Faculty Publications

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Jyoti Srivastava A Conceptual Study On The Intersection Of Law And Psychological Assessment Of Child In Conflict With Law Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences / 29 / 4, 2024 / 8 - 21 0973-855X

2 Nitin Bhika Patil Samakalin Hindi Kavita (1990-2000) Mein Samakalin Samasya Aur Yatharth Indian Journal of Modern Research and Reviews / 2 / 8 / 22 - 27 2584-184X

3 Nitin Bhika Patil Tenzin Tsundue Ki Kavitaon Mein Nirvasiton Ka Yatharth (Kora Ke Sandarbh Mein) Sankalya / 3 / / 185 - 190 2277-9264

4 Soumya Joseph Undergraduate Students? (Ug) Motivation To Fit Looks And Its Effect On Academic Performance Mediated By Physical Exercise, Sleep Pattern, And Maladaptive Eating Journal of Physical Education / V 35 / 1 / - e3519 2448-2555

5 Soumya Joseph Effects of Yoga and Combined Yoga with Neuro-Linguistic Programming on Psychological Management in Mothers of Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial Sport Mont / 22 / 3 / 99 - 105 2337-0351

6 Soumya Joseph Effects of 12 Weeks Core Strength Training on Bio-motor Fitness Abilities among College Level Soccer Players International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences / 12 / 6 / 899 - 908 2381-4381

7 Soumya Joseph Undergraduate Students? (Ug) Motivation To Fit Looks And Its Effect On Academic Performance Mediated By Physical Exercise, Sleep Pattern, And Maladaptive Eating Journal of Physical Education / 35 / 1 / 1 - 11 2448-2555

8 Andrea Rodrigues Brand anthropomorphism?s impact on real estate purchase decisions of young buyers in India and the underlying reliance on spatial memory International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis / / / - 1753-8270

9 Anish Shandilya Bibliometric analysis of the impact of blockchain technology on the tourism industry CRC Press Taylor and Francis Proceedings - Science, Technology and Society for Sustainability / / / -

10 Soumya Joseph Role and effect of advanced scientific coaching on physical fitness skills related fitness and psychological variables among physical education students of Pondicherry University. Journal of Modern Thamizh Reserach / 9 / 4 / 1591 - 1597 2321-984X

11 Soumya Joseph Interim training effect on convinced motor efficiency variables in elementary school children Shodhasamhita : Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research / VIII / 1(XIX) / 75 - 79 2277-7067

12 Arpita Barendranath Ghosh Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Young Adult, Coping Mechanisms Sambhashan / 01 / 04 / 2535 - 2535 n/a

13 Benson Rajan Churching Online: A Study on Religious Authority and Tourism in a Digital Age Atna - Journal of Tourism Studies / 14 / 1 / 47 - 81 0975-3281

14 Benson Rajan Smartphones in Churches: An Affective negotiation around Digital Disruptions and Opportunities in Delhi Christian Churches Journal of Content, Community & Communication / 9 / 1 / 93 - 105 2395-7514

15 Namita Mukherjee Taming the PCSK9 effect D Y Patil Journal of Health Sciences / 8 / 1 / 13 - 20 2347-3665

16 Priyabrata Sahoo Structural change in Employment pattern in Odisha Productivity / 60 / 1 / 96 - 103 0032-9924

17 Priyanshi Gupta Asymmetric Dynamic Conditional copula correlation and fundamental determinants of interest rate comovement Journal of Economic Integration / 34 / 4 / 667 - 704 1225-651X

18 Priyanshi Gupta Convergence of retail banking interest rates to households in euro area: time-varying measurement and determinants International Economics and Economic Policy / / / - 1612-4812

19 Rajan Pandey Lok Sabha Elections in Rajasthan: Reasons behind BJP Clean Sweep and Trend Reversal in State's Electoral Politics Social Science in Perspective / 11 / 3-4 / 243 - 253 0975-5497

20 Rinju George Effects of Music on the Psychological Wellbeing of Emerging Adults International Research Journal of Humanities, Engineering & Pharmaceutical Sciences / 2 / 18 / 38 - 43 2320-2955

21 Rinju George Happiness and Decision Making: An Experimental Study Humanities and Social Science Studies / 8 / 1 / 37 - 49 2319-829X

22 Shynu Philip Journey through spiritual lens International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research / 8 / 12 / - 2277-8616

23 Shynu Philip Accelerating Growth of E-Commerce in India - Evolving Strategies and Effective Factors Indian Journal of Ecology / 47 / 9 / - 0304-5250

24 Vaishali Raghuvanshi Portraying the Other in Textbooks and Movies The Mental Borders and Their Implications for India Pakistan Relations Journal of Borderland Studies / 35 / 1 / 1 - 16 0886-5655

25 Arjun R Archaeological Investigations at the Brahmagiri rock shelter: Prospecting for its context Archaeological Research in Asia / 15 / 3 / 1 - 12 2352-2267

26 Arjun R Koppa Archaeological Research Project (KARP): Exclusive Iron Age landscapes in the Western Ghats, India Archaeological Research in Asia / / / 1 - 8 2352-2267

27 Benson Rajan Analysing Grief on Twitter: A Study of Digital Expressions on Om Puri's Death Journal of Narratives and Social Sciences / 2 / 1 / 136 - 152 2532-6732

28 Benson Rajan Sacred Texting: A Study on Social Media Language Trends in New Delhi and Bengaluru Churches Amity Journal of Media & Communication Studies / 8 / 1 / 24 - 35 2231-1033

29 Benson Rajan Gendered Sufi Music: Mapping Female Voices in Qawwali from Bollywood to Youtube Channels MAI: Feminism and Visual Culture / 1 / 2 / - ISSN 2003-167X

30 Benson Rajan The Digital Showcase: A Study on Affective Encounters with Women?s Body Representation as Profile Pictures on Facebook Hipertext.net / 17 / 1 / 64 - 73 1695-5498

31 Benson Rajan A Picture is worth a Thousand Words: A Study on Millennial Women's Curation of Self on Facebook Profile Pictures Comunicación y género / 2 / 1 / 173 - 192 2605-1982

32 Benson Rajan Fitness Selfie and Anorexia: A study of ?fitness? selfies of women on Instagram and its contribution to anorexia nervosa Punctum - International Journal of Semiotics / 4 / 2 / 66 - 89 2459-2943

33 Charles Godwin K Analysis Of Ideomatic Multi Word Expressions In Girish Karnad's Selected Plays BODHI International Journal Of Research In Humanities, Arts And Science / 3 / 1 / 9 - 12 ISSN: 2456-5571

34 Charles Godwin K Drama As A Tool To Teach Conversational English IJELLH (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) / 6 / 12 / 607 - 616 2321-7065

