDs TLEC Institutional 23/08/2022
46 Understanding Recurring Heatwaves Risk Impact and the way forward for resilience National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) National 26/07/2022
47 Climate Change: Science, Politics and Impacts Centre for Science and Environment International 25/07/2022
48 Faculty Development Programme I- 2022 CEDBEC and IQAC Institutional 06/07/2022
49 THE Liberal Arts Forum THE Liberal Arts forum and Lingnan University International 23/06/2022
50 Substance abuse and alcohol addiction:Deciphering its impact on the mental health of adolescents and young adults Asia Society India Centre National 25/05/2022
51 Enabling Research Excellence: Importance of Academic Integrity, Collaboration and Impact Confirmation USIEF National 17/05/2022
52 Implementation of OBE in HEIs: An exercise in constructive alignment Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC) National 07/04/2022
53 Proposal Writing Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation National 17/03/2022
54 Professional Development Programme on Project Proposal Writing and Management Centre for Research Projects Institutional 09/03/2022
55 Green Entrepreneurs: Start-ups Accelerating Sustainability Asia Society India Centre National 15/12/2021
56 National Education Policy NAAC National 12/11/2021
57 Time to reset- Climate Resilience in cities across the global South Asia Society India Centre National 13/10/2021
58 Systematic and Social Biases: Addressing post pandemic mental health issues among women Asia Society India Centre National 22/09/2021
59 Adaptive Design for Learning: Professional Certificate Course Ateneo SALT Institute International 01/09/2021
60 Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience UNEP International 01/06/2021
61 QIP on Hybrid Teaching Staff Development College 02/03/2021
62 A Conversation on Language,Death, Memory Department of Sociology and Socail Work Institutional 03/10/2020
63 New Models of Education: Using Digital Tools in Higher Education (Workshop Series A) Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) and the United Board National 21/09/2020
64 Social Determinanats of Health: A Humanitarian Approach to Public Health Department of Sociology and Social Work Institutional 27/08/2020
65 Decentralisation and community participation for COVID control: A Kerala experience Department of Sociology and Socail Work Institutional 17/08/2020
66 Spurious Journals Center for Research Institutional 14/08/2020
67 Talking Public Health, circa COVID 19 Department of Sociology and Social Work Institutional 08/08/2020
68 Publishable Documents Center for Research and Office of Personnel Relations Institutional 31/07/2020
69 How to Write and Publish Books Department of Sociology and Social Work Institutional 16/07/2020
70 30 M Training on Microsoft Teams Media Studies and IT Services Institutional 11/07/2020
71 Copyright Basic, Process and Cost Department of Sociology and Social Work Institutional 09/07/2020
72 Teaching and Learning Community Exchange American Museum of Natural History International 01/07/2020
73 Exploring Indigenous Knowledge Impacting the World Bethesda Khankho Institute National 27/06/2020
74 Publication Guidelines Centre for Research Institutional 19/06/2020
75 Qualitative Data Analysis using NVivo Department of Psychology Institutional 17/06/2020
76 How to write and get published in peer-reviewed journals Centre for Social Research, Dept of Sociology & Social work Institutional 12/06/2020
77 Re-imagining Education in the post-COVID world ILSS National 02/06/2020
78 Standard Precautions: Waste management WHO International 01/06/2020
79 Standard Precautions: Environment Cleaning and Disinfection WHO International 01/06/2020
80 COVID-19 Impact on the Future of Higher Education: What University Leaders should be thinking about now Harvard Business Publishing International 20/05/2020
81 Faculty Development Programme I- 2020 CEDBEC Institutional 15/05/2020
82 Managing during a pandemic: revisiting the HIV/AIDS crisis ILSS National 12/05/2020
83 Not Just one Virus: Rural India?s Package of Distress India Leaders for Social Sector National 07/05/2020
84 Reimagining Public Health in a post-Covid world India Leaders for Social Sector National 02/05/2020
85 webinar on Storytelling Techniques for the Social Sector Indian School of Development Management (ISDM) National 01/05/2020
86 Leading in the post-Covid world: Thoughts on emergent leadership India Leaders for Social Sector (ILSS) National 28/04/2020
87 Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) WHO Health Emergencies Programme International 25/04/2020
88 webinar on Women and the burden of the Pandemic India Leaders for Social Sector National 23/04/2020
89 QIP on Teaching Online CU Academic Staff College 22/04/2020
90 webinar on Relationship fundraising in the time of Corona virus India Leaders for Social Sector National 21/04/2020
91 Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation Coursera International 21/04/2020
92 Child Protection Needs & Psycho social support to children during the COVID-19 pandemic COVID-19 Academy, Sphere India National 21/04/2020
93 webinar on ?Solidarity during a Humanitarian Crisis? India Leaders for Social Sector National 18/04/2020
94 Learning to Teach Online by UNSW Sydney (The University of New South Wales) Coursera International 11/04/2020
95 Responding to a Health Crisis using Public Health Approach: : A COVID-19 Case Study India Leaders for Social Sector National 11/04/2020
96 Webinar on Individual and Collective Responsibility in times of Crisis India Leaders For Social Sector National 09/04/2020
97 ?Mental Health in times of Crisis? India Leaders for Social Sector National 04/04/2020
98 Adapting Quickly to Teaching Online Harvard Business Publishing International 19/03/2020
