About Us

Faculty List




MCom, MBA, MPhil

Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 The Menu for Digital Diet Deccan Herald Daily 23/08/2021
2 Dopamine Fasting Dhanam Fortnightly 20/08/2021
3 When We The Acutal Learning Happen In Research Mode The New Indian Express Daily 23/11/2015
4 Teaching Methodology: Days of Chalk, Walk and Talk are Gone The New Indian Express Daily 28/05/2012


Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 Featured Faculty Interview http://researchblog.iimk.ac.in/?p=481 Interview
2 Feature Faculty Interview - II http://researchblog.iimk.ac.in/?p=511 Interview
3 Do Unto Others.... As You Would Have Them Do Unto You https://rishikeshattapasya.blogspot.in/ General Management, Education, and Life Lessons

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Keynote Speaker International Conference on Emerging Trends in Business and Management Guest speaker on the topic: Ethics and Sustainability Practices of the Business Organisations 27/02/2025 SSN School of Management, Chennai International
2 Conference Presenter Twenty Second AIMS International Conference on Management Ethical Usage of AI Tools in Education: Exploring University Faculty Perspective 02/01/2025 Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode International
3 Conference Participant 107th Annual International Conference 27/12/2024 Indian Economic Association International
4 Conference Presenter IIM Nagpur Ivey Case Conference 2024 Placing Xylem in the Indian Education Space 20/12/2024 Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur International
5 Conference Presenter International Conference on Sustainable Practices in Business and Technology Assessing The Environmental and Health Impacts of Cashew Processing 11/12/2024 Modern College of Business and Science - Muscat International
6 Conference Presenter The 3rd International Conference on Economics, Business and Sustainability (ICEBS2024) The Devastating Impact of Greenhouse Gas Emissions 18/09/2024 Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore International
7 Conference Presenter International Conference of Business and Technology Striving for decent work: Assessing Kerala's progress towards SDG Labour Targets 07/08/2024 EuroMid Academy of Business and Technology, Turkey International
8 Seminar Keynote Speaker Seminar and ED Club Inauguration Data The New Oil 06/06/2024 SNES Institute of Management Studies and Research Regional
9 Conference Presenter The International Conference on Business and Technology Ecotourism A Sustainable Development Approach: A Case Study Of Bandipore Forest 19/04/2024 University of Cambridge, United Kingdom International
10 Seminar Keynote Speaker NEP - 2020: A guiding lampe for making India world leader Indian Knowledge System 25/11/2023 Dept: of Education, Sri Rameshwar Das Agrawal Girls (PG) College, and Indian Economic Association National
11 Seminar Keynote Speaker National Seminar Scope and Challenges of Crypto Currency 09/06/2022 Markaz College of Arts and Science, Karanthur, Calicut National
12 Conference Presenter Equity Markets and Fund Management The Repercussion of Pandemic on Women Entrepreneurs in the Food Processing Sector in Bangalore 24/03/2022 SRM Valliammai Engineering College National
13 Symposium Keynote Speaker Sustainable Startup Ecosystem Through Innovative Business Models Sustainability through Blue Ocean Strategy 30/08/2021 St Joseph's College of Commerce, Bangalore - 560025 Regional
14 Conference Participant Quality Measures to be adopted by Higher Education Institutions 09/04/2021 Garden City University, Bangalore National
15 Conference Participant Annual Management Convention on Innovation Driven Transformation 28/03/2021 All India Management Association National
16 Conference Participant International Conference on Coexisting with COVID-19: Impact and Challenges 26/03/2021 Lebenese French University, Stamford International University International
17 Conference Presenter International Conference: Coexisting with COVID-19 Awareness about the Corona Kawach Health Insurance Policy 26/03/2021 St. Thomas College, Thrissur International
18 Conference Presenter International Conference on Coexisting with COVID-19: Impact and Challenges The prospects of packetisation in education 26/03/2021 St Thomas College. Thrissur International
19 Conference Participant National Education Policy 2020: Challenges and Opportunities 13/03/2021 Vardhaman College, Bijnor National
20 Conference Participant Building Resilient Communities 12/03/2021 Madras Christian College, NABARD, and World Vision India National
21 Seminar Participant Hindutva History and Other Modern Problems with the Indian Past 05/03/2021 Brown University, Rhode Islands, United States International
22 Conference Participant DX21: Digital Transformation Summit 15/02/2021 Kerala University of Digital Sciences, Innovation and Technology International
23 Conference Presenter Paradigm Shifts in Business Commerce and Indusry Gender Inclusivity, and Diversity Management at Workplace 25/02/2020 Baselius College, Kottayam National
24 Conference Participant Sustainable Strategies and Ethical Considerations in the 21st Century 20/01/2020 Christ University International
25 Conference Keynote Speaker Business Summit Equipping for Education 4.0 22/08/2019 Christ University National
26 Conference Participant International Conference on Solution Focused Practices 2018 13/12/2018 Christ University International
27 Seminar Presenter Changing Paradigms of Organisations in the era of Fourth Industrial Revolution Changing Paradigms of Organisations in the era of Fourth Industrial Revolutiion 05/11/2018 Providence Women's College, Calicut National
28 Seminar Participant Emerging Trends and Innovations in Teacher Education 19/02/2018 Christ University National
29 Conference Keynote Speaker Recent Innovations in School Education Teaching The Millenials 17/02/2018 Silvermount International School, Perinthalmanna International
30 Seminar Keynote Speaker Quasiquibicentennial Celebrations of St Joseph's Boys Higher Secondary School Educating The New Generation 18/11/2017 St Joseph's Boys Higher Secondary School National
31 Symposium Keynote Speaker QUEST - Quality Entrepreneurship Summit Blue Ocean Strategy For Small and Medium Enterprises 04/11/2017 Junior Chamber International National
