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Faculty List





Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter Two Day International Conference on Stories Matter: Rethinking Narratives, Aesthetics and Human Values Epic Narratives through a Tribal Lens: Revisiting the Mahabharata 06/12/2024 BHU International
2 Seminar Presenter Three Day National Workshop on Tribal Performing Arts The Intersection of Tribal Culture and Epic Narratives: Analyzing the Mahabharata 17/10/2024 ICSSR and Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli National
3 Conference Moderator/Chair UG-PG Conference on 'Deconstructing Popular Narratives from Literature and Media' 16/04/2024 Christ University National
4 Conference Presenter 16th National IQAC Conference (I-Con) on "Building Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Capabilities in Higher Education." Achieving Excellence in Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Education: Effective Implementation Approaches 05/04/2024 Kristu Jayanti College in collaboration with EuroMid academy of Business and Technology Turkey National
5 Conference Presenter Impact? 24 International Conference Redefining Gender Roles using Visual Storytelling on Social Media 23/02/2024 IMPACT'24 at Rathinam College of Liberal Arts and Science@TIPSGLOBAL, MCG Palayam International
6 Conference Convenor Two Day International Conference on Literature, Digital Popular Culture and the Evolving Narrative 08/02/2024 Christ University International
7 Seminar Presenter 2 Day International Seminar on Literature as Discourse Queerness as a discourse: Search for Identity 05/10/2023 Central University International

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 6 Days QIP on Integrating Excellence into Academic Practices Christ (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Campus 10/01/2025
2 Seven Day National FDP on Deconstructing Folklore Gokul Global University National 29/07/2024
3 Seven Day National FDP on Environmental Humanities in Practice: Integrating Research and Teaching Christ (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Campus National 18/06/2024
4 Two Day Capacity Building Workshop on Learner-Centred Approach TLEC and CAPS Institutional 03/05/2024
6 International Faculty Development Program on New Frontiers in Literary Research Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru, Karnataka International 09/10/2023
7 Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends in Literary Research Holy Cross College National 25/09/2023
8 Refresher Course HRDC Jamia Milia Islamia 05/09/2023
9 Professional Development Program on Soft Skills Training Christ (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 04/07/2023
10 Rhetorics of Composing in Digital Space: Academic Writing Department of English & Cultural Studies,Christ (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 01/07/2023
11 Faculty Development Program on Tech Savvy Educators: Embracing Digital Tools for Enhanced Teaching and Learning Christ (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 21/06/2023
12 Gender Sensitisation and POSH training for the Workplace Christ (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 19/04/2023
13 Holistic Education Training Christ (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 03/01/2023
14 International Faculty Development Programme on Contemporary Trends in English Studies Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru, Karnataka International 21/11/2022


(Deemed to be University)

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Karnataka, India

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Email: mail@christuniversity.in

Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

Copyright © CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 2020