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Faculty List




MSc, MPhil, PhD

Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 The World As A Statistical World DATA CRUISE", the yearly magazine of the Department of Statistics and Data Science. Annual 20/01/2023

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Unpacking the burden of hypertension and diabetes in Karnataka: implications for policy and practice based on NFHS-5 findings International Journal Of Diabetes In Developing Countries 13-Sep-2023 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Author Name (s) HEMLATA JOSHI (2937)
Title of Article Unpacking the burden of hypertension and diabetes in Karnataka: implications for policy and practice based on NFHS-5 findings
Name of Journal International Journal Of Diabetes In Developing Countries
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.springer.com/journal/13410
Date of Publication 13-Sep-2023
2 On the Quick Estimation of Probability of Recovery from COVID-19 during First Wave of Epidemic in India: a Logistic Regression Approach Statistics in Transition 28-Jun-2022 23 / 2 / 185-196

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article On the Quick Estimation of Probability of Recovery from COVID-19 during First Wave of Epidemic in India: a Logistic Regression Approach
Name of Journal Statistics in Transition
Volume No 23
Issue No 2
Page No 185-196
URL https://sit.stat.gov.pl/
Date of Publication 28-Jun-2022
3 Lifestyle Diseases Prevalent in Urban Slums of South India Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 27-Aug-2021 / 290 / 356-365

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Lifestyle Diseases Prevalent in Urban Slums of South India
Name of Journal Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Volume No
Issue No 290
Page No 356-365
URL https://www.springer.com/series/15179
Date of Publication 27-Aug-2021
4 Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behaviour: An Empirical Study of Bangalore Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 27-Aug-2021 290 / / 285-294

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behaviour: An Empirical Study of Bangalore
Name of Journal Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Volume No 290
Issue No
Page No 285-294
URL https://www.springer.com/series/15179
Date of Publication 27-Aug-2021
5 Reliability, maintainability and sensitivity analysis of physical processing unit of sewage treatment plant SN Applied Sciences 29-Oct-2019 1 / 11 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Reliability, maintainability and sensitivity analysis of physical processing unit of sewage treatment plant
Name of Journal SN Applied Sciences
Volume No 1
Issue No 11
Page No -
URL https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42452-019-1544-7
Date of Publication 29-Oct-2019
6 Met and unmet need for contraception: Small area estimation for Rajasthan state of India Statistics in Transition New Series 01-Jun-2017 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Met and unmet need for contraception: Small area estimation for Rajasthan state of India
Name of Journal Statistics in Transition New Series
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://sit.stat.gov.pl/Index
Date of Publication 01-Jun-2017

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter 14th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications held on December 14-15, 2023. Enhancing Education Policy Estimation: A Novel Ridge Fuzzy Regression Approach for Handling Multicollinearity with Fuzzy Input Data 14/12/2023 Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs) Scientific Network for Innovation and Research Excellence Auburn, Washington, USA International
2 Conference Presenter 14th Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA?23) Optimizing Healthcare Analytics: A Zero-Inflated Poisson Approach to Pediatric Emergency Room Visits 14/12/2023 Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs) Scientific Network for Innovation and Research Excellence Auburn, Washington, USA International
3 Conference Presenter 23rd Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA?23) Tracking Sigmoid Regression with Multicollinearity in Phase I: An Approach Incorporating Control Charts 11/12/2023 Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs) Scientific Network for Innovation and Research Excellence Auburn, Washington, USA International
4 Conference Presenter 4th International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security Enhancing Medical Decision Support Systems with Two-Parameter Logistic Regression Model 02/11/2023 Christ University International
5 Conference Presenter 4th International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS-23) Taming the Complexity of Distributed Lag Models: A Practical Approach to Multicollinearity, Outliers, and Auto-correlation in Finance 02/11/2023 Christ University International
6 Conference Participant 4th International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS-23) 02/11/2023 Christ University International
7 Conference Presenter AIIB'23 Unbiased Modified Ridge Fuzzy Regression Model 30/03/2023 Christ University International
8 Conference Presenter AIIB'23 For the logistic regression model-an improved two parameter regression estimator 30/03/2023 Christ University International
9 Conference Moderator/Chair XVI Biennial Conference on International Biometric Society-Indian Region(AIIB'23) 30/03/2023 Christ University International
10 Conference Moderator/Chair XVI Biennial Conference on International Biometric Society-Indian Region(AIIB'23) 30/03/2023 Christ University International
11 Conference Presenter 42nd World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology Regression Control Charts-A Survey 25/11/2022 IFERP Malaysia International
12 Seminar Participant A Webinar on "India's 5G Future" 15/10/2022 IFERP International
13 Seminar Participant One day International Webinar on "Current State of Econometrics and Career Prospects of Young Minds" 12/09/2022 Central University of Rajasthan International
14 Conference Presenter Internal Conference on Recent Advances in Material Science and Computational Techniques On the Influencing Facets of Infant Mortality in Karnataka: A Study based on Birth Orders 30/05/2022 Manipal University Jaipur International
15 Conference Presenter International Conference on Recent Advances in Material Sciences and Computational Techniques A Study of Faliure Prediction of Indian Banks Using Various Machine Learning Algorithms-An Examination of Predictive Accuracy 30/05/2022 Manipal University Jaipur International
16 Conference Presenter RAMSACT-2.0 Consumer Churn Behavious Prediction in Telecommunication using Classification Algorithm and Modelling 30/05/2022 Manipal University Jaipur International
17 Conference Presenter International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS 2021) Lifestyle Diseases Prevalent in Urban Slums of South India 16/04/2021 Christ University International
18 Conference Presenter International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS 2021) Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behaviour: An Empirical Study of Bangalore 16/04/2021 Christ University International
19 Conference Participant International Conference on Sustainable advanced computing (ICSAC2021) 05/03/2021 Christ University International
20 Seminar Participant National level webinar on Statistical inference and its applications 20/06/2020 St Francis College Kormangala National
21 Seminar Participant Webinar on Linear Regression 15/06/2020 Dr. Shivanand Nautiyal Government post graduate college Karanprayag Chamoli National
22 Seminar Participant UGC sponsored Six days National Webinar on Discovering Statistics using R 15/06/2020 KBN College Vijayawada National
23 Conference Presenter ICSADADS-2020 Forecasting and modeling monthly rainfall data in bangaluru, India: An application of time series models 20/02/2020 Amrita vishwa vidyapeetham, school of engineering, Coimbatore International
24 Seminar Participant Intellectual Property Rights with Focus on Patents 08/02/2020 Christ University Institutional

