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Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Air Quality Index, Personality Traits and Their Impact on the Residential Satisfaction and Quality of Life: An Exploratory Path Analysis Model Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 25-Jul-2024 21 / 4 / 39-46

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Air Quality Index, Personality Traits and Their Impact on the Residential Satisfaction and Quality of Life: An Exploratory Path Analysis Model
Name of Journal Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution
Volume No 21
Issue No 4
Page No 39-46
URL https://content.iospress.com/journals/asian-journal-of-water-environment-and-pollution/21/4
Date of Publication 25-Jul-2024
2 Is Digital Altruism the Same as Offline Altruism?: An Exploration of Strength-Based Determinants Among Generation Z during COVID-19 Pandemic Internet Journal Of Allied Health Sciences And Practice 15-Dec-2023 22 / 1 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Is Digital Altruism the Same as Offline Altruism?: An Exploration of Strength-Based Determinants Among Generation Z during COVID-19 Pandemic
Name of Journal Internet Journal Of Allied Health Sciences And Practice
Volume No 22
Issue No 1
Page No -
URL https://nsuworks.nova.edu/ijahsp/
Date of Publication 15-Dec-2023
3 Efficacy of Mandala Coloring Intervention on Executive Functioning and Emotional & Motivational Self-Regulation Among Children With Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Cureus Journal Of Medical Science 10-Dec-2023 15 / 10 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Efficacy of Mandala Coloring Intervention on Executive Functioning and Emotional & Motivational Self-Regulation Among Children With Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Name of Journal Cureus Journal Of Medical Science
Volume No 15
Issue No 10
Page No -
URL https://www.cureus.com/about
Date of Publication 10-Dec-2023
4 Mandala coloring for children with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder- a case series Community Practitioner 07-Nov-2023 20 / 11 / 9-15

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Mandala coloring for children with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder- a case series
Name of Journal Community Practitioner
Volume No 20
Issue No 11
Page No 9-15
URL https://commprac.com/
Date of Publication 07-Nov-2023
5 Effects of a Mindfulness-based Intervention on Well-being Among Rural Adolescents with Academic Anxiety Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health 01-Oct-2023 19 / 4 / 385-393

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Effects of a Mindfulness-based Intervention on Well-being Among Rural Adolescents with Academic Anxiety
Name of Journal Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Volume No 19
Issue No 4
Page No 385-393
URL https://journals.sagepub.com/description/IAM
Date of Publication 01-Oct-2023
6 The role of guilt-shame proneness and locus of control in predicting moral injury among healthcare professionals Cogent Psychology 25-Sep-2023 10 / 1 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article The role of guilt-shame proneness and locus of control in predicting moral injury among healthcare professionals
Name of Journal Cogent Psychology
Volume No 10
Issue No 1
Page No -
URL https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/oaps20
Date of Publication 25-Sep-2023
7 Psychometric Properties of the Moral Injury Symptom Scale Among Indian Healthcare Professionals Psychology Research and Behavior Management 01-May-2023 16 / / 439-444

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Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Author Name (s) SUREKHA C
Title of Article Psychometric Properties of the Moral Injury Symptom Scale Among Indian Healthcare Professionals
Name of Journal Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Volume No 16
Issue No
Page No 439-444
URL https://www.dovepress.com/psychology-research-and-behavior-management-journal
Date of Publication 01-May-2023
8 Young Adult?s Consumption Patterns and Attitude towards Minimalist Lifestyle during COVID-19 Pandemic- An Exploratory Study Youth Voice Journal 05-Oct-2022 12 / / -