32 Conference Presenter Emerging Trends in GLobal Accounting, Finance and Taxation Are Swadeshi Brands a Choice Over Videshi Brands? 21/09/2017 Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru International
33 Conference Presenter Inclusive Business Growth and Sustainable Development Teachers Outlook Towards Inclusive Education 22/03/2017 Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru International
34 Conference Presenter Innovations in Management & Strategies For Sustainable Business Development Attitude of Youth Towards Green Products 11/03/2017 St Joseph's Evening College, Bengaluru National
35 Seminar Presenter 4th National Conference on Banking and Finance-2017 Is Financial Literacy a Need of the Hour? 31/01/2017 Marian Internatioal Institute of Management National
36 Seminar Presenter Engendering Technological Excellence in Higher Education Entrepreneurship Orientation of BBA students at Bengaluru 18/01/2017 Christ University National
37 Seminar Presenter Strategic Human Resource Management - Stimulating Business Transfrmation in India Employee Engagement 17/12/2016 The Oxford College of Business Management National
38 Conference Presenter Accounting, Banking and Finance in Emerging Markets: Challenges and Opportunities Practicalities of IFRS in India - An empirical evidence of the influence of practitioners demographics and their perceptions 05/10/2016 Christ University International
39 Conference Participant Marketing, Technology and Society 29/09/2016 Indian Institute of Management International
40 Seminar Participant India - and Incredible Business and Investment Destination 19/08/2016 St Joseph's College of Commerce International
41 Conference Presenter Make in India - Initiatives, Ideas and Challenges Attitude of Youth Towards Ready to Cook Foods 19/08/2016 VHN Sentikumara Nadar College International
42 Conference Presenter Changing Role of HRM - The Strategic Opportunities and Challenges Will Employees Job Satisfaction Lead to Job Commitment? 03/03/2016 Christ University National
43 Seminar Presenter IFRS in India: Opportunities and Challenges Why do people save and invest? 03/03/2016 St Joseph's College (Autonomous) Devagiri National
44 Conference Presenter Managing Competitiveness with Sustainable Business Growth Can Quality Management Education Lead To Competency? 18/02/2016 CMR Institute of Management National
45 Seminar Presenter Redefining Markeing in the Digital Era of Globalisation Intentions to purchase online: A representative study among the working youth in Bengaluru 03/09/2015 Providence Womens College, Calicut National
46 Seminar Presenter Globalisation and changing landscape of business Relevance of value based Indian leadership in the globalisation era: Indian philosophy 01/07/2015 Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru International
47 Seminar Participant E-Banking in India - Challenges and Opportunities 11/10/2014 PES Degree College Regional
48 Conference Participant Entrrepreneurship, Innovation and Inclusiveness 16/09/2014 Jyothi Nivas College, Autonomous International
49 Seminar Presenter Recent Issues in Indian Economy Banking the Unbanked 27/03/2014 Christ University National
50 Seminar Presenter Global Trade Vision 2020 - Issues and Strategies In The Current Scenario Critical Appraisal of BHEL's Financial Performance 20/03/2013 Sri Kaliswari College, Sivakasi International
51 Seminar Presenter Maintenance of Quality in Higher Education: Problem and Prospects Teaching Architecture of Paradigm Shift in 21st Century 08/03/2012 Farook college in association with CREST (Centre for Research and Education for Social Transformation) National
52 Seminar Presenter The Evolution of Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Its Roles, Challenges and Opportunities Teaching Architecture: A Paradigm Shift in 21st Century Teacher 27/02/2012 Sacred Heart Girls First Grade College National
53 Seminar Presenter Unraveling New Frontiers in Commerce Learning Architecture for 21st Century Teacher 24/02/2012 Christ University National
54 Conference Presenter National Conferene on Indian Aviation and Tourism: Opportunities, Challenges and New Directions Branding Kozhikode as a round the clock tourism destiny 21/08/2011 Mangalore University National
55 Seminar Presenter 365 Days Destination Explore and Experience Kozhikode - A Case Study 18/03/2010 Cochin University of Science and Technology International
56 Seminar Participant Corporate Sustainability Through Innovative Marketing 19/02/2010 Berchman's Institute of Management National
57 Seminar Participant Innovations in Finance 09/02/2010 Calicut University National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 The Future is Now Guest Lecture 28/02/2025 Agurchand Manmull Jain College, Chennai
2 Emerging Trends in Business and Management ICETBM 2025 27/02/2025 SSN School of Management, Chennai
3 VC Funding for Early Stage Entrepreneurs ELEVATE 2024 07/10/2024 NMIMS, Bangalore
4 Budget 2023 - Expectations and Outcomes Budget 2023 - Expectations and Outcomes 07/02/2023 Indian Economic Association
5 Raja Ravi Varma - Painter of Colonial India Kerala Literature Festival - 2023 13/01/2023 Kerala Literature Festival
6 Goal Setting in a VUCA World National Skill Development Workshop 15/09/2022 Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts and Science, Coimbatore
7 Goal Setting Skill Development Seminar 25/08/2022 Department of Professional Studies
8 Deep Work and Atomic Habits National Seminar 19/08/2022 Jain University, Bangalore
9 Book Talk on: DEEP WORK (Cal Newport) Book Talk 22/07/2022 Library and Information Centre, Centre for Social and Policy Research
10 DEEP WORK (Staying Focused in a Distracted World) ED Club Inauguration and Webinar 24/06/2022 St Xavier's College, Thumba, Thiruvananthapuram
11 Blue Ocean Shift Webinar 11/06/2022 Koshy's Group of Institutions
12 10 rules of IKIGAI Institutional Webinar 30/11/2021 ST Francis College, Koramangala, Bangalore-34
13 Digital Diet Personality Development Series for the Post Graduate Students 29/09/2021 Department of Chemistry, CHRIST (Deemed to be) University, Bangalore
14 Effective Presentations National Webinar 25/09/2021 Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and Sciences, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