35 Deepa V Effectiveness and Challenges towards E-Banking, Present and Future Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 5 / 8 / 906 - 910 2349-5162

36 Deepa V Analysis of Financial Literacy and its impact on financial attitude and financial security: A study of employees working in Chennai Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 5 / 11 / 160 - 167 2349-5162

37 Jasmine Simi A H Dimensions Of Internal Branding-A Conceptual Study Journal of Management / 06 / 1 / 177 - 185 2347-3959/2347-3940

38 Jose K Antony Detrimental Views on Perceived Risks and their Influence on Travel Decisions Atna Journal of Tourism Studies / 13 / 1 / 29 - 46 0975-3281

39 Jose K Antony Travel Photography on Social Media as a Motivator to Travel Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 5 / 6 / 206 - 213 2349-5162

40 Jose K Antony Virtual Reality as a Creative Marketing Strategy in the Tourism Industry AVAHAN - A Peer Reviewed International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research / 6 / 1 / 20 - 29 2347-4556

41 Jose K Antony Crisis Management in the Tourism Industry - The Role of Social Media Platforms ATNA, Journal of Tourism Studies / 14 / 1 / 83 - 96 0975-3281

42 Priyabrata Sahoo Growth and Structural change in Odisha Journal of Regional Development & Planning / 7 / 1 / 17 - 30 2277-9094

43 Priyabrata Sahoo Productivity, employment and wages in organized manufacturing, A comparative study of Odisha and India, The Empirical Economics Letters / 17 / 7 / 871 - 884 1681-8997

44 Priyabrata Sahoo Examining Growth Inequality in post reform Odisha Inequality Nexus in Post-reform Odisha: A Sectoral Decomposition Analysis Journal of Development Policy and Practice / 4 / 24551333 / 12 - 34 24551333

45 Rinju George Personality Type and Perception of Parenting Styles among Emerging Adult Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 9 / 3 / 645 - 651 2321-5828

46 Salome Divya Vijaykumar Difference in Social Anxiety among Students of Single-sex and Co-Education Schools International Journal of Indian Psychology / 6 / 4 / 118126 - 118-126 2348-5396

47 Saravanan J Indian Democratic Experiment: An Overview INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS / 6 / 1 / 522 - 539 E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138

48 Soumya Joseph Persuade of plyometric training and stationary training on speed and explosive power of college female basketball players International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education / 4 / 1 / 2213 - 2217 2456-0057

49 Ujjwal Rabidas Evaluating Venezuelan Oil Policy: The Case of Petrocaribe Agreement International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 6 / 1 / 381 - 396 23495138

50 Vaishali Raghuvanshi The Configuration of Human Trafficking in South Asia: Human Security vs. State Security International Journal of Research in Social Sciences / 9 / 5(2) / 35 - 42 2249-2496

51 Anju K J Saving and Investment Behaviour of Information Technology Professionals-An Empirical Analysis Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management / 7 / 6 / 71 - 91 2249-7307

52 Anju K J The nexus between Demographics and Investment Behaviour Asian Journal of Management / 8 / 2 / 361 - 369 0976-495X

53 Anju K J Attitudinal Orientation and Acceptance of Cashless Payment: An empirical investigation in Bengaluru Journal of Advance Management Research / 6 / 2 / 14 - 26 23939664

54 Anju K J The Determinants of Firm Value From Enterprise Risk Management Perspective : A Conceptual Model Journal of Management Research / 17 / 4 / 194 - 203 0972-5814

55 Balu L Ethical Leadership-The reflecting journey to an evolution of Management 1395 Balu.L, Aishwarya Singh International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research I / 4 / 9 / 1395 - 1401 2394-3386

56 Balu L Facilitating Protégé Career Development through Roles of Mentors in Software Companies International Journal of Exclusive Management Research / 1 / Special Issue / 4 - 13 2249-8672

57 Balu L A Research Paper on Wearing Down and Attrition Analysis of Employees at HDFC,SLIC International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research / 5 / 3 / 359 - 362 2394 - 3386

58 Balu L Impact of Benefits Provided by Organisation on Employee Motivation International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research / 5 / 3 / 66 - 71 2394?3386

59 Balu L The Effect of Employee Relation on Employee Morale at St.John's Medical Hospital, Bengaluru International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research / 5 / 3 / 369 - 373 2394?3386

60 Balu L Work-Timings and its Effect on Work-Life Balance in the Ritz-Carlton, Bengaluru International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research / 5 / 3 / 214 - 219 2394?3386

61 Balu L Human Resource Management Issues in Hospital with regards to Manjunath Hospital International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research / 5 / 3 / 122 - 127 2394?3386

62 Balu L Impact of Perceived Organisational Support on Employee Engagement at Tas Impex Private Limited, Hyderabad International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research / 5 / 3 / 334 - 339 2394?3386

63 Balu L The Influence of Human Resource Onboarding on an Employee's Intention to Stay in Rockwell Automation Pvt. Ltd. International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research / 5 / 3 / 95 - 102 2394?3386

64 Balu L The Impact of Workforce Diversity on Employee Engagement in Manasco Group International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research / 5 / 3 / 103 - 111 2394?3386

65 Balu L Factors Affecting Work Motivation of Permanent Commissioned Officers in the Indian Army International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science / 7 / 5 / 92 - 98 2347 - 8616

66 Balu L Relationship between Personality Types and Organizational Citizenship Behavior at Jewel One International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences / 7 / 5 / 52 - 59 2347 ? 8527

67 Balu L Impact of Employee Engagement on Job Satisfaction at Ultratech Cement Limited-HCW International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences / 7 / 3 / 45 - 51 2347 ? 8527

68 Balu L The Effect of Human Resource Policies on Employee Morale in Dr. Reddy?s, Hyderabad International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences / 7 / 3 / 30 - 35 2347 ? 8527

69 Balu L Impact of Employee Engagement on an Employees Intention to Stay at Rayoner Hospitality International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences / 7 / 3 / 36 - 40 2347 ? 8527

70 Benny Godwin J Mapping of Online Shopping Behaviour: A Dark Triad Approach Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies / 9 / 2 / 78 - 84 2249-0310 / 2229-5674 (EISSN)

71 Benny Godwin J Mapping of Online Shopping behaviour: A Dark Triad Approach Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies / / / 78 - 84 2249-0310

72 Benson Rajan Fabric-Rendered Identity: A Study of Dalit Representation in Pa. Ranjit?s Attakathi, Madras and Kabali Artha / 16 / 3 / 17 - 37 0975-329X