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Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Young Adult?s Consumption Patterns and Attitude towards Minimalist Lifestyle during COVID-19 Pandemic- An Exploratory Study
Name of Journal Youth Voice Journal
Volume No 12
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.rj4allpublications.com/yvj/
Date of Publication 05-Oct-2022
9 Exploring perspectives on risks to mental health problems in adolescents: A dual method approach Youth Voice Journal 01-Aug-2022 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Author Name (s) SUREKHA C ,VIJU P D
Title of Article Exploring perspectives on risks to mental health problems in adolescents: A dual method approach
Name of Journal Youth Voice Journal
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.rj4allpublications.com/yvj/
Date of Publication 01-Aug-2022
10 Antecedents and Consequences of Grit Among Working Adults: A Transpersonal Psychology Perspective Frontiers in Psychology 05-Jul-2022 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Antecedents and Consequences of Grit Among Working Adults: A Transpersonal Psychology Perspective
Name of Journal Frontiers in Psychology
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.896231/full
Date of Publication 05-Jul-2022
11 Systematic Review of Interparental Conflict and Intimate Relationship Satisfaction of Adult Offspring Youth Voice Journal 22-May-2022 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Author Name (s) SUREKHA C ,TENA PAUL
Title of Article Systematic Review of Interparental Conflict and Intimate Relationship Satisfaction of Adult Offspring
Name of Journal Youth Voice Journal
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.rj4allpublications.com/yvj/
Date of Publication 22-May-2022
12 Impact of Urban Environmental Quality, Residential Satisfaction, and Personality on Quality of Life Among Residents of Delhi/NCR ECS Transactions 10-May-2022 107 / 1 / 19875-19887

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Impact of Urban Environmental Quality, Residential Satisfaction, and Personality on Quality of Life Among Residents of Delhi/NCR
Name of Journal ECS Transactions
Volume No 107
Issue No 1
Page No 19875-19887
URL https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/10701.19875ecst
Date of Publication 10-May-2022
13 Self-Discrepancy as a Moderator Between Romantic Attachment and Body Image Satisfaction among Young Adults Youth Voice Journal 13-Nov-2021 11 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Self-Discrepancy as a Moderator Between Romantic Attachment and Body Image Satisfaction among Young Adults
Name of Journal Youth Voice Journal
Volume No 11
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.rj4allpublications.com/yvj/
Date of Publication 13-Nov-2021
14 Executive Functions and Psychological Flourishing in Public Sector Employees Indian Journal of Ecology 01-Aug-2021 48 / 16 / 142-146

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Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Executive Functions and Psychological Flourishing in Public Sector Employees
Name of Journal Indian Journal of Ecology
Volume No 48
Issue No 16
Page No 142-146
URL http://indianecologicalsociety.com/society/
Date of Publication 01-Aug-2021
15 Screen Time Beyond Gaming and Social media: Excessive and Problematic Use of Over the top (OTT) Platforms among college students during Covid -19 Pandemic Psychiatria Danubina 12-Jul-2021 33 / 13 / 420-423

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Screen Time Beyond Gaming and Social media: Excessive and Problematic Use of Over the top (OTT) Platforms among college students during Covid -19 Pandemic
Name of Journal Psychiatria Danubina
Volume No 33
Issue No 13
Page No 420-423
URL https://www.psychiatria-danubina.com/about-us/13
Date of Publication 12-Jul-2021
16 Development and Validation of Multi-Dimensional Scale of Grit Cogent Psychology 01-Jun-2021 8 / 1 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Development and Validation of Multi-Dimensional Scale of Grit
Name of Journal Cogent Psychology
Volume No 8
Issue No 1
Page No -
URL https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23311908.2021.1923166
Date of Publication 01-Jun-2021
17 Development and validation of gaming disorder and hazardous gaming scale (GDHGS) based on the WHO framework (ICD-11 criteria) of disordered gaming Asian Journal of Psychiatry 27-Jul-2020 54 / / -

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Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Development and validation of gaming disorder and hazardous gaming scale (GDHGS) based on the WHO framework (ICD-11 criteria) of disordered gaming
Name of Journal Asian Journal of Psychiatry
Volume No 54
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/asian-journal-of-psychiatry
Date of Publication 27-Jul-2020
18 Impact of lockdown following Covid-19 on the gaming behaviour of college students Indian Journal of Public Health 02-Jun-2020 64 / 6 / 172-176