15 Ideas & Actions Institutional Webinar 31/08/2021 Jain (Deemed to be University), Bangalore
16 Cyber Security and Netiquettes CONFLUENCE 2021 24/08/2021 Department of Professional Studies, CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
17 Digital Sabbath Institutional Webinar 19/08/2021 Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru
18 Case Study Analysis Workshop for BBA and B Com students at CHRIST University, Delhi, NCR Campus 16/08/2021 CHRIST (Deemed to be) University, Delhi, NCR Campus
19 Doomscrolling National Webinar 02/08/2021 Providence Women's College - Research and Development Cell
20 Nehru's Tryst With Destiny VICHARA Lecture Series:10 24/07/2021 Dept: of English & Cultural Studies - CHRIST Deemed to be University
21 The Unclear Boundaries of Plagiarism Online National FDP For Commerce and Management Faculties 16/07/2021 Providence Women's College, and Ministry of Education
22 What makes an entrepreneur? Inauguration of Commerce Club 06/07/2021 Dayapuram Educational Society, Kozhikode
23 Careers - What the future looks like? Invited Lecture 08/06/2021 Institute for Advanced Studies, CHRIST Academy, Electronic City, Bangalore
24 Staying Online and Teaching: Memories, Lessons and Strategies Faculty Empowerment Conversations 29/05/2021 Dayapuram Arts and Science College for Women
25 Strategic Resilience and Organisation Agility Faculty Development Program on: Strategic Resilience and Organisation Agility 28/05/2021 Valluvar College of Science and Management, Karur, Tamilnadu
26 Competing but not growing? Time to make a Blue Ocean shift! Institutional Webinar 26/05/2021 Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering & Technology, Peerumedu, Kottayam
27 CURRICULUM 4.0 Faculty Development Program 24/05/2021 Valluvar College of Science and Management, Karur, Tamilnadu
28 Higher Studies Options Higher Studies Options - Institutional Webinar hosted by the Placement and Training Cell 24/05/2021 Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering & Technology, Peerumedu, Kottayam
29 IKIGAI - The reason for being Corporate Webinar for the Board of Directors and Executive Officials 23/05/2021 Bahrain Public Transport Company, Bahrain
30 Digital Minimalism National Webinar 17/05/2021 Mahe Cooperative College of Higher Education and Technology
31 Digital Detox National Webinar 08/05/2021 Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and Sciences, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
32 Apocalypse or Renaissance - Strategies to set and reset enterprises Multi-Lom Webinar 25/04/2021 Junior Chamber International
33 FLEXPERTISE = Flexibility + Expertise Institutional Webinar 30/03/2021 CHRIST (Deemed to be) University, Bannerghatta Road Campus
34 Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles International Webinar 30/01/2021 Rajagiri College of Social Sciences
35 Surveillance Capitalism National Webinar 23/12/2020 Post Graduate Department of Commerce, NAM College, Kallikkandy
36 Hybrid Learning Training Program for Faculties 11/12/2020 Vedavyasa Institute of Technology
37 Ikigai: A Lighthouse for Life Invited Talk 02/11/2020 Department of Chemistry, CHRIST (Deemed to be) University, Bangalore
38 The rise of Gig Economy Lecture and Workshop Series 09/10/2020 Dayapuram College
39 State of Surveillance National Webinar 07/10/2020 St Thomas College, Bhilai
40 Panopticon Illusion & the Need For Netiquettes International Webinar 06/10/2020 Lions Club Kakinada Professional, and Adarsa College of Pharmacy
41 The Myth of Privacy Paradox International Webinar 26/09/2020 Cambridge College, Bangalore
42 Unfolding SMAC for Business ESPERANZA 2020 - National Webinar 22/09/2020 St Joseph's College, Pilathara, Kannur
43 Automation Anxiety Institutional Webinar 11/09/2020 Garden City University, Bangalore
44 Workforce Transitions Institutional Webinar 13/08/2020 Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering & Technology, Peerumedu, Kottayam
45 Is COVID-19 a reset button for business? National Webinar 21/07/2020 Little Flower Institute of Social Sciences and Health (LISSAH)
46 Hope is not a strategy International Webinar 14/07/2020 Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management
47 Business resilience in the face of chaos National Webinar 12/07/2020 St Joseph's Evening College, Bangalore
48 Business Model Canvas & Feasibility Study Workshop for Entrepreneurs in the Food Industry 18/11/2019 Lavonne Academy of Baking Science and Pastry Arts
49 Careers in Commerce Meet the Scholar 25/10/2019 Dayapuram Residential School
50 Bridging Industry Academia Gap: Are we future ready? The Education Growth Summit 12/09/2019 The Education Growth Summit
51 The Dynamics of Industry 4.0 Business Summit - 5.0 22/08/2019 CHRIST Junior College, Bangalore
52 Leadership 4.0 Leadership Retreat 06/07/2019 CUHMA, CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
53 Blue Ocean Strategy Workshop for Chefs 16/06/2019 Lavonne Academy of Baking Science and Pastry Arts
54 Employee Engagement in Industry 4.0 Guest Lecture 08/04/2019 Krupanidhi college of Commerce and Management
55 Industry 4.0 and the Way Ahead Guest Lecture as part of Meet the Scholar program 07/11/2018 St Joseph's College, Devagiri, Calicut
56 Individual Effectiveness in the era of Industry 4.0 Chief Guest at CHRISCOM 2018 (Commerce Association Inauguration) 13/08/2018 CHRIST Arts and Science College, Hosur
57 Changing Business Paradigms SNCO Workshop Series 06/05/2018 SNCO Tax Consultancy
58 Chief Guest for Business Fest at PES University, Bangalore KASHVI-2018 the business fest of PES Degree College 17/03/2018 PES University, Bengaluru
59 Convocation Address to Students Graduating At Fullinfaws College, Bengaluru Convocation 24/02/2018 Fullinfaws College, Bengaluru
60 Resource Person for recording videos on "Job Interview" Centre for Concept Design 15/02/2018 Christ University, Bengaluru
61 Entrepreneurship Ecosystem For Sustainable Growth Educational Conclave - 2017 20/12/2017 Dayapuram Arts & Science College for Women
62 Flipped Classroom Faculty Professional Developmental Programme 19/08/2017 Christ University
63 Flipping The Classrooms English Lectures on Contemporary Topics 25/07/2017 All India Radio