73 Bharathi S Gopal Antecedents of Visual Merchandising Decisions: An Empirical Evidence Journal of Arts, Science and Commerce / VIII / 4 / 107 - 114 2231-4172

74 Chintureena Thingom Cumulative distribution function : Stock Price Forecasting IEEE Database / - / - / 394 - 398 978-1-5090-5960-7

75 Chintureena Thingom Computational approach of artificial neural network IEEE Database / - / - / 646 - 549 978-1-5090-5960-7

76 Jose K Antony Influence of Destination Ratings on Travelers' Choices of Tourist Destinations Avahan, A Peer Reviewed International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research / 5 / 1 / 1 - 9 2347-4556

77 Jyothi Millennial Perception towards Social Media Engagement in Bangalore Review of Research / 7 / 5 / 1 - 8 2249-894X

78 Jyothi Relationship between Personality and Purchase of Air Conditioners ReseaRch Directions / 5 / 8 / 1 - 9 23215488

79 Pious Thomas A Panoramic View on Evolving Strategic HRM Concepts In Glocalisation: A HR Leadership Perspective International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering / 7 / 7 / 1 - 17 2249-0558

80 Pious Thomas A review on Impact of Counter Productive Work Behaviour (CWBs) in Organisations A Leaders Psychology perspective International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering / 7 / 7 / 18 - 45 2249-0558

81 Pious Thomas A Meta Analytical Study on Impact of Demonetisation In India: A Public Policy Management Perspective International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering / 7 / 7 / 134 - 171 2249-0558

82 Pious Thomas Evaluative Study on Workplace Conflict Resolution Strategies: A Leadership Perspective International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering / 7 / 7 / 198 - 217 2249-0558

83 Pramod Kumar Das Myth in Social Narrative: A Study of Ramachandra Behera's Gopapura Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science / 1 / 1 / 92 - 94 2456-5571

84 Priyanka Mallick Political Instability in Pakistan: A Permanent Feature of Democracy in Pakistan World Focus / XXXVIII / 9 September 2017 / 88 - 93 22308458

85 Rahul Jain Developing rural poor through micro finance: Problems and prospects National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development / 3 / 1 / 402 - 405 24559040

86 Rahul Jain E-banking security: A communication perspective AJANTA / VII / 1 / 111 - 122 22775730

87 Rinju George Stress among Youth- A Scientific Inquiry The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 6 / 1 / 54 - 66 1

88 Rinju George Psycho social Catalyst of Stress Experience of Youth in Early Adulthood Stage Journal of Social Work Education and Practice / 3 / 2 / 18 - 34 2456-2068

89 Salma Begum An Analysis of Health Status and Health expenditure of the Union Territories in India International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts / 6 / 1 / 486 - 494 2320-2882

90 Samreen Ayesha Awareness and Satisfaction of Tax payers towards E filing of Income Tax Returns International Research Journal of Commerce, Arts and Science / 9 / 1 / 118 - 132 2319-9202

91 Saravanan J Human rights violation in Naxal affected area in India: An analysis of economic dimension International Journal of Academic Research and Development / 3 / 1 / 1028 - 1035 2455-4197

92 Saravanan J World Bank approach to poverty alleviation in third world countries: A study on micro-finance contribution International Journal of Advanced Research and Development / 3 / 1 / 761 - 769 ISSN: 2455-4030

93 Sayani Saha An Empirical study on the evolving organized retail industry in India International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences / 6 / 12 / 24 - 25 2347-8527

94 Sayani Saha An Empirical study on Social Media and its Business Implications in India 512 Prof Sayani Saha , Dr Shivi Khanna International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and R / 4 / 11 / 512 - 513 2394-3386

95 Sayani Saha A study on the impact of Big Data on the advertising industry 375 Prof. Sayani Saha , Aakanksha Bhatia International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Compu / 6 / 11 / 375 - 377 2347-8616

96 Shashi Kiran L Influence of Occupation on Purchase Intention of cars Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management / 4 / 2 / - 23955929

97 Shashi Kiran L How Assam is India's expressway to ASEAN: Answering Investment call from the Land of Red Rivers & Blue Hills International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts / 6 / 1 / 2372 - 2378 2320-2882

98 Shashi Kiran L Impact of Product Packaging and Labelling on Consumer Purchase Intention of Soft Drinks International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 5 / 3 / 91 - 96 2349-5162

99 Soumya Joseph Position Wise Analysis Of Sports Achievement Motivation Among Football Players Star Research an International Online Journal / 6 / 3(42) / 164 - 166 2321-676X

100 Sreeja Gangadharan P A Comprehensive Understanding of Prenatal Maternal Stress Indian Journal of Psychological Science / 9 / 2 / 086 - 097 0976-9218

101 Stella Mary S Intellectual Capital: The Challenge Ahead International Journal of Advanced Research and Development / 3 / 2 / 8 - 11 2455-4030

102 Sudhindra S Knowledge transfer: An information theory perspective Knowledge Management Research and Practice / / / -

103 Sunita Panicker Influence of Internal Stakeholders Behavior on Project Portfolio Management Success Focus International Journal of Management / 13 / 1 / 6 - 12 0973-9165

104 Sunita Panicker An Empirical Study of the Relation Between Stock Market Returns And Risk In Information Technology Industry In India International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology / 4 / 2 / 1196 - 1199 2395-1052

105 Sunita Panicker Sustainability balanced scorecard a framework for performance measurement in facility management - A literature review Pacific Business Review International / 10 / 1 / 121 - 127 0974-438X

106 Vaishali Raghuvanshi Analyzing Human Security: A feminist perspective International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education / 3 / 4 / - 2395-4396

107 Venugopal B Menon Civil Society and State: A Historical Review Tattva Journal of Philosophy / 9 / 1 / 23 - 33 0975-332x

108 Asok Kumar T A Fire Wrap: A cyber defence mechanism against dark web attacks IJARCCE / 5 / 7 / 511 - 515 2278-1021

109 Balu L Facilitating Protégé Career Development through Skills of Mentors Journal of Education and Practice / 8 / 4 / 39 - 44 2222-1735,2222-288X

110 Benson Rajan Minority representation in ?The Digital?: Narratives from Christian Communities in Delhi TRANSMISSIONS: THE JOURNAL OF FILM AND MEDIA STUDIES / 1 / 1 / 21 - 36

111 Devi Soumyaja A study on the influence of personality traits on entrepreneurial intention among working professionals in the Indian Technical organizations Pacific Business review International / 9 / 5 / 12 - 19 0974-438X

112 Dheepa V Happiness and achievement motivation amongst late adolescents ZENITH: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH / 6 / 8 / 121 - 129 2231-5780

