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MSc, PhD

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Synergizing Neutrosophy and Randomized Blocks Design: Development and Analytical Insights International Journal of Neutrosophic Science 14-Nov-2023 23 / 1 / 125-133

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Author Name (s) AZARUDHEEN S
Title of Article Synergizing Neutrosophy and Randomized Blocks Design: Development and Analytical Insights
Name of Journal International Journal of Neutrosophic Science
Volume No 23
Issue No 1
Page No 125-133
URL https://www.americaspg.com/journals/show/21
Date of Publication 14-Nov-2023
2 On the Quick Estimation of Probability of Recovery from COVID-19 during First Wave of Epidemic in India: a Logistic Regression Approach Statistics in Transition 28-Jun-2022 23 / 2 / 185-196

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article On the Quick Estimation of Probability of Recovery from COVID-19 during First Wave of Epidemic in India: a Logistic Regression Approach
Name of Journal Statistics in Transition
Volume No 23
Issue No 2
Page No 185-196
URL https://sit.stat.gov.pl/
Date of Publication 28-Jun-2022
3 Selection of Tightened-Normal-Tightened sampling scheme under the implications of intervened Poisson distribution Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research 23-Mar-2019 15 / 1 / 129-140

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Selection of Tightened-Normal-Tightened sampling scheme under the implications of intervened Poisson distribution
Name of Journal Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research
Volume No 15
Issue No 1
Page No 129-140
URL http://www.pjsor.com/index.php/pjsor/article/view/2351
Date of Publication 23-Mar-2019
4 Evaluation of Single Sampling Plan under the conditions of Intervened Poisson distribution Communication in statistics ? Simulation and Computation 21-Mar-2017 46 / 8 / 6104-6114

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Evaluation of Single Sampling Plan under the conditions of Intervened Poisson distribution
Name of Journal Communication in statistics ? Simulation and Computation
Volume No 46
Issue No 8
Page No 6104-6114
URL https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03610918.2016.1193196?journalCode=lssp20
Date of Publication 21-Mar-2017
5 Determination of Skip Lot Sampling Plan with Single Sampling Plan as Reference Plan under the conditions of Intervened Poisson Distribution Journal of Statistics and Management Systems 30-Dec-2016 19 / 6 / 771-780

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Determination of Skip Lot Sampling Plan with Single Sampling Plan as Reference Plan under the conditions of Intervened Poisson Distribution
Name of Journal Journal of Statistics and Management Systems
Volume No 19
Issue No 6
Page No 771-780
URL https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09720510.2016.1220102?needAccess=true
Date of Publication 30-Dec-2016