64 Accepting Differences HED Institute Level Training 20/05/2017 Christ University, Bengaluru
65 Flipped / Inverted Classroom CMA - Monthly Lecture Series 21/04/2017 Calicut Management Association
66 Entrepreneurship Driven By Human Values CMA - Monthly Lecture Series 24/10/2016 Calicut Management Association
67 Entrepreneurial Ecosystem For Employee Engagement Global Excellence For Young Entrepreneurs 24/08/2016 Calicut Chamber of Commerce and Industry
68 How to Be Inquisitive? All Kerala Inter Collegiate Quiz Competition 29/02/2016 Pazhassiraja College, Pulpally, Wayanad
69 Higher Education or Hire Education - An introspection Educational Conclave - 2016 21/02/2016 Dayapural Arts & Science College for Women
70 Education - Challenges and Opportunities Ahead Youth Engagement Initiative of OISCA international, Japan 24/09/2011 OISCA International, Japan


Sl.No. Title Genre Producer Copyrights
1 Appearing for Job Interviews Online CAPS
2 Introduction to Microsoft Excel Educational Department of Commerce

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Individual Investors Behaviour Dr. Vanita Tripathi Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Faculty Development Program on Exploring the Application of AI in the Higher Education System Trinity Institute of Innovations and Professional Studies National 10/01/2025
2 Faculty Development and Capacity Building Program on: Enhancing Research Skills Through AI Tools BM Rula Girl's College - Mumbai, Patrician College of Arts and Science - Chennai National 02/12/2024
3 Preparation for Job Interviews Coursera International 12/10/2024
4 Gmail: The Foundation to Accessing Google Apps Coursera International 11/10/2024
5 Use Canva to Design Digital Course Collateral Coursera International 11/10/2024
6 Performance Reviews with Eduflow Coursera International 10/10/2024
7 Hiring and Onboarding Employees with ClickUp MOOC - Coursera International 01/08/2023
8 CUAF Logo Design Contest CHRIST University Alumni Foundation Institutional 30/03/2023
9 Educate, Agitate, and Organise Let's Chat Discussion Forum, and SOMS NIT Calicut National 04/02/2023
10 5 Day Faculty Development Programme with specific focus on OBE Staff Development College, CHRIST (Deemed-to-be University, Bangalore) Institutional 05/12/2022
11 Business Plan Workshop UDAAN - The Entrepreneurship Club of Department of Commerce National 04/11/2022
12 Workshop on: Personal Interview and Group Discussion CAT - Corporate and Academic Training (Department of Commerce) Institutional 20/09/2022
13 The Law of Karma - A Student Interaction with Acharya Prashant School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy (CU SCFA) Institutional 16/09/2022
14 Panel Discussion hosted by SUYUKTI, Readers Collective, and DOC MUN Click Bait, Cancel Culture, and the Rhetoric Institutional 06/09/2022
15 CU SCFA CARNIVAL 2022 CHRIST University School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy Institutional 05/08/2022
16 Teachers in Nation Building CHRIST University School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy Institutional 18/07/2022
17 Lecture Series for Young Lawyers at Calicut Bar Council Calicut Bar Association Regional 24/06/2022
18 Why Socialism? Let's Chat Discussion Forum, and SOMS NIT Calicut International 29/05/2022
19 Design Thinking Strategy Lavonne Academy of Baking Science and Pastry Arts Institutional 28/05/2022
20 Programme Matters School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy (CU SCFA) International 10/04/2022
21 Voices Unheard: Exploring Gender Diversity & Inclusiveness School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy (CU SCFA) Institutional 06/04/2022
22 Music Matters: Change Your Music. Change Your Mood. CHRIST University School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy International 20/03/2022
23 SHEROES - Celebrating Womanhood CHRIST University School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy International 08/03/2022
24 What & Why of Liberal Arts Education CHRIST University School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy International 03/03/2022
25 Entrepreneur Talks - An interaction with Dr. AV Anoop (MD, AVA Group of Companies) CHRIST University School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy International 19/02/2022
26 Pathways To Management 01 Let's Chat Discussion Forum, and Providence Women's College International 13/02/2022
27 Thought Leaders - An interaction with Dr. Pankaj Gupta (Director General, OP Jindal Global University) CHRIST University School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy International 12/02/2022
28 Union Budget - 2022 Department of Commerce, CHRIST (Deemed to be University, Bangalore) International 05/02/2022
29 Pathways To Management 02 Let's Chat Discussion Forum, and St Joesph's College Devagiri International 30/01/2022
30 Learning to Learn Let's Chat Discussion Forum, and SOMS NIT Calicut International 23/01/2022
31 Copabilities and Capabilities Let's Chat Discussion Forum, and NIT Calicut International 12/12/2021
32 RECONNECT Series CHRIST University School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy International 28/10/2021
33 Wantrapreneurs to Entrepreneurs Let's Chat Discussion Forum, and Farook College (Autonomous), Calicut National 17/10/2021
34 LinkedIn For Career Search LinkedIn International 08/10/2021
35 Create a website using Wordpress Google International 05/10/2021
36 Build training websites using Google sites Google International 04/10/2021
37 Food For Thought Let's Chat Discussion Forum, and NIT Calicut International 03/10/2021
38 KITEX - The Untold Let's Chat Discussion Forum, and NIT Calicut International 26/09/2021
39 The Synergy of Energy Let's Chat Discussion Forum, and NIT Calicut International 19/09/2021
40 Wellness Matters Meandering Minds, YogaCaro, FoxFit, and Let's Chat International 18/09/2021
41 National Webinar on Behavioural Finance Institute of Technology And Management, Raipur Regional 15/09/2021
42 COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers Stanford University, California International 01/09/2021
43 Initiating and Planning Projects University of California Irvine International 29/08/2021
44 My Life. My Story. Series: 01 CHRIST University School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy International 28/08/2021