113 Dheepa V Psychological Contract and Employee Behaviour International Journal of Research in Social Sciences / 6 / 9 / 558 - 567 2249-2496

114 Jojin V John Book Review-Danielle L. Chubb, Contentious Activism and Inter-Korean Relations China Report / 53 / 1 / - 00094455

115 Jojin V John From Strategic Partnership to Special Strategic Partnership: India-South Korea Relations in 21st Century The Journal of International Relations / XXXXIII / / 49 - 70

116 Jose K Antony Perceived Risks; Prominent Dimensions among Tourists from South India Atna; The Journal of Tourism Studies / 11 / 2 / 61 - 79 0975-3281

117 Joshy M Paul Myanmar in China's Indian Ocean Connectivity Strategy South Asia Journal / Summer 2016 / 17 / -

118 Jyothi Employee Retention Management with Reference to Automation Industry in Bangalore International Journal of Human Resource and Industrial Research / 3 / 5 / 8 - 18 2349-3593 (online),2349-4816 (print)

119 Padma K M S Do Intellectual capital influence return on assets? - Evidence from Selected Heavy trucks Industry in India Global Journal for Research Analysis / 6 / 2 / 729 - 731 2277 -8160

120 Pramod Kumar Das Book Review:Ecological Perspectives in Buddhism Muse India / / 63 / 1 - 4 0975-1815

121 Pramod Kumar Das Book Review:The Whispering Grove Muse India / / 62 / 1 - 7 0975-1815

122 Pramod Kumar Das Book Review: The Poetics of History Muse India / / 63 / 1 - 4

123 Pramod Kumar Das Book Review: A Doctor Among Santals Muse India / / 63 / 1 - 3

124 Pramod Kumar Das Review:Sunny Rain-n-Snow: An Olio of Poetry for Pleasure-For a world full of meaning and vivacity Setu / 8 / 2475-1359 / 1 - 4 2475-1359

125 Priya V On Their Feet and Looking Back: The Everyday Body as a Site of Protest, A Performative Reading of Nilpusamaram, Nilanilpu and C. K. Janu?s Orally Narrated Memoir? ?On Their Feet and Looking Back: The Everyday Body as a Site of Protest, A Performative Reading of Nilpusamaram, Nilanilpu and C. K. Janu?s Orally Narrated Memoir? On their Feet and Looking Back: The Everyday Body as a Site of Protest,A Performative Reading of Nilpusamaram, Nilanilpu and C. K. Janu's Orally Narrated Memoir Indian Journal of Postcolonial Literatures / Forthcoming / Forthcoming / - 0974-7370


127 Satheesh Varma M Self-hypnotic Therapy as a Tool to Boost Emotional Intelligence ? An Empirical Study IIMS Journal of Management / 8 / 1 / 52 - 61 Print: 0976-030, Online: 0976-173

128 Stella Mary S Do Intellectual Capital Influence return on Assets? - Evidence from selected heavy trucks industry in India Global Journal for Research Analysis / 06 / 02 / 80 - 83 2277-8160

129 Stella Mary S A Study of foreign Exchange Rate Volatility on Nifty imperial Journal of Interdisciplianary Research / 3 / 2,2017 / 1440 - 1443 2454-1362

130 Stella Mary S Signals of Post conglomerate Merger decisions and Its Financial Implications Asia Pacific Journal of Research / 1 / IV / 233 - 236 2320 5504

131 Stella Mary S Do Intellectual capital influence return on assets? - Evidence from Selected Heavy trucks Industry in India Global Journal for Research Analysis / 6 / 2 / 729 - 731 2277 -8160

132 Sunita Panicker Still a Long Way to Go: Literature Review of the Issues of the Phenomenal Struggle of Women?s Entrepreneurs in MSMEs IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) / 18 / 11 / 1 - 20 2319-7668

133 Sunita Panicker An Empirical Analysis of ERMI (Enterprise Risk Management Index) on Organisational Turnarounds and Its Impact on Information Technology Sector Pacific Business Review International / 9 / 5 / 83 - 93 0974-438X

134 Mirosh Thomas Book Review-Sensitivity and Cultural Multiplexity in Recent Indian English Poetry Muse India / 66 / 66 / 1 - 6 0975-1915

135 Pramod Kumar Das Man is not for Defeat: Finding Hemingwayan Touch in Ramachandra Behera?s Gopapura Muse India / 34 / 34 / - 0975-1815

136 Pramod Kumar Das Book Review-Sensitivity and Cultural Multiplexity in Recent Indian English Poetry Muse India / 66 / 66 / 1 - 6 0975-1915

137 Pramod Kumar Das Review:Skill Sutras by Jayshree Mohanraj, Illustrations by Anupam Arunchalam Journal of English Language Teaching / LVIII / 2 / 31 - 32 0973-5208

138 Satheesh Varma M Quality of Work Life and Work Motivation among Garment Sector Executive Employees The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 3 / 1 / 115 - 123 e version= 2348-5396, print version= 2349-3429

139 Soumya Joseph Comparison of Selected Psychological Parameters on Table Tennis Players between Tamilnadu and Karnataka Men and Women International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies / 3 / 3 / 1 - 4 2349-4891

140 Sowmya C S The Making of Corporate Rishi International Journal on Leadership / 3 / 2 / 32 - 39 2321-1865

141 Sunita Panicker The Role of Risk and Competition in Women MSME?s-Literature Review and Implications International Journal of Education and Science Research Review / 2 / 4 / 1 - 11 2348-6457

142 Jose K Antony A Literature Review on the significance of Movies in promoting Destinations International Journal of Engineering Technology Management and Applied Sciences / 03 / 05 / 110 - 115 2349-4476

143 Joshy M Paul Cooperative Balancing: Emerging Security Order in Asia International Studies / 49 / 1&2 / 113 - 131

144 Ram Mohan IMPACT OF VISUAL MERCHANDISING ON CONSUMERS' PURCHASE DECISION IN APPAREL RETAIL International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review / 2 / 6 / 49 - 57 2348-0653

145 Ansuman Chatterjee The Impact and Inheritance of Operating Leverage: A Study With two Pharmaceutical Companies International Journal of Management Research and Technology / 7 / 2 / 145 - 154 0974-3502

146 Ansuman Chatterjee The Association Between Accounting Determined and Market Determined Measures Of Risk Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics & Management / 3 / 12 / 14 - 19 2250-1673

147 Ram Mohan To Identify the Factors Impacting Customer Satisfaction in Food Retail Supermarkets International Journal on Research and Development-A Management Review (IJRDMR) / 2 / 2 / 51 - 54 2319-5479