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Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Impact of lockdown following Covid-19 on the gaming behaviour of college students
Name of Journal Indian Journal of Public Health
Volume No 64
Issue No 6
Page No 172-176
URL https://www.ijph.in/printarticle.asp?issn=0019-557X;year=2020;volume=64;issue=6;spage=172;epage=176;aulast=Balhara;type=0
Date of Publication 02-Jun-2020
19 Impact of lockdown following Covid-19 on the gaming behaviour of college students Indian Journal of Public Health 03-Apr-2020 64 / 6 / 172-176

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Impact of lockdown following Covid-19 on the gaming behaviour of college students
Name of Journal Indian Journal of Public Health
Volume No 64
Issue No 6
Page No 172-176
URL https://www.ijph.in/printarticle.asp?issn=0019-557X;year=2020;volume=64;issue=6;spage=172;epage=176;aulast=Balhara;type=0
Date of Publication 03-Apr-2020
20 Development and Validation of Superstitious Beliefs Scale Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary studies in Humanities 18-Mar-2020 12 / 1 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Development and Validation of Superstitious Beliefs Scale
Name of Journal Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary studies in Humanities
Volume No 12
Issue No 1
Page No -
URL http://rupkatha.com/v12n132/
Date of Publication 18-Mar-2020
21 Development and Validation of Superstitious Beliefs Scale Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 09-Jan-2020 12 / 1 / 1-21

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Development and Validation of Superstitious Beliefs Scale
Name of Journal Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
Volume No 12
Issue No 1
Page No 1-21
URL https://rupkatha.com/
Date of Publication 09-Jan-2020
22 Measures of superstitious beliefs: A meta-analytic review of research Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology 18-Jan-2018 44 / 1 / 10-24

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Measures of superstitious beliefs: A meta-analytic review of research
Name of Journal Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology
Volume No 44
Issue No 1
Page No 10-24
URL https://sandiegohealth.org/better-brain-mind/
Date of Publication 18-Jan-2018