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter International Conference on Sustainable Advanced Computing A study on Musical Instrument Classification using TDA 22/03/2024 Christ University International
2 Seminar Participant Innovate Education - Exploring role for Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Learning 29/02/2024 Christ University National
3 Seminar Organizer National Seminar on Artificial Intelligence and Climate 19/01/2024 Christ University National
4 Conference Presenter International Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspective in Engineering, Business Management, Social Sciences and Technology towards sustainable living - 2023 Construction of Skip Lot sampling plan including Resampling under the conditions of Inflated Poisson Distribution 01/12/2023 Lincoln University College, Malaysia International
5 Seminar Participant National Seminar on Institutionalizing Quality Culture in Higher Education Institutions 07/09/2023 Christ University National
6 Conference Keynote Speaker National Conference on Internets of Things and Analytical insights with SPSS Data and Decisions - An Analytical Insights with SPSS 24/03/2023 Vivekanandha Arts and Science college for women National
7 Seminar Keynote Speaker National Level Seminar on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Statistics Evaluation of Data Science and its developments 15/03/2023 KSR College of Arts and Science for Women National
8 Conference Presenter International Conference on Knowledge Discoveries on Statistical Innovations & Recent Advances in Optimization Designing of Combined Continuous lot-by-lot sampling plan with Single Sampling Plan as reference plan under the conditions of Zero Inflated Poisson Distribution 29/12/2022 Andhra University International
9 Conference Presenter 8th International Conference on Statistics for twenty first century - 2022 Reliability Single Sampling Plan based on Poisson-Frechet distribution 16/12/2022 University of Kerala International
10 Conference Presenter Sixth International Webinar on Recent Trends in Statistical Theory and Applications A Study on Neutrosophic Design of Experiments 29/06/2022 University of Kerala International
11 Conference Presenter International conference on Mathematical Sciences in Engineering and Advanced Technology Monitoring Death Due to Covid-19 in India using EWMA Control Charts 22/12/2021 KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology International
12 Conference Convenor International Conference on Sustainable Advanced Computing 05/03/2021 Christ University International
13 Conference Presenter 3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, FIAM-2020 Identification of Musical Instruments from Single-Note Monophonic Recordings using Convolutional Neural Networks 21/12/2020 NIT Jamshedpur International
14 Conference Presenter Sixth International Conference on Statistics for Twenty-First Century 2020 Neutrosophic approach towards Statistical Quality Control 16/12/2020 University of Kerala in association with American Statistical Association and Kerala Statistical Association International
15 Seminar Participant Webinar on "How to write a good research paper" 15/08/2020 ECOR Foundation International
16 Seminar Participant Webinar on "How to write and publish books" 16/07/2020 Christ University Institutional
17 Seminar Participant Webinar on "Total Labeling in Graphs" 08/07/2020 Thiagarajar College of Engineering National
18 Seminar Participant Webinar on "How will analytics evolve in the post covid era?" 09/06/2020 Mount Carmal College, Bangalore National
19 Seminar Participant Intellectual Property Rights with Focus on Patents 08/02/2020 Christ University Institutional
20 Conference Presenter 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering Designing of Double Sampling Plan under the conditions of Zero Inflated Binomial Distribution 22/01/2020 Alagappa University International
21 Conference Keynote Speaker International Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Science and Technology A note on hurdle distributions 25/07/2019 AAA college of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu International
22 Conference Presenter National conference on Statistical theory, Modeling and Application Designing of single sampling plan by attributes under the conditions of zero inflated binomial distribution 14/03/2019 Bharathiar university National
23 Conference Presenter International Conference on Advances in Statistical Methods and Data Science Combined Continuous Lot by Lot sampling plan with single sampling plan as reference plan under the conditions of Zero Inflated Poisson Distribution 21/12/2018 Christ University International
24 Conference Presenter International Conference on Theory and Applications of Statistics and Informtion Sciences Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Crop Yield Prediction 05/01/2018 Bharathiar University Institutional
25 Conference Presenter International Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences Selection of Tightened-Normal-Tightened Sampling scheme under the implications of Intervened Poisson Distribution 01/12/2017 VIT University International
26 Conference Presenter National Conference on Stochastic Modeling and its Applications Design of skip lot sampling plan (SkSP-3) with single sampling plan as reference plan under the condition of Intervened Poisson Distribution 04/01/2017 Manonmaniam Sudaranar University National
27 Conference Presenter National Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Fuzzy Logic Applications Design and evaluation of quick switching system with SSP as reference plan under the conditions of IPD 20/02/2016 RVS Technical Campus - Coimbatore National
28 Conference Presenter International Conference on New Hoizons in Statistical Modelling and Applications Designing of Continuous Sampling Plan (CSP-C) through Tangent Angle Minimization 27/02/2015 Presidency College International
29 Conference Presenter National Conference on Emerging Trends in Statistical Research: Issues and Challenges Evaluation of Single Sampling Plan indexed by Intervened Poisson Distribution 16/02/2015 Pondicherry University National
30 Conference Presenter National conference on advances in Statistical theory, modeling and applications A study on Continuous Sampling Plan (CSP-V) through Minimum angle method 27/03/2014 Bharathiar University National
31 Conference Presenter International conference on Recent Advances in Statistics and their Applications Study of MIL-STD 1916 attribute sampling plan indexed through AQL and LTPD 26/12/2013 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University International
32 Conference Presenter 31st Annual conference of Indian Society for Medical Statistics Study on MIL-STD 1916 attribute sampling plans through Poisson distribution 24/10/2013 Christian Medical College International
33 Conference Presenter National conference on Modern Techniques and Applications in Mathematics Simulated Designing of Acceptance Sampling Plans 04/03/2013 Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Introduction to Statistical Quality Control 19/11/2024 University Malaysia Terengganu
2 Quantitative Data collection and analysis for Legal Research Three-Day workshop on "Capacity Building in Research" 19/08/2023 CHRIST
3 Scientific Upgrades in Mathematical Sciences Guest Lecture 29/12/2021 Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College of Art and Science
4 Data Handling and arrangement of data in R, Exposure to use of R Packages Training programme on "Rainfall Data Analysis using different packages of R - Software 13/07/2021 KSCSTE - Center for water resources development and management
5 Applications of Statistics in Finance and Risk Analysis Applications of Statistics in Finance and Risk Analysis 21/05/2021 Sri Krishna Adithya College of Arts and Science, Kovaipudur, Coimbatore
6 Data Science - A Boon or Bane: Opportunity and Challenges Celebration of National Statistics Day 29/06/2020 Amal College of advanced studies
7 Data science Guest lecture 28/12/2018 PSG college if Arts and Science
8 Data Analytics Using R-Software National Level Workshop 15/11/2018 AAA college of Engineering & Technology
9 R programming for Statistical Computing short term training course on Applied Statistics for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions using R and Bioconductor 14/09/2017 Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
10 MATLAB and its Applications Faculty Development Program 29/05/2017 Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Contribution Towards Certain Attribute Acceptance Sampling plan under the Implications of Intervened Poisson Distribution Dr. K. Pradeepa Veerakumari Bharathiar University