148 Ram Mohan A Study on Laptop Brand Preference in B-Schools Global Research Analysis / 2 / 12 / 21 - 23 2277-8160

149 Ram Mohan Sales Promotion Practices in Apparel Retail Sector and Challenges Ahead International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management (IJRCM) / 5 / 1 / 25 - 28 0976-2183

150 Ram Mohan Study on Factors Influencing Purchase of Branded Formal Apparel in Indian Apparel Industry International Journal of Business, Management & Social Sciences (IJBMSS) / 3 / 5 / 51 - 54 2249-7463

151 Ram Mohan INFLUENCE OF PRODUCT AND PLACE FACTORS ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR IN FORMAL FOOTWEAR SECTOR International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review / 1 / 2 / 63 - 71 2349-6738

152 Ram Mohan A Study on the Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Multi-Brand Apparel Retail International Academic Research Journal of Business and Management / 1 / 7 / 80 - 86 2227-1287

153 Ram Mohan To Identify the Factors Influencing Customer Retention in Organised Apparel Retailing International Academic Research Journal of Business and Management / 2 / 4 / 34 - 41 2227-1287

Sl.No. Author/Co-Author Type of Work Title of the Paper Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study ISSN Academic Year
1 PRASHANTH A S (4563) Conference Proceedings Bhasha Sampada -2 Kannada Natakagala vikasa mattu Adhunika sandarbadalli Janapada Rangabhoomi. 978-81-959235-9-5 2025
2 NITIN BHIKA PATIL (4601) Reference book Bhasha Sampada - 2, Hindi Upanyas Sahitya Mein Vividh Vimarsh - sahityik Adhyayan Hindi Upanyas Sahitya Mein Dallit Udbhavana 978-81-984362-7-6 2024
3 NITIN BHIKA PATIL (4601) Conference Proceedings Ai And Education 5.0 - Future Of Education System In India Hindi Bhasha Mein Kritim Buddhimatta (Ai) Ke Badate Kadam 978-93-340-9762-7 2024
4 NITIN BHIKA PATIL (4601) Conference Proceedings VIBHAVATH - 2024 Sustainability in Business, Science, Thechological, Linguistic & Environmenttal Concerns Samajik Chetana: Samaj, Sahitya Aur Vyakti Antarsambandh 978-81-929698-9-3 2024
5 SOUMYA JOSEPH,T ARUN PRASANNA,GAUTAM DESHPANDE,MATHEW P RAJ Text book Textbook Of Optimising Sports Perfomance- Strategies Through Coaching , Medicine And Allied Helath Care Practices Tabata Training for Volleyball at Pandemic 9788198012890 2024
6 JAYALAKSHMI J,JYOTHI A Text book Implementing Interactive Learning Strategie in Higher Education The Impact of Digital textbook on Students Engagement in the Higher Education : Highlighting The Signifiance of Interactive Learning Stratergies Facilitated by Digital Media 9798369349762 2024
7 JAYALAKSHMI J (3654) Text book Une Longue Promenade de Bina 9798399121246 2023
8 MUNIRA ALIAKBAR KACHWALA,JYOTI SRIVASTAVA Text book Powerful Connections 9798890665546 2023
9 SHYNU PHILIP Conference Proceedings Share An Experience : Lessons from COVID-19 Pandemic Teachers as Content Creators : A step towards Post-Modern Education Sector 9789354576461 2020
10 ANITA PANDEY Reference book Leadership Par Excellence leadership par excellence 13: 979-8602108316 2020
11 BENSON RAJAN Text book Handbook of Research on Deception, Fake News, and Misinformation Online New Mythologies of Fake News: WhatsApp and Misrepresented Scientific Achievements of Ancient India 9781522585350 2019
12 ANITA PANDEY Reference book Quoting Scribblers Quoting Scribblers B07RSMV67C 2019
13 PAYEL SEN Reference book City, Space and Politics in the Global South Urban Poverty Revisited: An Enquiry into KUSP Initiative in West Bengal 9789388540247 2019
14 ANITA PANDEY Reference book Enchanting Europe Enchanting Europe 2019
15 PRIYABRATA SAHOO,ALOK KUMAR Reference book Development and Exclusion in India Poverty in India: An Analysis of Inclusiveness 978-93-81513-15-5 2019
16 BALU L,MANASA M JOSHI,MOUSUMI SENGUPTA AND NILANJAN SENGUPTA Conference Proceedings 7th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace HR Analytics for Higher Education Institutions ISBN: 978-93-83302-35-2 2018
17 BALU L,CAROLINE,DR.MOUSUMI SENGUPTA AND DR.NILANJAN SENGUPTA Conference Proceedings 7th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace Human Resource Practices in Retail Sectors in India ISBN: 978-93-83302-35-2 2018
18 ARJUN R Reference book More Stones and Beyond Stones Neolithic-Iron Age Rock Art in the Northern Maidan of Karnataka: Recent Surveys 2018
19 ARJUN R Reference book Rock Abrading in South India Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology 978-3-319-51726-1 2018
20 BALU L,ANKIT MALIK,S.N PANDA AND SACHIN AHUJA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) A Research Paper on Wearing Down and Attrition Analysis of Employees at HDFC, SLIC 978-93-87433-14-4 2018
21 BALU L,NYONGABSEN HILLARY,S.N PANDA AND SACHIN AHUJA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) The Effect of Employee Relation on Employee Morale at St. John's Medical Hospital, Bengaluru 978-93-87433-14-4 2018
22 BALU L,JESSON,S.N PANDA AND SACHIN AHUJA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) Work-Timings and its Effect on Work-Life Balance in the Ritz- Carlton, Bengaluru 978-93-87433-14-4 2018
23 BALU L,KALLAVI SRIKANTH HARSHITHA,S.N PANDA AND SACHIN AHUJA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) Impact of Benefits Provided by Organisation on Employee Motivation 978-93-87433-14-4 2018
24 BALU L,KELLY KATHY FERNANDES,DR S.N PANDA AND DR SACHIN AHUJA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) Impact of Employee Engagement on an Employee's Intention to Stay at Rayoner Hospitality 978-93-87433-14-4 2018
25 BALU L,MATHEW ANTONY, S.N PANDA AND SACHIN AHUJA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) Human Resource Management Issues in Hospitals with regards to Private Hospitals in Bangalore 978-93-87433-14-4 2018
26 BALU L,MUSTAFA SHABBIR CHASS,S.N PANDA AND SACHIN AHUJA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) Impact of Perceived Organisational Support on Employee Engagement at Tas Impex Private Limited, Hyderabad 978-93-87433-14-4 2018
27 BALU L,PRATHNA KISHA DAVID,DR S.N PANDA AND DR SACHIN AHUJA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) The Influence of Human Resource Onboarding on an Employee's Intention to Stay in Rockwell Automation Pvt. Ltd. 978-93-87433-14-4 2018
28 BALU L,PRIYANSHU BANJARE,DR S.N PANDA AND DR SACHIN AHUJA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) Relationship between Personality Types and Organizational Citizenship Behavior at Jewel One 978-93-87433-14-4 2018
29 BALU L,ROHEEL JAIN,DR S.N PANDA AND DR SACHIN AHUJA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) Impact of Employee Engagement on Job Satisfaction at Ultratech Cement Limited-HCW 978-93-87433-14-4 2018
30 BALU L,SARANYA ANAND,DR S.N PANDA AND DR SACHIN AHUJA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) The Effect of Human Resource Policies on Employee Morale in Dr. Reddy's, Hyderabad 978-93-87433-14-4 2018
31 BALU L,TWINKLE PANICKER,DR S.N PANDA AND DR SACHIN AHUJA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) The Impact of Workforce Diversity on Employee Engagement in Manasco Group 978-93-87433-14-4 2018
32 BALU L,VAIBHAV WALIA,DR S.N PANDA AND DR SACHIN AHUJA Conference Proceedings International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) Factors Affecting Work Motivation of Permanent Commissioned Officers in the Indian Army 978-93-87433-14-4 2018