45 5 Day Training: Case Study Analysis CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi NCR Campus National 16/08/2021
46 CU SCFA YouTube Channel Inauguration CHRIST University School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy National 16/08/2021
47 Introduction to Game Development Coursera: Project Network International 13/08/2021
48 Knowledge Testing: National Cadet Corps Thakur College of Science and Commerce, Mumbai Institutional 10/08/2021
49 Fresh Yields! Let's Chat Discussion Forum, and NIT - Calicut International 08/08/2021
50 Wellness Matters! Yoga Caro, Fox Fit, Meandering Minds, & Let's Chat International 25/07/2021
51 Green Alternatives Let's Chat Discussion Forum, and NIT Calicut International 18/07/2021
52 Online FDP on Research Methodology in Social Sciences Commerce and Management Providence Women's College - Calicut, SGTB Khalsa College - New Delhi, and Ministry of Education National 13/07/2021
53 Create Engaging Presentations with Easelly Easelly International 12/07/2021
54 Product Design Project Management Network International 08/07/2021
55 Why I am a liberal - A discussion with Sagarika Ghose Let's Chat Discussion Forum International 27/06/2021
56 Create an Infographic in Canva Project Network - Coursera International 25/06/2021
57 Chinese for Beginners Peking University. Beijing, China International 24/06/2021
58 Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel Rice University, Houston, Texas International 23/06/2021
59 Getting started with SAS Programming Statistical Analysis System (SAS) Programming International 22/06/2021
60 Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential McMaster University, Canada International 21/06/2021
61 The Science of Success: What Researchers Know that You Should Know University of Michigan International 20/06/2021
62 Success Self-Scripted Let's Chat Discussion Forum International 20/06/2021
63 Emory University, Georgia Health in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies International 19/06/2021
64 Introduction to Cloud Identity Google International 18/06/2021
65 Introduction to Financial Markets Indian School of Business, Hyderabad International 17/06/2021
66 Introduction to Physiology Duke University, North Carolina International 16/06/2021
67 Essentials of Global Health Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut International 15/06/2021
68 Leadership and Emotional Intelligence Indian School of Business, Hyderabad International 14/06/2021
69 Population Health During A Pandemic: University of Houstan, Texas International 13/06/2021
70 Psychological First Aid John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland International 13/06/2021
71 High Stakes Leadership: Leading in Times of Crisis University of Michigan International 12/06/2021
72 Mindfulness and Well-being: Living with Balance and Ease Rice University, Houston, Texas International 11/06/2021
73 The State University of New York The State University of New York International 10/06/2021
74 Dog Emotion and Cognition Duke University, North Carolina International 09/06/2021
75 Create and Design Digital Products using Canva Canva International 09/06/2021
76 Personal and Family Financial Planning University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida International 08/06/2021
77 Sit Less, Get Active The University of Edinburgh, Scotland International 07/06/2021
78 Six Sigma and the Organisation University of Georgia International 06/06/2021
79 Positive Psychology University of North Carolina International 06/06/2021
80 Six Sigma Principles Kennesaw State University, United States International 05/06/2021
81 University Teaching University of Hong Kong International 05/06/2021
82 Writing and Editing: Word Choice and Word Order University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan International 04/06/2021
83 Increase Reading Comprehension with Actively Learn Project Network - Coursera International 04/06/2021
84 COVID-19 Contact Tracing Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland International 03/06/2021
85 Use Google forms for marketing surveys Google International 03/06/2021
86 Foundations of Mindfulness Rice University, Houston, Texas International 02/06/2021
87 Marketing in Digital World University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign International 02/06/2021
88 Google Ads for Beginners Google International 01/06/2021
89 Collaborating with G-suite Apps Google International 01/06/2021
90 Create Google Ads Video Campaign Google International 01/06/2021
91 Organic Marketing Facebook International 01/06/2021
92 Getting started in Google Analytics Google International 31/05/2021
93 Introduction to Google SEO Google, and University of California, Davis International 30/05/2021
94 Advanced Google Classroom for Education Google International 29/05/2021
95 Creating Resume using Google Docs Google International 28/05/2021
96 Increase SEO Traffic with WordPress Google International 27/05/2021
97 Use SurveyMonkey to create a Survey and Analyse Results Survey Monkey International 26/05/2021
98 Programming for Everybody - Getting started with Python University of Michigan International 25/05/2021
99 Strategically build and engage your network on LinkedIn Project Network - Coursera International 24/05/2021
100 Create a class website using Google sites Google International 24/05/2021
101 Business a business presence with Facebook Marketing Project Network - Coursera International 23/05/2021
102 Use Canva to create social media visuals for business Project Network - Coursera International 22/05/2021
103 Using Video in Social Media Posts with Canva Project Network - Coursera International 21/05/2021
104 Building a full website using WordPress Project Network - Coursera International 20/05/2021
105 Facilitate online discussions with Eduflow Project Network - Coursera International 19/05/2021
106 Creating a free business page with Blogger Project Network - Coursera International 19/05/2021
107 Training and development with Eduflow Project Network - Coursera International 18/05/2021
108 Create a beautiful e-book using Google slides Project Network - Coursera International 17/05/2021
109 Manage content marketing using Google Docs Project Network - Coursera International 16/05/2021