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 Design and Analysis of Skip Lot Sampling Plans with Provision of Having Two Different Reference Plans MEBY JOSEPH MANOJ Christ University April 2023
2 A Study on Neutrosophic Single Factor Experimental Designs SRISHTI KUMARI Christ University October 2023

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Capacity Building for Faculty with Respect to Curriculum Department of Statistics and Data Science, CHRIST University 23/09/2024
2 FDP on Mastering Innovative Online Course Development Institutional 11/03/2024
3 Training program on ?Scaffolding Adult Learning Through Learner-Centered Approach y Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC), CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 28/02/2024
4 NAAC Accreditation Way forward to Quality Education National 11/12/2023
5 Leadership Workshop Christ University Higher Education Leadership Institute Institutional 03/11/2023
6 Faculty Development Program christ Institutional 26/06/2023
7 The CU regulation for Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment CHRIST 14/02/2023
8 Leadership Discussion on Industry Collaboration in an Academic Setting CHRIST 05/01/2023
9 Faculty Development Program I - 2022 CEDBEC & IQAC Institutional 06/07/2022
10 Workshop on Mathematical Ecology and Epidemiology Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Indore International 17/06/2022
11 FDP on Data Visualization using Tableau Institutional 12/07/2021
12 Six day FDP on Mathematics and Statistics in Emerging Field Department of Mathematics, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology International 05/07/2021
13 Faculty development programme I - 2021 CEDBEC & HRDC, CHRIST Institutional 16/06/2021
14 Nurturing Academic leadership - A Multidimensional perspective Departments of Computer Science and Statistics Institutional 26/04/2021
15 Linear Algebra and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists Government College of Engineering Aurangabad 02/09/2020
16 Inferential Statistics Duke University International 31/08/2020
17 Learning to teach online UNSW Sydney International 20/07/2020
18 Two days online workshop on "Teaching Mathematics through Origami" SRSI Group of institutions in association with Bengaluru North University National 06/06/2020
19 Workshop on Capacity Building for Constructive Alignment Teaching Learning Enhancement cell Institutional 04/10/2019
20 Research as culture in the department of capacity builing for consultancy Academic Staff College, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 30/05/2019
21 National Workshop on Predictive Modeling with R Programming Department of Statistics, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) National 27/05/2019
22 Research as culture in the department of capacity builing for consultancy Academic Staff College, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 20/05/2019
23 Orientation Program level 2 Academic Staff College, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 28/03/2019
24 Orientation Program level 1 Academic Staff College, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 04/02/2019
25 Artificial intelligence in medical and healthcare application School of electrical sciences, Kongu engineering college National 24/12/2018
26 Integration of Rubrics in Google Classroom 30M training CHRIST University Institutional 27/11/2018
27 National Level workshop on Data Analytics using R-Software Department of Mathematics, AAA college of Engineering & Technology National 15/11/2018
28 Google Classroom 30M training CHRIST University Institutional 14/11/2018
29 Conceptual Role of Signals and Vibrations in Mathematics Department of Mathematics, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology Regional 01/08/2017
30 Probability and Random Processesz Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore Institute of Technology 03/04/2017
31 Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Analytics Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research National 12/02/2016
32 Data Analytics using Big Data Tools Department of Computer Applications, Bharathiar University National 25/01/2016
33 Workshop on data Dissemination - Census 2011 Directorate of Census Operations, Tamil Nadu, Ministry of Home Affairs, Governemnt of India National 25/08/2014
34 Applications of Statistical Software Department of Statistics, Bharathiar University National 21/08/2014
35 Application of Econometric Techniques in Empirical Research Department of Econometrics, Bharathiar University National 26/02/2014
36 Reliability Models and Stochastic Processes Department of Statistics, Bharathiar University National 23/01/2014
37 Statistical Analysis for Industrial and Scientific Applications using R Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management-Kerala (IIITM-K) in association with International Center for Free and Open Source Software (ICFOSS) National 27/02/2013
38 Official Statistics Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, National Academy of Statistical Administration, Greater Noida, India National 21/11/2011


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Distinguished Alumni Award Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College of Arts and Science 26 December 2021


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