33 VENUGOPAL B MENON,PAUL VERGHEZE,ANURAG TRIPATHI Reference book India and its emerging foreign policy challenges Geo Economics as a Strategy ISBN: 978-93-86457- 2018
34 JOSHY M PAUL Text book India and its Emerging Foreign Policy Challenge India-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation 978-93-86457 2018
35 BALU L,NIRANJAN.S,MOUSUMI SENGUPTA Conference Proceedings 6th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, December 8-9, 2017 Leveraging Technology in Human Resources Functions in the Age of Information ISBN 978-93-83302-27-7 2017
36 BALU L,TWINKLE.P,MOUSUMI SENGUPTA Conference Proceedings 6th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, December 8-9, 2017 Use of Ethics in Human Resource Management ISBN 978-93-83302-27-7 2017
37 BALU L,CAROLINE SIBU CHEERAN AND MANASA,MOUSUMI SENGUPTA Conference Proceedings 6th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, December 8-9, 2017 Best Practices in Performance Appraisal ISBN 978-93-83302-27-7 2017
38 BALU L,SANJANA.C,MOUSUMI SENGUPTA Conference Proceedings 6th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, December 8-9, 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility & Human Resource Management ISBN 978-93-83302-27-7 2017
39 SAMREEN AYESHA,BINOY MATHEW,PSV BALAJI RAO,C.K.ANURADHA Reference book Management and Organisational Behaviour, Vishveshwarayya technology Belgaum Chapter 1- Introduction to Management and Chapter 2- Planning and Organising 978-93-5273-604-1 2017
40 VAISHALI RAGHUVANSHI Reference book Ethnicity, Nationalism and the State in South Asia Politicization of Religion in South Asia: The Rise of Religious Nationalism ISBN: 978-93-84224-12-7 2017
41 BALU L,AISHWARYA S,K.P MISHRA AND NAVEEN KUMAR Conference Proceedings Conference Proceeding of International conference on Science, Technology & Management (ICSTM -2017) Ethical Leadership: The Reflecting Journey to an Evolution of Management 978-81-934288-5-6 2017
42 VAISHALI RAGHUVANSHI,SANJEEV KUMAR H M,DEV NATH PATHAK, SASANKA PERERA Reference book Culture and Politics in South Asia: Performative Communication Cinematic Construction of Other: Performing Pakistan in Hindi Cinema 1138201138, 9781138201132 2017
43 PRIYANKA MALLICK Reference book Democracy in India: Current Debates and Emerging Challenges Social Movements: A Form of Democratic Development in India 978-93-84082-94-9 2017
44 SALOME DIVYA VIJAYKUMAR,JUSTIN MARIAN JUANITA,LAWRENCE SOOSAINATHAN Reference book Selected papers of the International Conference on Enhancing Well-being across Human Lifespan Impact of Familial Factors on Resilience and Identity among Undergraduate Students 978-93-85165-68-9 2017
45 SOWMYA C S,SOWMYA C S Case Report Hiring women in the brewery industry - A reality check for SAB Miller? Hiring women in the brewery industry - A reality check for SAB Miller? 2017
46 BENSON RAJAN,SAMIT KAR,SAHANA SARKAR Reference book Religion And Society A study of WhatsApp Communication in Churches 978-81-922296-5-2 2017
47 BALU L Conference Proceedings 5th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace ?Employer Branding For Recruitment In Micro And Small Enterprises? 978-93-83302-19-2 2016
48 PRAMOD KUMAR DAS,BISHUN KUMAR,AJAY K CHAUBEY,NESHA SABAR,JANMEJAY K TIWARI Reference book Salman Rushdie: An Anthology of 21st Century Criticism Salman Rushdie's Shame: A Study of Narrative Strategies 978-81-269-2097-6 2016
49 JOSE K ANTONY,JOBY THOMAS,VIKNESWARAN NAIR,JOSE K ANTONY Conference Proceedings Abstract Proceedings on the 6th Asia Euro Conference 2016 in Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy - Envisioning Tourism in 2050 Perceived Risks Dimensions and Their Influence on South Indian Tourists 978-967-0173-37-5 2016
50 VENUGOPAL B MENON,JOSHY M PAUL,VENUGPAL MENON Conference Proceedings Sub-regional Cooperation in South Asia: India, Sri Lanka And Maldive Sub-regional Cooperation in South Asia: India, Sri Lanka And Maldive 9789385563935181 2016
51 JOSHY M PAUL,VENUGOPAL B MENON Reference book Sub-regional Cooperation in South Asia: India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Sub-regional Cooperation in South Asia: India, Sri Lanka and Maldives- preface 978-93-85563-93-5 2016
52 JOSHY M PAUL Reference book Sub-regional Cooperation in South Asia: India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Introduction: Sub-regional Cooperation in South Asia 9789385563935 2016
53 BALU L Reference book Corporate and Business Response to Climate Change ( from Awareness to Adoption Transcending the Boundaries) CLIMATE CHANGE EFFECTS AND CONTROL MEASURES ON VARIOUS ASPECTS OF HUMAN RESOURCE AND HOW THEY CAN BRING SUSTAINABILITY 978-93-81322-37-7 2016
54 BHARATHI S GOPAL Case Report M-Pesa in India M-Pesa in India 2016
55 STELLA MARY S,DR KIRAN REDDY Conference Proceedings Emerging Trends in Revenue Management in Service Industry A Study on revenue management practices by fine dining restaurants in Bangalore. 978-81-931603-3-6 2016
56 BENSON RAJAN Conference Proceedings International Conference Information Communication & Computing Technology Affective Use of Smartphones: A study on Digital Affective Communication of Churches in New Delhi 978-93-85777-66-0 2016
57 BHARATHI S GOPAL Reference book Case Studies Volume 1 M-Pesa in India 978-93-82305-92-7 2016
58 BALU L Reference book Conference Proceedings on Changing Role of HRM ? The Strategic Opportunities and Challenges Work Life Integration ISBN 978-81-920992-7-9 2016
59 JOSE K ANTONY Conference Proceedings Book of Abstracts on the National Conference on Tourism Hospitality and Management - An Interdisciplinary Approach towards Advanced Research Impact of Bengaluru's Lakes on Tourism and Economy - With Emphasis on Pollution, Recreational Activities and Aesthetic Appeal 978-93-82305-91-0 2016
60 JOSE K ANTONY Reference book Book of Abstracts on the National Conference on Tourism Hospitality and Management - An Interdisciplinary Approach towards Advanced Research A Study on the Impact of Dividend Declaration in Selected Listed Hotels 978-93-82305-91-0 2016
61 JOSE K ANTONY,DR VENKATA RAO,JOBY THOMAS Conference Proceedings Book of Abstracts on UGC-SAP (DRS-II) National Conference on Pro-Poor Tourism; Strategies to Ensure Sustainable Growth Tourist Risk Perception; A Socio-Demographic Study 978 967 0173 37 5 2016
62 ANJU K J Conference Proceedings Proceedings of International Conference on ?Demographics ? Dividend or Disaster??- Empower, Educate, Employ Demographics, Investment Behaviour and Economic Growth ? A Study in Bengaluru 978-81-920992-8-6 2016
63 SATHEESH VARMA M Conference Proceedings Proceedings of UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Ecopsychology A Synergistic Interplay between Planetary and Perosnal Well-being Theme Paper III- Ecological Self our Missing Partner 978-93-5254-268-0 2015
64 PADMA K M S Reference book Emerging Strategies to sustain global competition Intellectual Capital: A robust measure for Financial Performance - Evidence from Top Companies in India 978-163102664-5 2015
65 CHARLES GODWIN K Reference book Genres in Indian English Novel The Role Of Women In Hegemony For The Marginalized In Chhaya Datar's In Search Of Myself 9789383192953 2015
66 JOJIN V JOHN Conference Proceedings Deepening India-Korea Relations: Towards a Sustainable Future India-South Korea Relations under Strategic Partnership Paradigm: An Appraisal 9789378313868 2015