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Participant Fostering Intergenerational Connections: Successful ageing and Gerontology 21/03/2024 National Institute of Social Defense and CHRIST University Regional
2 Conference Presenter National Conference on Mental Health and Wellbeing Development and Validation of Academic Zest Scale 15/12/2023 Christ University National
3 Conference Panelist International Conference on Innovation, Sustainability and Applied Sciences Harnessing Zest in Virtual Work Environment 09/12/2023 CURTIN University, Dubai International
4 Conference Panelist National Conference on Women in Sports 03/11/2023 Christ University National
5 Conference Moderator/Chair 1st Annual National Conference of Society for Addiction Psychology 10/03/2023 NDDTC, AIIMS National
6 Conference Panelist Annual National Conference of Society for Addiction Psychology Community prevention of Substa 10/03/2023 NDDTC National
7 Symposium Moderator/Chair 3rd Annual International E-Symposium on Ethics in Higher Education: Teaching, Learning, and Research. 14/01/2023 Christ University International
8 Conference Panelist 5th International Conference on Counselling, Psychotherapy and Wellness 03/01/2023 Christ University International
9 Conference Moderator/Chair International Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development: Interdisciplinary Trends and Practices 16/12/2022 Christ University International
10 Seminar Moderator/Chair New Perspectives in the Health Sector: An Offshoot of COVID-19 Pandemic 23/06/2022 Christ University National
11 Conference Organizer First Youth Conclave 29/03/2022 Christ University Institutional
12 Conference Convenor National Conference on Incarceration: Interdisciplinary perspectives, policies & implications for practice 11/03/2022 India vision Foundation and Christ University National
13 Symposium Panelist Science behind age old superstitions and customs 27/02/2022 www.tellmeyourdreams.biz International
14 Conference Presenter International Conference on Global Business and Societal Reset Influence of Personality on Altruism in the times of COVID -19 Pandemic 05/02/2022 Christ University International
15 Conference Organizer Shaping Knowledge Societies through Higher education 16/01/2022 Globethics.net and Christ University International
16 Conference Presenter 3rd International conference on healthcare and wellbeing - Current trends and challenges Tracing evolving food habits due to weight loss journey in young adults 30/10/2021 Indian Mental Health and Research Center and Shia PG College International
17 Conference Presenter ?Renaissance: Challenges & Prospects of New Normal of Life in Various Spheres Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic Era Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical, Psychological, Social, Economic, Educational and Basic Necessities and the Fear of COVID-19 in the Bali Regions of Sundarbans Forest 06/08/2021 Christ University International
18 Conference Convenor International Conference on Building Positive Organisations 07/11/2020 Christ University International
19 Conference Presenter International conference on building positive organisations Aegism and Willingness to Work with Older Adults 07/11/2020 Christ University International
20 Conference Presenter International Conference on Building Positive Organisations Executive Functions and Psychological Flourishing in Public Sector Employees 07/11/2020 Christ University International
21 Symposium Participant Gender Equity in times of Covid 19 25/09/2020 Christ University National
22 Symposium Moderator/Chair E Symposium 23/07/2020 Christ University International
23 Conference Participant Virtual conference: Digital Transformation of Higher Education, COVID-19 and Beyond. 24/04/2020 Course Era International
24 Conference Presenter ICBPO Executive Functions and Psychological Flourishing in Public Sector Employees 07/04/2020 Christ University International
25 Symposium Organizer Management and Social Sciences in the context of Digital Era 07/02/2020 Christ University Institutional
26 Seminar Moderator/Chair Emerging Trends and Innovations in Teacher Education 19/02/2018 Christ University National
27 Conference Participant Multifaceted?Movement?Approaches: Enhancing the Mind-Body Nexus 25/11/2017 Christ University International
28 Seminar Participant Empowering Lives: Mental Health and Well-Being in an Inclusive World 09/12/2016 Christ University National
29 Seminar Participant National Seminar on Creating awareness on the Need for Interventions for Children whose Parents are treated for Schizophrenia 11/11/2016 Christ University National
30 Presenter Relationship between Employee Engagement Levels and Hope, Optimism and Happiness - Christ University National
31 Presenter Work-Life Balance and Quality Of Life among Call Centre Employees in Bangalore - Christ University National
32 Presenter Executive Functioning in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Frontal Lobe Epilepsy - Christ University National
33 Participant UGC sponsored Two Day National Level Seminar on P - Mount Carmel College National
34 Participant Executive Coaching - Department of Psychology, Christ University National
35 Conference Presenter Perception of Teasing and Body Image among Young Adults - Christ University International
36 Participant National Seminar on Living Well: Grounding Positiv - Christ University Regional
37 Seminar Presenter Understanding Superstitions - A Psychoanalytic Perspective - Christ University National
38 Conference Presenter Relationship between Response Inhibition , Cognitive Flexibility and Belief in Superstitions - Christ University National
39 Participant Culture and Psyche: Sudhir Kakar's Contribution to - Christ University National
40 Participant Cognitive and Neuropsychology: Challenges and Issu - Christ University National
41 Other Presenter Mental Health Needs of Persons with Disabilities - Christ University Regional
42 Seminar Presenter An Interdisciplinary Approach to Enhancing Sustainable Development through Developing Character Strengths among School Children - Christ University National
43 Participant National Seminar on Research in Education for Sust - School of Education, Christ University National
44 Participant International Conference- Empowering Women and Ins - Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College for Women International
45 Participant 4th International Conference on Psychology and All - Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare International
46 Participant Third International Conference on Counselling, Psy - Christ University and Ontario Institute of Studies in Education International
47 Conference Presenter Personality and beliefs about superstitions: A study among young women - Christ University International
48 Symposium Presenter Mainstraming Character Strengt5hs into regular school curriculum: Praxis in positive schooling - Christ University International
49 Conference Presenter Role of Hope and Optimism in Belief in Good Luck - Christ University International
50 Participant Sukrut International Conference - Sukrut & Christ University International