99 COVID -19: Operational Planning Guidelines and COVID-19 Partners Platform to support country preparedness and support World Health Organisation International 16/03/2020
100 How to get published in an academic journal Sage International 03/03/2020
101 Orientation for PhD Supervisors Centre for Research 19/02/2020
102 The Future of Reporting- Integrated Reporting Centre for Corporate Governance and Citizenship, IIMB Regional 11/11/2019
103 Mail Merge in Google 30M Training Institutional 07/02/2019
104 Rubric Integration in Google Classroom 30M Training Institutional 06/02/2019
105 Google Classroom 30M Training Institutional 05/02/2019
106 How to recognise and interact with (mild) intellectual disabled People Department of Sociology and Social work and Xtra/MEE Zuid-Holland Noord Institutional 19/11/2018
107 30 M Training on Google Classroom Department of Media Studies and IT Services Institutional 15/11/2018
108 Modular Training Excel- Lookup, Index, Match CART Institutional 14/08/2018
109 FDP on Research Ethics (Conflict of Interest) Deanery of Humanities and Social Sciences Cluster Institutional 03/08/2018
110 Modular Training Excel- Dashboard, Pivot Table and Graphs CART Institutional 10/07/2018
111 Modular Training Excel: 'Data Entry and Management' CART Institutional 19/06/2018
112 Subject and Curriculum Updation Academic Staff College 17/05/2018
113 Modular Training on Data Analysis- Excel Graphs and pivot table CART Institutional 15/02/2018
114 Modular Training on Data Analysis - Excel Basics Centre for Advanced Research and Training (CART) Institutional 29/01/2018
115 FDP for PhD Supervisors Centre for Research, CHRIST Institutional 13/01/2018
116 Continuing Education for Disadvantaged Adolescents in South Asia Center for Coordination of Research, International Federation of Catholic Universities International 26/06/2017
117 Teaching, Learning and Evaluation CU Academic Staff College 17/05/2017
118 Workshop on PRA Department of Sociology Institutional 09/02/2017
119 National Level Workshop on Data Analysis Using NVIVO Centre for Advanced Research and Training (CART) National 24/10/2016
120 QIP on Emerging Areas in Social Research CU- Academic Staff College Institutional 23/09/2016
121 QIP on Postmodern Turn in Sociology CU-Academic Staff College Institutional 06/11/2015
122 Qualitative Research Methods: Perspectives and Orientations CU Academic Staff College 15/04/2015
123 Orientation Course on 'Critical Thinking for Professional Excellence' CU- Academic Staff College Institutional 15/04/2014
124 Refresher Course on Changing Paradigms in Humanities and Social Sciences: Challenges for Theory, Research and Practice Academic Staff College, Christ University Institutional 18/03/2013
125 How to Write for and Get Published in Scientific Journals and Publish Manuscripts Springer and Edanz along with Christ University Regional 28/01/2013
126 Workshop on Understanding Adolescents in our Classrooms Deanery of Humanities and Social Sciences Institutional 01/09/2012
127 National Workshop on Effective Teaching Skills and Instructional Strategies for College Teachers CEDBEC, Christ University in association with International Federation of Catholic Universities National 18/07/2012


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Life Member Membership Number: LMI 3690 Indian Sociological Society December 2013
2 Life Member Membership Number:254 Kerala Sociological Society 2009
3 Session Moderator ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Poverty and Social Exclusion in India: Need for a Paradigm Shift towards an Inclusive Society Department of Sociology, CU in collaboration with the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) Bangalore March 2014
4 Session Head Postgraduate Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Social Development Organised by the Departments of Economics, Social Work, Sociology and Psychology, Christ University February 2014
5 First Rank University First Rank for MA Sociology Kerala University April 2005
6 UGC-JRF University Grants Commission December 2006
7 Moderator National Seminar, 'Narrating Centers and Peripheries - Minority Discourses in India' Department of English, Christ University January 2015
8 Resource Person Resource person for ICHR funded Two day National Workshop on 'Transition of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (Primitive) in India: An Ethno-Historical Relook' CSSEIP, University of Mysore October 2016
9 Life Member, Karnataka Philatelic Society Membership No. LM 690 Karnataka Philatelic Society 03 June 2018
10 Member, ISS Research Committee-07 Adivasi and Tribal Studies Membership No: RC 07:18-2224 ; Member of Managing Committee of RC-07 with effect from December 2018 for two years Indian Sociological Society 26 December 2018
11 Member, International Sociological Association Regular Membership with ISA Membership in Research Committee 11 (Sociology of Ageing); RC 24 Environment and Society and Thematic Group -TG 04 (Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty) ISA 13 August 2019
12 Member, Peer Review Committee Member, Peer Review Committee of Carmel Blaze (A Multidisciplinary Research Journal with ISSN 2349- 0217) for the year 2021. Carmel College 01 October 2021
13 Innovative Teaching Award In recognition of the use of innovative teaching learning and assessment strategies CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 05 September 2024
14 First Position, Research Colloquium Competition First Position, Research Colloquium Competition for Service Learning Day Celebrations 2024 'Curricular Connection in Community: Igniting Passion, Inspiring Change'. Center for Service Learning, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore 10 August 2024
15 Curriculum Advisory Committee member Kristujayanti College, Autonomous 06 March 2025
16 Member, Board of Studies in Sociology Carmel College, Autonomous 08 November 2024


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