67 HAROLD ANDREW PATRICK Reference book Research in innovation practices in business and information technology, (pp. 234-240). Demographics influence on faculty perception towards work environment: A study of Kerala business schools. 978-1-63452-467-4 2014
68 PRAMOD KUMAR DAS Reference book Beejamantra and Other Stories. Pratibha Ray Debaki, Sanki 9788172739355 2014
69 PRAMOD KUMAR DAS,VARUN GULATI,MYTHILI ANOOP Reference book Contemporary Women's Writing in India Caught in the Crossfire of History: Social Reality of Postcolonial India in Anita Desai's Clear Light of Day 978-1-4985-0210-8 2014
70 SALOME DIVYA VIJAYKUMAR,SWETHA T.,T. LAVANYA,V.D. SWAMINATHAN,WILLIAM DHARMA RAJA B.,YUVARAJ T.,SMITHA BABOO Reference book Cognitive Science in India: Winning Young Scientists Relationship of Personality, Time Use Efficiency and Sensory Preference to Working Memory of Post-graduate Students 8182860148 2014
71 JOSHY M PAUL Reference book Japan-SAARC Partnership: A Way Forward Japan SAARC Security Relations: A Maritime Perspective? 2014
73 JOJIN V JOHN Reference book Korean Studies in India and South Asia Vol .2 South Korea?s National Innovation System: Exploring Industry-University-Government Linkages in the post- Financial Crisis (1997) Period 81-7211-333-1 2014
74 JOJIN V JOHN Reference book Growing Synergy Between India and Korea Nation Branding Practices of India and South Korea: A Comparative Study 9789378313547 2014
75 PRAMOD KUMAR DAS,VIVEKANAND JHA,RAJNISH MISHRA,NARAYAN JENA Reference book Sahitya Academy Award Winning English Novels Nature Human Interface: An Ecocritical Study of Anita Desai's Fire on the Mountain 9789350501252 2013
76 PRAMOD KUMAR DAS,NIVEDITA MUKHEERJEE,ARVIND NAWALE,NARAYAN JENA Reference book The Fictional Craftsmanship of Amitav Ghosh The Hungry Tide: An Ecological Study 978-81-7273-725-2 2013
77 JOJIN V JOHN Reference book Horizons of Globalization Globalisation and the Evolution of Brand State: Understanding Nation Branding 978-81-923000-2-3 2013
78 ANAND B Conference Proceedings Econometric Applications in Management Volatility Spillover between Oil Price and Select Macroeconomic Variables in India 978-81-8018-135-1 2013
79 PADMA SRINIVASAN Contemperory Research in Emerging Insurance Market Role of Insurance in Social Transformation: Review of the Indian Insurance Segment , post Liberalization 078-03-82983-19-4 2013
80 PADMA SRINIVASAN Contemporary Research in Emerging Insurance Market Dynamic, Evolving Reinsurance: A relook at risk management measures in the Indian Reinsurance Sector 978-93-82983-19-4 2013
81 BHAMA T Recent Trends in Business Management & Information Systems Consumer perception towards organic food products in India 978-93-82563-39-6 2012
82 PRIYA V Reference book Enriching the Connection between Life and Literature Lived Lives,Sutured Stories,'Honourable' Histories: In Search of the Devadasis of Keralam 978-93-80516-09-7 2012
83 REX JOSE JOSEPH Case Report Expectancy Violation in Dogs: A Study using Visual and Auditory Stimuli NA 978-3659132117 2012
84 JOJIN V JOHN Reference book New Dimensions in Public Diplomacy: Indian and Australian Experience Theory and Practice of Nation Branding: Revisiting Public Diplomacy 978-81-902282-20 2012
85 PRABHUDEV V Reference book Corporate Governance ISBN 9789381361337 2011
86 PRIYA V Reference book Charting New Territories: Cartographies of Popular Media and Culture The Million Dollar Face?: Nostalgia, Identity and the Heroic Green, A Re-viewing of the Kathakali Face 2011
87 IMMANUEL V Expressions For Daily Life - 2010
88 IMMANUEL V The Quest A Guide to Better English 2010
89 PRAMOD KUMAR DAS,SAMBIT SUKUMAR CHINARA,JAYASHREE MOHANRAJ Reference book Pedagogic Treasure Trove: Making and Using Low Cost Teaching Aids Hexagon Games 978-81-906869-1-4 2009
90 KUSUM MARY GEORGE Conference Proceedings international conference on life skills education,book of abstracts enhancing life skills among middle school students through interventional programmes in schools 978-93-80043-19-7 2009
91 CHENGAPPA B M Reference book Taiwan in the 21st Century India and Taiwan: Shifting Prioritiesg 9788130911991 2009
92 PRAMOD KUMAR DAS Reference book A Man for All Seasons The Present Day Education System 2008
93 PRAMOD KUMAR DAS Reference book A Man for All Seasons Standing on One's Own Feet 2008
94 PRAMOD KUMAR DAS Reference book A Man for All Seasons The Publishing Scene in Orissa 2008
95 PRAMOD KUMAR DAS Reference book A Man for All Seasons The Autobiography of a Communist 2008
96 PRAMOD KUMAR DAS Reference book The Tribute and Other Stories God and the Atheist 81-901759-8-X 2006
97 KUSUM MARY GEORGE Text book Life Skills Education Training Package Creative Thinking 2005
98 INDIRA RAMASWAMY Creative Grammar ISBN(13):978-1-902609-6 ISBN (10):1-25-902609-4
99 SINDHUJAA RAVI IYENGAR Political Analyses and Commentaries Political Analyses and Commentaries in the Free Press Journal 2007
100 BHARATHI S GOPAL Case Book on Case studies for foreign markets- An anthology 13: 9788131412879 2008
101 BHARATHI S GOPAL Case Book, ?Wat-Mart: Business Model Challenges and Global Expansion Pressures' 9788131419830 2008
102 BHARATHI S GOPAL Case Book, ?Emerging Business Paradigm in BRIC Countries' 8131423131 2009
105 SINDHUJAA RAVI IYENGAR Political Science Course-Study Books
106 PRABHUDEV V Text book Corporate Administration ISBN9789350977798 2013
107 PRABHUDEV V Text book Corporate Environment ISBN9789350977569 2013
108 PRABHUDEV V Text book Cost Management ISBN:978-93-5142-878-7 2014
109 TANMAYEE BANERJEE Reference book Masculinity and its Challenges in India Negotiations of Masculinity in Ritwik Ghatak's Partition Trilogy 978-0-7864-7224-6 2014
110 REJU GEORGE MATHEW Reference book Revisiting Cultural Studies: Towards a New Critical Paradigm Civilising the Slaves: European Missionaries in Kerala 978-93-82952-00-8 2012
111 REJU GEORGE MATHEW Reference book Revisiting Cultural Studies: Towards a New Critical Paradigm Dalit Theology: Towards a Contextual Indian Christian Theology 978-93-82952-00-8 2012
112 REJU GEORGE MATHEW Reference book Commonwealth Literature in the 21st Century Caste, Conversion and Christianity: Dalit Christians in Malayalam Fiction and Translations 978-93-82186-28-1 2014
113 CHENGAPPA B M Reference book Rise of China: Indian Perspectives Chinese Strategic Culture 13:978-1-935501-37-4 2013
114 CHENGAPPA B M Reference book India-China Relations: Post Conflict Phase to Post Cold War ISBN 81-7648-538-1 2004
115 CHENGAPPA B M Reference book Pakistan: Army, Islamization and Foreign Policy ISBN 81-7648-548-9 2004
116 MIROSH THOMAS Reference book The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies Kamala Markandaya 978-1444334982
117 MIROSH THOMAS Reference book The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies Gabriel García Márquez 978-1444334982
118 STELLA MARY S Reference book Intellectual Capital : A Robust measure for financial performance- Evidence from top companies in India. Intellectual Capital: A Robust Measure for financial performance- Evidence from Top companies in India. ISBN 978 163102664-5 2015
119 HANUMAN KENNEDY S Reference book USHUS Journal of Business Management USHUS Journal of Business Management 0975-3311
Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 How to learn French A1 level effectively