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Importance of understanding emotional intelligence of students FDP on Teaching and Learning 24/05/2022 St. Joseph?s College of Law!
2 Factors Influencing Career Decisions School counselling program 10/08/2019 St Columba School
3 In-depth VARK Science Deanery project- A step to advancement 17/02/2018 CAPS, Christ University
4 Integrating Character Strength Development into Teaching Workshop for BEd Students on Character Strength Development among Young Children Through Classroom Teaching 16/03/2016 Christ University
5 Soft Skills Development Refresher Course for Assistants/UDC's 25/02/2016 Employees State Insurance Corporation
6 Developing Specific Character Strengths - Grit Workshop on Nurturing Character Strengths in Classrooms 23/02/2016 Christ University
7 Integrating Character strength Development into Teaching Workshop on Nurturing Character Strengths in Classrooms 22/02/2016 Christ University
8 Current Scenario in our society in learning difficulties Specific Learning Difficulty: Train the Trainers: Felicitation Ceremony of Certification Programme 20/02/2016 Times Foundation, Reussir Trust and Christ University
9 Overview of childhood and changes in child development in today's context Workshop for Teachers and Educators- Children in a Changing World : Specific Issues and Challenges for Teachers 23/11/2015 Christ University
10 Soft Skills Development Refresher Course for Assistants/UDC's in Respect of Revenue and Revenue Recovery 17/08/2015 Employees State Insurance Corporation

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 Cognitive Style and Academic Achievement among School students Priyanka Mundra Christ university
2 The Role of Parental Involvement in Academic Self Perception and Social Competence among Adolescents with Learning Disabilities Hemalatha E Christ University
3 The Experience of Security among Adolescents Engaged in Romantic Relationship Rachel Anusha J Christ University
4 Psychological and Social Correlates of Optimism among Adolescents Shiva Kumari Bhadoria Christ University January 2017
5 Career Adaptability among Early Career Adults: Role of Social Address and Work Volition Rupashri N Murthy Christ University June 2016
6 Exploring the Experiences of Disinhibition among Young Adults Using Social Networking sites Soumya Ram HV Christ University June 2014
7 Outdoor Play among Urban Children: Parents and Children's Perspectives Joanna Priyadarshini Udaykumar Christ University December 2015
8 Occupational Stress, Job Satisfaction and Professional Burnout among Special Educators Hemalatha E Christ University December 2017
9 Grit among the Special Educators: Exploring its Meaning, Relevance, and Implications in their Practice Vaishnavi J Christ University June 2017
11 . AKASHDEEP GHOSAL Christ University February 2024
13 . ADRIJA PARASHAR Christ University June 2021

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Believing in Superstitions: Exploring Why and How they Survive Center for Research, Christ University Internal
2 Developing Character Strengths among Students through Classroom Teaching Department of Psychology Internal
3 Believing in Superstitions: Exploring Why and How they Survive Center for Research- Projects, Christ University Internal
4 Developing Character Strengths among Students through Classroom Teaching Department of Psychology Internal
5 Curriculum Development - Project 1 SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM, SUREKHA C ,CYRIL JOHN India Vision Foundation External
6 Curriculum Implementation - Project 2 SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM, CYRIL JOHN ,SUREKHA C India Vision Foundation External
7 Curriculum Development & Implementation for the wellbeing of the children of prison inmates in the age group of 9-12 years and their caretakers. SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM, SUREKHA C ,CYRIL JOHN ,SABU JOHN A India Vision Foundation External
8 Curriculum Development & Implementation for the wellbeing of the children of prison inmates in the age group of 9-12 years and their caretakers. (Implementation Phase) SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM, SUREKHA C ,CYRIL JOHN ,SABU JOHN A,SWATI PATHAK India Vision Foundation External
9 Impact of Urban Environmental Quality, Residential Satisfaction, Personality on Quality of Life among Residents of Bangalore SUREKHA C , KRITIKA RASTOGI Internal
10 Parental Experiences of Supporting Education of Children with ADHD during Covid 19 Pandemic in Bangalore SUREKHA C , SWATI PATHAK Internal
11 Two day State/Regional Level seminar on Elderly issues SUREKHA C , RIDHIMA SHUKLA,SASWATI BHATTACHARYA,SABORNEE KARMAKAR BASU,OSHEEN SAXENA National Institute of Social Defence, GOI External
12 ER-STEPS - Hindi Translation and Implementation SUREKHA C , RIDHIMA SHUKLA MIAMI University External