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 . HARIPRIYA H Christ University April 2023
2 Performance and Availability optimization of Sewage Treatment Plant by Using RAMD and Soft Computing Techniques Drishty Goyal Christ University February 2023

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Prenatal Maternal Stress and Potential Birth Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study Among Pregnant Women in Bangalore SREEJA GANGADHARAN P, SALEEMA J S,HEMLATA JOSHI Internal
2 Assessing the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Maternal Health Providers Regarding Anaemia Prevention and Treatment in Bangalore HEMLATA JOSHI, JOSEPH DURAI SELVAM J,SALEEMA J S,SREEJA GANGADHARAN P Internal

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 FDP on Mastering Innovative Online Course Development Centre for Digital Learning in collaboration with Centre for Concept Design, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore Institutional 11/03/2024
2 e training program on ?Scaffolding Adult Learning Through Learner-Centered Approach? Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC), CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore Institutional 28/02/2024
3 training program on Scaffolding Adult Learning Through Learner-Centered Approach Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC), CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore Institutional 28/02/2024
4 Faculty Development Program on Curriculum Design and Revision with specific focus on OBE Christ University Institutional 05/12/2022
5 A Project on "Create a promotional video using Canva" Coursera International 20/11/2022
6 Faculty Development Program on Research Project Proposal Writing Research Cell, Dept of Statistics and Data Science, Christ University Institutional 18/11/2022
7 One Day International Webinar on "Current State of Econometrics and Career Prospects of Young Minds" Department of Statistics, Central University of Rajasthan, in association with Research club, Department of Statistics International 12/09/2022
8 Faculty Development Program on Research Innovation and IPR Research Cell, Dept of Statistics and Data Science, Christ University Institutional 25/08/2022
9 FDP-I Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum(CEDBEC) and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Institutional 06/07/2022
10 Refresher Training Program Central Coffee Research Institute Karnataka National 13/06/2022
11 FDP on Data Visualization using Tableau Department of Statistics CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore Institutional 12/07/2021
12 National Workshop on Advanced Regression Using R Department of Science, Christ Academy Institute for advanced Studies National 29/06/2021
13 FDP-1 2021 CEDBEC and HRDC Christ University Institutional 16/06/2021
14 FDP on Nurturing Academic Leadership-A multidimensional perspective Christ University Institutional 26/04/2021
15 Statistical Computing using Python Department of Statistics CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore Institutional 12/04/2021
16 Five days FDP on "Objective oriented financial planning and investing for individuals" School of Commerce, Finance, Accountancy, Christ University Delhi-NCR National 08/02/2021
17 Programming Essentials for Mathematics using Python Department of Mathematics, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore National 09/08/2020
18 Developing the SIR model Imperial college London International 26/05/2020
19 Bayesian Statistics: From Concept to Data Analysis Santa Cruz, University of California International 21/05/2020
20 Survival Analysis in R for Public Health Imperial college London Institutional 20/05/2020
21 Survival Analysis in R for Public Health Imperial college London International 20/05/2020
22 Regression Models Johns Hopkins University International 15/05/2020
23 Logistic regression in R for Public Health Johns Hopkins University International 15/05/2020
24 Logistic Regression in R for Public Health Imperial College London International 15/05/2020
25 Programming for everyone (getting started with Python)) University of Michigan International 12/05/2020
26 Practical Machine Learning Johns Hopkins University International 27/04/2020
27 Quality improvement program on Online Teaching CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore 22/04/2020
28 R Programming Johns Hopkins University Institutional 21/04/2020
29 MOOC Coursera International 14/04/2020
30 The Data Scientist's Toolbox Johns Hopkins University International 14/04/2020
31 Orientation Program CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore 06/01/2020


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Young Researcher Award 2020 Institute of Scholars-InSc 25 December 2020
2 Best Research Paper Award Received the best research paper award in the paper presentation in the international conference on XVi BIENNEAL CONFERENCE OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY-INDIAN REGION(AIIB'23 )-Probabilistic Modelling Track , organized by the Department of Statistics and Data Science in collaboration with International Biometric Society-Indian Region Christ University and IBS 31 March 2023
3 Best Research Paper Award Received the best research paper award in the paper presentation in the international conference on XVi BIENNEAL CONFERENCE OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY-INDIAN REGION(AIIB'23 )-Probabilistic Modelling Track , organized by the Department of Statistics and Data Science in collaboration with International Biometric Society-Indian Region Christ University and IBS 31 March 2023


(Deemed to be University)

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Karnataka, India

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Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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