French language learning
2 How to learn German A1 level effortlessly

German language learning
3 "Les mères entre carrière et famille : parlons-en" (À toutes les mères qui jonglent avec tout)

"Mothers Between Career and Family: Let's Talk About It" (To all the mothers who juggle it all)
4 Les Meilleurs Outils Gratuits pour Apprendre le Français (Essential free tools to learn French anywhere, anytime)

Digital Literacy
5 Am I Hiding Behind A Mask?

6 How To Cut Down On Caffeine During Pregnancy

7 When The Shadow Is Larger Than Life

8 What Holds You Back

9 Effective Parenting Tips

10 Mangaluru's Jewish Connection

City Studies
11 Chandor: Goa's Ancient Capital

City Studies
12 Prithvi: Theatre of Social Awakening

Theatre Studies

Mental Health Awareness
14 5 Pregnancy Foods That Can Induce Labour Naturally

15 Puducherry's Cafes: How Cultures Met Over Food

City Studies
16 Effective Poetry Analysis through Mathew Arnold?s Touchstone Method.

17 Prehistoric cultural landscapes of Karnataka, India: Western Raichur Doab

Archaeology and History
18 Draw On Inner Strength

Personality Development , Self Management
19 The Diamond Within..

Personality Development
20 When I Look In The Mirror... When we look into the mirror we see our reflection. That is our physical appearance. When we look into our mind, we reflect on our thoughts, experiences and gain insights. When I look In The Mirror.. throws light on insights gained during reflection.

Personality Development
21 Unmask The Mask

Personality Development
22 To Develop Self Awareness Every Moment

23 The vent art mission (the_vent_art_mission: Instagram page)

Expressing personal experience through art medium: Creating awareness on sensitive emotional issues.
24 Predatory Publishers

25 Literary Theory

Literary Theory
26 The Age of Love marks : An overview of Donald Trump's claim to fame through Social Media Marketing

Interdisciplinary : Marketing and Sociology
27 From Chronos to Kairos

28 Demonetisation

Finance and Economics
29 English as a foreign language

English language Teaching
30 Hybridity in Indian Advertising

General/Marketing June - 2012
31 English and Humanities

32 Are you emotionally prepared for campus placements?

Campus Placements July - 2012
33 Life Always Takes Over Work (Emotions Overpower Reasons)

Work Life Balance Sept- 2012
34 “Don’t Hire Best” must read book for passionate recruiters!!!

Recruitment Nov- 2012
35 Mae Jab Nirbhaya ke Aakhonse Dekhti Hu

Dlhi Ganag Rape Jan 2013


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