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Empowering Senior School Educators: Innovating Teaching in the 21 St Century CEDBEC, CHRIST University Regional 14/03/2024
2 Mediation and Moderation Analysis Department of Psychology, CHRIST University 10/02/2024
3 Leadership Workshop CHRIST University Higher Education Leadership Institution Institutional 19/01/2024
4 New Faculty and Staff Orientation Program CHRIST University Institutional 16/01/2024
5 Research Workshop CHRIST University Institutional 04/01/2024
6 Service Learning Core Concepts: Principles and Types Department of Psychology, CHRIST University 19/11/2023
7 National Workshop on Systematic Literature Review Department of Psychology, CHRIST University National 09/09/2023
8 Enriching Academic Potential: Emerging Trends and Practices Department of Psychology, CHRIST University Institutional 01/07/2023
9 Tech Savy Educators: Embracing Digital tools for Enhanced Teaching and Learning CHRIST University Institutional 21/06/2023
10 Gender Sensitization and POSH Training for the Workplace CHRIST University Institutional 19/04/2023
11 Women's Leadership in Asia: Feminist Leadership for Social Transformation Ewha Women's University International 06/03/2023
12 Future Focused Transformational Leaders Christ University Institutional 21/07/2022
13 Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis Christ University Institutional 29/06/2022
14 Enhancing Teaching and Learning: The Journey from Being Good to Great Christ University Institutional 22/06/2022
15 Meta-Analysis, Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Literature Review Christ University National 20/05/2022
16 Biofeedback: Theory and Applications in Psychology Christ University Institutional 07/02/2022
17 Introduction to Restorative Justice Circles Insights International International 05/02/2022
18 The chronicle's Strategic Leadership Program for Department Chairs The Chronicle of Higher Education, Ithaka S+R, and DeverJustice International 24/01/2022
19 Workshop for School Leaders: Effective School Management Christ University National 13/11/2021
20 E-symposium titled - Andragogical Perspectives: Addressing Teaching and Learning Styles in Online and Hybrid Education. Christ University International 20/08/2021
21 Qualitative Research methods and Research Writing Christ University 07/06/2021
22 Envisioning Servant Leadership in Higher Education: Lessons for Digital Learning and Student Engagement Christ University Institutional 31/05/2021
23 Zotero Workshop Christ University Institutional 28/04/2021
24 Growth Mindset for Women Christ (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Regional 08/03/2021
25 Growth Mindset for Women Prison Inmates CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Regional 08/03/2021
26 Role of Play in Early Childhood Developmental Disabilities NIEPMD and CHRIST(Deemed to be University) National 08/01/2021
27 Internationalization of Curriculum in Higher Education Department of Psychology, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 04/12/2020
28 True Grit : The Power of Persevering through Torrents and Tides with Passion CHRIST (Deemed to be University) National 06/11/2020
29 Scholarly Communication :Adapting to New Trends Department of Psychology, University of Kerala National 19/10/2020
30 Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Level 2 CHRIST (Deemed to be University) National 19/09/2020
31 Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) Level 1 CHRIST (Deemed to be University) National 01/08/2020
32 Servant Leadership CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Institutional 01/06/2020
33 Online Teaching Academic Staff College, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 22/04/2020
34 Learning to Teach Online Course era International 18/04/2020
35 Learning to Teach Online UNSW Sydney International 06/04/2020
36 POCSO Act and Child Protection Policy in India Department of Psychology Institutional 02/04/2020
37 Quantitative Data Analysis using SPSS Department of Psychology Institutional 06/11/2019
38 Creative Movement Therapy Department of Psychology Institutional 21/10/2019
39 Teacher Ethics: Revisiting Our Conscience Christ (Deemed to be University) Delhi- NCR Institutional 19/10/2019