110 Creating a Business Marketing Brand Kit Using Canva Project Network - Coursera International 15/05/2021
111 Create a simple project guideline in Google sheets Project Network - Coursera International 15/05/2021
112 Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) with Squarespace Project Network - Coursera International 14/05/2021
113 Surviving the odds Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 25/04/2021
114 Trends and Opportunities in Industrial Robotics & Automation Nagpur University National 24/04/2021
115 The impact of learning space on educational ecosystem CHSD St Theresa's College for Women, Andhra Pradesh National 18/04/2021
116 Leading Transformations: Managing Change Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia International 15/04/2021
117 National Level Faculty Development Program on Mendeley, LaTex, and Plagiarism Allana Institute of Management Sciences, Pune National 10/04/2021
118 Create Google Ads search campaign Google International 10/04/2021
119 Create a profile and network in LinkedIn LinkedIn International 10/04/2021
120 National Education Policy 2020 with special reference to Higher Education Institutions Sanjivani College of Engineering, Kopargaon, Maharashtra National 10/04/2021
121 Faculty Development Program Mumbai University, Indian Accounting Association National 09/04/2021
122 To Write or Not to Write Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 04/04/2021
123 Business Writing University of Colorado, Boulder International 03/04/2021
124 Introduction to Social Media Marketing Facebook International 02/04/2021
125 Introduction to Google Workspace Google International 02/04/2021
126 Competitive Strategy Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany International 01/04/2021
127 Implementation of National Educational Policy (NEP)?2020 SVCE Bengaluru, and AICTE New Delhi National 29/03/2021
128 Webinar on Keeping Students Engaged Harvard Business Publishing - Education International 29/03/2021
129 Counselling, Coaching, Mentoring Institute of Industrial and Human Resources Development, Madhya Pradesh National 27/03/2021
130 Preparing to Manage Human Resources University of Minnesota, Minneapolis International 25/03/2021
131 New Education Policy Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, Haryana National 25/03/2021
132 Contemporary Issues in Business Sustainability Office of International Affairs, CHRIST University, Bangalore International 24/03/2021
133 Project Management: The Basics for Success University of California, Irvine, California International 22/03/2021
134 Foundations of Virtual Instruction University of California, Irvine International 20/03/2021
135 The Science of Well Being Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut International 14/03/2021
136 Research article preparation using LATEX Vedavyasa Institute of Technology, and Computer Society of India National 13/03/2021
137 AI as an enabler for teachers in implementing NEP-2020 in Higher Education Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, NITI Aayog, and IICMR National 13/03/2021
138 Introduction to Cybersecurity tools & Cyber Attacks IBM - Security Learning Services International 12/03/2021
139 Webinar on Childhood Trauma Mindselo, Bangalore National 10/03/2021
140 Mastering Data Analysis in Excel Duke University, North Carolina International 09/03/2021
141 Enhancing Effective Communication Skills Balaji Institute of Management Sciences International 08/03/2021
142 Meet The Shero - Celebrating Womanhood Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 07/03/2021
143 Cognitive Behavioural Theraphy (CBT) for Anxiety and Depression Mindselo, Bangalore National 05/03/2021
144 Quality Improvement Program on Hybrid Teaching Staff Development College, CHRIST University, Bangalore 02/03/2021
145 Identity Politics Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 28/02/2021
146 Creating Entrepreneur Wealth Joyfully Shree Damodar College of Commerce and Economics, Goa National 26/02/2021
147 Management Day Celebration Calicut Management Association - CMA National 25/02/2021
148 Education and Way Forward Malabar Chamber of Commerce Regional 23/02/2021
149 Learning How To Learn McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada International 14/02/2021
150 Brand Management: Aligning Business, Brand, and Behaviour University of London International 12/02/2021
151 Channel Management and Retailing IE Business School, Madrid, Spain International 12/02/2021
152 Brand and Product Management IE Business School, Madrid, Spain International 12/02/2021
153 Pricing Strategy IE Business School, Madrid, Spain International 12/02/2021
154 Integrated Marketing Communications IE Business School, Madrid, Spain International 12/02/2021
155 Brand Management: Aligning Business, Brand, and Behaviour University of London International 11/02/2021
156 How to create a million entrepreneurs and change the world The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE Kerala Chapter) National 11/02/2021
157 Introduction to Psychology Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut International 07/02/2021
158 Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan International 07/02/2021
159 Amalgam 2021 Dayapuram Arts and Science College for Women National 05/02/2021
160 Economics of Money and Banking Columbia University, New York International 02/02/2021
161 Politics and Poetry Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 24/01/2021
162 National Webinar on: Post Truth and the rise of GAFAM Markaz College of Arts and Science National 22/12/2020
163 Broadening Horizons Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 20/12/2020
164 AICTE sponsored STTP on An Induction Program for young teachers Vedavyasa Institute of Technology, Malappuram, Kerala National 07/12/2020
165 Harmony in being Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 22/11/2020
166 AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STT) on Hybrid Learning Vedavyasa Institute of Technology National 16/11/2020
167 Technology, Democracy, and Ethics - Perspectives on Post Human Conditions Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 25/10/2020
168 Media Malevolence Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 27/09/2020
169 Descent v/s Dissent Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 06/09/2020