40 Orientation for new Faculty: Teaching learning processes at Christ University Christ (Deemed to be University) Delhi-NCR 31/08/2019
41 Cultural Competence and Evidence Based Practices in Mental Health Care in Diverse Societies Department of Psychology Regional 16/08/2019
42 Psycho-legal Aspects of litigation State Legal Services Authority & District Legal Services Authority, UT Chandigarh Regional 29/04/2019
43 Story Based Learning Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum, Christ University Institutional 17/03/2017
44 Wellness Workshop for Engineering Students Department of Psychology, Christ University & FFE Regional 12/03/2017
45 Understanding our Story: An Introduction to Expressive Arts Therapy Department of Psychology, Christ University Institutional 24/01/2017
46 Lumina Spark Accreditation Christ University Consulting Group National 25/11/2016
47 Academic Departments Making a Difference: Internationalization, Research and Graduate Attributes Christ University Institutional 18/11/2016
48 Capacity Building Program for Counsellors Center for Counselling and Health Services, Christ University Institutional 05/10/2016
49 Structural Equation Modelling Christ Institutional 22/06/2016
50 Quality Sustenance and Enhancement through Innovation Christ University Institutional 27/05/2016
51 Clinical Application of Psychoanalysis in Asian Context Christ University National 08/01/2016
52 APA style and Elements of Writing Workshop Christ University Institutional 03/12/2015
53 Sustainable Drive towards World Class University: Quality and Strategic Plan Implementation Strategies Christ University Institutional 27/11/2015
54 A Transcendent Journey Through the Mother-Line Smart Move and Christ University International 27/10/2015
55 Competency Based Curriculum in Higher Education Academic Staff College (CU) Institutional 30/09/2015
56 Competency Based Curriculum in Higher Education Christ University Institutional 30/09/2015
57 Stimulating research Informed teaching Christ University Institutional 28/05/2015
58 Psychometric Interventions in Executive Coaching and Mentoring Christ University Regional 14/02/2015
59 Playback Theatre Deanery of Humanities and Social Sciences, Christ University Institutional 10/01/2015
60 A Practitioner Course On The Rorschach Ink-Blot Test Sukrut & Christ University National 22/08/2014
61 SPSS Basic Course 2 Center for Advanced Research and Training, Christ University Institutional 19/06/2014
62 Transforming Your Life Life Story Through Expressive Arts Christ University National 11/06/2014
63 Transforming your Life Story Through Expressive Arts Department of Psychology National 11/06/2014
64 Quality Improvement Program on Contemporary Approaches in Assessment and Research methods in Psychology Department of Psychology 17/03/2014
65 Psychoanalysis: An Introduction to the Therapeutic Process Christ University National 16/10/2013
66 Restoring Safety to the Shattering of the Temenos: Trauma, Neurobiology, Attachment and Expressive Arts Therapy Christ university National 17/06/2013
67 Expressive Arts Therapy Training Christ University Institutional 11/02/2013
68 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology Christ University & Knowledge Whiteboard, Mumbai Institutional 01/10/2012
69 Refresher course on Society in Transition Christ University - Academic Staff College 25/04/2012


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Organizing Committee National Seminar on Peace and conflict resolution Christ University February 2010
2 Organizing Committee National Seminar on interface between psychology and work Christ University January 2011
3 Best Research Paper Award Best Research paper award received for the paper "Personality and beliefs about superstition: A study among young Women" at International Conference- Empowering Women and Inspiring a Healthy Change People Tree Hospitals and Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College for Women November 2015


(Deemed to be University)

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Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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