170 Shades of Life & livelihood Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 30/08/2020
171 International Business Environment University of London International 07/08/2020
172 Faculty Development E Lecture Series Upskill and Upscale Institutional 07/08/2020
173 Mind Matters Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 02/08/2020
174 Webinar on Power and Responsibility: Teaching Ethics and Adaptive Leadership in a Time of Crisis Harvard Business Publishing - Education International 30/07/2020
175 Countering Infodemics Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 19/07/2020
176 FDP on Rethinking Education Amidst Pandemic St Xavier's Arts and Science College, Calicut National 16/07/2020
177 Designing a Curriculum for Online and Hybrid Classes Harvard Business Publishing - Education International 09/07/2020
178 Voices Unheard Let's Chat Discussion Forum National 05/07/2020
179 Creating Clarity and Hope Dayapuram Educational Society, Kozhikode Institutional 04/07/2020
180 Quality Improvement Programme Academic Staff College, CHRIST University, Bangalore 22/04/2020
181 Be Bold and Say It All Let's Chat and The World of Hidden Thoughts Regional 01/03/2020
182 Academic Leadership and Innovative Methods in Teaching Marian International Institute of Management National 11/01/2020
183 Workshop for Innovative Pedagogy CHRIST PU College Institutional 22/11/2019
184 The Education Conclave Ministry of Education International 12/09/2019
185 Blended Learning Pedagogy using MOOCS Indian Institute of Management Bangalore International 22/06/2019
186 My Initial Challenge Lecture Series National 21/06/2019
187 Innovative Pedagogic Practices, Research and Consultancy CHRIST University 20/05/2019
188 Celebrating Womanhood Let's Chat Discussion Group and The Vacationers Cafe Regional 08/03/2019
189 INICIO 5.0 E-Cell, Department of Commerce National 05/03/2019
190 EKTA - 2019 SUYUKTI - The Oratroy Club of DOC Regional 21/02/2019
191 Inclusive Education M Com Decennial Celebration Committee, Department of Commerce Institutional 12/12/2018
192 Passion to Profession Let's Chat Discussion Group and The Vacationers Cafe Regional 11/12/2018
193 Sex, Violence, and Sexual Violence Fortis La Femme, Bournemouth University, and UNESCO Regional 10/12/2018
194 T-Talk (The Art of Teaching) M Com Decennial Celebration Committee Institutional 22/11/2018
195 The leaders in Management Education XIME National 15/10/2018
196 M.I.C (My Initial Challege) Department of Commerce, CHRIST Deemed to be University Institutional 25/09/2018
197 Student centric approaches to teaching and learning School of Education, Christ (DEEMED TO BE) University Regional 22/09/2018
198 Panel Discussion on: Individual and Organisational Effectiveness in the era of Industry 4.0 Department of Commerce, CHRIST Deemed to be University 14/09/2018
199 CHRIST DOC MUN - 2018 Department of Commerce, CHRIST Deemed to be University International 21/07/2018
200 Food For Thought Department of Commerce, Oratory Club Institutional 22/06/2018
201 Frontier Areas in Commerce Academic Staff College, CHRIST University 21/05/2018
202 EKTA - A Socially Inclusive Initiative to Involve and Evolve SUYUKTI - The Oratory Club of Department of Commerce Institutional 07/02/2018
203 Design Thinking Workshop organised in tie up with School of Inspired Leadership, New Delhi SUYUKTI - The Oratory Club of Department of Commerce Institutional 29/01/2018
204 Ex at TedX SUYUKTI - The Oratory Club of Department of Commerce Institutional 24/01/2018
205 Ex @ TedX SUYUKTI - The Oratory Club of Department of Commerce Institutional 14/12/2017
206 Research and Technology in Commerce Christ Unviersity - Academic Staff College 27/10/2017
207 Story Telling For Influence Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru National 23/09/2017
208 Holistic Education - Diversity Management Christ University Institutional 20/05/2017
209 Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Christ Unviersity - Academic Staff College 17/05/2017
210 Innovation and Creativity in Teaching Farook Institute of Management Studies National 05/12/2016
211 Towards Excellence: Rethinking & Repositioning School Education Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode International 22/07/2016
212 Blue Ocean Strategy Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode International 18/05/2015
213 Transitions in Concepts and Practices in Commerce and Management Christ Unviersity - Academic Staff College 14/03/2015
214 FDP on Corporate Governance Institute of Management, Christ Unviersity National 13/09/2014
215 Research Methods Using Structural Equation Modelling National Institute of Technology, Calicut National 25/04/2014
216 IFRS Workshop International Skill Development Corporation National 12/04/2014
217 Contemporary Developments in Commerce and Business Christ Unviersity - Academic Staff College 18/03/2014
218 Engaging Social Sciences in the 21st Century - Curriculum, Research, Pedagogy and Practices National Institute of Adanced Studies National 17/03/2014
219 Faculty Development Programme Department of Commerce, Christ Unviersity Institutional 01/10/2013
220 Pre Doctoral Workshop in Research Proposal Development Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode International 22/04/2013
221 Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Higher Education Christ Unviersity - Academic Staff College Institutional 25/04/2012
222 Excellence in Nurturing Managerial Skills: Innovative Approaches School of Management and Business Studies, MG University National 30/11/2009


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Entrepreneurship. Who is your customer? An online non-credit course authorised by Massachusetts Institute of Technology through edX edX 14 May 2014
2 An Introduction to Marketing An online non-credit course authorised by University of Pennsylvania COURSERA 14 January 2015
3 Questionnaire Design For Social Surveys An online non-credit course authorised by University of Michigan COURSERA 18 December 2015
4 Introduction to Personal Branding An online non-credit course authorised by University of Virginia COURSERA 21 February 2016
5 Design Thinking For Innnovation An online non-credit course authorised by University of Virginia COURSERA 03 September 2017
6 Critical Thinking In Global Challenges An online non-credit course authorised by University of Edinburgh COURSERA 28 February 2014
7 Developing Innovative Ideas For New Companies An online non-credit course authorised by University of Maryland COURSERA 23 January 2014
8 Digital Branding and Engagement An online non-credit course authorised by Curtin University edX 28 April 2016
9 Creativity and Entrepreneurship An online non-credit course authorised by Berklee College of Music edX 14 March 2016
10 Best Paper Selected as the best faculty paper in a national conference on the theme "Strategic Human Resource Management" The Oxford College of Business Management, Bengaluru 17 December 2016
11 Best Research Paper Selected as the best research paper in a national conference on Banking and Finance-2017 Marian International Institute of Management, Kuttikanam, Kerala 31 January 2017
12 Best Paper in National Conference Selected as the best research paper in a national conference on the theme "Changing Role of HRM - The Strategic Opportunities and Challenges" Jain University, Bengaluru 03 March 2016
13 Best Faculty Paper Selected as the best faculty paper in a UGC sponsored national seminar on the theme "Recent Issues in Indian Economy" Annamalai University 28 March 2014
14 Life Member if All India Management Scholars Association All India Management Scholars Association 01 January 2016
15 Life Member of Indian Commerce Association Indian Commerce Association 30 September 2015
16 Life Member of Calicut Management Association CMA is the regional chapter of All India Management Association Calicut Management Association 01 June 2010
17 Life Member of Sadguru Sangeetha Sabha Sadguru Sangeetha Sabha, Kozhikode 01 June 2010
18 UGC - NET in Commerce National Eligibility Test conducted by University Grants Commission University Grants Commission 31 March 2010
19 UGC - NET in Management National Eligibility Test conducted by University Grants Commission and Central Board of Secondary Education University Grants Commission 30 March 2015
20 Learning to teach online MOOC offered by UNSW Sydney UNSW, Sydney 17 July 2020
21 Life Member at Indian Accounting Association Application for Life membership at Indian Accounting Association got approved and accepted Indian Accounting Association 17 November 2020
22 Panelist as Question Bank Reviewer To review the question bank of Garden City University for four subjects. (a) Strategic HRM, (b) Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions, (c) Business Process Improvement, (d) International Financial Management Garden City University, Bengaluru 28 January 2021
23 Human Rights Human Rights Pledge taken from National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi - 110023 National Human Rights Commission, India 06 March 2021
24 Drug Free India Drug Free India pledge taken under the Government of Madhya Pradesh Government of Madhya Pradesh 06 March 2021
25 Volunteer for Women's Rights Women's Rights Pledge taken from National Commission for Women, New Delhi - 110025 National Commission for Women 08 March 2021
26 Member, Selection Committee for TIDE 2.0 Selection Committee for TIDE 2.0. startup conclave Maker Village, KINFRA Hi-Tech Park, Kochi 10 March 2021
27 Reviewer, Board of Studies Reviewer for Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources Management syllabus Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode 22 March 2021
28 Seminar Coordinator, SAMSHODHAN National Seminar for Post Graduate Students Coordinate the National Research Seminar for Post Graduate Students. Hosted by Department of Commerce, M Com students CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore 20 April 2021
29 Volunteer to Fight Against Corona Act as volunteer for the government of India to fight against corona Department of Justice, Government of India 23 May 2021
30 Volunteer to work towards reducing E-waste Act as volunteer to work towards reducing E-waste Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology 25 May 2021
31 Community Engagement in Emergencies UNICEF, New York, United States 12 July 2021
32 Volunteer to Support Senior Citizens NITI Aayog 11 July 2021
33 Nutrition Education Programme on Yoga E Learning Certificate Ministry of Women and Child Development, Indian Council of Medical Research, 07 August 2021
34 Member, Selection Committee MV Startup Challenge Member, Selection Panel, Intelligence in Chips, Tomorrow of Integrated Circuits (ICTIC) Digital University, Kerala, Maker Village, Kochi, and IEEE CASS Kerala Chapter 06 September 2021
35 Life Membership, National Institute of Personnel Management Awarded life membership in NIPM National Institute of Personnel Management 30 November 2021
36 Certificate of Commitment Pledge committed to Central Vigilance Commission Central Vigilance Commission 29 October 2022
37 ISEA Certified Cyber Hygiene Practitioner Qualified the online examination conducted by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India 07 January 2023
38 Executive Committee Member - Indian Economic Association Nominated as the Executive Committee Member of - the Indian Economic Association Indian Economic Association 24 January 2023
39 International Goodwill Society of India Selected as the President of the International Goodwill Society of India International Goodwill Society of India 14 February 2023
40 Life Member, All India Research Society Organiser, participant, and Resource Person of AIRS seminars and conferences All India Research Society 25 November 2023
41 Member, Board of Studies Head of the Board of Studies at Providence Women's College, Calicut Providence Women's College (Autonomous), Kozhikode 23 May 2024
42 Best Paper Award Awarded the best paper in the Tertiary and Quaternary Sector Development at the IEA International Conference held at Jaipur Indian Economic Association 27 December 2024
43 Excellence in Economic Reserach This award is for having published 5 SCOPUS-indexed research papers and for organising 12 research conferences on behalf of the Indian Economic Association during 2024-2024 Indian Economic Association 29 December 2024


(Deemed to be University)

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CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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